Contribucions de l'usuari Mattbuck
Pertanyents a Mattbuck discussió registre de blocatges càrregues registres global block log comptes globals registre d'abusos
A user with 8 edits. Compte creat el 9 maig 2010.
6 des 2013
- 18:2518:25, 6 des 2013 dif. hist. +12 m Bondage (Script) File renamed: File:Img bird.jpg → File:Shinari rope bondage.jpg Useless name made me think it was a bird.
- 18:2518:25, 6 des 2013 dif. hist. +12 m Kinbaku (Script) File renamed: File:Img bird.jpg → File:Shinari rope bondage.jpg Useless name made me think it was a bird.
24 nov 2013
- 16:0116:01, 24 nov 2013 dif. hist. −1 m Stargate SG-1 File renamed: File:Jaffas Comic Con 2008-B.jpg → File:Jaffa Comic Con 2008-B.jpg Jaffa is its own plural: one jaffa, many jaffa
5 oct 2013
- 00:4900:49, 5 oct 2013 dif. hist. −65 John Cabot →Reconeixements: that's Westferry Circus, not Cabot Square
- 00:4800:48, 5 oct 2013 dif. hist. +14 m John Cabot File renamed: File:Cabot Square.jpg → File:Westferry Circus (The Lud).jpg Misidentified
7 abr 2013
- 12:2412:24, 7 abr 2013 dif. hist. +14 m Usuari:Mcapdevila/Unitat de tren File renamed: File:350627 e32b778c-by-John-Winterbottom.jpg → File:Class 390 in Northamptonshire-by-John-Winterbottom.jpg
7 abr 2011
- 00:2800:28, 7 abr 2011 dif. hist. −89 Circle Line →Estacions: earl's court isn't on the circle line
9 maig 2010
- 22:1922:19, 9 maig 2010 dif. hist. +93 Collaret de perles (sexe) Desfets els canvis en la revisió 5332544 de CommonsDelinker