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Tema de Usuari Discussió:Kippelboy/Fitxer de Discussions Estructurades 1

Nou articles Viquiprojecte:Andorra

Lib2know (discussiócontribucions)

Hola Kippelboy,

i tried to contribute to the project started by you and found finally people interested. Now i started two short articles (stubbs) and marked them as "esborrany". Someone came in immediatly and changed a lot. There is no improvement in terms of content, just changes to his taste, but very disturbing for further improvements. He did not use any possibility of discussion and gave no sign of respect or interest to the work.

I doubt i can convince anyone contributing would be an interesting hobby if articles are devaluated as not according to guidelines within minutes. At the same time i found dozens of old articles without any source. Do you know a satisfying solution to go on?

Lib2know (discussiócontribucions)

Vale, em sembla fas una pausa. No necessito una contesta mai. Pots tancar aquest.