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Usuari:Amadalvarez/proves plantilla2

De la Viquipèdia, l'enciclopèdia lliure

P119 Qualifiers

qualLabel count uses Action
Parcel·la funerària (P965) 28079 Burial adress within cementiry.

Sometimes it is incomplete, specially in Pere Lachaise, where it only shows the section, but not the complete address. This more precise information can appear on P528 or P217 for columbarium and, in Commons, it shows Division, section, street, line,...but I don't know from where.

Coordenades (P625) 12271 grave coordinates within cementiry.

Does be it kept when P119 value is a grave ?

Categoria de Commons (P373) 6015 In Pere-Lechaise don't ?
Data d'inici (P580) 4199 Start date of use when more than one keep
Data (P585) 2198 It seems to be date of burial, probably used before P4602 creation migrate to P4602
Data de sepeli o cremació (P4602) 873 I doubt if it must be qualif. or principal property
Data de finalització (P582) 862 same use as P580 keep
Localitzat a l'entitat territorial administrativa (P131) 484 Almost all refered to a cementery city.

It's redundant with P131 value of P119 statement (cementery or grave)

don't ?
Inscripció (P1684) 457 text in tombstone keep
Codi de catàleg (P528) 304 number of columbarium in Crematori i Columbari del Père-Lachaise (Q3006253)

It should be part of P965 that, in these cases only have section number

migrate to P965.
Referit com a (P1932) 254 popular name for cementery. When P119 value is a cementery, P1932 should be a property for it.

When P119 value is a city, sometimes the cementery item doesn't exist.

keep but copy this info

to cementery item

Imatge de la tomba (P1442) 225 reasonable when +1 burial. In any other case should be a principal property review and keep or move
Afirmació detallada a (P805) 194 Point to grave item. According with this proposal, must be move to P119 migrate to P119
Anomenat com a (P1810) 176 It seems to be the person name in the gravestone keep
S'aplica a (P518) 166 double use: part of the body buried/ashes or Cenotafi (Q321053) when official but empty grave >> https://w.wiki/ABKt keep
Localització (P276) 156 When P119 value is the grave, memorial, etc., P276 is the place where burial is located (church, cemetiry, .)

Other higher location as municipality, region, state,.. should be removed.

Circumstàncies de la font (P1480) 136 expected values for the property keep
Estat (P17) 117 it's not necessary. The values of P119 have P17 in their item, except for some non-territorial cases: Atlantic, Pacific, cremation, sea, Moon,... delete
Ordre dins la sèrie (P1545) 112 expected values for the property keep
Raó del rang preferit (P7452) 112 expected values for the property keep
Afirmació sostinguda per (P3680) 99 Just a few contains "Who supports a sentence about the burial".

Most of them are the grave item and must be move to P119. https://w.wiki/AAYx


migrate to P119 the grave item cases.

Número d'inventari (P217) 60 In Pere Lachaise, it's the "concession number" for graves, or Columbarium number.

Codi de catàleg (P528) is also used for columbarium. IT MUST BE CHECKED

Juntament amb (P1706) 47 for shared burial keep
Data més precisa (P4241) 45 Hour of burial keep
Objecte mencionat en referència com a (P5997) 30 I don't understand what's the function in this context ?
Fus horari (P421) 28 complement of P4241 keep
Causa de la descontinuació (P2241) 27 expected values for the property keep
Causa de finalització (P1534) 19 expected values for the property keep
Instància de (P31) 18 It explain the function of graveː cenotaph, heart-burial, cremation.

It overlaps with P518 and must be join in only one property >> https://w.wiki/ABKs

Join to P518
L'objecte té el rol (P3831) 18 It explain the role of the cementiryː symbolic grave, cenotaph, heart-burial, cremation.

Similar to P31, also overlaps witn P518 and must be join in only one property

>> https://w.wiki/ABKn

Join to P518
Es caracteritza per (P1552) 17 Similar values to P3831 i P31 >> https://w.wiki/ABKg Join to P518
Causat per (P828) 13 Reason for second burial. Usually "reburial" keep
Noms alternatius (P4970) 13 Other name known for cemetery keep
Naturalesa de la declaració (P5102) 12
Estat de conservació (P5816) 11
Data de consulta (P813) 10
Edat al moment de l'esdeveniment (P3629) 8
Títol (P1476) 8
Creador (P170) 7
URL (P2699) 6
De (P642) 6
Imatge (P18) 6
Localitzat a l'adreça (P6375) 6
Citació (P1683) 4
Llegenda (P2096) 4
Lloc web (P856) 3
Assassinat/da per (P157) 2
Comentari (OBSOLET) (P2315) 2
Direcció relativa a la ubicació (P654) 2
Identificador Gravstensinventeringen (P5259) 2
Localitzat a l'entitat geogràfica (P706) 2
Material (P186) 2
Part de (P361) 2
Període de finalització (P3416) 2
Vàlid a (P3005) 2
Apareix en la forma de (P4675) 1 only used by Lenin (Q1394) don't ?
Data de dissolució o abolició (P576) 1 destruction, demolition or disappearance of the burial. keep
Disputat per (P1310) 1 only used by Verge Maria (Q345). It shows who claim for keep
Explicació de la sintaxi (P2916) 1 I don't understand the use. ?
Intèrpret (P175) 1 Incidental. P119 incorporates the burial music as a qual. keep
Mencionat a la inscripció (P6568) 1 Should i be in Imatge de la tomba (P1442) ? don't
Motiu de destrucció (P770) 1 For destroyed burials keep
No té en compte (P1011) 1 only used by Segona dinastia Shō (Q11602290). P119 shows the mausoleum for the whole dinasty.

It has a constraint, because P119 is for a person and with this use, an unplanned reverse link is being created.

don't ?
Participant (P710) 1 priest who officiated the burial keep
Repertori (P9793) 1 Incidental. P119 incorporates the burial music as a qual. keep
S'aplica al nom de l'objecte (P8338) 1 I don't understand this use