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Has anybody here seen Kelly?

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Infotaula obra musicalHas anybody here seen Kelly?
Forma musicalcançó Modifica el valor a Wikidata
Àudio Modifica el valor a Wikidata
Lletra deC. W. Murphy Modifica el valor a Wikidata
Data de publicació1908 Modifica el valor a Wikidata
Gèneremusic hall Modifica el valor a Wikidata

Musicbrainz: 5050f07f-da73-4c9b-ae92-7878ad4c65a0 Modifica el valor a Wikidata

Has anybody here seen Kelly? (Ha vist algú aquí en Kelly?), Música i lletra de C.W. Murphy i Will Letters (1908), és una cançó britànica de Music Hall, originalment titulada "Kelly From the Isle of Man". La cançó tracta d'una dona manxiana que busca el seu xicot durant una visita a Londres. Va ser adaptat per a públic americà per William McKenna el 1909 per al musical nord-americà The Jolly Bachelors. Kelly és el cognom més comú a l'Illa de Man.

"Shine On, Harvest Moon", de l'equip de composició marit i muller Jack Norworth i Nora Bayes va ser un dels grans èxits de Ziegfield Follies del 1908, i segueix sent conegut fins avui. El registre del 1909 presenta dues de les més grans estrelles de l'Amèrica del segle xx, Ada Jones i Billy Murray. Produït per Edison Records.

En l'adaptació nord-americana de la cançó, es va canviar la lletra per descriure a Kelly com a natural d'Irlanda i que visitava Nova York. En la gravació de la cançó de Nora Bayes, de 1910, fa un cop d'ullet al seu propi origen jueu cantant "accidentalment", "Algú ha vist aquí Levi ... Vull dir Kelly".

El 1926, Max Fleischer va produir un curtmetratge d'animació en el procés d'incorporació de so a pel·lícula de DeForest Phonofilm com a part de la seva sèrie "Song Car-Tunes". El 1928, William Wyler va dirigir un llargmetratge protagonitzat per Bessie Love amb aquest títol. El 1943, la cançó va ser interpretada al musical Hello, Frisco, Hello. Una versió instrumental es pot escoltar al llarg de la pel·lícula de 1949, Happens Every Spring. Funciona com una cançó temàtica per al personatge principal: un professor de ciències que es converteix en una estrella de beisbol sota el pseudònim de "rei Kelly". En el film de 1978 Ziegfeld: The Man & His Women, Inga Swenson, com Nora Bayes, canta la cançó durant l'escena de les primeres Follies de Ziegfeld el 1908.

El 1917, el compositor britànic Havergal Brian va basar bona part de l'escena d'obertura de la seva òpera The Tigers al voltant de la cançó (o més aviat al voltant de la tornada), que es presenta per sota i durant l'acció quan un policia busca un desaparegut durant un carnaval de Bank Holiday el Hampstead Heath. Uns quants anys després va extreure la música, sense les parts vocals o va transferir aquestes parts a instruments, com a obra orquestral independent, titulada "Symphonic Variations on 'Has Anybody Here Seen Kelly?' ".



La lletra de la versió irlandesa[1] és més curta que les versions americanes d'en Murphy i Leters. De tres versions que hom troba fàcilment a la xarxa, la primera hom reprodueix tot seguit:[2]

Michael Kelly with his sweetheart came from County Cork

And bent upon a holiday they landed in New York

They strolled around to see the sights, alas, it's sad to say

Poor Kelly lost his little girl along the Great White Way

She walked uptown from Herald Square to Forty-Second Street

The traffic stopped as she cried to the copper on the beat--


Has anybody here seen Kelly?

K-E-double L-Y

Has anybody here seen Kelly?

Have you seen him smile?

Sure, his hair is red, his eyes are blue,

And he's Irish through and through!

Has anybody here seen Kelly?

Kelly from the Emerald Isle!

Over on Fifth Avenue a band began to play

A thousand men were marching for it was St. Patrick's Day

The 'Wearing of the Green' rang out upon the morning air

'Twas Kelly's favorite song so Mary said, "I'll find him there!"

She climbed upon the bandstand in hopes her Mike she'd see

Five hundred Kellys left the ranks in answer to her plea!


Has anybody here seen Kelly?

K-E-double L-Y

Has anybody here seen Kelly?

Kelly passing by?

Sure, his hair is red, his eyes are blue,

And he's Irish through and through

Has anybody here seen Kelly?

Kelly from the Emerald Isle! (Kelly with the green neck-tie!)

Una segona versió, que fa broma introduint en la lletra el nom de la cantant Florrie Forde:[3]

Kelly and his sweetheart wore a very pleasant smile

As bent upon a holiday they went from Mona's Isle

They landed safe in London, but alas it's sad to say

Poor Kelly lost his little girl up Piccadilly way

She searched for him in vain, and then of course began to fret

And this is the appeal she made to everyone she met,

[Cors]: "Has anybody here seen Kelly?

K - E double L - Y

Has anybody here seen Kelly?

Find him if you can

He's as bad as old Antonio

Left me on my ownio

Has anybody here seen Kelly?

Kelly from the Isle of Man."

When it started raining she exclaimed, "What shall I do?"

For Kelly had her ticket and her spending money too

She wandered over London like a hound upon the scent

At last she found herself outside the House of Parliament

She got among the suffragettes who chained her to the grill

And soon they heard her shouting in a voice both loud and shrill.


After she escaped from several gentlemen in blue

She very quickly started making headway for the Zoo

From there she made her way towards Tussaud's great waxwork show

'Twould be a likely place, thought she, to find her missing beau

The Chamber full of Horrors very quickly came in sight

She looked in every corner and then yelled with all her might.

[Cors finals]: Has anybody here seen Florrie? F.O.R.D.E.

Has anybody here seen Florrie? Find her if you can

For she's not all skin and bone-e-o

And you bet it's all her own-e-o

Has anybody here seen Florrie? What Florrie?

Florrie from the Isle of Man

Tercera versió, transcripció de l'enregistrament (data 17 de juliol de 1909) de la cançó interpretada per Florrie Forde:[4]

Kelly and his sweetheart wore a very pleasant smile,

And sent upon a holiday they went from Mona's Isle,

They landed safe in London but alas it's sad to say,

For Kelly lost his little girl up Piccadilly way.

She searched for him in vain and then of course began to fret,

And this is the appeal she made to everyone she met:

Has anybody here seen Kelly?


Has anybody here seen Kelly?

Find him if you can!

He's as bad as old Antonio,

Left me on my own-ee-o,

Has anybody here seen Kelly?

Kelly from the Isle of Man!

When it started raining she exclaimed, "What shall I do?"

For Kelly had her ticket and her spending money too,

She wandered over London like a hound upon the scent,

At last she found herself outside the Houses of Parliament.

She got among the suffragettes who chained her to the grille,

And soon they heard her shouting in a voice both loud and shrill:

Has anybody here seen Kelly?


Has anybody here seen Kelly?

Find him if you can!

He's as bad as old Antonio,

Left me on my own-ee-o,

Has anybody here seen Kelly?

Kelly from the Isle of Man!


  1. «Collection of Irish Song Lyrics» (en anglès). Donal' O'Shaughnessy. [Consulta: 18 agost 2019].
  2. «Has Anybody Here Seen Kelly? Lyrics» (en anglès). flashlyrics.com. [Consulta: 18 agost 2019].
  3. «Monologues - Song Lyrics. A casquet of Vocal Gems from the Golden Days of Music Hall» (en anglès). monologues.co.uk. Arxivat de l'original el 2019-08-18. [Consulta: 18 agost 2019].
  4. «Song Lyrics From Around The World - HAS ANYBODY HERE SEEN KELLY?» (en anglès). International Lyrics Playground. [Consulta: 18 agost 2019].