Space-filling image of an alanine cyclol "fabric" proposed by Dorothy Maud Wrinch in 1936 (Nature, _137_, 411-412), as seen from the side where none of the Cβ atoms emerge. This Figure shows the three-fold symmetry of the fabric and also that its extraordinarily density; for example, in the "lacunae" — where three Cβ atoms (shown in green) and three Hα atoms (shown as white triangles) converge — the carbons and hydrogens are separated by only 1.68 Å. The red atoms represent hydroxyl groups (not carbonyl oxygen atoms). The larger green spheres represent the Cβ atoms; the Cα atoms are generally not visible, except as little triangles next to the blue nitrogen atoms. The PDB file was constructed by me using my own software and visualized using PyMol; both were done on 20 October 2006. I hereby release this image under the GFDL.
20 d'octubre de 2006 (original upload date)
No machine-readable source provided. Own work assumed (based on copyright claims).
No machine-readable author provided. WillowW assumed (based on copyright claims).
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Space-filling image of an alanine cyclol "fabric" proposed by Dorothy Maud Wrinch in 1936 (Nature, _137_, 411-412), as seen from the side where none of the C<sup>β</sup> atoms emerge. This Figure shows the three-fold symmetry of the fabric and also that