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[modifica]Aquesta plantilla produeix una citació a la NIST Chemistry WebBook. Tots els paràmetres són opcionals. Per defecte, la plantilla produeix una citació genèrica al WebBook:
- Linstrom, P.J.; Mallard, W.G. (eds.) NIST Chemistry WebBook, NIST Standard Reference Database Number 69. National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg MD.
Per enllaçar a una substància específica, s'ha d'assignar un valor al paràmetre id. Un exemple utilitzant tots els paràmetres disponibles és el següent:
{{nist |name=Ammonium chloride |id=C12125029 |accessdate=2008 |mask=1F |units=CAL}}
Que mostra:
- Ammonium chloride in Linstrom, P.J.; Mallard, W.G. (eds.) NIST Chemistry WebBook, NIST Standard Reference Database Number 69. National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg MD. (recuperat 2008)
- id
- the NIST id for the substance (can be obtained from the URL).
- name
- the name of the substance, used for the link name. If not present, the ID will be used as a name.
- accessdate
- this can be useful because the WebBook could change as data is updated.
- units
- either CAL (for calorie-based units) or SI. The default is SI.
- mask
- this can be obtained from the URL and determines which sort of data is displayed. The current meaning of this field is a hexadecimal number resulting from the sum of the following bits:
1 Gas phase thermochemical data 2 Condensed phase thermochemistry data 4 Phase change data 8 Reaction thermochemistry data 20 Gas phase ion energetics data 40 Ion clustering data 80 IR Spectrum 200 Mass spectrum (electron ionization) 800 Vibrational and/or electronic energy levels 2000 Gas Chromatography
so a way of including just about everything would be to use a mask value of FFFF.
Note: There is always a risk that NIST may change the structure of the website and the query parameters. But at least using a template instead of just using a URL ensures that the links from Wikipedia are centralized and hopefully easier to fix.
Vegeu també
[modifica]- {{NIST-PD}}
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