This is the test card Twibright Links web browser is shipped with since 2001, when it was equipped with graphics capability. The white circle facilitates aspect ratio adjustment. The large color fields are for gamma calibration. With proper calibration, the splits in the middle of the color fields blend together. The wedge somewhat helps setting the correct brightness position to prevent black cutoff of pedestal. The smaller patterned squares contain maximum spatial frequency and 1/2 maximum spatial frequency white-black patterns. They can be used to diagnose problems with insufficient display bandwidth.
The test card has been designed by Karel Kulhavy, the author of the graphical core of Twibright Links.
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{{Information |Description=This is the test card Twibright Links web browser is shipped with since 2001, when it was equipped with graphics capability. The white circle facilitates aspect ratio adjustment. The large color fields are for gamma calibration.