Usuari:Jniuga/proves/Pirates d'Edelweiss
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Els Pirates d'Edelweiss (Edelweißpiraten) van ser un conjunt de grups juvenils escassament organitzats sorgits cap al final de la dècada dels 1930 com a reacció a l'Alemanya nazi . Van aparèixer a l'oest d'Alemanya i els integraven membres del Moviment Juvenil Alemany contraris a la imposició d'haver de formar part de les Joventuts Hitlerianes. els They emerged in western Germany out of the German Youth Movement of the late 1930s in response to the strict regimentation of the Hitler Youth. Similar in many ways to the Leipzig Meuten, they consisted of young people, mainly between the ages of 14 and 17, who had evaded the Hitler Youth by leaving school (which was allowed at 14) and were also young enough to avoid military conscription, which was only compulsory from the age of 17 onward. The roots and background of the Edelweiss Pirates movement were detailed in the 2004 film Edelweiss Pirates, directed by Niko von Glasow.