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Fitxer:Ringo Starr BBC Radio4 Front Row 31 Dec 2008 b00g4c59.flac

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Ringo_Starr_BBC_Radio4_Front_Row_31_Dec_2008_b00g4c59.flac (Fichièr àudio FLAC, durada 25 s, debit 1,21 Mbps sus l’ensemble)

Descripció a Commons


English: The speaking voice of Ringo Starr, from the BBC Radio 4 programme Front Row. He describes how he first became interested in drumming.
Font http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00g4c59
Autor BBC

This excerpt from a BBC radio programme has been uploaded as part of the BBC voice project. Please note that the BBC retains copyright on the full programmes and only excerpts which the BBC have explicitly released under an open licence may be uploaded to Wikimedia Commons.

The programme from which this file was extracted may be found at b00g4c59

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