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Fitxer:WW1 British War Medal.jpg

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English: British War Medal
Font Treball propi (Derivative)
Autor Medal created and awarded by the British Government in 1919, image created by Col André Kritzinger


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Creative Commons CC-Zero L'ús d'aquest fitxer és regulat sota les condicions de Creative Commons de CC0 1.0 lliurament al domini públic universal.
La persona que ha associat un treball amb aquest document ha dedicat l'obra domini públic, renunciant en tot el món a tots els seus drets de d'autor i a tots els drets legals relacionats que tenia en l'obra, en la mesura permesa per la llei. Podeu copiar, modificar, distribuir i modificar l'obra, fins i tot amb fins comercials, tot sense demanar permís.

Public domain
This work created by the United Kingdom Government is in the public domain.

This is because it is one of the following:

  1. It is a photograph taken prior to 1 June 1957; or
  2. It was published prior to 1975; or
  3. It is an artistic work other than a photograph or engraving (e.g. a painting) which was created prior to 1975.

HMSO has declared that the expiry of Crown Copyrights applies worldwide (ref: HMSO Email Reply)
More information.

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actual16:19, 2 abr 2015Miniatura per a la versió del 16:19, 2 abr 2015629 × 629 (155 Ko)Andre Kritzinger=={{int:filedesc}}== {{Information |Description={{en|1=British War Medal }} |Source=Own derivative work |Author=British Government |Date=1919-07-26 |Permission= |other_versions= }} =={{int:license-header}}== {{PD-old}} [[Category:Military decoration...

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