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Tema de Usuari Discussió:Kippelboy/Fitxer de Discussions Estructurades 1

AddisWang (discussiócontribucions)

Hey Kippelboy! Thanks for organizing the Wikipedia Asian Month! It is great to have CaWp joining us. I've notice you have different rules as we have, which is fine, but I would suggest you considering our global rules of participation, and you can always adjust it based on CaWp and your organizations.

Here is a sample page that you may use as a reference. We will also use the Central Notice to help you publicize the event and increase participation on CaWp.

Below is the guide of how to submit articles through our judging tool,

  • Please submit your articles via this tool. Click 'log in' at the top-right and OAuth will take care the rest. You can also change the interface language at the top-right.
  • Once you submit an article, the tool will add a template to the article and mark it as needing review by an organizer. You can check your progress using the tool, which includes how many accepted articles you have.
  • Participants who achieve 4 accepted articles will receive a Wikipedia Asian Month postcard. You will receive another special postcard if you achieve 15 accepted articles. The Wikipedian with the highest number of accepted articles on the English Wikipedia will be honored as a "Wikipedia Asian Ambassador", and will receive a signed certificate and additional postcard.
  • If you have any problems accessing or using the tool, you can submit your articles at this page next to your username.
  • If you have any question, you can take a look at our Q&A or post on the WAM talk page.

Please feel free to post any question, concern, or thought. And looking forward to hear from you!

Best, Addis Wang

AddisWang (discussiócontribucions)

If you okay with the rule and tool, I will set up a CaWp page on the judging tool

Ле Лой (discussiócontribucions)

Hi Kippelboy, I'm the Fountain's (the tool's) maintainer. I can add some buttons for you to operate the jurying tool so that you could use your own rules together with the usual 3000-300 rule.

Kippelboy (discussiócontribucions)

Hi @AddisWang@Ле Лой thank you for your message. I've addapted the cawp contest rules so now are the same that your global campaign. Some questions: You sent me a submitting articles tool: but in the template I haven't seen a place explaining participants how to do it. Is there a page for it? And please, can you add me those jurying buttons you mention? Looking forward to it :-)

Ле Лой (discussiócontribucions)
Kippelboy (discussiócontribucions)

@Ле Лой Thank you! Just a question: Is this tool available for other projects? I'm drafting now some 2017 activities and may be I'm interested in using it for other cawiki online contests.

Ле Лой (discussiócontribucions)

Yes, absolutely! Will love to help out :-) Just give me a 1 week notice and we'll discuss the rules and everything else (the tool's very flexible, so you could use different point systems and constraints).

Kippelboy (discussiócontribucions)

@Ле Лой Great! If we decide to use it, will reach you again in december or so. Thanks for your answer! :-)

AddisWang (discussiócontribucions)

Thanks Kippelboy! Looking forward to make something great with you! Please consider intergrated this message on the event page so particpate can know how to use the tool.

  • Please submit your articles via this tool. Click 'log in' at the top-right and OAuth will take care the rest. You can also change the interface language at the top-right.
  • Once you submit an article, the tool will add a template to the article and mark it as needing review by an organizer. You can check your progress using the tool, which includes how many accepted articles you have.
  • Participants who achieve 4 accepted articles will receive a Wikipedia Asian Month postcard. You will receive another special postcard if you achieve 15 accepted articles. The Wikipedian with the highest number of accepted articles on the English Wikipedia will be honored as a "Wikipedia Asian Ambassador", and will receive a signed certificate and additional postcard.
  • If you have any problems accessing or using the tool, you can submit your articles at this page next to your username.
  • If you have any question, you can take a look at our Q&A or post on the WAM talk page.

Please feel free to post any question. I've put you on the global organizers list, that you will receive more updates later.

AddisWang (discussiócontribucions)
Kippelboy (discussiócontribucions)
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