Vés al contingut

Mòdul:Infobox anatomy/i18n

De la Viquipèdia, l'enciclopèdia lliure
local p = {}

--Warning: If an "Args" item has more one value: These values must be written between "{" and "}". More than two values are allowed.
local MLMT	= require "Module:Multilang module tools"
local GIBTi	= require "Module:Global infobox tools/items"
local GIBT	= require "Module:Global infobox tools"
local MIBIi	= require "Module:Medical infobox items/items"
local IAi = require "Module:Infobox anatomy/items"

p.rs_val = { --reserved keys and their values for infobox configuration
	-- When here a value is nil or "", the used value is the value read from Global infobox tools/i18n.rs_val
	-- To see the values that these variables take, use |allitems=list
	[GIBTi.rk.rs_colorbox]			= "", --color for title and headers
	[GIBTi.rk.rs_color_tit_cllps]	= "", --color for header of the collapsible text data
    [GIBTi.rk.rs_bodystyle]			= "",
    [GIBTi.rk.rs_titlestyle]		= "", -- by default is rs_colorbox as background and centered text
    [GIBTi.rk.rs_headerstyle]		= "", -- by default is rs_colorbox as background 
    [GIBTi.rk.rs_subheaderstyle]	= "", -- by default is rs_color_tit_cllps as background and centered text
    [GIBTi.rk.rs_imagestyle]		= "", -- by default is padding-bottom:0.1em;line-height:1.35;font-size:98%
    [GIBTi.rk.rs_captionstyle]		= "", -- by default is padding-top:0.3em;padding-bottom:0.1em;line-height:1.35;font-size:98%
    [GIBTi.rk.rs_labelstyle]		= "", -- by default is text-align:start; padding-right:1.2em; background:#eeeeee (approx. silver)
    [GIBTi.rk.rs_datastyle]			= "", -- by default is text-align:start
    [GIBTi.rk.rs_belowstyle]		= "", -- 
	[GIBTi.rk.rs_icon]				= "", -- filename of the icon that appears beside of the title
	[GIBTi.rk.rs_icon_at_begin]		= true, -- the position in relation to the title
	[GIBTi.rk.rs_icon_hint]			= "", -- by default is the template name, displayed when hovering over the icon with the mouse cursor 
	[GIBTi.rk.rs_image_max_num]		= 2, -- max number of images (1-2)
	[GIBTi.rk.rs_def_image_size]	= "", -- by default is 300x300px
	--referred to label/data content
	[GIBTi.rk.rs_changeable_lbls]	= false, -- if true, allows users to change the label text, using the next prefix:
	[GIBTi.rk.rs_param_prefix_lbl]	= "", -- by default is l_
	[GIBTi.rk.rs_def_charnum_cllps]	= 180, --number of characters from which the text will appear collapsed (for some label-data items)
	[GIBTi.rk.rs_below]        		= "", --fixed text (i.e. information) for for all the same infoboxes

p.items = { --This is (perhaps) the only table you need to modify to localize the content
	-- To see the current values for above variables use |allitems=list
	[MLMT.k.Args] = { -- alternative (localized) names for parameters
	--Warning: If an item has more one value: These values must be written between "{" and "}". More than two values are allowed.
		[IAi.k.type]			= "Tipus",
		-- Location and system
		[IAi.k.part_of]			= "Part de",
		[IAi.k.system]			= "Sistema",
		[IAi.k.location]		= "",
		[IAi.k.Decussation]		= "",
		[IAi.k.PhysicalExam]	= "",
		[IAi.k.components]		= "",
		[IAi.k.morphology]		= "",
		-- Origins (where from) -->
		[IAi.k.From]			= "",
		[IAi.k.Origins]			= "Origen",
		[IAi.k.DrainsFrom]		= "DrenaDe",
		[IAi.k.Source]			= "",
		-- Destination -->
		[IAi.k.To]				= "",
		[IAi.k.insertion]		= "Inserció",
		[IAi.k.articulation]	= "Articulació",
		[IAi.k.DrainsTo]		= {"DrenaA","Terminació"},
		[IAi.k.BranchFrom]		= "De",
		[IAi.k.BranchTo]		= "A",
		-- Supporting structures (arteries, nerves, ...)
		[IAi.k.artery]			= "Artèria",
		[IAi.k.vein]			= {"Vena","Vena satèl·lit","Retorn venós"},
		[IAi.k.nerve]			= "Nervi",
		[IAi.k.NerveRoot]		= "",
		[IAi.k.lymph]			= "Limfa",
		-- Function -->
		[IAi.k.Function]		= "",
		[IAi.k.Supplies]		= "Irrigació",
		[IAi.k.Innervates]		= {"innervacio","Innervació"},
		[IAi.k.action]			= "Acció",
		[IAi.k.Antagonist]		= "Antagonista",
		[IAi.k.neurotransmitter]= "",
		[IAi.k.afferents]		= "",
		[IAi.k.efferents]		= "",
		[IAi.k.FiberType]		= "",
		[IAi.k.acronym]			= "",
		[IAi.k.code]			= "Codi",
		[IAi.k.BrainInfoType]	= "",
		[IAi.k.BrainInfoNumber]	= "",
		[IAi.k.NeuroLex]		= "",
		[IAi.k.BamsSlug]		= "",
		[IAi.k.TA98]			= "",
		[IAi.k.TH]				= "",
		[IAi.k.TE]				= "",
		-- External Resources
		[IAi.k.FMA]				= "",
		[IAi.k.Gray]			= "",
		[IAi.k.EB_Online]		= "",
	[MLMT.k.Labels] = { -- alternative (localized) name to header/label returned from Wikidata 
	-- If possible, it is always best to modify the locazation in Wikidata
		[IAi.k.hd_details]		= 'Detalls',
		[IAi.k.Latin]			= '[[Llatí]]',
		[IAi.k.Greek]			= '[[Grec antic|Grec]]',
		-- Embryology
		[IAi.k.CarnegieStage]	= '[[Etapes de Carnegie|Etapa de Carnegie]]',
		[IAi.k.days]			= '',
		[IAi.k.precursor]		= '',
		[IAi.k.gives_rise_to]	= '',
		-- Location and system
		[IAi.k.part_of]			= '',
		[IAi.k.system]			= '',
		[IAi.k.location]		= '',
		[IAi.k.Decussation]		= '',
		[IAi.k.PhysicalExam]	= '',
		[IAi.k.components]		= '',
		[IAi.k.morphology]		= '',
		-- Origins (where from) -->
		[IAi.k.From]			= '',
		[IAi.k.Origins]			= '',
		[IAi.k.DrainsFrom]		= '',
		[IAi.k.Source]			= '',
		[IAi.k.SourceFrom]		= '',
		-- Destination -->
		[IAi.k.To]				= '',
		[IAi.k.insertion]		= '',
		[IAi.k.MuscleInsertion]	= '',
		[IAi.k.articulation]	= '',
		[IAi.k.DrainsTo]		= '',
		[IAi.k.BranchFrom]		= '', ---------
		[IAi.k.BranchTo]		= '',
		-- Supporting structures (arteries, nerves, ...)
		[IAi.k.artery]			= '[[Artèria]]',
		[IAi.k.NourishingArtery]= '[[Artèria|Artèria nodridora]]',
		[IAi.k.vein]			= '[[Vena]]',
		[IAi.k.VenousReturn]	= '[[Vena|Retorn venós]]',
		[IAi.k.SatelliteVein]	= '[[Vena]] satèl·lit',
		[IAi.k.nerve]			= '[[Nervi]]',
		[IAi.k.NerveRoot]		= '[[Arrel nerviosa]]',
		[IAi.k.lymph]			= '[[Limfa]]',
		-- Function -->
		[IAi.k.Function]		= '',
		[IAi.k.Supplies]		= '',
		[IAi.k.Innervates]		= '',
		[IAi.k.action]			= '[[Termes anatòmics del moviment|Accions]]',
		[IAi.k.Antagonist]		= '[[Múscul antagonista|Antagonista]]',
		[IAi.k.neurotransmitter]= '',
		[IAi.k.afferents]		= '',
		[IAi.k.efferents]		= '',
		[IAi.k.FiberType]		= '[[Fibra nerviosa|Tipus de fibra]]',
		[IAi.k.hd_identifiers]	= 'Identificadors', 
		[IAi.k.acronym]			= '',
		[IAi.k.code]			= '',
		[IAi.k.BrainInfoType]	= '',
		[IAi.k.BrainInfoNumber]	= '',
		[IAi.k.NeuroLex]		= '[[NeuroLex]]',
		[IAi.k.BamsSlug]		= '[[Brain Architecture Management System|BAMS]]',
		[IAi.k.TA98]			= '[[Terminologia Anatomica|TA]]',
		[IAi.k.TH]				= '[[Terminologia Histologica|TH]]',
		[IAi.k.TE]				= '[[Terminologia Embryologica|TE]]',
		-- External Resources
		[IAi.k.hd_ExtRes]		= 'Recursos externs', 
		[IAi.k.FMA]				= '[[Foundational Model of Anatomy|FMA]]',
		[IAi.k.Gray]			= '[[Anatomia de Gray|Gray]]',
		[IAi.k.EB_Online]		= '[[Encyclopædia Britannica Online|EB Online]]',

p.untranslat_args = { 
	--parameters to monitorize for untranslated words returned from Wikidata. 
	--article names are stored in rs_cat_wds_untranslat 


p.omit_params = {
	-- Key of standard params to omit
	-- When also change of the parameter order is required, the better solution is to use a new_idx

local NChars = GIBT.rs[GIBTi.rk.rs_def_charnum_cllps]
p.preset_params = {
	-- Key and a preset integer value
	-- Not used in this module

-- NEW ITEMS (non-standard) --

p.k = {
	-- definition of the keys of new items to use below, in format, i.g. name = "name"
	GEC_id		= "GEC_id",

p.new_items = {
	-- items to add
	[MLMT.k.Args] = {
		Each item consists of:
		[key] = {"manual_parameter_name/s", "call to WD"},
		The first or second subitem can be omitted.	To omit a subitem means to leave it between "".
		"manual_parameter_name/s" can be "name" or {"name_1", "name2"}
		"call to WD" may be:
		  simple, e.g. "_P123456789" or
		  complex, e.g. {property = "P123456789", formatting = "[http:/web/$1 $1]", ...}		
		[p.k.GEC_id] = {"",	{property="P1296", 
							formatting='[https://www.enciclopedia.cat/ec-gec-$1.xml $1]'}},
	[MLMT.k.Labels] = {
		Each item consists of:
		[key] = "label",
		"label" must be:
		  a text or 
		  a call to WD, e.g. "_P123456789"
		[p.k.GEC_id] = "[[Enciclopèdia Catalana]]",

p.new_lims = {
	It is an optional table to set parameter types for a new_args. 
	    type of the parameter. Usually types are: "s" or string, "i" or integer, "n" or number, "b" or boolean. 
			The numeric parameters can add "+" for positive value.
		By default the parameter type is a string ("s")
	e.g. {new_item,	'i'},

function p.local_func (frame, args)
-- Only use this function for localized parameters
-- "frame" sometimes is required for a function (see below)
-- "args" contains all parameters and its values
	vals = {} -- ← Do not delete or change this line!
	--"vals" is a table that will contain none to several items.
		--where EACH item contains the name of target standard parameter and its value 
	result_for_this_param = 
		"result_for_this_param" contains the value for one item.
		1. if you know how to program minimally with lua:
		    e.g. for two lines: args("param_1")..'</br>'..args("param_2")
		2. a call to a module:    
			require("Module:Module_name_to_call").called_function (parameter_list)
			parameter_list is the list of the comma separated parameters an between "{}":
				e.g. {separator='<br>', args("param_1"), args("param_2")
		3. if you don't know how to program or a template is a better solution:
			frame:expandTemplate {
				title = "template_name", --template_name is the name of the used template, it must be write between "". e.g. "My template"
				args = {the_args} -- "the_args" are the parameters passed to the used template
				                  -- e.g: {args("param_1"), args("param_2")}, where "param_1" and "param_2" are the name of two localized parameters
				} <-the last curly bracket
				also you can read: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Scribunto/Lua_reference_manual#frame:callParserFunction
	table.insert (vals, {target_param_name, result_for_this_param}) --It adds one item with the target parameter and a previous set value
	         "target_param_name" is the name of a target standard parameter
	e.g. for several values:
		result_for_this_param = args("param_1")
		table.insert (vals, {target_param_name_1, result_for_this_param})
		result_for_this_param = '<b>''..args("param_2")..'</b>' --always appears in bold
		table.insert (vals, {target_param_name_2, result_for_this_param})
	result_for_this_param = args(p.k.GEC_id)
	table.insert (vals, {p.k.GEC_id, result_for_this_param})
	return vals -- ← Do not delete this line!
end --local_func

-- WARNING!: p.new_idx is a duplicated table of IAi.idx, and this replaces IAi.idx
p.new_idx = { --index for parameter and/or header/label lists
	[IAi.tp.all] = {
		{'a',  GIBTi.rk.name},
		{'-',  GIBT.images},
		{ 'L', IAi.k.hd_details},
		{'al', IAi.k.synonym},
		{'al', IAi.k.Latin},
		{'al', IAi.k.Greek},
		-- Embryology
		{'al', IAi.k.CarnegieStage},
		{'al', IAi.k.days},
		{'al', IAi.k.precursor},
		{'al', IAi.k.gives_rise_to},
		-- Location and system
		{'al', IAi.k.part_of},
		{'al', IAi.k.system},
		{'al', IAi.k.location},
		{'al', IAi.k.Decussation},
		{'al', IAi.k.PhysicalExam},
		{'al', IAi.k.components},
		{'al', IAi.k.morphology},
		-- Origins (where from) 
		{'al', IAi.k.From},
		{'al', IAi.k.Origins},
		{'al', IAi.k.DrainsFrom},
		{'al', IAi.k.Source},
		-- Destination 
		{'al', IAi.k.To},
		{'al', IAi.k.insertion},
		{'al', IAi.k.articulation},
		{'al', IAi.k.DrainsTo},
		{'al', IAi.k.BranchFrom},
		{'al', IAi.k.BranchTo},
		-- Supporting structures (arteries, nerves, ...)
		{'al', IAi.k.artery},
		{'al', IAi.k.vein},
		{'al', IAi.k.nerve},
		{'al', IAi.k.NerveRoot},
		{'al', IAi.k.lymph},
		-- Function 
		{'al', IAi.k.Function},
		{'al', IAi.k.Supplies},
		{'al', IAi.k.Innervates},
		{'al', IAi.k.action},
		{'al', IAi.k.Antagonist},
		{'al', IAi.k.neurotransmitter},
		{'al', IAi.k.afferents},
		{'al', IAi.k.efferents},
		{'al', IAi.k.FiberType},
		{ 'L', IAi.k.hd_identifiers}, 
		{'al', IAi.k.acronym},
		{'-',  MIBIi.k.Mesh},
		--{'al', IAi.k.code},
		{'al', IAi.k.BrainInfoType},
		{'al', IAi.k.BrainInfoNumber},
		{'al', IAi.k.NeuroLex},
		{'al', IAi.k.BamsSlug},
		{'al', IAi.k.TA98},
		{'al', IAi.k.TH},
		{'al', IAi.k.TE},
		-- External Resources
		{ 'L', IAi.k.hd_ExtRes}, 
		{'al', p.k.GEC_id},
		{'al', IAi.k.FMA},
		{'al', IAi.k.Gray},
		{'al', IAi.k.EB_Online},
	[IAi.tp.artery] = {
		{'a',  GIBTi.rk.name},
		{'-',  GIBT.images},
		{ 'L', IAi.k.hd_details},
		{'al', IAi.k.synonym},
		{'al', IAi.k.Latin},
		{'al', IAi.k.Greek},
		-- Embryology
		{'al', IAi.k.precursor},
		-- Destination 
		{'al', IAi.k.BranchFrom},
		{'al', IAi.k.BranchTo},
		-- Supporting structures (arteries, nerves, ...)
		{'al', IAi.k.vein},
		-- Function 
		{'al', IAi.k.Supplies},
		{ 'L', IAi.k.hd_identifiers}, 
		{'al', IAi.k.acronym},
		{'-',  MIBIi.k.Mesh},
		--{'al', IAi.k.code},
		{'al', IAi.k.TA98},
		{'al', IAi.k.TH},
		{'al', IAi.k.TE},
		-- External Resources
		{ 'L', IAi.k.hd_ExtRes}, 
		{'al', p.k.GEC_id},
		{'al', IAi.k.FMA},
		{'al', IAi.k.Gray},
		{'al', IAi.k.EB_Online},
	[IAi.tp.bone] = {
		{'a',  GIBTi.rk.name},
		{'-',  GIBT.images},
		{ 'L', IAi.k.hd_details},
		{'al', IAi.k.synonym},
		{'al', IAi.k.Latin},
		{'al', IAi.k.Greek},
		-- Embryology
		{'al', IAi.k.precursor},
		-- Location and system
		{'al', IAi.k.part_of},
		{'al', IAi.k.system},
		-- Origins (where from) 
		{'al', IAi.k.Origins},
		-- Destination 
		{'al', IAi.k.insertion},
		{'al', IAi.k.articulation},
		-- Supporting structures (arteries, nerves, ...)
		{'al', IAi.k.nerve},
		{ 'L', IAi.k.hd_identifiers}, 
		{'al', IAi.k.acronym},
		{'-',  MIBIi.k.Mesh},
		--{'al', IAi.k.code},
		{'al', IAi.k.TA98},
		{'al', IAi.k.TH},
		{'al', IAi.k.TE},
		-- External Resources
		{ 'L', IAi.k.hd_ExtRes}, 
		{'al', p.k.GEC_id},
		{'al', IAi.k.FMA},
		{'al', IAi.k.Gray},
		{'al', IAi.k.EB_Online},
	[IAi.tp.brain] = {
		{'a',  GIBTi.rk.name},
		{'-',  GIBT.images},
		{ 'L', IAi.k.hd_details},
		{'al', IAi.k.synonym},
		{'al', IAi.k.Latin},
		{'al', IAi.k.Greek},
		-- Embryology
		{'al', IAi.k.precursor},
		-- Location and system
		{'al', IAi.k.part_of},
		{'al', IAi.k.system},
		{'al', IAi.k.location},
		-- Supporting structures (arteries, nerves, ...)
		{'al', IAi.k.artery},
		{'al', IAi.k.vein},
		-- Function 
		{'al', IAi.k.Function},
		{ 'L', IAi.k.hd_identifiers}, 
		{'al', IAi.k.acronym},
		{'-',  MIBIi.k.Mesh},
		--{'al', IAi.k.code},
		{'al', IAi.k.BrainInfoType},
		{'al', IAi.k.BrainInfoNumber},
		{'al', IAi.k.NeuroLex},
		{'al', IAi.k.BamsSlug},
		{'al', IAi.k.TA98},
		{'al', IAi.k.TH},
		{'al', IAi.k.TE},
		-- External Resources
		{ 'L', IAi.k.hd_ExtRes}, 
		{'al', p.k.GEC_id},
		{'al', IAi.k.FMA},
		{'al', IAi.k.Gray},
		{'al', IAi.k.EB_Online},
	[IAi.tp.embryology] = {
		{'a',  GIBTi.rk.name},
		{'-',  GIBT.images},
		{ 'L', IAi.k.hd_details},
		{'al', IAi.k.synonym},
		{'al', IAi.k.Latin},
		{'al', IAi.k.Greek},
		-- Embryology
		{'al', IAi.k.CarnegieStage},
		{'al', IAi.k.days},
		{'al', IAi.k.precursor},
		{'al', IAi.k.gives_rise_to},
		-- Location and system
		{'al', IAi.k.system},
		{'al', IAi.k.location},
		{ 'L', IAi.k.hd_identifiers}, 
		{'al', IAi.k.acronym},
		{'-',  MIBIi.k.Mesh},
		--{'al', IAi.k.code},
		{'al', IAi.k.TA98},
		{'al', IAi.k.TH},
		{'al', IAi.k.TE},
		-- External Resources
		{ 'L', IAi.k.hd_ExtRes}, 
		{'al', p.k.GEC_id},
		{'al', IAi.k.FMA},
		{'al', IAi.k.Gray},
		{'al', IAi.k.EB_Online},
	[IAi.tp.lymph] = {
		{'a',  GIBTi.rk.name},
		{'-',  GIBT.images},
		{ 'L', IAi.k.hd_details},
		{'al', IAi.k.synonym},
		{'al', IAi.k.Latin},
		{'al', IAi.k.Greek},
		-- Location and system
		{'al', IAi.k.system},
		-- Origins (where from) 
		{'al', IAi.k.DrainsFrom},
		{'al', IAi.k.Source},
		-- Destination 
		{'al', IAi.k.DrainsTo},
		{ 'L', IAi.k.hd_identifiers}, 
		{'al', IAi.k.acronym},
		{'-',  MIBIi.k.Mesh},
		--{'al', IAi.k.code},
		{'al', IAi.k.TA98},
		{'al', IAi.k.TH},
		{'al', IAi.k.TE},
		-- External Resources
		{ 'L', IAi.k.hd_ExtRes}, 
		{'al', p.k.GEC_id},
		{'al', IAi.k.FMA},
		{'al', IAi.k.Gray},
		{'al', IAi.k.EB_Online},
	[IAi.tp.muscle] = {
		{'a',  GIBTi.rk.name},
		{'-',  GIBT.images},
		{ 'L', IAi.k.hd_details},
		{'al', IAi.k.synonym},
		{'al', IAi.k.Latin},
		{'al', IAi.k.Greek},
		-- Location and system
		{'al', IAi.k.part_of},
		{'al', IAi.k.system},
		-- Origins (where from) 
		{'al', IAi.k.Origins},
		-- Destination 
		{'al', IAi.k.insertion},
		-- Supporting structures (arteries, nerves, ...)
		{'al', IAi.k.artery},
		{'al', IAi.k.vein},
		{'al', IAi.k.nerve},
		-- Function 
		{'al', IAi.k.action},
		{'al', IAi.k.Antagonist},
		{ 'L', IAi.k.hd_identifiers}, 
		{'al', IAi.k.acronym},
		{'-',  MIBIi.k.Mesh},
		--{'al', IAi.k.code},
		{'al', IAi.k.TA98},
		{'al', IAi.k.TH},
		{'al', IAi.k.TE},
		-- External Resources
		{ 'L', IAi.k.hd_ExtRes}, 
		{'al', p.k.GEC_id},
		{'al', IAi.k.FMA},
		{'al', IAi.k.Gray},
		{'al', IAi.k.EB_Online},
	[IAi.tp.nerve] = {
		{'a',  GIBTi.rk.name},
		{'-',  GIBT.images},
		{ 'L', IAi.k.hd_details},
		{'al', IAi.k.synonym},
		{'al', IAi.k.Latin},
		{'al', IAi.k.Greek},
		-- Location and system
		{'al', IAi.k.part_of},
		{'al', IAi.k.system},
		-- Destination 
		{'al', IAi.k.BranchFrom},
		{'al', IAi.k.BranchTo},
		-- Function 
		{'al', IAi.k.Function},
		{'al', IAi.k.Innervates},
		{'al', IAi.k.FiberType},
		{ 'L', IAi.k.hd_identifiers}, 
		{'al', IAi.k.acronym},
		{'-',  MIBIi.k.Mesh},
		--{'al', IAi.k.code},
		{'al', IAi.k.BrainInfoType},
		{'al', IAi.k.BrainInfoNumber},
		{'al', IAi.k.NeuroLex},
		{'al', IAi.k.BamsSlug},
		{'al', IAi.k.TA98},
		{'al', IAi.k.TH},
		{'al', IAi.k.TE},
		-- External Resources
		{ 'L', IAi.k.hd_ExtRes}, 
		{'al', p.k.GEC_id},
		{'al', IAi.k.FMA},
		{'al', IAi.k.Gray},
		{'al', IAi.k.EB_Online},
	[IAi.tp.organ] = {
		{'a',  GIBTi.rk.name},
		{'-',  GIBT.images},
		{ 'L', IAi.k.hd_details},
		{'al', IAi.k.synonym},
		{'al', IAi.k.Latin},
		{'al', IAi.k.Greek},
		-- Embryology
		{'al', IAi.k.precursor},
		-- Location and system
		{'al', IAi.k.system},
		-- Supporting structures (arteries, nerves, ...)
		{'al', IAi.k.artery},
		{'al', IAi.k.vein},
		{'al', IAi.k.lymph},
		-- Function 
		{'al', IAi.k.Innervates},
		{ 'L', IAi.k.hd_identifiers}, 
		{'al', IAi.k.acronym},
		{'-',  MIBIi.k.Mesh},
		--{'al', IAi.k.code},
		{'al', IAi.k.TA98},
		{'al', IAi.k.TH},
		{'al', IAi.k.TE},
		-- External Resources
		{ 'L', IAi.k.hd_ExtRes}, 
		{'al', p.k.GEC_id},
		{'al', IAi.k.FMA},
		{'al', IAi.k.Gray},
		{'al', IAi.k.EB_Online},
	[IAi.tp.vein] = {
		{'a',  GIBTi.rk.name},
		{'-',  GIBT.images},
		{ 'L', IAi.k.hd_details},
		{'al', IAi.k.synonym},
		{'al', IAi.k.Latin},
		{'al', IAi.k.Greek},
		-- Embryology
		{'al', IAi.k.precursor},
		-- Location and system
		{'al', IAi.k.system},
		-- Origins (where from) 
		{'al', IAi.k.DrainsFrom},
		{'al', IAi.k.Source},
		-- Destination 
		{'al', IAi.k.DrainsTo},
		-- Supporting structures (arteries, nerves, ...)
		{'al', IAi.k.artery},
		{ 'L', IAi.k.hd_identifiers}, 
		{'al', IAi.k.acronym},
		{'-',  MIBIi.k.Mesh},
		--{'al', IAi.k.code},
		{'al', IAi.k.TA98},
		{'al', IAi.k.TH},
		{'al', IAi.k.TE},
		-- External Resources
		{ 'L', IAi.k.hd_ExtRes}, 
		{'al', p.k.GEC_id},
		{'al', IAi.k.FMA},
		{'al', IAi.k.Gray},
		{'al', IAi.k.EB_Online},

return p