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Fitxer:The seaman's vade-mecum and defensive war by sea- containing a maritime dictionary; the proportions of rigging Fleuron N021424-3.png

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De la Viquipèdia, l'enciclopèdia lliure

Fitxer original (601 × 718 píxels, mida del fitxer: 14 Ko, tipus MIME: image/png)

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English: Fleuron from book:
The seaman's vade-mecum and defensive war by sea: containing a maritime dictionary; the proportions of rigging, masts and yards; Weight of Anchors; Sizes and Weight of Cables and Cordage; List of the Navy. The Words of Command in exercising the small Arms, Bayonet, Granadoes, and great Guns, Duty of Officers, &c. Also shewing how to prepare a merchant-ship for a close fight, through the Bulk-Heads, Coamings, Loop-Holes, &c. with the Advantages to be taking in Chacing, considered, under all Positions in respect to Wind and Tide. Defensive Fighting; Shewing how Merchant - Ships are to act, in Fleets, when Canonaded or Boarded by the Enemy. Naval Fortification; The Advantages of Mooring considered, in respect to Wind and Tide; and how to lay Booms in Rivers, and raise Redoubts to defend them. An Essay on Naval Book - Keeping; Or a regular Method for the Purser, Clerk, Steward, and other Officers to keep an Account of Stores, &c. The Method of forming Signals for sailing in Company, under a Commodore in Time of War; with many other Particulars relating to the Navy, East-India, and Merchant Service. By William Mountaine, Mathematical Examiner to the Honourable Corporation of Trinity-House of Deptlord-Strond, and F.R.S. With additions by John Adams, Teacher of the Mathematics.


Record: https://fleuron.lib.cam.ac.uk/ornament/021700070001920_0
Autor Mountaine, William
(Com reutilitzar aquest fitxer)
Fleuron A Database of Eighteenth-Century Printers' Ornaments.
Place Published
printed for Mount and Page, on Tower-Hill
Medicine, Science and Technology
Appearing on Page


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actual17:28, 15 jul 2017Miniatura per a la versió del 17:28, 15 jul 2017601 × 718 (14 Ko)Fleuron https://fleuron.lib.cam.ac.uk/static/ornament_images/021700070001920_0.png User:Fæ/Project_list/Fleuron

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