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Fitxer:Unknown - Shield of King Pharnakes - 80.AC.60.jpg

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De la Viquipèdia, l'enciclopèdia lliure

Fitxer original (6.105 × 6.288 píxels, mida del fitxer: 40,26 Mo, tipus MIME: image/jpeg)

Descripció a Commons



Shield of King Pharnakes  wikidata:Q56260337 reasonator:Q56260337
Shield of King Pharnakes
label QS:Len,"Shield of King Pharnakes"
image of artwork listed in title parameter on this page
Object type escut Edita-ho a Wikidata
Data entre 185 i 160 aC
date QS:P,-150-00-00T00:00:00Z/7,P1319,-0185-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P1326,-0160-00-00T00:00:00Z/9
 Edita-ho a Wikidata
Material/Tècnica bronze Edita-ho a Wikidata
Dimensions altura: 79,7 cm Edita-ho a Wikidata; amplada: 81,4 cm Edita-ho a Wikidata; fondària: 11,8 cm Edita-ho a Wikidata
dimensions QS:P2048,+79.7U174728
dimensions QS:P2049,+81.4U174728
dimensions QS:P5524,+11.8U174728
institution QS:P195,Q180401
Número d'inventari
80.AC.60 (Getty Villa) Edita-ho a Wikidata



The Getty Center, Object 9221

This image was taken from the Getty Research Institute's Open Content Program, which states the following regarding their assessment that no known copyright restrictions exist:
Open content images are digital surrogates of works of art that are in the Getty's collections and in the public domain, for which we hold all rights, or for which we are not aware of any rights restrictions.

While the Getty Research Institute cannot make an absolute statement on the copyright status of a given image, "Open content images can be used for any purpose without first seeking permission from the Getty."

More information can be found at http://www.getty.edu/about/opencontent.html.

Autor Getty Museum
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actual20:41, 16 nov 2015Miniatura per a la versió del 20:41, 16 nov 20156.105 × 6.288 (40,26 Mo)Reventc:User:Rillke/bigChunkedUpload.js:

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