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Fitxer:Ukrainian parliamentary election 2007 (BLP)v.PNG

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Bloc Lytvyn Party results (3.96%), one of the maps showing the top six parties support - percentage of total national vote Graphical representation of the 2007 Ukrainian Parliamentary Election.

All data is derived from the published official results provided by the Ukrainian Authority (See links and data tables below)
Data 18 de febrer de 2008 (original upload date)
Font Treball propi
Autor DemocracyATwork

Data source

2007 [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

2006 [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]

Swing analysis is common in any election. It shows the change in voter percentage for each party by regions from 2006 to 2007.


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  1. 2007 Party of Regions (Партия Регионов) results (in Ukrainian) (2007-10-01). Retrieved on 2007-10-01.
  2. 2007 Bloc Yulia Tymoshenko(Блок Юлиа Тимошенко) results (in Ukrainian) (2007-10-01). Retrieved on 2007-10-01.
  3. 2007 Our Ukraine-Peoples Self Defence (Наша Украина Народная Самозащита)results (in Ukrainian) (2007-10-01). Retrieved on 2007-10-01.
  4. 2007 Communist Party of Ukraine(Социалистическая партия Украины) (in Ukrainian) (2007-10-01). Retrieved on 2007-10-01.
  5. 2007 Bloc Lytyn Party (Блок Литвина) results (in Ukrainian) (2007-10-01). Retrieved on 2007-10-01.
  6. 2007 Socialist Party of Ukraine (Социалистическая партия Украины)results (in Ukrainian) (2007-10-01). Retrieved on 2007-10-01.
  7. 2006 Party of Regions (Партия Регионов) results (in Ukrainian) (2006-3-27). Retrieved on 2007-3- 27.
  8. 2006 Bloc Yulia Tymoshenko (Блок Юлиа Тимошенко)results (in Ukrainian) (2006-3-27). Retrieved on 2007-3- 27.
  9. 2006 Our Ukraine (Наша Украина)results (in Ukrainian) (2006-3-27). Retrieved on 2007-3- 27.
  10. 2006 Socialist Party of Ukraine (Социалистическая партия Украины)results (in Ukrainian) (2006-3-27). Retrieved on 2007-3- 27.
  11. 2006 Commuist Party of Ukraine (Коммунистическая партия Украины)results (in Ukrainian) (2006-3-27). Retrieved on 2007-3- 27.
  12. 2006 Bloc Lytvyn Party (Блок Литвина)results (in Ukrainian) (2006-3-27). Retrieved on 2007-3- 27.


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actual16:20, 20 feb 2008Miniatura per a la versió del 16:20, 20 feb 20082.465 × 1.749 (581 Ko)DemocracyATworkUkrainian Parliamentary Election 2007 (Bloc Lytvt Party per region - percentage of total national vote) (H=120, S=%*25, B=100) Improved label alignment and cleaner graphics
23:47, 19 feb 2008Miniatura per a la versió del 23:47, 19 feb 20082.476 × 1.750 (588 Ko)DemocracyATworkUkrainian Parliamentary Election 2007 (Bloc Lytyn Party [BLP] per region - percentage of total national vote) (H=120, S=%*25, B=100) Image ready to convert to svg format
21:50, 18 feb 2008Miniatura per a la versió del 21:50, 18 feb 20082.468 × 1.719 (399 Ko)DemocracyATworkUkrainian Parliamentary Election 2007 map based on percentage of total national vote (BLP)

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