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Usuari:Pau Salvanyà/proves

De la Viquipèdia, l'enciclopèdia lliure
Lords Mobile
Desenvolupador IGG
Distribuïdora IGG
Motor Unity
Plataformes iOS, Android, Amazon i Microsoft Windows
Publicació 26 de febrer de 2016 (Android)

30 de març de 2016 (iOS)

4 d’agost de 2016 (Amazon) i (Microsoft Windows)

Gèneres Estratègia, joc massiu multijugador en línia
Mode Multijugador

Lords Mobile és un videojoc desenvolupat i publicat per IGG, està disponible per descarregar a Android, iOS i Steam. El joc és free-to-play (gratis per jugar) i ofereix compres integrades a l’aplicació. Segons “App Annie”, el joc és una de les aplicacions d’estratègia amb més ingressos a l’App Store (iOS) i Google Play. La descripció oficial del joc diu que aquest té més de dos-cents milions de jugadors per tot el món.

El 2016, Lords Mobile va guanyar el Google Play Awards per ser el “Millor Joc Competitiu” i, el 2017, va ser nominat pel "Millor Joc Multijugador" i anomenat "Joc d’Excel·lència d’Android" per Google.



El joc combina partides de rol, estratègia a temps real i mecànica de construcció mundial. El joc consisteix de diferents modalitats, la més rellevant d’aquestes són les batalles PVP (jugador contra jugador). Els jugadors desenvolupen la seva pròpia base i construeixen un exèrcit amb la intenció d’atacar les bases enemigues, destruir-les, agafar-ne els recursos i capturar els líders o herois enemics. Habitualment, els jugadors poden atacar només a enemics de la seva mateixa regió, però durant la “Kingdom War” (KvK), tots els servidors (exceptuant els nous), estan oberts a l’atac.

Els jugadors poden atacar momstres i altres caps del món (“Darknests”) que periòdicament, apareixen al mapa del regne per poder agafar-ne recursos d’aquests. A part dels atacs usuals, els jugadors poden participar en concursos, on l’objectiu d’aquests és capturar una localització del mapa, guanyant així botins per cadascú (individualment) i per al clan al que pertanyeixen. Visualització del camp de batalla (atac per la base de l’enemic). El joc també té afegits altres modes de joc:

  • Fases d’heroi - Mode PvE, on el jugador lluita en una sèrie de desafiaments utilitzant Herois únics. Completant aquestes fases, el jugador pot guanyar nous herois, experiència per a aquests i materials per a l’equipament dels Herois.
  • Colisseum - PvP-mode, the player, selects up to five Heroes and fights against another player's preselected Heroes. Victories result in Hero experience and higher position on the Colosseum ranking. The game's premium currency, Gems, is awarded to players based on their rank.
  • El Laberint - PvE-mode, the player can challenge a monster in order to claim various resources and speed-up items. On occasion, players may earn a jackpot on Gems.
  • Magnat del Regne - PvE-mode, the player uses luck token to roll a dice and moves forward till they reach the end of the map. The player gets different resources, items and even chests on the way and a gemming gremlin at the end where they have a chance to win the jackpot on Gems.

Attacks and defenses in the game require developed tactical and strategic thinking. The player should not only know which heroes to take into battle, what equipment to wear, but also be able to make quick decisions that are correlated with the current situation. Capturing locations (e.g. Wonders) requires in many respects the coordinated action of several players of one guild.


Players can join or create guilds in order to collaborate with other players regardless of location. Guildmates are able to assist their allies with build time and research time. They can also earn rewards for their allies by defeating world monsters and making in-game purchases. Each guild has a leader (R5) who can assign the ranking and positions of the guild members. Guilds will have R4s whose duties vary depending on the guild, but typically involve deleting guild fest quests and allowing a member's alternative account in and out of the guild.

Guild Fest

Guild Fest is a recurring event that takes place shortly after Kingdom versus Kingdom. During the week-long event, players select various quests to complete ranging from gathering resources off from tiles, gaining several 19+ level essences from darknests (this should only be selected if they are a T3 player with no chance of ever being able to actually help win the nest), training troops, and completing Hell Events. During Guild Fest, players are held captive by their guild for fear of failing a quest by leaving the guild. Guilds may also threaten to kick members out of the guild if they do not achieve a certain number of points during the event, sending numerous passive-aggressive guild messages if the guild is not achieving the ranking the guild desires. Ultimately, the guild will be awarded prizes for their participation in Guild Fest. However, the monetary value of these free rewards does not correlate to the amount of money players likely had to spend in order to achieve their minimum required score.


Lords Mobile features over 45 characters known as Heroes. They are divided into three types: Intelligent, Strong, Agile. All Heroes are unique with different skills, attributes, designs, and backgrounds. The strategy of the game assumes the need to improve these characters. Additional Heroes are available through in-game purchase bundles while the game's launch Heroes are all available by completing Hero Stages. Lords Mobile banner in Hong Kong subway, 2017 The company conducts massive promotions in different parts of the world (in particular in China and South Asia): forms of marketing range widely from cooperation with a supermarket chain (Indomaret in Indonesia) to inviting famous Youtubers (f.e., Caster Wars in Thailand) and stars as representatives. The game's most notable celebrity endorsements are Taiwanese singer Jolin Tsai (Cai Yilin), Korean actress Song Ji-hyo, Japanese comedian Daisuke Miyagawa and gravure idolRio Uchida.

In his review for GameZebo Tom Christiansen pointed out that he barely made his way through the game's introduction. ("This sort of chore is typical (though to a lesser degree) in many mobile strategy games, but Lords Mobile has taken it to an extreme"). He called the "saving grace" a PvE mode in which players can control Heroes in real time and launch skills. However, the rest of the gameplay for him seemed like a routine job, from which he wished the developers to get rid.

Year Award Category Result
2016 Google Play Awards Best Competitive Game Won
2017 Google Play Awards NONE Nominated
2017 Google Play Awards Android Excellence Game Won
  1. ^ Google Awards 2016 Retrieved 2017-12-02.
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  4. ^ Android Excellence: Congratulations to the newly added apps and games
  5. ^ Anar a : a b c Igromania magazine (Ru), May 2016, p. 30-34.
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  7. ^ Lords Mobile เปิดศึกชิง Caster Wars รักใครชอบใคร ไปจอยกันเลย!
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  • Lords Mobile official website
