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Discussió:Ihor Ohirko

El contingut de la pàgina no s'admet en altres llengües.
De la Viquipèdia, l'enciclopèdia lliure

Legitimate article?[modifica]

Hi fellow Wikipedians,

This short message is to warn you that, on the French Wikipedia, we are removing this article that does not meet the French Wikipedia notability guidelines for the third time. This article has been recreated by an IP in Ukraine with no respect for the previous deletion decisions. Best, --MathsPoetry (disc.) 08:27, 26 març 2013 (CET)[respon]

Bon dia, no caldria esborrar l'article ja que la versió ucraïnesa conté moltíssimes referències que haurien d'avalar (mirant les diverses contribucions i contribuidors de l'article a més) la validesa enciclopèdica d'aquesta persona. Gràcies, sisplau retireu la bandereta. Que vos vaja tot molt bé, una abraçada, Claudi/Capsot (disc.) 09:56, 26 març 2013 (CET)[respon]
Bon dia. Good remark, but please read the discussion page on the Ukrainian article, they have very strong doubts about the authenticity of the references. Best to you too, --MathsPoetry (disc.) 11:39, 26 març 2013 (CET)[respon]
Bon dia, bonjour! De fet, no tenen dubtes... probablement (alguns) en tenien fa dos anys (el darrer comentari és d'en NickK 00:07, 19 червня (/juny) 2011) però es veu que no van decidir esborrar l'article aleshores. A més a més com que no domine prou bé l'ucraïnés, no sé ben bé que s'hi diu (usant Google s'entén parcialment però no satisfactòriament)... Des de llavors, l'article ha conegut alguns canvis i fins i tot un eixamplament amb més referències bibliogràfiques aportades per Aced. До побачення!
Actually, they currently have no doubts... probably they (a few wikipedians) had doubts two years ago (the last comment is from NickK 00:07, 19 червня (/June) 2011) but it seems as if they never reached the decision to erase the article then. Moreover since I don't possess too significant a fluency in Ukrainian I don't know exactly what is discussed there (even if the use of Google helped it isn't sufficient to translate correctly enough)... Since that moment, the article has suffered a few changes and even been slightly improved with diverse bibliographical references (brought by user Aced). Have a nice, sunny and warm day, week and month/Puissent être vos journées, semaine et mois douillets, ensoleillés et agréables. Cordialement, Claudi/Capsot (disc.) 13:50, 26 març 2013 (CET)[respon]
Thank you. Our own researchs in the mathematical databases have resulted in almost nothing. If I were you, I would at least submit the question to the community. And if everyone here feels okay with such an article, no problem - every Wikipedia is independant. Best, --MathsPoetry (disc.) 16:02, 26 març 2013 (CET)[respon]
He's also been deleted at least once from English-speaking Wikipedia: en:Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Igor Ogirko. Best, --MathsPoetry (disc.) 16:21, 26 març 2013 (CET)[respon]
Bon vespre/Hi again, I am glad you have such an exhaustive database at hand. I am also glad to know that it had been erased in the English wikipedia even though the Ukrainian didn't; I guess English rules! However I have serious doubts about 1) the exhaustivity of your database and 2) the possible bias of it all since I guess that it mostly takes into consideration papers written in English (or French and German) and thus I figured (but I could be proven wrong...) that the non-Western countries might be underrepresented there. So, let's ask a few practical questions about your database so you can provide enough data and evidence to convince me.
1) How many math researchers from Ukraine (or Belarus) appear in it? Knowing that the legacy of the Soviet Union still perdures at least in a few scientific fields there should be a good deal/representation of Ukrainian mathematicians listed in it (having their names written would be nice too so we would know which ones deserve an article here, thanks!).
2) How many people are able to read and provide summaries, or translations, of the articles written in Russian (the dominant language in Ukraine) to your database? Knowing that writing science in English could be some kind of "linguistic" treason to many Russian scientists, most of the production written in Russian could be largely ignored if not dealing with trendy topics? (In my case I must admit that even though my wife is Ukrainian, that I can speak a very basic Ukrainian and know a little of the country and their customs, I am a real ignoramus in many things about Ukraine, Ukrainians and obviously Ukrainian sciences. Nonetheless I am sure/confident that many of the voters in the French Wikipedia have much more information about it all than I can have)
An additional real good way of persuading me (the soundest actually) would be trying to contact a Ukrainian wikipedian, like Erud for instance who is a very nice, decent and honest person, and ask her about it all.
On the other hand, I am sorry to tell you this, but I don't need to ask everyone about the article. The erasing proposal is/was mainly a French wikipedia thing, not mine. That is, at first, you came here to tell us about it. I read/listened your words and told you my opinions then. I don't have the slightest intention to erase it or to ask others to erase it since I deem that the reasons are few (no real demonstration that all the list, or at least a great part of it, of the references is fake) and your evidence seems really scarse and hardly indiscussable. However, if you are really keen on having it erased in the Catalan wikipedia, you can leave a message in the Taverna telling them all about it and well I am sure you will find some deletionists eager to open a discussion in order to erase it. Molta sort/good luck! Kind regards, Claudi/Capsot (disc.) 19:08, 26 març 2013 (CET)[respon]
No problem, each Wikipedia has its own rules for notability and I would not criticize your decision to keep this article. I think it was worth signalling he bypassed community decisions to delete his article on at least two Wikipedias. Best, --MathsPoetry (disc.) 22:16, 26 març 2013 (CET)[respon]