Contribucions de l'usuari Future Perfect at Sunrise
Pertanyents a Future Perfect at Sunrise discussió registre de blocatges càrregues registres global block log comptes globals registre d'abusos
A user with 11 edits. Compte creat el 29 juny 2008.
9 oct 2011
- 17:1617:16, 9 oct 2011 dif. hist. −108 Sampi correction: was apparently never called like that
15 oct 2010
- 13:0013:00, 15 oct 2010 dif. hist. −1.016 Discussió:Alfa i omega nonsense rant removed, see en:Wikipedia:Long-term abuse/Wikinger darrera
24 set 2010
- 18:5018:50, 24 set 2010 dif. hist. −2 m Sampi fix filename
17 set 2010
- 17:3217:32, 17 set 2010 dif. hist. 0 Alfabet grec rv. Wikinger, nobody told you to change the Koppa images. For Koppa it makes sense to give priority to the old form, it is more common.
- 17:2717:27, 17 set 2010 dif. hist. −215 Plantilla:Alfabet grec revert to last version by Perique des Palottes, this is the version chosen by the editors of this project. Wikinger, stop messing.
16 set 2010
- 10:5610:56, 16 set 2010 dif. hist. 0 Plantilla:Alfabet grec normal modern shape
- 10:5510:55, 16 set 2010 dif. hist. +84 Sampi corrections
- 10:4910:49, 16 set 2010 dif. hist. +1 Alfabet grec corrections, please see en:Wikipedia:Long-term abuse/Wikinger
5 jul 2008
- 15:5615:56, 5 jul 2008 dif. hist. +811 N Usuari:Future Perfect at Sunrise user page
4 jul 2008
- 09:2709:27, 4 jul 2008 dif. hist. −353 Alfabet grec rv cross-wiki disruption by en:User:CBMIBM. Inserted information too faulty to stay.
29 juny 2008
- 22:3122:31, 29 juny 2008 dif. hist. −145 Plantilla:Alfabet grec rv disruption by en:User:CBMIBM, see