Discussió:Balanç net zero per a l'autoconsum energètic
El mesurament neta es refereix a "el que queda", i vol dir que es pot generar electricitat quan el sol brilla i usar cada vegada que desitgi o necessiti. El mesurament neta no és un mitjà de venda d'electricitat. La venda de l'excedent només entra en joc si al final de l'any no es pot utilitzar tant com vostè han generat. El preu d'oferta per aquest superàvit varia de zero a un cost de més alt. (forgive my Catalan, this is a google translation of "Net metering refers to "what is left over", and means that you can generate electricity whenever the sun shines and use it whenever you want to or need to. Net metering is not a means of selling electricity. Selling the surplus only comes into play if at the end of the year you can not use as much as you have generated. The offer price for this surplus varies from zero to retail to higher.") Zero is commonly referred to as "theft". The correct way to implement net metering is to roll over the kilowatt hour credits each month forever. From a practical standpoint, if the consumer either terminates service or requests it, they should be offered a payment, not more than once a year for small consumers, for any surplus kilowatt hour credits. Apteva (disc.) 05:40, 23 gen 2013 (CET)
Dieser Artikel korrigiert werden muss. Net Metering ist nicht ein Weg, der Verkauf von Strom. Es ist ein Weg, mit Strom zu einem anderen Zeitpunkt, wenn es produziert wird. In English: This article needs to be corrected. Net metering is not a way of selling electricity. It is a way of using electricity at a different time from when it is produced. Apteva (disc.) 08:37, 8 juny 2013 (CEST)