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Discussió:Dr. Gregory House

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De la Viquipèdia, l'enciclopèdia lliure

No hauria d'haver-hi un espai entre "Dr." i "Gregory"? --Oersted (parlem-ne) 16:14, 13 jul 2006 (UTC)



A l'article es diu: «El personatge de House, està basat en el de Sherlock Holmes.» I com a raons es donen una sèrie de fets curiosos: «La pacient en l'episodi pilot és Rebecca Adler. A l'escàndol a Bohemia, Holmes té de rival a Irene Adler. El nom de Dr.Wilson prové del de Dr.Watson. El Vicodin es fabricat pels Laboratoris Watson. House viu al número 221, apartament B. David Shore ha admès que el nom de House prové de Holmes. El home que dispara House (episodi 2.24) té com a cognom Moriarty.»

I sí, tot això és cert i tal. Però això són anècdotes. Un personatge d'una altra sèrie podria reunir totes aquestes característiques i no tenir res a veure amb Holmes.

El que l'iguala, crec jo, seria, més que res:

  • L'estructura dels capítols, similar a l'estructura dels relats
  • Les malalties substitueixen els criminals
  • Els símptomes són les pistes
  • La drogadicció
  • La insociabilitat

-- 11:39, 19 jul 2006 (UTC)

I potser estaria bé aprofitar això de la viquipèdia anglesa:

House's character is partly inspired by Sherlock Holmes: both characters share an ability to come to rapid conclusions after the briefest examination of the circumstances, their drug use (cocaine for Holmes, Vicodin for House, morphine for both), and the fact that each character has only one real friend (Watson and Wilson, respectively) who connects the cerebral hero to human concerns. Each character also has a nemesis named Moriarty. While House uses large quantities of Vicodin for pain management, Holmes used drugs in an experimental, often research-driven modality; some episodes imply that House at one time also used drugs in this experimental fashion before he developed his current dependency on painkillers, making references to experiences with LSD and cocaine. Both Holmes and House are experts who are brought into cases that have proven too difficult for other investigators. Also, in one episode House's apartment number is revealed to be 221B, Sherlock Holmes's Baker Street address. The character of Holmes was originally based by his creator, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, on Joseph Bell, a doctor noted for his love of deductive reasoning and skill with both ordinary diagnostics and forensic medicine (which was quite new at the time); the character of House can thus be seen in a way as taking the idea of Holmes full circle. And lastly, even the characters' names (Holmes and House) are homophonically-related synonyms.
Television shows he has shown interest in include General Hospital, The O.C., SpongeBob SquarePants, The New Yankee Workshop (of which he says, "It's a complete moron working with power tools—how much more suspenseful can you get?"), Monster Truck Jams, 24, The L Word (which he watches muted), and Blackadder (which Hugh Laurie starred in from 1986 to 1989). House is fond of playing portable video games, in one episode even attempting to wake a patient by placing the speaker of the Nintendo DS he was playing next to their ear. Actor Hugh Laurie has remarked that House's obsession with television, video games and popular music is meant to echo Sherlock Holmes' habit of listening to classical music or reading dull monographs for hours on end in order to relax his mind while pondering a case.

-- 11:47, 19 jul 2006 (UTC)

OK, a la pugui ho afegiré, o si vols fer-ho tu endavant!!!!! De totes maneres, jo deixaria les altres curiositats.....--Pere Serafi 11:47, 19 jul 2006 (UTC)