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Nicholas Kollerstrom

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Plantilla:Infotaula personaNicholas Kollerstrom
Naixement13 desembre 1946 Modifica el valor a Wikidata (78 anys)
Formació professionalMA, Ciències Naturals, University of Cambridge, 1968
PhD, Science and Technology, University College London, 1995
FormacióUniversitat de Cambridge
University College de Londres
Corpus Christi College, Cambridge Modifica el valor a Wikidata
OcupacióWriter, historian of science
OcupadorUniversity College de Londres Modifica el valor a Wikidata

Nicholas Kollerstrom (nascut el 13 de desembre de 1946) és un escriptor i historiador de la ciència anglès. Entre els seus llibres figuren, Gardening and Planting by the Moon (una sèrie anual iniciada el 1980), Newton's Forgotten Lunar Theory (2000), Crop Circles (2002), i Terror on the Tube (2009). També ha escrit articles per a la Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers.

Kollerstrom ha estast involucrat en temes d'activisme polític. El 1986 va cofundar el Belgrano Action Group després d el'enfonsament per part dels britànics de l'ARA General Belgrano durant la Guerra de les Malvines. La Universitat UCL li va retirar el fellow el 2008 després que publiqués materials sobre Auschwitz en webs de la negació de l'Holocaust.[1]

L'any 1999 Kollerstrom va rbre l'encàrrec per part de la Royal Astronomical Society per classificar la correspondència relacionada amb el descobriment del planeta Neptú i en un article a Scientific American va argumentar que s'atribueix errònimant als britànics el descobriment de Neptú.[2]

El 2003 va escriure a BMC Psychiatry sobre l'efecte de la Lluna en el comportament humà.[3]

Algunes obres

  • (1980) with Simon Best, Lunar Planting Manual 1980-81, W Foulsham & Co Ltd. ISBN 0-572-01059-1
  • (1980) Gardening and Planting by the Moon, an annual series.
  • (1982) Lead on the Brain: A Plain Guide to Britain's No. 1 Pollutant, Wildwood House. ISBN 0-7045-0476-6
  • (1984) Astrochemistry: A Study of Metal-planet Affinities, Emergence Press. ISBN 0-946937-00-1
  • (1988) with George Farebrother (eds.), The Unnecessary War: Proceedings of the Belgrano Inquiry, November 7/8th 1986, The Belgrano Action Group, Spokesman Press.
  • (1993) The Metal-Planet Relationship: A Study of Celestial Influence, Borderland Sciences Research Foundation. ISBN 0-945685-14-9
  • (1994) with Mike O'Neill, The Eureka Effect: Astrology of Scientific Discovery, Auriel, 1994.
  • (1995) The Achievement of Newton's 'Theory of the Moon's Motion' of 1702, PhD dissertation, University of London.
  • (2000) Newton's Forgotten Lunar Theory, Green Lion Press. ISBN 1-888009-08-X
  • (2002) Crop Circles: The Hidden Form, Wessex Books. ISBN 1-903035-11-2
  • (2003) with George Farebrother (eds.), The Case against War: The Essential Legal Inquiries, Opinions and Judgements Concerning War in Iraq, Legal Inquiry Steering Group, with a preface by Nicholas Kollerstorm and Mark Levine (available here).
  • (2004) with Nicholas Campion (eds.), Galileo's Astrology, HR Wallingford Ltd. ISBN 1-898485-08-9
  • (2009) Terror on the Tube: Behind the Veil of 7/7, An Investigation, Progressive Press. ISBN 1-61577-007-0
  • (2009) Venus, the Path of Beauty, New Alchemy Press.
  • (2013) Farmer's Moon, New Alchemy Press.
  • (2013) Interface: Astronomical Essays for Astrologers, New Alchemy Press.
  • (2013) Eureka: The Celestial Pattern at Times of Historic Inspiration, New Alchemy Press.
  • (2014) The Secrets of the Seven Metals: A Bridge Between Heaven and Earth, New Alchemy Press.
  • (2014) Breaking the Spell. The Holocaust: Myth & Reality, Castle Hill Publishers.


  1. "Dr Nicholas Kollerstrom", UCL News, 22 April 2008.

    Daniella Peled, "College rejects Shoah denier", The Jewish Chronicle, 24 April 2008.

    Nick Cohen, "When academics lose their power of reason", The Observer, 4 May 2008.

  2. Christine McGourty, "Lost letters' Neptune revelations", BBC News, 10 April 2003.

    William Sheehan, Nicholas Kollerstrom, Craig B. Waff, "The Case of the Pilfered Planet", Scientific American, 22 November 2004.

    Robin McKie, "Revealed: how Britain put the spin on Neptune", The Observer, 12 December 2004.

    Nicholas Kollerstrom, "John Herschel on the Discovery of Neptune", Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage, 9(2), 2006, pp. 151–158.

  3. Nicholas Kollerstrom, Beverly Steffert, "Sex difference in response to stress by lunar month: A pilot study of four years' crisis-call frequency", BMC Psychiatry, 3(20), 10 December 2003. PMID: 14664724