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Discussió:Pere II d'Argos

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De la Viquipèdia, l'enciclopèdia lliure

Wrong info (different people)


Hi, sorry for the English, but I would like to report to you that this page contains wrong info. Petrus Siculus and Peter of Argos are two completely different people who happen to live nearly the same era.

Peter of Argos lived approximately 852-925 and lived in Corinth and Argos after Constantinople, while Petes Siculus died about 870 and never had any interaction with Argos. Petrus Siculus was the one related with "que fou enviat per l'emperador Basili el Macedoni a Tàbrica, prop de Melitene, per negociar un intercanvi de presoners amb els paulicians". He was the writer and diplomat. "Va escriure una vida de Sant Atanasi, bisbe de Metone" refer to Peter of Argos, who was writer and bishop.

At last, there's no reference anywhere about Peter II of Argos (or "Pere II d'Argos" as you write in Catalan). According to the records of the Metropolis of Argolis (current form of Bishopric of Argos) there wasn't any other bishop named Peter before that one. So, the name "Peter II of Argos" is invalid.

Therefore, I would to suggest that either separate the articles about those two people or remove the text that refers to the other person.

Just for reference, the Wikidata items for Petrus Siculus and Peter of Argos, where for quite some time I'm trying to resolve the mix of the info of those two, as happens here aswell.

Thanks in advance. Jimkats (disc.) 17:42, 18 gen 2024 (CET)[respon]