147. aurica
Vela de tallant*, de forma trapezoïdal, més ampla en
el faldar* que no pas al gràtil*, que s’enverga en una
antena* i sense botavara*.
‘Les seves quatre vores són: el caient de proa, que
és la de davant i s’enverga al pal; el gràtil, que és
la de dalt i s’enverga al pic; el gràtil d’escota, que
es la de baix i es pot envergar a la botavara; i la
baluma, que és la del darrere i no s’enverga en
lloc. Cangrea’ [CANY83].
Proposem el terme cangrea quan es tracti d’una vela
aurica amb botavara, i mantenir el mot aurica, per
aquelles veles de tallant i trapezoïdals que no
guarneixen botavara. Aquesta distinció, necessària,
la fa també l’espanyol, que distingeix entre cangreja
(amb botavara) i cangrejo (sense), a més d’aurica
com a terme que engloba totes dues.
No té entrada a [AMA24], [DCVB] i [OLL95]. Pel que
fa a [DIEC]: ‘Vela de tallant trapezoïdal que
s’enverga al pic, al pal i la botavara, usada en
algunes embarcacions esportives com a vela major’,
creiem que no s’usa només en velers esportius, sinó
també, per exemple, en fragates, i doncs no és
necessàriament la major. [DIEC], per tant, defineix
cangrea i no pas l’aurica. De forma semblant entra el
terme [SIG84]: ‘Vela de quatre costats que té la
forma d’un trapezoide més ampla de baix que de
dalt, envergada pel gràtil al pic, per la caiguda de
proa al pal, i pel pujament a la botavara. Sinònim de
etim.: del llatí auricula, ‘orella’, per la forma que té la
vela desplegada.
Order of Adjectives & Comma Use with Paired Adjectives
In English, it is common to use more than one adjective before a noun.
For example, we can write "He's a funny young boy," or "She's a smart, energetic woman."
When you use more than one adjective, you have to put them in the right order, according to type.
It is correct to write, "I have a small red car", but it is not correct to write, "I have a red small car".
When you use two adjectives together, you sometimes use "and" between them and you sometimes don't.
When you use two adjectives together (also called paired adjectives), you sometimes use a comma between them and sometimes don't use a comma.
This page will explain the different types of adjectives, the correct order for them, the rule for using "and" with paired adjectives, and the general rule for using a comma between paired adjectives.
Types of Adjectives - OSASCOMP
[modifica]Type | Definition and Examples |
Opinion | An opinion adjective explains what you think about something.
Examples: funny, beautiful, fabulous, difficult |
Size | A size adjective tells you how big or small something is.
Examples: large, tiny, enormous, little |
Age | An age adjective gives information about how old something is.
Examples: ancient, new, young, old |
Shape | A shape adjective describes the physical form or outline of something.
Examples: square, round, flat, rectangular |
Color | A color adjective describes the color of something.
Examples: blue, pink, reddish, gray |
Origin | An origin (or nationality) adjective describes where something comes from.
Examples: Mexican, Chinese, eastern, northern, lunar, solar |
Material | A material adjective describes what something is made from.
Examples: wooden, metal, cotton, paper, stone |
Purpose | A purpose adjective describes what something is used for.
These adjectives often end with "-ing". Examples: sleeping (as in "sleeping bag"), roasting (as in "roasting pan") |
Can you identify what type of adjective a word is? Click on a "Quiz Me" link below, read the sentence, and choose what type (category) of adjective is used.
Order of Adjectives - OSASCOMP
[modifica]Although there are some exceptions, the general order of adjectives in a pair or series is as follows:
determiner | Opinion | Size | Age | Shape | Color | Origin | Material | Purpose | noun |
a/an/the | handsome | young | German | man | |||||
one/two/three | huge | round | metal | bowls | |||||
this/that | smart | little | girl | ||||||
my/your/his | old | red | sleeping | bag |
Using "and" with Paired Adjectives
When two adjectives are used together to describe a noun, they are sometimes called "paired adjectives" (they are also sometimes called coordinate & cumulative adjectives). Although there are some exceptions (for example, "I bought a black and white shirt."), the general rule for using "and" is this:
If the paired adjectives come BEFORE the noun, DO NOT USE "and".
Correct: She went to a fabulous French restaurant.
NOT CORRECT: She went to a fabulous and French restaurant.
If the paired adjectives come AFTER the noun, USE "and".
Correct: The restaurant is fabulous and French.
NOT CORRECT: The restaurant is fabulous French.
Do you know where an "and" is needed? Click on the links below to try.
Commas with Paired Adjectives
How do you know when to use a comma between paired adjectives and when not to use a comma? It depends on the type of adjectives that are in the pair.
We can use two different types of adjectives to describe one noun.
For example, we can use an adjective of sizeand an adjective of origin to describe one thing, as in "She met a tall American man".
We can also use two similar types of adjectives to describe one noun.
For example, we can use two adjectives of opinion, as in "She met a handsome, mysterious man.
Although there are some exceptions, the general rule for using a comma between paired adjectives is this:
If the paired adjectives come BEFORE the noun AND giveDIFFERENT TYPES of information, DO NOT USE A COMMA between them.
Correct: She went to a fabulous French restaurant.
NOT Correct: She went to a fabulous, French restaurant.
"fabulous" is an adjective of opinion, and "French" is an adjective of origin or nationality. They give different types of information, so comma is not needed between them. Notice that you also cannot reverse their order. You CANNOT say, "She went to a French fabulous restaurant".
If the paired adjectives come BEFORE the noun AND giveSIMILAR TYPES of information, USE A COMMA between them.
Correct: She ate some delicious, elegant food.
NOT Correct: She ate some delicious elegant food.
"delicious" and "elegant" are both adjectives of opinion. They give similar types of information, so a comma is needed between them. Notice that you can also reverse their order. You CAN say, "She ate some elegant, delicious food".
If the paired adjectives come AFTER the noun, USE "and" with NO COMMA. It does not matter what types of adjectives are in the pair.
Correct: The restaurant was fabulous and French.
NOT Correct: The restaurant was fabulous, French.
NOT Correct: The restaurant was fabulous, and French.
Correct: The food was delicious and elegant.
NOT Correct: The food was delicious, elegant.
NOT Correct: The food was delicious, and elegant.
Do you know where a comma is needed? Click on the links below to try. __________________________
Incorreccions pàgina Isa Hele Mar
[modifica]La major part de la informació de la pàgina és incorrecta. No soc presidenta de Sobirania i Justícia, i no hi formo part. No soc membre de l’ANC. No soc membre del patronat de la Fundació Congrés de Cultura Catalana. La meva ocupació no és activista sobiranista. Reclamo la supressió de la pàgina. S’està divulgant una informació incorrecta que m’està causant un fort perjudici. Adelais Domènech (disc.) 21:10, 3 jul 2023 (CEST)
- @Adelais Domènech: Aquesta informació la va posar la usuària Adelais Domènech.[1] Potser li pots posar una demanda per difamació.
- Dit això, si aquesta informació era certa i ha deixat de ser-ho, la dada interessant és quan ha deixat de ser-ho, si pot ser amb referències.--Pere prlpz (disc.) 22:53, 3 jul 2023 (CEST)______________________________________________
{Infotaula persona}}Isa-Hel Mart i Ca Mcapdevila/prova1 () és una periodista i activista catalana. Va ser membre fundadora i presidenta de Sobirania i Justícia entre 2014[1] i 2019.[2] Va organitzar quatre edicions de la conferència internacional Building a New State (2011-2014) a Barcelona.[3][4] Va ser membre de l'Assemblea Nacional Catalana on va col·laborar en l'àmbit internacional, i portaveu de la plataforma d'entitats Reinicia Catalunya.[5] Va formar part també del patronat de la Fundació Congrés de Cultura Catalana.[6] L'abril de 2013 va ser una de les trenta-una persones entrevistades en el documental Hola, Europa! de la directora Dolors Genovès.[7]
[modifica]- ↑ «Sobirania i Justícia». Gran Enciclopèdia Catalana.
- ↑ «Qui som – Sobirania i Justícia», 05-11-2018. [Consulta: 4 juliol 2023].
- ↑ «"El pla A ha de ser un pla amical de secessió amb l'Estat espanyol"». El Món, 09-10-2012.[Enllaç no actiu]
- ↑ «Entrevista a la presidenta de Sobirania i Justícia Isabel-Helena Martí». Vull una resposta. Esplugues TV, 30-10-2014.[Enllaç no actiu]
- ↑ «Compareixença d'una representació de Reinicia davant la Comissió d'Estudi del Procés Constituent». Canal Parlament, 31-05-2016.
- ↑ «Òrgans de govern». Fundació Congrés de Cultura Catalana. Arxivat de l'original el 2017-05-14. [Consulta: 21 maig 2017].
- ↑ «Hola, Europa!». Sense Ficció. CCMA, 07-05-2013.
Categori:Presidents d'entitats
Categori:Alumnes barcelonins de la UAB
Categori:Naixements del 1964
Categori:Activistes catalans del sud contemporanis