< Mòdul:Chart | i18n
Podeu crear la pàgina d'ús per documentar aquest mòdul Lua. |
local i18n = {
["BarChart"] = "bar chart",
["PieChart"] = "pie chart",
["Arg"] = {
["Gral"] = {
["Width"] = "width",
["UnitsPrefix"] = "units prefix",
["UnitsSuffix"] = "units suffix",
["Delimiter"] = "delimiter",
["MouseOverTooltip"] = "tooltip info",
["PercDecim"] = "percent decimals",
["Title"] = "title",
["TitleBackground"] = "title background",
["Subtit"] = "subtitle",
["SubtitBackground"] = "subtitle background",
["HideGroupLegends"] = "hide group legends",
["LegendColumns"] = "legend columns",
["LegendTitle"] = "legend title",
["Note"] = "note",
["Align"] = "align",
["PC"] = { --Pie Chart
["ColorPalette"] = "color palette",
["LegendNumbers"] = "numbers in legend",
["Percent"] = "percent",
["Radius"] = "radius",
["Slice"] = "slice",
["Slices"] = "slices",
["SliceNumbers"] = "numbers in slices",
["BC"] = { --Bar Chart
["Height"] = "height",
["Group"] = "group",
["GroupNames"] = "group names",
["Links"] = "links",
["Colors"] = "colors",
["Stack"] = "stack",
["XLegend"] = "x legends",
["YTicks"] = "y tick marks",
["ScalePerGroup"] = "scale per group",
["XText2Lines"] = "x text in 2 lines",
["InPercent"] = "in percent",
["HideGridY"] = "hide grid y",
["WallColor"] = "wall color",
["Tooltip"] = "tooltip",
["DataTooltipMode"] = "data tooltip mode",
["AccumulateTooltip"] = "tooltip value accumulation",
["ColTooltip"] = "column tooltip",
["XTooltip"] = "x tooltip",
["LegendTooltip"] = "legend tooltip",
["TooltipSep"] = "tooltip separator",
["MeanLabel"] = "mean label",
["OrderLabel"] = "order label",
["SumLabel"] = "sum label",
["DifLabel"] = "difference label",
["AllLabel"] = "all label",
["Opt"] = {
["basic"] = "basic",
["num"] = "num",
["perc"] = "perc",
["order"] = "order",
["mean"] = "mean",
["meandif"] = "meandif",
["list"] = "list",
["sum"] = "sum",
["dif"] = "dif",
["x"] = "x",
["gr"] = "gr",
["abs"] = "abs",
["rel"] = "rel",
["all"] = "all",
["prior"] = "prior",
["next"] = "next",
["Msg"] = {
["DefShow"] = {
["Mean"] = "x̄",
["Order"] = "Order",
["Sum"] = "∑",
["Dif"] = "∆",
["All"] = "All",
["MouseOver"] = {
["Pie"] = "Moving the mouse cursor over the pie appears data tooltip",
["Tooltip"] = "Moving the mouse cursor above $1 appears data tooltip",
["Cols"] = "the columns",
["X"] = "the X-axis text",
["Legend"] = "the legend text",
["Quali"] = "quali",
["SemiQ"] = "semiq",
["And"] = "and",
["Tt_abs"] = "abs.:",
["Tt_rel"] = "rel.:",
["Total"] = "Total",
["Error"] = {
["InvalTooltip"] = "Incorrect value for \"$1\": $2. Only \"$3\" are valid",
["SliceWithNotNumber"] = "Sector $1: \"$2\", the first element (\"$3\") should be a number",
["NoSlices"] = "No sector found: a graph can not be drawn",
["RequiredValForS"] = "Values must be provided for $1",
["KWNumAndGroupNumNotMatched"] = "$1 should contain the same item number as the group number, but contains $2 items and there are $2 groups",
["IncompatibleSettings"] = "Bad assignment: $1 and $2 are not supported",
["NotHaveSameNumber"] = "$1 $2 does not have the same number of values as $3 1",
["InvalLegendNumber"] = "Incorrect name of $1. It should be exactly $2",
["ExpectedNumForKW"] = "A numeric index was expected for key $1 instead of $2",
["EmptyTooltip"] = "No value for \"$1\" of \"$2\". Valid \"$3\"",
["InvalTooltip1Group"] = "When there is only one group, it is not allowed to assign options to \"$1\"",
["LookAtHelp"] = "Incorrect value for \"$1\": $2. See template help for this option",
["AnyGroupIsRequired"] = "Any group is required",
["Selected2LinesButNoSpaces"] = "Two lines are selected for the legends of the X values, but there is no legend with two words",
["SetDataTooltipModeAndCustomDataTooltipMode"] = "For automated tooltip mode of data, you have assigned values for $1 and $2",
["InvalDataTooltipMode"] = "Invalid automated tooltip mode of data ($1): $2",
["InvalDataTooltipMode2Need"] = "$1: Two parameters are required (for X and Y) and there are $2",
return {
i18n = i18n,