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Joan Breton Connelly

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Plantilla:Infotaula personaJoan Breton Connelly
Modifica el valor a Wikidata
Naixement1954 Modifica el valor a Wikidata (70/71 anys)
FormacióUniversitat de Princeton
Bryn Mawr College Modifica el valor a Wikidata
Director de tesiBrunilde Sismondo Ridgway Modifica el valor a Wikidata
Camp de treballArqueologia clàssica Modifica el valor a Wikidata
Ocupacióantropòloga, erudita clàssica, catedràtica, arqueòloga, historiadora de l'art Modifica el valor a Wikidata
OcupadorUniversitat d'Oxford
Bryn Mawr College
Radcliffe College
Universitat de Nova York Modifica el valor a Wikidata

Joan Breton Connelly és una arqueòloga clàssica estatunidenca, professora de Classiques i Història de l'Art a la Universitat de Nova York.[1] És Directora del Yeronisos Island Excavations i de l'Escola de Camp de Xipre.[2] Connelly Va guanyar una beca MacArthur el 1996. El 2007 va rebre el premi a l'excel·lència en ensenyament pre-universitari de l'Archaeological Institute of Amercia i va. És una ciutadana honorable del municipi de Peyia, a la República de Xipre.


  1. The Parthenon Enigma: A New Understanding of the West's Most Iconic Building and the People who Made It (A.A. Knopf, New York, 2014);[3][4] "The Parthenon Enigma: A Journey Through Legend" (Head of Zeus, London, 2014).[5]
    1. Reviewed in Caroline Alexander, “If It Pleases the Gods,” The New York Times Book Review (23 January 2014).[6]
    2. Reviewed in J.J. Pollitt, “Decoding the Parthenon,” The New Criterion (1 March 2014).[7]
    3. Reviewed in Brunilde S. Ridgway, “Rethinking the West’s Most Iconic Building,” Bryn Mawr Alumnae Bulletin (August, 2014).[8]
    4. Reviewed in Nigel Spivey, Greece & Rome (October, 2014).[9]
    5. Reviewed in William St. Clair, Times Literary Supplement, May 30, 2014.
    6. Reviewed in A.E. Stallings, “Deep Frieze Meaning,” The Weekly Standard (8 September 2014).[10]
    7. Reviewed in Daisy Dunn, Literary Review, August 8, 2014.[11]
    8. Reviewed in Larry Getlen, New York Post (January 26, 2014).[12]
    9. Reviewed in Eric Wills, The Washington Post (January 25, 2014).[13]
    10. Reviewed in Evaggelos Vallianatos, The Huffington Post (February 25, 2014).[14]
    11. Reviewed in Nick Romeo, The Daily Beast (February 12, 2014).[15]
    12. Reviewed in Rebecca Newberger Goldstein, "Times Higher Education's Books of 2014"[16]
    13. Reviewed in Daniel Mendelsohn, 'Deep Frieze' The New Yorker[17]'
    14. Reviewed in Mary Beard, 'The Latest Scheme for the Parthenon, The New York Review of Books
    15. Reviewed in James Romm, 'The Parthenon Enigma,' "The Wall Street Journal".[18]
  2. Portrait of a Priestess: Women and Ritual in Ancient Greece Princeton University Press (2007). (Sample chapter)
    1. Reviewed in Peter Green, "The Women and the Gods" The New York Review of Books 54/11 (28 June 2007): 32-35
    2. Reviewed in Steve Coates, "Keepers of the Faith," The New York Times Book Review (1 July 2007).[19]
  3. Votive Sculpture of Hellenistic Cyprus (New York and Nicosia 1988).
  4. "Parthenon and Parthenoi: A Mythological Interpretation of the Parthenon Frieze,” American Journal of Archaeology 100 (1996) 53-80.
  5. “Narrative and Image in Attic Vase Painting: Ajax and Kassandra at the Trojan Palladion,” in Peter Holiday, ed., Narrative and Event in Ancient Art (Cambridge. 1993) 88-129.
  6. “Votive Offerings of Hellenistic Failaka: Evidence for Herakles Cult,” In L'Arabie Préislamique et son Environnement Historique et Culturel, Université des Sciences Humaine de Strasbourg (Leiden 1989) 145-158.
  7. "Excavations on Geronisos (1990-1997): The First Report," Reports of the Department of Antiquities of Cyprus, 2002. (Geronisos Island First Report Arxivat 2014-09-17 a Wayback Machine.)
  8. "Hellenistic and Byzantine Cisterns on Geronisos Island," Reports of the Department of Antiquities of Cyprus, 2002. (Cisterns Arxivat 2014-09-17 a Wayback Machine.)
  9. "Terracotta Oil Lamps from Geronisos and their Contexts," Reports of the Department of Antiquities of Cyprus, 2002. (Terracotta Oil Lamps Arxivat 2014-09-17 a Wayback Machine.)
  10. "The Chalcolithic Occupation of Geronisos Island," Reports of the Department of Antiquities of Cyprus, 2004. (Chalcolithic Occupation Arxivat 2014-09-17 a Wayback Machine.)
  11. "Excavations on Geronisos Island: Second Report, the Central South Complex," Reports of the Department of Antiquities of Cyprus, 2005. (Central South Complex Arxivat 2014-09-17 a Wayback Machine.)
  12. "Stamp-Seals from Geronisos and their Contexts," Reports of the Department of Antiquities of Cyprus, 2006. (Stamp Seals Arxivat 2014-09-17 a Wayback Machine.)
  13. “The Legacy of Classical Athens in Post 9/11 New York,” in The Future of New York: An International Perspective, ed. E. Posner, Properties: The Review of the Steven L. Newman Real Estate Institute (Spring 2006) 204-213.
  14. “Hybridity and Identity on Late Ptolemaic Yeronisos,” in Actes du Colloque “Chypre à l'époque hellénistique et impériale: Recherches récentes et nouvelles découvertes,” Université Paris Ouest-Nanterre et Institut National d'Histoire de l'Art, Nanterre - Paris 25-26 septembre 2009, eds. A.-M. Guimier-Sorbets and D. Michaelidès, Centre d'Etudes Chypriotes Cahier 39 (2009) 69-88. (Hybridity and Identity on Late Ptolemaic Yeronisos)
  15. “Twilight of the Ptolemies: Egyptian Presence on late Hellenistic Yeronisos,” in Egypt and Cyprus in Antiquity, Proceedings of the International Conference, Nicosia, April 3–6, 2003, D. Michaelides, V. Kassianidou, R.S. Merrilies, eds., Cyprus American Archaeological Research Institute and the University of Cyprus, Archaeological Research Unit (Oxford 2009) 194-209. (Twilight of the Ptolemies)
  16. “Yeronisos: Twenty Years on Cleopatra’s Isle,” Explorers Club Journal, December 2010, 18-25. (Twenty Years on Cleopatra's Isle[Enllaç no actiu])


  1. «Joan Breton Connelly Profile at NYU Joan Breton Connelly». NYU Classics Faculty. New York University. [Consulta: 20 agost 2015].
  2. Yeronisos Island Expedition Website
  3. [enllaç sense format] http://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/201691/the-parthenon-enigma-by-joan-breton-connelly/
  4. [enllaç sense format] http://www.amazon.com/Parthenon-Enigma-Joan-Breton-Connelly/dp/030759338X
  5. [enllaç sense format] http://headofzeus.com/books/The%20Parthenon%20Enigma
  6. Alexander, Caroline «'The Parthenon Enigma,' by Joan Breton Connelly». The New York Times, 23-01-2014.
  7. [enllaç sense format] http://www.newcriterion.com/articles.cfm/Decoding-the-Parthenon-7857
  8. [enllaç sense format] http://bulletin.brynmawr.edu/features/rethinking-the-wests-most-iconic-building/ Arxivat 2015-09-08 a Wayback Machine.
  9. [enllaç sense format] http://media.wix.com/ugd/2b5cdc_ea1cd7caf3404a2f8e9e7ebfec55b4bb.pdf
  10. [enllaç sense format] http://www.weeklystandard.com/articles/deep-frieze-meaning_803982.html?nopager=1 Arxivat 2014-09-01 a Wayback Machine.
  11. [enllaç sense format] http://www.daisydunn.co.uk/articles/review-of-the-parthenon-enigma-by-joan-breton-connelly/ Arxivat 2016-03-03 a Wayback Machine.
  12. Getlen, Larry «The secret history of the Parthenon». New York Post, 26-01-2014.
  13. Wills, Eric «'The Parthenon Enigma,' by Joan Breton Connelly». The Washington Post, 24-01-2014.
  14. «Greek Piety, Patriotism and Beauty in the Parthenon». Huffington Post, 25-02-2014.
  15. [enllaç sense format] http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/02/12/virgin-sacrifice-and-the-meaning-of-the-parthenon.html
  16. [enllaç sense format] https://www.timeshighereducation.co.uk/features/times-higher-educations-books-of-2014/2017537.article?page=0%252C3%2C3
  17. [enllaç sense format] http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2014/04/14/deep-frieze
  18. Romm, James «Book Review: 'The Parthenon Enigma' by Joan Breton Connelly». The Wall Street Journal, 24-01-2014.
  19. Coates, Steve «Keepers of the Faith». The New York Times, 01-07-2007.