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Deep Space Climate Observatory (Observatori Climàtic de l'Espai Profund, DSCOVR; anteriorment conegut com Triana, conegut extraoficialment com a GoreSat [1]) és un satèl·lit meteorològic, de clima espacial i satèl·lit d'observació de la Terra de l'Administració Nacional dels Oceans i de l'Atmosfera (NOAA). Va ser llançat per SpaceX en un vehicle de llançament Falcon 9 v1.1l'11 de febrer de 2015, des de Cap Canaveral[2]. Aquest és el primer satèl·lit espacial profund de la NOAA i es va convertir en el seu principal sistema d’avís de la Terra en cas de tempestes magnètiques solars.[3]

DSCOVR es va proposar originalment com una sonda espacial d’observació de la Terra situada al Punt de Langrange L1 de l'òrbita Sol-Terra, proporcionant vídeo en directe a través d’Internet del costat de la Terra il·luminat pel sol a més de disposar d'instruments científics per estudiar el canvi climàtic. Els canvis polítics als Estats Units van provocar la cancel·lació de la missió, i el 2001 la nau espacial va ser emmagatzemada.

Els defensors de la missió van continuar pressionant per a la seva reinstal·lació, i un canvi en l'administració presidencial el 2009 va provocar que DSCOVR fos extret de l'emmagatzematge i reformat, i la seva missió es va tornar a centrar en l'observació solar i l'alerta precoç sobre les ejeccions de massa coronal encara que també es dedicaria a l'observació de la Terra. i a la vigilància del clima. Va ser llançat a bord d’un coet Falcon 9 de SpaceX l’11 de febrer de 2015 i va arribar al punt L1 el 8 de juny de 2015.

NOAA opera DSCOVR des de la seva instal·lació d’operacions per satèl·lit a Suitland, Maryland. Les dades espacials adquirides que permeten prediccions meteorològiques precises es duen a terme al Centre de predicció del temps espacial a Boulder (Colorado). Les dades finals s'arxiven en els Centres Nacionals d’Informació Ambiental mentre que la NASA realitza el processament de les dades dels sensors de la Terra. [4]

Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR; formerly known as Triana, unofficially known as GoreSat[1]) is a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) space weather, space climate, and Earth observation satellite. It was launched by SpaceX on a Falcon 9 v1.1 launch vehicle on 11 February 2015, from Cape Canaveral.[5] This is NOAA's first operational deep space satellite and became its primary system of warning Earth in the event of solar magnetic storms.[3]

DSCOVR was originally proposed as an Earth observation spacecraft positioned at the Sun-Earth L-1 Lagrange point, providing live video of the sunlit side of the planet through the Internet as well as scientific instruments to study climate change. Political changes in the United States resulted in the mission's cancellation, and in 2001 the spacecraft was placed into storage.

Proponents of the mission continued to push for its reinstatement, and a change in presidential administration in 2009 resulted in DSCOVR being taken out of storage and refurbished, and its mission was refocused to solar observation and early warning of coronal mass ejections while still providing Earth observation and climate monitoring. It launched aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 launch vehicle on 11 February 2015, and reached L-1 on 8 June 2015.

NOAA operates DSCOVR from its Satellite Operations Facility in Suitland, Maryland. The acquired space data that allows for accurate weather forecasts are carried out in the Space Weather Prediction Center in Boulder, Colorado. Archival records are held by the National Centers for Environmental Information, and processing of Earth sensor data is carried out by NASA.[4]


Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR)

DSCOVR began as a proposal in 1998 by then-Vice President Al Gore for the purpose of whole-Earth observation at the Sun-Earth L-1 Lagrange point, 1.5×10^6 km (0.93×10^6 mi) from Earth.[1][6] Originally known as Triana, named after Rodrigo de Triana, the first of Columbus's crew to sight land in the Americas, the spacecraft's original purpose was to provide a near-continuous view of the entire Earth and make that live image available via the Internet. Gore hoped not only to advance science with these images, but also to raise awareness of the Earth itself, updating the influential Blue Marble photograph was taken by Apollo 17.[7] In addition to an imaging camera, a radiometer would take the first direct measurements of how much sunlight is reflected and emitted from the whole Earth (albedo). This data could constitute a barometer for the process of global warming. The scientific goals expanded to measure the amount of solar energy reaching Earth, cloud patterns, weather systems, monitor the health of Earth's vegetation, and track the amount of UV light reaching the surface through the ozone layer.

In 1999, NASA's Inspector General reported that "the basic concept of the Triana mission was not peer reviewed", and "Triana's added science may not represent the best expenditure of NASA's limited science funding".[8] Members of the U.S. Congress asked the National Academy of Sciences whether the project was worthwhile. The resulting report, released March 2000, stated that the mission was "strong and scientifically vital".[9]

The Bush administration put the project on hold shortly after George W. Bush's inauguration in January 2001.[6] Triana was removed from its original launch opportunity on STS-107 (the ill-fated Columbia mission in 2003).[1] The US$150 million [1] spacecraft was placed into nitrogen blanketed storage at Goddard Space Flight Center in November 2001 and remained there for the duration of the Bush administration.[10] NASA renamed the spacecraft Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR) in 2003 in an attempt to regain support for the project,[1] but the mission was formally terminated by NASA in 2005.[11]

In November 2008, funded by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the U.S. Air Force, the spacecraft was removed from storage and underwent testing to determine its viability for launch.[12][13] After the Obama administration took presidency in 2009, that year's budget included US$9 million marked for refurbishment and readiness of the spacecraft,[14] resulting in NASA refurbishing the EPIC instrument and recalibrating the NISTAR instrument.[15] Al Gore used part of his book Our Choice (2009) as an attempt to revive debate on the DSCOVR payload. The book mentions legislative efforts by senators Barbara Mikulski and Bill Nelson to get the spacecraft launched.[16] In February 2011, the Obama administration attempted to secure funding to re-purpose the DSCOVR spacecraft as a solar observatory to replace the aging Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) spacecraft, and requested US$47.3 million in the 2012 fiscal budget toward this purpose.[11] Part of this funding was to allow the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) to construct a coronal mass ejection imager for the spacecraft, but the time required would have delayed DSCOVR's launch and it was ultimately not included.[4][11] NOAA allocated US$2 million in its 2011 budget to initiate the refurbishment effort, and increased funding to US$29.8 million in 2012.[1]

In 2012, the Air Force allocated US$134.5 million to procure a launch vehicle and fund launch operations, both of which were awarded to SpaceX for their Falcon 9 rocket.[1][17] In September 2013, NASA cleared DSCOVR to proceed to the implementation phase targeting an early 2015 launch,[18] which ultimately took place on 11 February 2015.[12] NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center is providing management and systems engineering to the mission.

In the 2017 documentary, An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power, Al Gore speaks of the history of the DSCOVR spacecraft and its relation to climate change.[19]

Nau espacial

Diagrama de DSCOVR

DSCOVR està basat en el Bus satèl·lit SMEX-Lite amb una massa de llançament d'aproximadament 570 kg (1,260 lb). Els principals conjunts d’instruments científics són el magnetòmetre de plasma d’observació solar (PlasMag), el radiòmetre avançat NIST (NISTAR) d’observació de la Terra i la càmera d’imatge policromàtica de la terra (EPIC). DSCOVR té dos panells solars desplegables, un mòdul de propulsió, un boom i una antena. [20]

Des del seu punt de vista, DSCOVR controla les condicions variables del vent solar, proporciona un avís precoç d’acostament a les ejeccions de massa coronal i observa fenòmens a l'atmosfera i a la superficie de la Terra, inclosos canvis en l’ozó, aerosols, pols i cendres volcàniques, alçada dels núvols, coberta vegetal i clima. A la seva ubicació Sol-Terra L-1 té una visió contínua del Sol i de la cara il·luminat de la Terra pel Sol. Després que la sonda espacial arribés in situ i entrés en la seva fase operativa, la NASA va començar a publicar imatges de la Terra en temps gairebé real a través del lloc web de l’instrument EPIC. [21] DSCOVR fa imatges de la Terra cada dues hores i és capaç de processar-los més ràpidament que altres satèl·lit d'observació de la Terra. [22]

La nau espacial orbita al voltant del punt de Lagrange L1 en un període de sis mesos, amb un angle sonda – Terra-Sol que varia de 4° a 15°. [23] [24]


Diagram of DSCOVR

DSCOVR is built on the SMEX-Lite spacecraft bus and has a launch mass of approximately 570 kg (1,260 lb). The main science instrument sets are the Sun-observing Plasma Magnetometer (PlasMag) and the Earth-observing NIST Advanced Radiometer (NISTAR) and Earth Polychromatic Imaging Camera (EPIC). DSCOVR has two deployable solar arrays, a propulsion module, boom, and antenna.[20]

From its vantage point, DSCOVR monitors variable solar wind conditions, provides early warning of approaching coronal mass ejections and observes phenomena on Earth, including changes in ozone, aerosols, dust and volcanic ash, cloud height, vegetation cover and climate. At its Sun-Earth L-1 location it has a continuous view of the Sun and of the sunlit side of the Earth. After the spacecraft arrived on-site and entered its operational phase, NASA began releasing near-real-time images of Earth through the EPIC instrument's website.[21] DSCOVR takes full-Earth pictures about every two hours and is able to process them faster than other Earth observation satellites.[25]

The spacecraft orbits the Lagrange point L1 in a six-month period, with a spacecraft–Earth–Sun angle varying from 4° to 15°.[23][26]





The Plasma-Magnetometer (PlasMag) measures solar wind for space weather predictions. It has the capability of providing early warning detection of solar activity that could cause damage to existing satellite systems and ground infrastructure. Because solar particles reach L-1 about an hour before Earth, PlasMag can provide a warning of 15 to 60 minutes before a coronal mass ejection (CME) arrives. It has the capability of doing this by measuring "the magnetic field and the velocity distribution functions of the electron, proton and alpha particles (Helium nuclei) of solar wind".[27] It has three instruments:[27]


The first EPIC image, released by NASA on 6 July 2015, shows the full sunlit Earth from 1,475,207 km (916,651 mi) away, centered on the Americas.[28][29]

The Earth Polychromatic Imaging Camera (EPIC) takes images of the sunlit side of Earth for various Earth science monitoring purposes in ten different channels from ultraviolet to near-infrared. Ozone and aerosol levels are monitored along with cloud dynamics, properties of the land, and vegetation.[30]

EPIC has an aperture diameter of 30.5 cm (12.0 in), a focal ratio of 9.38, a field of view of 0.61°, and an angular sampling resolution of 1.07 arcseconds. Earth's apparent diameter varies from 0.45° to 0.53° full width. Exposure time for each of the 10 narrowband channels (317, 325, 340, 388, 443, 552, 680, 688, 764, and 779 nm) is about 40 ms. The camera produces 2048 × 2048 pixel images, but to increase the number of downloadable images to ten per hour the resolution is averaged to 1024 × 1024 on board. The final resolution is 25 km/pixel (16 mi/pixel).[30]



The National Institute of Standards and Technology Advanced Radiometer (NISTAR) was designed and built between 1999 and 2001 by Ball Aerospace & Technologies in Gaithersburg, Maryland. NISTAR measures irradiance of the sunlit face of the Earth. This means that NISTAR measures if the atmosphere of Earth is taking in more or less solar energy than it is radiating back towards space. This data is to be used to study changes in Earth's radiation budget caused by natural and human activities.[31]

Using NISTAR data, scientists can help determine the impact that humanity is having on the atmosphere of Earth and make the necessary changes to help balance the radiation budget.[32] The radiometer measures in four channels:

  • For total radiation in ultraviolet, visible and infrared in the range 0.2–100 µm
  • For reflected solar radiation in the ultraviolet, visible and near-infrared in the range 0.2–4 µm
  • For reflected solar radiation in infrared in the range 0.7–4 µm
  • For calibration purposes in the range 0.3–1 µm



The DSCOVR launch was conducted by launch provider SpaceX using their Falcon 9 v1.1 rocket. The launch of DSCOVR took place on 11 February 2015, following two scrubbed launches. It took DSCOVR 110 days from when it left Cape Canaveral Air Force Station (CCAFS), Florida, to reach its target destination 1.5×10^6 km (0.93×10^6 mi) away from Earth at the L1 Lagrange point.[33][34]

Launch attempt history

Intent Programat Resultat Gir Raó Punt de decisió Clima (%) Notes
1 8 feb 2015, 11:10:00 pm Scrubbed --- Technical (T02:30:00) >90 Range issues: tracking,[35] first-stage video transmitter issues noted
2 10 feb 2015, 11:04:49 pm Scrubbed Plantilla:Day count to DHMS Weather 80 Upper-level winds at the launch pad exceeded 100 knots (190 km/h; 120 mph) at 7,600 m (24,900 ft)
3 11 feb 2015, 11:03:42 pm Success Plantilla:Day count to DHMS >90

Post-launch flight test


SpaceX planned to conduct a test flight where they would attempt to bring the first stage back through the atmosphere and land the expended first stage on a 90 × 50 m (300 × 160 ft) floating landing platform.[36][37]

Relative to earlier tests, the first-stage return on DSCOVR was much more challenging, especially in atmospheric reentry due to the deep-space nature of the Earth–Sun L1 launch trajectory for DSCOVR. This would only be the second time that SpaceX ever tried to recover the first stage of the Falcon 9 launch vehicle.[33] SpaceX expected deceleration-force loads to be twice as high and rocket heating to quadruple over the reentry conditions on Falcon 9 Flight 14.[38] Before the launch, the drone ship was in ocean surface conditions that made the barge landing infeasible. Therefore, the landing platform attempt was called off, and the first stage made an over-water soft landing instead. This continued the collection of returnable first-stage test data on all the earlier phases of the flight test and added data on stage survival following a high-speed, high-load atmospheric entry.[39]


An animation of Deep Space Climate Observatory's trajectory
An oblique view
As viewed from the Sun:
      Deep Space Climate Observatory ·       Earth ·       Moon

On 6 July 2015, DSCOVR returned its first publicly released view of the entire sunlit side of Earth from 1,475,207 km (916,651 mi) away, taken by the EPIC instrument. EPIC provides a daily series of Earth images, enabling the first-time study of daily variations over the entire globe. The images, available 12 to 36 hours after they are made, have been posted to a dedicated web page since September 2015.[28]

DSCOVR was placed in operation at the L1 Lagrange point to monitor the Sun, because the constant stream of particles from the Sun (the solar wind) reaches L1 about 60 minutes before reaching Earth. DSCOVR will usually be able to provide a 15 to 60 minutes warning before a surge of particles and magnetic field from a coronal mass ejection (CME) reaches Earth and creates a geomagnetic storm. DSCOVR data will also be used to improve predictions of the impact locations of a geomagnetic storm to be able to take preventative action. Electronic technologies such as satellites in geosynchronous orbit are at risk of unplanned disruptions without warnings from DSCOVR and other monitoring satellites at L1.[40]

On 16-17 July 2015, DSCOVR took a series of images showing the Moon engaged in a transit of Earth. The images were taken between 19:50 and 00:45 UTC. The animation was composed of monochrome images taken in different color filters at 30-second intervals for each frame, resulting in a slight color fringing for the Moon in each finished frame. Due to its position at Sun–Earth L1, DSCOVR will always see the Moon illuminated and will always see its far side when it passes in front of Earth.[41]

On 19 October 2015, NASA opened a new website to host near-live "Blue Marble" images taken by EPIC of Earth.[21] Twelve images are released each day, every two hours, showcasing Earth as it rotates on its axis.[42] The resolution of the images ranges from 10 a 15 km per pixel (6 a 9 mi/pixel), and the short exposure times renders points of starlight invisible.[42]

On 27 June 2019, DSCOVR was put into safe mode due to an anomaly with the laser gyroscope of the Miniature Inertial Measurement Unit (MIMU), part of the spacecraft's attitude control system.[43] Operators programmed a software patch that allows DSCOVR to operate without a laser gyroscope, using only the star tracker for angular rate information.[44] DSCOVR came out of the safe hold on 2 March 2020, and resumed normal operations.[45]


The Moon transiting Earth, 16 July 2015. The far side of the Moon faces the camera.
The Earth depicted with its 23.4° tilt (the cause of the seasons) on EPICPlantilla:'s 268th day of operation, 25 September 2015, a few days after the September equinox.
The Earth's rotation on 29 May 2016, a few weeks prior to the June solstice, with the Northern Hemisphere tilted toward the Sun.
From space, the Moon's shadow during the solar eclipse of 9 March 2016 appears as a dark spot moving across the Earth.

See also


Plantilla:Portal bar


  1. 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,5 1,6 1,7 Mellow, Craig «Al Gore's Satellite». , August 2014.
  2. Boyle, Alan «SpaceX Scrubs Falcon 9's DSCOVR Launch (Again) Due to Winds». NBC News, February 10, 2015.
  3. 3,0 3,1 «DSCOVR completes its first year in deep space!». NOAA, March 7, 2016. [Consulta: March 12, 2019]. Aquest article incorpora text d'aquesta font, la qual és de domini públic.
  4. 4,0 4,1 4,2 «NOAA Satellite and Information Service: Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR)». NOAA. [Consulta: September 24, 2019]. Aquest article incorpora text d'aquesta font, la qual és de domini públic.
  5. Boyle, Alan «SpaceX Scrubs Falcon 9's DSCOVR Launch (Again) Due to Winds». NBC News, February 10, 2015.
  6. 6,0 6,1 Donahue, Bill «Who killed the Deep Space Climate Observatory?». Popular Science, April 7, 2011.
  7. Leary, Warren «Politics Keeps a Satellite Earthbound». , June 1, 1999.
  8. «Assessment of the Triana Mission, G-99-013, Final Reportwork=Office of Inspector General». NASA, September 10, 1999. Arxivat de l'original el March 20, 2009. [Consulta: February 7, 2009]. Aquest article incorpora text d'aquesta font, la qual és de domini públic.
  9. «NASA's Triana Mission Scientific Evaluation Completed». Earth Observatory. NASA, March 8, 2000. Aquest article incorpora text d'aquesta font, la qual és de domini públic.
  10. Clark, Stephen «Mothballed satellite sits in warehouse, waits for new life». Spaceflight Now, March 2, 2009.
  11. 11,0 11,1 11,2 Clark, Stephen «NOAA taps DSCOVR satellite for space weather mission». Spaceflight Now, February 21, 2011.
  12. 12,0 12,1 Siddiqi, Asif A. Beyond Earth: A Chronicle od Deep Space Exploration, 1958-2016. NASA, 2018, p. 303. ISBN 978-1-62683-043-1.  Aquest article incorpora text d'aquesta font, la qual és de domini públic.
  13. «Triana/DSCOVR Spacecraft Successfully Revived from Mothballs». NASA, February 15, 2009. Arxivat de l'original el June 12, 2009. [Consulta: September 7, 2009]. Aquest article incorpora text d'aquesta font, la qual és de domini públic.
  14. Donahue, Bill «Who Killed The Deep Space Climate Observatory?». Popular Science, April 6, 2011.
  15. Falta indicar la publicació. Bibcode: 2011AGUFM.A43G..03S.
  16. Gore, Al. «Chapter 17». A: Our Choice. Rodale, 2009. ISBN 978-1-59486-734-7. 
  17. SpaceX (December 5, 2012). "Spacex awarded two EELV-class missions from the United States Air Force". Nota de premsa.
  18. Leslie, John. «DSCOVR Mission Moves Forward to 2015 Launch». NASA/NOAA, September 10, 2013. Aquest article incorpora text d'aquesta font, la qual és de domini públic.
  19. Adams, Sam «Film review: Is Al Gore's An Inconvenient Sequel worthwhile?». BBC, January 20, 2017.
  20. 20,0 20,1 «gov / DSCOVR / spacecraft.html Spacecraft and Instruments». NOAA. Arxivat de l'[http: //www.nesdis.noaa.gov/DSCOVR/spacecraft.html original] el 9 de febrer de 2015. [Consulta: 12 juny 2021]. Aquest article incorpora text d'aquesta font, la qual és de domini públic. Error de citació: Etiqueta <ref> no vàlida; el nom «noaa_spacecraft» està definit diverses vegades amb contingut diferent.
  21. 21,0 21,1 21,2 «DSCOVR: EPIC – Earth Polychromatic Imaging Camera». NASA. [Consulta: August 30, 2019]. Aquest article incorpora text d'aquesta font, la qual és de domini públic.
  22. Phillips «[http: //thinkprogress.org/climate/2015/02/04/3618338/sneak-peek-space -satellite-launch / Un cop d'ull al nou satèl·lit de la NASA que porta 16 anys en marxa]». ThinkProgress, 04-02-2015.
  23. 23,0 23,1 «DSCOVR La missió allotja dos instruments d’observació de la Terra de la NASA». NOAA. [Consulta: 9 febrer 2015]. Aquest article incorpora text d'aquesta font, la qual és de domini públic. Error de citació: Etiqueta <ref> no vàlida; el nom «dscovr-hosts» està definit diverses vegades amb contingut diferent.
  24. «08/06/2015 / dscovr-space-weather-sentinel-reach-finish-line / La sentinella meteorològica espacial DSCOVR arriba a la meta». Spaceflight Now, 07-06-2015.
  25. Phillips, Ari «A Sneak Peek at NASA's New Satellite That has Been 16 Years in the Making». ThinkProgress, February 4, 2015.
  26. Clark, Stephen «DSCOVR space weather sentinel reaches finish line». Spaceflight Now, June 7, 2015.
  27. 27,0 27,1 «NOAA Satellite and Information Service: Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR): Plasma-Magnetometer (PlasMag)». NOAA. Arxivat de l'original el February 10, 2015. [Consulta: February 10, 2015]. Aquest article incorpora text d'aquesta font, la qual és de domini públic.
  28. 28,0 28,1 Northon, Karen. «NASA Captures "EPIC" Earth Image». NASA, July 20, 2015. Aquest article incorpora text d'aquesta font, la qual és de domini públic.
  29. «DSCOVR: EPIC». NASA, July 6, 2015. [Consulta: February 26, 2018]. Aquest article incorpora text d'aquesta font, la qual és de domini públic.
  30. 30,0 30,1 «NOAA Satellite and Information Service: Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR): Enhanced Polychromatic Imaging Camera (EPIC)». NOAA, January 14, 2015. Arxivat de l'original el February 10, 2015. [Consulta: February 10, 2015]. Aquest article incorpora text d'aquesta font, la qual és de domini públic.
  31. «NOAA Satellite and Information Service: Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR): National Institute of Standards and Technology Advanced Radiometer (NISTAR)». NOAA. Arxivat de l'original el April 22, 2015. [Consulta: February 10, 2015]. Aquest article incorpora text d'aquesta font, la qual és de domini públic.
  32. Jenner, Lynn. «NOAA's DSCOVR NISTAR Instrument Watches Earth's "Budget"». NASA, January 20, 2015. [Consulta: March 12, 2019]. Aquest article incorpora text d'aquesta font, la qual és de domini públic.
  33. 33,0 33,1 «DSCOVR - Satellite Missions». directory.eoportal.org. ESA. [Consulta: March 12, 2019].
  34. «NOAA's First Operational Satellite in Deep Space Reaches Final Orbit». NASA, June 8, 2015. Aquest article incorpora text d'aquesta font, la qual és de domini públic.
  35. Cresswell, Miriam «SpaceX DISCOVR launch scrubbed». WAAYTV, February 8, 2015.
  36. Bergin, Chris «SpaceX confirms CRS-5 launch slip to January 6». NASASpaceFlight.com, December 17, 2014.
  37. Graham, William «SpaceX Falcon 9 ready for DSCOVR mission». NASASpaceFlight.com, February 8, 2015.
  38. Musk, Elon. «Rocket reentry will be much tougher...». twitter.com, February 8, 2015.
  39. «SpaceX Won't Try Rocket Landing on Drone Ship After Satellite Launch Today». Space.com, February 11, 2015.
  40. «DSCOVR: Deep Space Climate Observatory». NOAA. [Consulta: July 22, 2015]. Aquest article incorpora text d'aquesta font, la qual és de domini públic.
  41. Clark, Stephen «Watch the moon transit the Earth». Spaceflight Now, August 5, 2015.
  42. 42,0 42,1 Clark, Stephen «NASA to post new "blue marble" pictures every day». Spaceflight Now, October 19, 2015.
  43. Foust, Jeff «DSCOVR spacecraft in safe mode». SpaceNews, July 5, 2019.
  44. «Software fix planned to restore DSCOVR». SpaceNews, 01-10-2019.
  45. «DSCOVR back in operation». SpaceNews, 03-03-2020.
Error de citació: L'etiqueta <ref> amb el nom "dscovr-faq" definida a <references> no s'utilitza en el text anterior.

Further reading

    • Rebuttal: Pielke Jr., Roger A. «Re-Politicizing Triana». Center for Science and Technology Policy Research, January 15, 2006. Arxivat de l'original el June 14, 2013. [Consulta: March 15, 2015].
  • Doody, Dave. «DSCOVR's Halo». The Planetary Society, July 28, 2015.

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  1. Author: Robert A Morris; Mamoru Funai Publisher: New York : Harper & Row, 1983, ©1975. Series: I can read book. Edition/Format: eBook : Document : Fiction : Juvenile audience : English : Harper Trophy edView all editions and formats Summary: Describes the birth and the first six months of life of a baby dolphin. Rating: (not yet rated) 0 with reviews - Be the first. Subjects Dolphins -- Juvenile literature. Dolphins. More like this Similar Items. . 
  2. Bearzi, Giovanni; Kerem, Dan; Furey, Nathan B.; Pitman, Robert L.; Rendell, Luke «Whale and dolphin behavioural responses to dead conspecifics» (en anglès). Zoology, 128, 2018-06-XX, pàg. 1–15. DOI: 10.1016/j.zool.2018.05.003.

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