This template builds the content of |doc= parameter for {{Statement+}}. "doc" is a free format text parameter to enter descriptive information to explain the meaning, use and constrains for the displayed case in the Statement+. The present template help to build a structured and visual format easy to use. It is specially useful when create a massive collection of Statement cases for documentation.
Name of the property documentation page (without claudators)
case or qid=
Item Qid used as a case in this Statement+
monovalue or m=
1, to indicate that the property has restricció d'un sol valor. Any other value for restricció de valor múltiple
symmetric or s=
any value to indicate that the property has restricció de simetria.
units or u=
any value to indicate that the property has restricció d'unitats permeses.
reference or r =
any value to indicate that the property has restricció de citació necessària.
inverse or i=
any value to indicate that the property has restricció inversa.
one_of or o=
any value to indicate that the property has restricció un-de.
contemporary or c =
any value to indicate that the property has restricció de simultaneïtat.
qualifier or q =
Up to 10 qualifier codes separated by comma that are restricció de qualificadors permesos.
description or d =
Free edited text with description.
doc = {{{doc|}}}
This is an exceptional parameter that must always be as shown in this documentation.
When a case use of a {{Statement+}} is made with {{DocInfobox docStatement}} and
it is saved as an auxiliary article to be expanded (ex.: {{wikidata:Case for documentation of P119-Q2356054}}), the content of original |doc= of the {{Statement+}} for this case will be transclude everytime it was used.
However, if we wish to use the case without or with another value of the original doc, we should write: {{wikidata:Case for documentation of P119-Q2356054|doc=new value abc, ....}}|} to override the original content value prepared inside. Write "none" as new value to change for nothing.
{{Statement+ | width_doc=30% | color_doc= #FFFFE7 |reference=close
|q1.p={{P-|P580}} |q1.v1= 5 oct 1789
|doc={{DocInfobox docStatement|P=P36 |qid=Q142|m=1|i=y|s=1|q=P580,P582,P1365,P1366|d=Complementary instructions as "between 1940 and 1944 capital was moved to Bayeux, Vichèi, Alger, Londres, Bordeus, Tours, because te WWII". ''(not displayed)''}}
exemple: FrançaComplementary instructions as "between 1940 and 1944 capital was moved to Bayeux, Vichèi, Alger, Londres, Bordeus, Tours, because te WWII". (not displayed)