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Discussió:Joana I de Castella

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De la Viquipèdia, l'enciclopèdia lliure

Fins la seva mort va ser reina nominal de tots els estats de la Corona d'Aragó també, no sé perqué no es fa referència.el comentari anterior sense signar és fet per (disc.contr.) 00:53, 27 set 2012 (CEST)[respon]

Endavant, pots modificar-ho!--Àlex (Discussió) 00:53, 27 set 2012 (CEST)[respon]

Reina d'Aragó


En castellà diu: En 1516 murió Fernando II el Católico y, por su testamento, Juana se convirtió en reina nominal en Aragón, pero varias instituciones de la Corona aragonesa no la reconocían como tal en virtud de la complejidad institucional de los fueros; entretanto, su hijo Carlos se benefició de la coyuntura de la incapacidad de Juana para proclamarse reina, aprovechándose de la legitimidad que tenía su madre como heredera de los Reyes Católicos en Castilla y en Aragón, de forma que se añadió él mismo los títulos reales que le correspondían a su madre. Así, oficialmente, ambos, Juana y Carlos, correinaron en Castilla y Aragón. De hecho, Juana nunca fue declarada incapaz por las Cortes Castellanas ni se le retiró el título de Reina. Mientras vivió, en los documentos oficiales debía figurar en primer lugar el nombre de la reina Juana. A la muerte de Fernando el Católico, ejerció la regencia de Aragón el arzobispo de Zaragoza, don Alonso de Aragón, hijo natural de Fernando el Católico, y en Castilla el Cardenal Cisneros hasta la llegada de Carlos desde Flandes. Cuando éste llegó mantuvo a su madre encerrada y ordenó que la obligasen a escuchar misa y confesarse empleando tortura si fuere necesario.

En anglés diu: First Queen of Spain Succession as Queen of Aragon Ferdinand II ended his days embittered: his second marriage had failed to produce a surviving male heir leaving his daughter Joanna as his heiress-presumptive. Ferdinand resented that, upon his death, Castile and Aragon would effectively pass to his foreign-born-and-raised grandson Charles I, to whom he had transferred his hatred of Philip I. He had hoped that his younger grandson and namesake, Ferdinand I, who was Charles I's brother and had been born and raised in Castile, would succeed him. Ferdinand II had named Ferdinand as his heir-apparent in his will before being persuaded to revoke this bequest and rename Joanna and Charles I as his heirs-presumptive instead. When Ferdinand II died in 1516, the Kingdoms of Castile and León, and Aragon and their associated crowns and territories/colonies would pass to Joanna I and Charles I.[17] With Charles I still in Flanders, Aragon was being governed after Ferdinand II's death by his bastard son, Alonso de Aragón. Meanwhile, Castile and León, already subjects of Joanna, were governed by Archbishop Cisneros as regent. A group of nobles, led by the Duke of Infantado, attempted to proclaim the Infante Ferdinand as King of Castile but the attempt failed. [edit]Son as co-monarch In October 1517, seventeen-year-old Charles I arrived in Asturias at the Bay of Biscay. On 4 November, he and his sister Eleanor met their mother Joanna at Tordesillas – there they secured from her the necessary authorization to allow Charles to rule as her co-King of Castile and León and of Aragon. Despite her acquiescence to his wishes her confinement would continue. The Castilian Cortes, meeting in Valladolid, spited Charles by addressing him only as Su Alteza ("Your Highness") and reserving Majestad ("Majesty") for Joanna.[18] However, no one seriously considered rule by Joanna a realistic proposition.[19] In 1519 Charles I now ruled the Kingdom of Aragon and its territories and the Kingdom of Castile and León and its territories, in personal union. In addition, that same year Charles was elected Holy Roman Emperor. The kingdoms of Castile and Aragon (and Navarre) remained in personal union until their jurisdictional unification in the early 18th century by the Bourbons while Charles abdicated as Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire in favor of his brother Ferdinand and the personal union with the Spanish kingdoms was dissolved.

Com potser que haja sigut reina de la Corona d'Aragó en tots els idiomes excepte en català. No crec que siga millor Catalunya per llevar a la tronà esta de Reina, així que no entenc per qué a la wikipedia catalanista diu que no va arribar mai a ser reina d'Aragó. -- (discussió) 02:30, 8 abr 2013 (CEST)[respon]