Discussió:Dua Lipa
Hey guys. I just want to mention that Albanian lastname Lipa is pronounced as 'Llipa' in Catalan. And that is because in Albanian we have L and LL. The L makes the lighter sound just like LL. And LL is the heavier sound and it sounds like L in Catalan. So, what I am suggesting is that someone who is maintaining this page in Catalan, add this next to Dua Lipa name: (pronounced in Catalan as Dua Llipa).
Thanks, Agron. Agroni (disc.) 00:59, 9 març 2022 (CET)
- Thanks, Agroni, but the english version states: [ˈdua ˈlipa]. Doesn't it mean "Lipa" instead of "Llipa"?--Prest! (disc.) 08:33, 9 març 2022 (CET)