Discussió:Guinidilda d'Empúries
Primero se dice que es hija de Borrell I de Cerdanya, pero en el recuadro se dice que es hija de Balduino de Flandes....
El parentesco de Guinilda con Balduino tiene su base en la leyenda del Gestis Comitim Barcinonensoium Por fechas no es posible que Judith (que se fugó con Balduino en el 862) fuera la madre de Guinilda y esta la madre de Wifredo Borrell II en el 874
Por tanto recomiendo eliminar del recuadro la paternidad de Balduino
Podeis coinsultar en Medieval Lands "GUINIDILDA, daughter of SENIOFREDO & his wife --- (-[21 Aug 897/18 Feb 900]). Wifredo "el Velloso" and his wife Winidilda donated property to Ripoll Sant Joan monastery by charter dated 27 Jun 875 which names "fratre meo…Seniofredo"[103]. Her parentage is confirmed by charters dated 875, 877 and 878 under which "Winidildes commitissa" donated property "in comitato Impuritano in villa…Kabannas omnem portionem mihi…de comparatione de cuondam patrem meum…Seniofredo" to Ripoll Sant Joan monastery[104]. The name of her father "Seniofredo" suggests that Guinidilda may have been a close relative of her husband, whose father had the same name. [According to Weir[105], she was Gunhild, daughter of Baudouin I Count of Flanders. It is assumed that this is based on the Gesta Comitum Barcinonensium which records that Charles II "le Chauve" King of the Franks gave a daughter of the Count of Flanders in marriage to "Pilosi" at the same time as granting him the county of Barcelona[106], although this source is unreliable in points of detail concerning the family of the early counts of Barcelona. The Crónica de San Juan de la Peña also records that "Iuffré Pellos" married "una filla del..Conte de Flandres"[107]. Considering that the early counts of Flanders were in 877 still in the process of consolidating their newly founded county, it is not clear what contact they would have had with a count whose territory was so distant from their own sphere of activity, or the advantages they would have seen in such a dynastic marriage. The only known point in common between the two counts appears to have been King Charles II "le Chauve" who was suzerain of both. Gunhild is not shown among the children of Count Baudouin in Rösch[108]. In any event, this supposed Flemish origin is disproved by the charters quoted above.] "Wifredus…comes et marchio et Winiedildes cometissa" donated "Castru Mochoronio cum ecclesias Sancta Maria et Sanctum Petrum et Sanctum Stephanum" to the monastery of "Sancti Johannis Babtiste…in comitatu Ausona in Valle Riopullo juxta flumen Tezer" [San Juan de las Abadesas], when "filiam nostram Emmone" became abbess, by charter dated 27 Jun 875, which names "fratre meo…Seniefredo clerico"[109]. “Wifredo...comes et marchio et Winedildis commetissa” donated “castro Mochoronio...et in valle Riopullo villare...Sendare...in valle Martini...qui mihi advenit...de fratri meo Soniefredo” to San Juan Bautista de Osona, and “Winedildes commetissa” donated “in comitatu Impuritano villa...Chabannas de comparacionem de patre meo...Sonifredo”, by charter dated 26 Jun 885[110]. A charter dated 20 Apr 888 records that “Wifredus comes et Widinilles comitissa” dedicated Ripoll Santa Maria and donated “in alaudo...in comitatu Cerdania...villa...Loci...[que] nobis advenit ex comparatione de partibus Sesenando”[111]. “Guifredus comes...et Winildis comitissa” donated property to Ripoll Santa Maria when “filium suum...Rodulfo” entered the monastery by charter dated 20 Apr 888[112]. “Wifredus...comes...et Widinildis comitissa” dedicated Ripoll Sant Pere by charter dated 25 Jun 890[113]. “Wifredus...comes et marchio et uxor mea Guinezelles” donated property “in villa Exaduce” to Ripoll Santa Maria by charter dated 31 Jul 890, subscribed by “...Willermus vicecomes”[114]. A charter dated 21 Aug 897 names Wifredo and his wife Winidilda[115]. She died before 18 Feb 899, the date of a charter which confirmed the possessions of "domna Hemmone habbatissa" in "comitatu Cerdaniensis in valle Petrariense in villa…Stegale", in the presence of "Mirone comite et judices…", the document specifying the exclusion of "ipsa hereditatem de Domna Windilde cometissa condam…in villa…Provenca…qui sunt de Recosindo"[116]. "
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