Discussió:Llista de filòsofs de la Grècia clàssica
Destrucció ràpida
[modifica]This page has been created to make a list that includes philosophers for which articles were not yet created so users can add new articles. I know that the category for this article exists but the entries in a category does not include articles to be done. This list is still incomplete and I was planning on adding some details for some philosophers such as the dates of births and deaths. Such pages exist in many other wikis for the same purpose, but I understand that each language has its own policies in the creation of articles.
At the time of this entry, the article was not included in the votation page. My knowledge of catalan language is too limited to start the debate. Furthermore, the message for the deletion of the article has been put by an anonymous user so I cannot discuss the matter with him/her.
I would also appreciate some help in order to translate my arguments (from French or English) in the votation process. Robin des Bois ♘ ➳ ✉ 22:45, 15 oct 2006 (UTC)
filòsofs de l'Antiguitat
[modifica]Hi ha aquí un problema que es va obviar en el seu moment, en escriure (de filosofia antiga: es pot considerar que filosofia antiga i filosofia grega són sinònims), i que crec que s'hauria de resoldre. Tots els filòsofs que no pertanyen a l'Antiga Grècia, què fem? Per exemple Sext Empíric o Procle (del segle V dc!).
No seria millor canviar aquesta llista per llista de filòsofs de l'antiguitat, i que es correspongués amb l'article de filosofia antiga? Tal com està ara porta a confusió (segons la meva opinió). --Meldor 20:41, 7 maig 2007 (CEST)
- The heading of the article is the problem. The best solution is to be more specific as to which philosophers should be included. For now, it leads people to include Roman philosophers. Creating another list for Roman philosophers and for Eastern philosophers is then possible and easy to fit in the existing categories. But as for the categories, creating a page for just a few links is unjustified. The two advantages of the lists over the categories, are that they allow to include elements not yet created, sometimes leading to the creation of new articles, and that they make it possible to sort them differently. Having a list that is identical to its corresponding category is a waste of computer space.
- Renaming the list as Meldor suggests would be an option that allows Eastern philosophers as well. Since most of the list would be populated by Greek philosophers anyway, it should not be very different from this one. But again, it would be better to create a category for ancient philosophers. However, if you rename it, do not forget to change the interwiki links to reflect the change. Lists of ancient philosophers and lists of ancient greek philosophers are two different things. — Robin des Bois ♘ ➳ ✉ 01:33, 8 maig 2007 (CEST)