Usuari Discussió:Aneeshgs
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Hola Aneeshgs! Sigueu benvingut/da a la Viquipèdia i al coneixement lliure. Us encoratgem especialment, abans de res, a visitar la introducció per a un començament fàcil en tres senzills passos . Si preferiu aprendre mitjançant un tutorial, podeu seguir el curset d'autoaprenentatge.
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Salutacions cordials
--Pau Cabot · Discussió 11:01, 10 ago 2010 (CEST)
[modifica]First of all, I want to welcome you here, I hope you will find this place to be pleasant and that you will help us know more about your language, culture and country. I'm really pleased to see you came here because until now I haven't had any response in the other Indian Wikipedia (or with Indian contributors in the English Wikipedia) I visited in my campaign to promote a Catalan local Chapter and I admire Indian culture so much that it has pained me (I love Indian movies and Shah Rukh Khan is a real great actor and Aishwarya Rai one of the most beautiful woman in the world and I think your cultures have brought so much to the world spiritually and culturally and still have much to offer) and I apologize for knowing nearly nothing about Malayalam (though I've tried to improve the page of your language according to the English Wikipedia). I hope I (/we) will get to know more about your culture and if you ever need to have things translated (from English I guess since I can't read your language by now unfortunately, sorry!), just let me know, I will be glad to help the best I can. I would like to have your opinion about the support I can find in your Wikipedia (if you are interested in the campaign you can switch to my userpage in English to know more about it) and if you think it is worthwhile to go there well please tell me, and also could you please let me know of someone you could translate the template to your language. I wish you, your language and the Malayalam Wikipedia all the best and hope it will help strengthen and promote the use of your language and preserve your culture. Sincerely, take care, upakaaram for your attention Claudi Balaguer/Capsot (disc.) 09:37, 13 ago 2010 (CEST)
[modifica]enikku ee bhaasha ariyilla(i doesn't know about this language),njaan ariyaathe vannathaa(i arrived here unfortunately).ente raajyathine swaathantriya divasam agust 15 aanu(Agust 15 is our Independence day).i wondered when see Namaskaaram!and upakaaram, where you learn this words thees are malayalam words.i link article about my countryon my user page.
- Upakaraam for your welcome, well now I know another word; unfortunately a lot of work awaits me with the spelling... The page where I found the Malayalam words is: [[1]], I also found a dictionary [[2]] and another which isn't this interesting and might be considered offensive: [[3]]. Well, have a good and wonderful Independence day. Have a nice day, I hope to hearing from you soon, if you ever need something from me just let me know, I will be glad to help the best I can. Take care, ennaal aakaTTE! Claudi Balaguer/Capsot (disc.) 17:52, 14 ago 2010 (CEST)