Mediawiki is updated on the sites once a week: https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Deployments/One_week
Wikipedia in all languages is updated every Thursday, late in the evening European time (21:00 for me, midnight for India). This creates a bit of a problem for us in ContentTranslation: this feature is only enabled in Wikipedia, so if something is broken, we can only notice it on Thursday, and it will happen in all the languages at once.
Technically it's possible to do it earlier, as the page to which I linked above says, but it requires community approval. This involves a bit of risk-taking, but it will be enormously helpful to all MediaWiki developers. Could you, by any chance, try to bring it up with your communities? Please let me know if I can give you any more details about this.
Creieu que podem donar un cop de ma en aquest tema? La meva proposta seria dir que sí sempre i quan ens poguéssim fer enrere més endavant. Per exemple: Si veiem que ens dóna molts problemes en un mes o així, retirar la nostra oferta de col·laboració. Si veiem que són petits bugs o similar, continuar-la. Com ho veieu?