The official name is Mulhouse, since it is a french city since 1945. You Catalans should be more sensitive with the matt~er of local names, shouldn't you ? 22:38, 7 nov 2007 (CET)
- In Catalan it is common to use the original names, not the ones translated by third parts. Moreover, it is explained which is the official name. By the way, it was French before the II WW, isn't it? --V.Riullop (parlem-ne) 23:31, 7 nov 2007 (CET)
- Quan diu "local nomes" potser vol dir el nom alsacià?. Amb aquests noms jo crec que som prous sensibles. No crec que el nom francès sigui una bona idea. Translation: When you say "·local names" perhaps you refer to the alsatian name?. With this kind of names I believe that we are very sensitives. I believe that the french name is not a good idea.--joc 01:30, 8 nov 2007 (CET)
- French since 1798, German between 1870 and 1918 and again between 1940 and 1945, now french. We are speaking about a french town here, folks ! Catalans are so sensitive about their own language and culture, yet they reannex Mulhouse to Germany 67 years after the Nazis did, without any feelings about history, international law and, actually, french administration. What a pity ! ! ! ! ! 14:00, 8 nov 2007 (CET)
- The article does not suggest any annexation and says clearly that it is a French city, explaining which is the original name and which is the official translation. Appealing to the sensitivity or the feelings of the Catalans is a nonsense. --V.Riullop (parlem-ne) 17:17, 8 nov 2007 (CET)