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3 Aviseu l'usuari que va pujar el fitxer o va crear la pàgina posant el següent codi a la seva pàgina de discussió: {{subst:idw|File:University Federico II Logo.svg|University of Naples logo}} ~~~~
Per a sol·licituds múltiples: Si voleu suprimir alhora diverses imatges relacionades, feu una sol·licitud múltiple, afegint manualment {{delete|motiu|nom_del_conjunt}} a cada una de les pàgines i després seguiu els passos de més amunt. (Vegeu l'ajuda per a sol·licituds múltiples).
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This work was created by or on behalf of either the government, the former national Fascist Party, an academy, or a non-profit organisation of Italy. It was published prior to 1976, and has no known US copyright registration associated with it. It is now in the public domain in Italy and the United States and possibly elsewhere because its copyright term has expired.
According to Law for the Protection of Copyright and Neighbouring Rights n.633, 22 April 1941, revised by the law of 6 February 2016, copyright in works created and published under the name and at the expense of national, provincial and communal governments shall belong to the relevant administration; the same right shall also belong to private legal entities of a non-profit-making character, as well as to the academies and other public cultural organisations (Art. 11). The duration of the rights belonging to the government, the former national Fascist Party, academies and non-profit or public cultural organisations shall be twenty years from first publication, whatever the form in which publication was affected (Art. 29).
This may not apply in countries that don't apply the rule of the shorter term to works from Italy. In particular, these are in the public domain in the United States only if:
wasn't in copyright in the United States due to being registered for copyright there (see Commons:Copyright tags#United States for most cases) and
was created prior to 1976 and published prior to 1978 — then it was out-of-copyright in Italy on the URAA date of restoration (January 1, 1996) (17 U.S.C.§ 104A) (in most cases; for all cases, see Template:PD-Italy/US). If so, please add {{PD-1996}} in addition to this copyright tag. If the image was created on 1976 or later, please add {{Not-PD-US-URAA}}.
Aquesta imatge mostra una bandera, escut d'armes, segell o altres insígnies oficials. L'ús d'aquests símbols està regulat en moltes jurisdiccions. Les restriccions són independents de l'estat dels drets d'autor.
Aquesta obra conté material que pot estar subjecte a drets de marca registrada en una o més jurisdiccions. Abans d'utilitzar aquest contingut, assegureu-vos que teniu dret a fer-ho segons les lleis aplicables en les circumstàncies de l'ús desitjat. Sou l'únic responsable d'assegurar-vos que no infringiu els drets d'aquesta marca registrada. Vegeu el nostre avís legal. L'ús d'aquesta marca registrada no indica cap suport al seu titular per part de Wikimedia Commons o la Fundació Wikimedia, ni viceversa. Aquesta etiqueta no indica l'estat dels drets d'autor de la imatge carregada. Cal un senyal de drets d'autor.Vegeu Commons:Sobre les llicències.
Afegeix una explicació d'una línia del que representa aquest fitxer
Friderîcus secundus in cathedrâ consedêns et baculum orbemque terrârum manû tenens, circulô circonscriptô hîs corruptîs verbîs: '''Fridericus Dei gratia Romanorum imperator semper augustus'''
{{Informazioni file |Descrizione = Stemma dell'Università degli Studi di Napoli |Fonte = |Data = 29 dicembre 2022 |Autore = Università degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II" |Licenza = {{Copyright stemmi}} |Altre versioni = 100px }} Categoria:Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
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