< Usuari:MuRe | Proves2
![]() | Aquesta és una subpàgina de documentació per a la Usuari:MuRe/Proves2 Té la informació d'ús, les categories i qualsevol altre contingut que no forma part essencial de la pàgina principal. |
[modifica]{{Infobox Departament Generalitat |nom_organisme = |nom_nadiu = |nom_nadiu_a = |nom_nadiu_r = |logotip = |amplada_logotip = |peu_logotip = |creació = |predecessor1 = |predecessor2 = (etc.) |dissolució = |successor1 = |successor2 = (etc.) |competències = |seu = |latd= |latm= |lats= |latNS= |longd= |longm= |longs= |longEW= |region_code = |treballadors = |pressupost = |nom_conseller = |nom_secretari1 = |area_secretari1 = |nom_secretari2 = |area_secretari2 = (etc.) |org_filial1 = |org_filial2 = (etc.) |web = |referències = }}
[modifica]Field Name | Required | Description | Values |
agency_name | yes | Name of the agency | Text |
logo | no | Logo for the agency | filename |
nativename | no | Agency name in a native language using Western characters (French, German, Spanish, etc.), such as Port Lotniczy im. Fryderyka Chopina. Can also be used for two different names in the same language. | Text |
nativename_a | no | (optional) Agency name in a native language with non-Western characters (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, etc.), such as 北京首都国际机场. | Text |
nativename_r | no | (optional) Use in conjunction with above for Romanized name of the agency, such as Běijīng Shǒudū Guójì Jīcháng. | Text |
logo_width | no | Image width for the agency logo | Numbers |
logo_caption | no | Caption for the agency logo | Text |
seal | no | Seal for the agency | filename |
seal_width | no | Image width for the agency seal | Numbers |
seal_caption | no | Caption for the agency seal | Text |
formed | no | Date of foundation of the agency | Text eg; [[25 July]] [[2005]], or [[1876]] |
preceding1 | no | Name of preceding agency. Can be repeated up to six times (preceding1 to preceding6). Note: Title of box will automatically pluralise upon use of preceding2. |
Text |
dissolved | no | Date of dissolution of the agency | Text eg; [[25 July]] [[2005]], or [[1876]] |
superseding | no | Name of superseding agency | Text |
jurisdiction | no | Name of the jurisdiction in which the agency resides | Text eg; [[Government of Western Australia]] or [[United States Government]] |
headquarters | no | Location of the agency's headquarters. | Text eg; [[Sydney, New South Wales]], [[Australia]] |
latd | no | Headquarters coordinates; latitude in degrees. | Numbers |
latm | no | Headquarters coordinates; latitude in minutes. | Numbers |
lats | no | Headquarters coordinates; latitude in seconds. | Numbers |
latNS | no | Headquarters coordinates; specifies northern (N) or southern (S) latitude. | Text eg; N |
longd | no | Headquarters coordinates; longitude in degrees. | Numbers |
longm | no | Headquarters coordinates; longitude in minutes. | Numbers |
longs | no | Headquarters coordinates; longitude in seconds. | Numbers |
longEW | no | Headquarters coordinates; specifies eastern (E) or western (W) longitude. | Text eg; E |
region_code | no | Headquarters coordinates; sets the preferred map region of coverage, used in selecting appropriate map resources for the area. The region should be supplied as either a two character ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code, or an ISO 3166-2 region code. | Text eg; US |
employees | no | Number of employees of the agency | Number |
budget | no | Annual budget of the agency | Text eg; $95 m [[USD]] (2006) |
minister1_name | no | For westminster systems: Name of current minister responsible for the agency. Can be repeated up to four times (minister1_name to minister4_name). Note: Title of box will automatically pluralise upon use of minister2_name. |
Text |
minister1_pfo | no | For westminster systems: Portfolio title of responsible minister. Can be repeated up to four times (minister1_pfo to minister4_pfo). | Text |
chief1_name | no | Name of current agency chief/director/executive director. Can be repeated up to four times (chief1_name to chief4_name). Note: Title of box will automatically pluralise upon use of chief2_name. |
Text |
chief1_position | no | Position title of current agency chief/director/executive director. Can be repeated up to four times (chief1_position to chief4_position). | Text |
parent_agency | no | Parent agency of this agency | Text |
child1_agency | no | List of current child agencies reporting to this agency. Can be repeated up to six times (child1_agency to child6_agency). Note: Title of box will automatically pluralise upon use of child2_agency. |
Text |
website | no | Web address for agency website | Text |
footnotes | no | Footnotes or references for included information | Text |