< Mòdul:Wikidades | i18n
Podeu crear la pàgina d'ús per documentar aquest mòdul Lua. |
local i18n = { -- versión de glwiki (20200417) + novedades de cawiki (igual data)
["errors"] = {
["property-not-found"] = "Propiedade non atopada.",
["entity-not-found"] = "Entidade non atopada.",
["unknown-claim-type"] = "Tipo de afirmación (claim) descoñecida.",
["unknown-entity-type"] = "Tipo de entidade descoñecida.",
["qualifier-not-found"] = "Cualificador non atopado.",
["site-not-found"] = "Proxecto Wikimedia non atopado.",
["unknown-datetime-format"] = "Formato de data/horario descoñecido.",
["local-article-not-found"] = "O artigo aínda non está dispoñible neste wiki",
['not-from-content-page'] = "Non invoques Wikidata directamente nun artigo. Usa un modelo ou ben Wikidata/probas."
["datetime"] =
-- $1 is a placeholder for the actual number
[0] = "$1 mil millóns de anos", -- precision: billion years
[1] = "$100 millóns de anos", -- precision: hundred million years
[2] = "$10 milions de anos", -- precision: ten million years
[3] = "$1 milions de anos", -- precision: million years
[4] = "$100.000 anos", -- precision: hundred thousand years
[5] = "$10.000 anos", -- precision: ten thousand years
[8] = "década do $1", -- precision: decade
-- the following use the format of #time parser function
[6] = 'xrY "milenio"', -- precision: millennium
[7] = '"século" xrY', -- precision: century
[9] = "Y", -- precision: year
[10] = "F Y", -- precision: month
[11] = function(ts) return mw.ustring.match(ts, "-(%d+)T") == "01" and 'j"r" F Y' or "j F Y" end, -- precision: day
[12] = "j F Y ga", -- precision: hour
[13] = "j F Y g:ia", -- precision: minute
[14] = "j F Y g:i:sa", -- precision: second
["beforenow"] = "fa $1", -- how to format negative numbers for precisions 0 to 5
["afternow"] = "de aquí $1", -- how to format positive numbers for precisions 0 to 5
["bc"] = '$1 aC', -- how print negative years
["ad"] = "$1", -- how print positive years
["bc-addon"] = " aC", -- suffix for negative dates
["ad-addon"] = " dC", -- suffix for 1st century AD dates
["monolingualtext"] = '<span lang="%language">%text</span>',
["warnDump"] = "[[Categoría:Función Dump do módulo Wikidata]]",
["cite"] = { -- Cite web parameters
["url"] = "url",
["title"] = "título",
["website"] = "obra",
["access-date"] = "consulta",
["archive-url"] = "arquivourl",
["archive-date"] = "arquivodata",
["author"] = "autor",
["publisher"] = "editor",
["quote"] = "cita",
["language"] = "lingua",
["date"] = "data",
["pages"] = "páxina"
-- local wiki settings
["addpencil"] = true, -- adds a pencil icon linked to Wikidata statement, planned to overwrite by Wikidata Bridge
-- Revisar los dos parámetros siguientes. Tienen el valor de cawiki
["categorylabels"] = "Category:Pàgines amb etiquetes de Wikidata sense traducció", -- void for no local category
["addfallback"] = {'fr', 'it', 'es', 'gl', 'pt', 'an', 'ast', 'ext'} -- additional fallback language codes
-- Functions for local grammatical cases
local cases = {
["infoboxlabel"] = function(word) return require("Module:Wikidades/labels").fixInfoboxLabel(word) end,
["infoboxdata"] = function(word) return require("Module:Wikidades/labels").infoboxdata[word] or word end,
["smallcaps"] = function(word) return '<span style="font-variant: small-caps;">' .. word .. '</span>' end,
-- case gender and item is female, now fetched from Wikidata
--["feminine"] = function(word, lang) if lang == nil or lang == "gl" then return require("Module:gl-flexión").fem(word) end return word end
return {
i18n = i18n,
cases = cases