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Mòdul:Map/Maki icon overview

De la Viquipèdia, l'enciclopèdia lliure
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Mòdul Map (codi · ús · discussió · proves · tests · casos prova | subpàgines · enllaços)

A continuació es mostra la documentació transclosa de la subpàgina /ús. [salta a la caixa de codi]

Mòdul auxiliar per generar un mapa d'icones disponibles. Es pot usar amb la plantilla {{Map draw/ús/Maki Icons}}.

Original de mw:Module:Maki icon overview.

local p = {} --p stands for package

p.numbers = {}
for i = 1, 99 do
  table.insert( p.numbers, "-number" )

p.letters = {}
for i = 1, 26 do
  table.insert( p.letters, "-letter" )

p.icons = {

p.step = 0.08
p.columnCount = 15

function p.grid( frame )
	local iconKey = frame.args.icons or "icons"
	local iconList = p[iconKey]
	local height = math.floor( math.ceil( #iconList / p.columnCount ) * p.step * 729 + 80 )

	return frame:preprocess(
		'<maplink text="Maki Icons" width="1000" height="'
		.. height
		.. [[" align="right" zoom="10">
	"type": "FeatureCollection",
	"features": [
		.. table.concat( p.coordGrid( iconList ), ",\n		" )
		.. [[

function p.coordGrid( iconList )
	local outputTable = {}
	local iconIndex = 1
	-- Stop iterating rows when we run out of icons.
	for y = 0, 999, p.step do
		for x = 0, ( p.columnCount - 1 ) * p.step, p.step do
			local icon = iconList[iconIndex]
			if not icon then
				return outputTable
			-- Positive Y is up, so negate to read top-to-bottom.
			table.insert( outputTable, '{ "type": "Feature", '
				.. '"geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ '
				.. x
				.. ', -'
				.. y
				.. ' ] }, '
				.. '"properties": { "title": "\\"marker-symbol\\": \\"'
				.. icon
				.. '\\"", "marker-symbol": "'
				.. icon
				.. '", "marker-color": "54595d", "marker-size": "large" } }'
			iconIndex = iconIndex + 1

function p.list ( frame )
	local outputTable = {}
	local hasDescriptions = false

	for key, icon in pairs( p.icons ) do
		table.insert( outputTable, '|-\n| [[File:Maki7-' .. icon .. '.svg|18px]] || ' .. icon )

		local helpText = frame.args[icon] or frame:getParent().args[icon]
		if helpText then
			table.insert( outputTable, ' || ' .. helpText )
			hasDescriptions = true

		table.insert( outputTable, '\n' )

	local tableHeader = [[
		 |+ {{int:kartographer-icon-docs-table}}
		 ! {{int:kartographer-icon-docs-icon}} !! {{int:kartographer-icon-docs-key}}
	if hasDescriptions then
		tableHeader = tableHeader .. '!! {{int:kartographer-icon-docs-help}}'
	table.insert( outputTable, 1, tableHeader .. '\n' )

	table.insert( outputTable, '|}' )

	return frame:preprocess( table.concat( outputTable ) )

return p