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Fitxer:William Colby extracted.jpg

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Director of the Central Intelligence Agency William Colby at a National Security Council Meeting to Discuss the Situation in South Vietnam   (Wikidata search (Cirrus search) Wikidata query (SPARQL)  Create new Wikidata item based on this file)
Unknown White House photographer.
Record creator
President (1974-1977 : Ford). White House Photographic Office. 1974-1977
Director of the Central Intelligence Agency William Colby at a National Security Council Meeting to Discuss the Situation in South Vietnam
Data 28 d'abril de 1975
date QS:P571,+1975-04-28T00:00:00Z/11
institution QS:P195,Q518155
Gerald R. Ford Library (Ann Arbor, MI)
Record ID
This media is available in the holdings of the National Archives and Records Administration, cataloged under the National Archives Identifier (NAID) 23898453.

This tag does not indicate the copyright status of the attached work. A normal copyright tag is still required. See Commons:Licensing.

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  • Record group: Collection GRF-WHPO: White House Photographic Office Collection (Ford Administration) (National Archives Identifier: 1136)
  • Series: Gerald R. Ford White House Photographs (National Archives Identifier: 1756311)

  • GRF-WHPO-A4238-26A
  • {| class="messagebox" style="border: 2px solid var(--border-color-muted,#ddd); clear: both; margin: 0.5em auto; text-align: center; width: 100%" dir="ltr"

| class="noresize" style="padding:2px 0 2px 0.9em" |image extraction process

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This file has been extracted from another file
: Director of the Central Intelligence Agency William Colby at a National Security Council Meeting to Discuss the Situation in South Vietnam - NARA - 23898453.jpg
| style="padding:2px 0.9em 2px 0; min-width:48px" |
original file


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actual03:27, 17 oct 2022Miniatura per a la versió del 03:27, 17 oct 20221.458 × 1.825 (550 Ko)AbovfoldUploaded a work by Unknown author or not provided from {{Extracted from|File:Director of the Central Intelligence Agency William Colby at a National Security Council Meeting to Discuss the Situation in South Vietnam - NARA - 23898453.jpg}} with UploadWizard

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