![]() gobi ![]() | |
Taxonomia | |
Superregne | Holozoa |
Regne | Animalia |
Fílum | Chordata |
Classe | Actinopteri |
Ordre | Cypriniformes |
Família | Cyprinidae |
Gènere | Gobio ![]() F.Cuvier, 1816 |
Gobio és un gènere de peixos de la família dels ciprínids i de l'ordre dels cipriniformes.[1]
[modifica]- Gobio acutipinnatus (Menschikov, 1939)[2]
- Gobio alverniae (Kottelat & Persat, 2005)[3]
- Gobio banarescui (Dimovski & Grupce, 1974)[4]
- Gobio battalgilae (Naseka, Erk'akan & Küçük, 2006)[5]
- Gobio benacensis (Pollini, 1816)
- Gobio brevicirris (Fowler, 1976)[6]
- Gobio bulgaricus (Drensky, 1926)[7]
- Gobio carpathicus (Vladykov, 1925)[8]
- Gobio coriparoides (Nichols, 1925)[9]
- Gobio cynocephalus (Dybowski, 1869)[10]
- Gobio delyamurei (Freyhof & Naseka, 2005)[11]
- Gobio feraeensis (Stephanidis, 1973)[12]
- Gobi (Gobio gobio) (Linnaeus, 1758)[13]
- Gobio hettitorum (Ladiges, 1960)[14]
- Gobio holurus (Fowler, 1976)[6]
- Gobio huanghensis (Luo, Le & Chen, 1977)[15]
- Gobio kovatschevi (Chichkoff, 1937)[16]
- Gobio krymensis (Banarescu & Nalbant, 1973)[17]
- Gobio kubanicus (Vasil'eva, 2004)[18]
- Gobio lingyuanensis (Mori, 1934)[19]
- Gobio lozanoi (Doadrio & Madeira, 2004)[20]
- Gobio macrocephalus (Mori, 1930)[21]
- Gobio maeandricus (Naseka, Erk'akan & Küçük, 2006)[5]
- Gobio meridionalis (Xu, 1987)[22]
- Gobio obtusirostris (Valenciennes, 1842)[23]
- Gobio occitaniae (Kottelat & Persat, 2005)[3]
- Gobio ohridanus (Karaman, 1924)[24]
- Gobio rivuloides (Nichols, 1925)[25]
- Gobio sarmaticus (Berg, 1949)[26]
- Gobio sinensis (Bleeker, 1865)
- Gobio skadarensis (Karaman, 1937)[27]
- Gobio soldatovi (Berg, 1914)[28]
- Gobio volgensis (Vasil'eva, Mendel, Vasil'ev, Lusk & Lusková, 2008)[29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36]
[modifica]- ↑ The Taxonomicon (anglès)
- ↑ Men'shikov, M. I. 1939. On the ichthyofauna of Lake Marka-Kul'. Uchenye Zapinski Permskogo Univer. v. 3 (núm. 2): 119-142.
- ↑ 3,0 3,1 Kottelat, M. & H. Persat. 2005. The genus Gobio in France, with redescription of G. gobio and description of two new species (Teleostei: Cyprinidae). Cybium v. 29 (núm. 3): 211-234.
- ↑ Dimovski, A. & R. Grupce. 1974. Études morphologico-systématiques du genre Gobio (Pisces, Cyprinidae) en Macédoine. 1. Gobio kessleri banarescui n. ssp. de la Rivière Vardar. Acta Musei Macedonici Scientiarum Naturalium v. 14 (núm. 4 [122]): 69-92.
- ↑ 5,0 5,1 Naseka, A.M., F. Erk'akan & F. Küçük. 2006. A description of two new species of the genus Gobio from Central Anatolia (Turkey) (Teleostei: Cyprinidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 15: 185–194.
- ↑ 6,0 6,1 Fowler, H. W. 1976. A catalog of World fishes (XXIV). Quarterly Journal of the Taiwan Museum (Taipei) v. 29 (núms. 1/2): 1-110 [catalog v. 3, pp. 250-359].
- ↑ Drensky, P. 1926. Neue und seltene Fische aus Bulgarien. Trav. Soc. Bulg. Sci. Nat. Sofia v. 12: 121-150.
- ↑ Vladykov, V. D. 1925. Über einige neue Fische aus der Tschechoslowakei (Karpathorussland.).
- ↑ Nichols, J. T. 1925. Some Chinese fresh-water fishes. IV. Gudgeons of the genus Coripareius. V. Gudgeons related to the European Gobio gobio. VI. New gudgeons of the genera Gnathopogon and Leucogobio. American Museum Novitates Núm. 181: 1-8.
- ↑ Dybowski, B. I. 1869. Vorläufige Mittheilungen über die Fischfauna des Ononflusses und des Ingoda in Transbaikalien. Verhandlungen der K.-K. zoologisch-botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien v. 19: 945-958, table, Pls. 14-18.
- ↑ Freyhof, J. & A. M. Naseka. 2005. Gobio delyamurei, a new gudgeon from Crimea, Ukraine (Teleostei: Cyprinidae). Ichthyol. Explor. Freshwaters v. 16 (núm. 4): 331-338.
- ↑ Stephanidis, A. 1973. Fresh waters fish from Thessaly and the valley of Sperchios River. 1. The species of the genus Gobio Cuvier, 1817 (Pisces, Cyprinidae). Biologia Gallo-Hellenica v. 4 (núm. 2): 189-203.
- ↑ Linnaeus, C. 1758. Systema Naturae, Ed. X. (Systema naturae per regna tria naturae, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. Tomus I. Editio decima, reformata.) Holmiae. Systema Nat. ed. 10 v. 1: i-ii + 1-824.
- ↑ Ladiges, W. 1960. Süsswasserfische der Türkei, I. Teil Cyprinidae. Mitteilungen aus dem Hamburgischen Zoologischen Museum und Institut v. 58: 105-150.
- ↑ Lu, Y.-L, P.-Q Luo & Y.-Y. Chen. 1977. Gobioninae. Pp. 439-549. A: Wu, X.-W. (ed.) Zhongguo like yulei zhi. [The cyprinid fishes of China] Volum 2. Science Press, Peking. [ref. 12558]. The cyprinid fishes of China. v. 2.
- ↑ Chichkoff, G. 1937. Sur les Goujons habitant les eaux douces de la Bulgarie. Ann. Univ. Sofia Fac. Phys. Math. v. 33 (núm. 3): 227-289, Pls. 1-2.
- ↑ Banarescu, P. & T. T. Nalbant. 1973. Pisces, Teleostei. Cyprinidae (Gobioninae). Das Tierreich v. 93: i-vii + 1-304.
- ↑ Vasil'eva, E. D., V. P. Vasil'ev & T. I. Kuga. 2004. On taxonomy of gudgeons of the genus Gobio (Gobioninae, Cyprinidae) of Europe: a new species of gudgeon Gobio kubanicus sp. nova from the Kuban River basin. Voprosy Ikhtiol. v. 44 (núm. 6): 766-782.
- ↑ Mori, T. 1934. The fresh water fishes of Jehol. Report of the first scientific expedition to Manchoukuo, Tòquio, Sec. 5, Zoology Pt 1: 1-61, Pls. 1-21.
- ↑ Doadrio, I. & M. J. Madeira. 2004. A new species of the genus Gobio Cuvier, 1816 (Actynopterygii [sic], Cyprinidae) from the Iberian Peninsula and southwestern France. Graellsia v. 60 (núm. 1): 107-116.
- ↑ Mori, T. 1930. On the fresh water fishes from the Tumen River, Korea, with description of new species. Journal of the Chosen Natural History Society Núm. 11: 39-49, Pl. 3.
- ↑ Chen, J.-X., T.-Q. Xu, S.-M. Fang, S.-L. Song & X.-T. Wang. 1987. Fishes in Qinling Mountain area. Science Press, Beijing. Fishes in Qinling Mountain area.: 1-260.
- ↑ Cuvier, G. & A. Valenciennes. 1842. Histoire naturelle des poissons. Tome seizième. Livre dix-huitième. Les Cyprinoïdes. Hist. Nat. Poiss. v. 16: i-xx + 1-472, Pls. 456-487.
- ↑ Karaman, S. 1924. Pisces Macedoniae. Pisces Macedoniae: 1-90.
- ↑ Nichols, J. T. 1925. Some Chinese fresh-water fishes. IV. Gudgeons of the genus Coripareius. V. Gudgeons related to the European Gobio gobio. VI. New gudgeons of the genera Gnathopogon and Leucogobio. American Museum Novitates Núm. 181: 1-8.
- ↑ Berg, L. S. 1949. Fresh-water fishes of Soviet Union and adjacent countries. II. Freshw. Fish. USSR, Guide Fauna USSR Núm. 29: 467-925.
- ↑ Karaman, S. 1937. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Süsswasserfische Jugoslaviens. Bull. Soc. Sci. Skoplje v. 17: 55-64.
- ↑ Berg, L. S. 1914. Faune de la Russie et des pays limitropes. Poissons, Marsipobranchii et Pisces. Vol. III. Ostariophysi, Part 2. Sant Petersburg. Faune de la Russie et des pays limitropes. Poissons, Marsipobranchii et Pisces.: 337-704, Pls. 3-5.
- ↑ Mendel, J., Lusk, S., Vasil'eva, E.D., Vasil'ev, V.P., Lusková, V., Ekmekci, F.G., Erk'akan, F., Ruchin, A., Košco, J., Vetešník, L., Halacka, K., Šanda, R., Pashkov, A.N. & Reshetnikov, S.I. 2008. Molecular phylogeny of the genus Gobio Cuvier, 1816 (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) and its contribution to taxonomy. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 47: 1061–1075.
- ↑ BioLib (anglès)
- ↑ FishBase (anglès)
- ↑ Catalogue of Life[Enllaç no actiu] (anglès)
- ↑ UNEP-WCMC Species Database[Enllaç no actiu] (anglès)
- ↑ 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (anglès)
- ↑ ITIS (anglès)
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[modifica]- Encyclopedia of Life (anglès)
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