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A user with 27.583 edits. Compte creat el 25 març 2008.
28 nov 2009
- 23:2923:29, 28 nov 2009 dif. hist. +12 m Homer Robot afegeix: yo:Homer
- 23:1923:19, 28 nov 2009 dif. hist. +20 m Adolf Hitler Robot afegeix: yo:Adolf Hitler
- 23:0723:07, 28 nov 2009 dif. hist. +22 m Lenin Robot afegeix: yo:Vladimir Lenin
- 23:0123:01, 28 nov 2009 dif. hist. +19 m Franz Kafka Robot afegeix: yo:Franz Kafka
- 22:5522:55, 28 nov 2009 dif. hist. +26 m Fiódor Dostoievski Robot afegeix: yo:Fyodor Dostoyevsky
- 22:5022:50, 28 nov 2009 dif. hist. +23 m René Descartes Robot afegeix: yo:René Descartes
- 22:4522:45, 28 nov 2009 dif. hist. +18 m Pitàgores Robot afegeix: yo:Pythagoras
- 22:4122:41, 28 nov 2009 dif. hist. +23 m Henri Poincaré Robot afegeix: yo:Henri Poincaré
- 22:3922:39, 28 nov 2009 dif. hist. +21 m Blaise Pascal Robot afegeix: yo:Blaise Pascal
- 22:3522:35, 28 nov 2009 dif. hist. +25 m Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Robot afegeix: yo:Gottfried Leibniz
- 22:3222:32, 28 nov 2009 dif. hist. +21 m David Hilbert Robot afegeix: yo:David Hilbert
- 22:3022:30, 28 nov 2009 dif. hist. +19 m Kurt Gödel Robot afegeix: yo:Kurt Gödel
- 22:2622:26, 28 nov 2009 dif. hist. +28 m Carl Friedrich Gauß Robot afegeix: yo:Carl Friedrich Gauss
- 22:2222:22, 28 nov 2009 dif. hist. +14 m Euclides Robot afegeix: yo:Euclid
- 22:1822:18, 28 nov 2009 dif. hist. +18 m Arquimedes Robot afegeix: yo:Archimedes
- 22:1322:13, 28 nov 2009 dif. hist. +22 m Salvador Dalí i Domènech Robot afegeix: yo:Salvador Dalí
- 22:0922:09, 28 nov 2009 dif. hist. +21 m Pablo Picasso Robot afegeix: yo:Pablo Picasso
- 22:0322:03, 28 nov 2009 dif. hist. +24 m Vincent van Gogh Robot afegeix: yo:Vincent van Gogh
- 21:5821:58, 28 nov 2009 dif. hist. +20 m Claude Monet Robot afegeix: yo:Claude Monet
- 21:5521:55, 28 nov 2009 dif. hist. +15 m Katsushika Hokusai Robot afegeix: yo:Hokusai
- 21:5221:52, 28 nov 2009 dif. hist. +17 m Rembrandt van Rijn Robot afegeix: yo:Rembrandt
- 21:4621:46, 28 nov 2009 dif. hist. +20 m Michelangelo Buonarroti Robot afegeix: yo:Michelangelo
- 21:3521:35, 28 nov 2009 dif. hist. +31 m Commonwealth Robot afegeix: yo:Commonwealth of Nations
- 21:3021:30, 28 nov 2009 dif. hist. +14 m Taipei Robot afegeix: yo:Taipei
- 21:2921:29, 28 nov 2009 dif. hist. +17 m Illa Robot afegeix: km:កោះ
- 21:2521:25, 28 nov 2009 dif. hist. +15 m Jakarta Robot afegeix: yo:Jakarta
- 21:1921:19, 28 nov 2009 dif. hist. +16 m Taixkent Robot afegeix: yo:Tashkent
- 21:1721:17, 28 nov 2009 dif. hist. +32 m Eliezer Ben-Yehuda Robot afegeix: gan:艾列則·本曳乎打
- 21:1421:14, 28 nov 2009 dif. hist. +13 m Seül Robot afegeix: yo:Seoul
- 21:0821:08, 28 nov 2009 dif. hist. +14 m Sanà Robot afegeix: yo:Sana'a
- 21:0521:05, 28 nov 2009 dif. hist. +14 m Riad Robot afegeix: yo:Riyadh
- 21:0121:01, 28 nov 2009 dif. hist. +18 m Phnom Penh Robot afegeix: yo:Phnom Penh
- 20:5820:58, 28 nov 2009 dif. hist. +17 m Pyongyang Robot afegeix: yo:Pyongyang
- 20:5420:54, 28 nov 2009 dif. hist. +20 m Port Moresby Robot afegeix: yo:Port Moresby
- 20:5120:51, 28 nov 2009 dif. hist. +18 m Ulaanbaatar Robot afegeix: yo:Ulan Bator
- 20:4720:47, 28 nov 2009 dif. hist. +12 m Doha Robot afegeix: yo:Doha
- 20:4420:44, 28 nov 2009 dif. hist. +16 m Duixanbé Robot afegeix: yo:Dushanbe
- 20:4120:41, 28 nov 2009 dif. hist. +12 m Dili Robot afegeix: yo:Dili
- 20:3820:38, 28 nov 2009 dif. hist. +13 m Dacca Robot afegeix: yo:Dhaka
- 20:3320:33, 28 nov 2009 dif. hist. +15 m Bixkek Robot afegeix: yo:Bishkek
- 20:3020:30, 28 nov 2009 dif. hist. +13 m Kabul Robot afegeix: yo:Kabul
- 20:2620:26, 28 nov 2009 dif. hist. +27 m Bandar Seri Begawan Robot afegeix: yo:Bandar Seri Begawan
- 20:2220:22, 28 nov 2009 dif. hist. +15 m Bangkok Robot afegeix: yo:Bangkok
- 20:1720:17, 28 nov 2009 dif. hist. +14 m Masqat Robot afegeix: yo:Muscat
- 20:1420:14, 28 nov 2009 dif. hist. +14 m Manila Robot afegeix: yo:Manila
- 20:0820:08, 28 nov 2009 dif. hist. +13 m Malé Robot afegeix: yo:Malé
- 20:0520:05, 28 nov 2009 dif. hist. +15 m Nicòsia Robot afegeix: yo:Nicosia
- 20:0120:01, 28 nov 2009 dif. hist. +19 m Al-Kuwait Robot afegeix: yo:Kuwait City
- 19:5819:58, 28 nov 2009 dif. hist. +20 m Kuala Lumpur Robot afegeix: yo:Kuala Lumpur
- 19:5419:54, 28 nov 2009 dif. hist. +13 m Sri Jayewardenepura Kotte Robot afegeix: yo:Kotte