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Llocs Web

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  • [10] University of Texas at El Paso. Chihuahuan Desert Desert Pocket Gopher, Geomys arenarius

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  • [18] Abe, H. (1983) Variation and taxonomy of Niviventer fulvescens and notes on Niviventer group of rats in Thailand

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  • [19] Abe, H. (1988) The phylogenetic relationships of Japanese moles

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  • [20] Abe, H. (1995) Revision of the Asian moles of the genus Mogera

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  • [21] Abe, H. (1996) Habitat factors affecting the geographic size variation of Japanese moles

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  • [22] Abe, H. (2003) Trapping, habitat, and activity of the Japanese water shrew, Chimarrogale platycephala

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  • [23] Abe, H; Shiraishi, S; Arai, S. (1991) A new mole from Uotsuri-jima, the Ryukyu Islands

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  • [24] Abe, H; Ohdachi, S; Mackawa, K. (1996) A survey of small terrestrial mammals in southern Sakhalin, conducted in 1994 and 1995

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  • [25] Baker, R.J.; Genoways, H.H. (1975) A new subspecies of Geomys bursarius (Mammalia: Geomyidae) from Texas and New Mexico

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  • [26] Berry, D. L.; Baker, R. J. (1972) Chromosomes of pocket gophers of the genus Pappogeomys, subgenus Cratogeomys

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  • [27] Block, S. B.; Zimmerman, E. G. (1991) Allozymic variation and systematics of plains pocket gophers (Geomys) of south-central Texas

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  • [28] Burns, J.C.; Choate, J.R.; Zimmermar, E.G. (1985) Systematic relationships of pocket gophers (genus Geomys) on the central Great Plains

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  • [29] Burt, M. S.; Dowler, R. C. (1999) Biochemical systematics of Geomys breviceps and two chromosomal races of Geomys attwateri in eastern Texas

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  • [30] Chambers, Ryan R.; Sudman, Philip D.; Bradley, Robert D. (2009) A phylogenetic assessment of pocket gophers (Geomys): evidence from nuclear and mitochondrial genes

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  • [31] Demastes, J. W.; Spradling, T. A.; Hafner, M. S.; Hafner, D. J.; Reed, D. L. (2002) Systematics and phylogeography in pocket gophers in the genera Cratogeomys and Pappogeomys

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  • [32] DeWalt, T. S.; Sudman, P. D.; Hafner, M. S.; Davis, S. K. (1993) Phylogenetic relationships of pocket gophers (Cratogeomys and Pappogeomys) based on mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b sequences

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  • [33] DeWalt, T. S.; Zimmerman, E. G.; Planz, J. V.; (1993) Mitochondrial-DNA phylogeny of species of the boylii and truei groups of the genus Peromyscus

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  • [34] Feldhamer, George A. ; Thompson, Bruce C. i Chapman, Joseph A. (eds). (1982) Wild Mammals of America; Biology, Management, and Economics

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  • [35] Findlay, J.S.; Jones, Clyde; Genoways, Hugh H.; Birney, Elmer C.; Baker, Robert J. (1996) J. Knox Jones, Jr.: 1929–1992

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  • [36] Hamilton, Meredith J.; Bell, Darin M.; Chambers, Ryan R.; Bradley, Robert D. (2008) Hybrid zones, genetic isolation, and systematics of pocket gophers (genus Geomys) in Nebraska

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  • [37] Hafner, Mark S.; Spradling, Theresa A.; Light, Jessica E.; Hafner, David J.; Demboski, John R. (2004) Systematic revision of pocket gophers of the Cratogeomys gymnurus species group

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  • [38] Hafner, Mark S.; Light, Jessica E.; Hafner, David J.; Brant, Sara V.; Spradling, Theresa A. et al. (2005) Cryptic species in the mexican pocket gopher Cratogeomys merriami

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  • [39] Hafner, Mark S. (2007) Cophylogeny and disparate rates of evolution in sympatric lineages of chewing lice on pocket gophers

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  • [40] Hafner, David J.; Hafner, Mark S.; Hasty, Gerald L.; Spradling, Theresa A.; Demastes, James W. (2008) Evolutionary Relationships of Pocket Gophers (Cratogeomys castanops Species Group) of the Mexican Altiplano

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  • [41] Heaney, L. R., Timm, R. M. (1983) Relationships of pocket gophers of the genus Geomys from the central and northern Great Plains

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  • [42]Heaney, L. R., Timm, R. M. 1985. Morphology, genetics, and ecology of pocket gophers (genus Geomys) in a narrow hybrid zone

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  • [43] Hendricksen, R. Laurie (1972) Variation in the Plains Pocket Gopher (Geomys bursarius) along a Transect across Kansas and Eastern Colorado

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  • [44] Hoper, E. T. (1940) A new race of pocket gopher of the species Geomys lutescens from Colorado

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