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Tema de Viquipèdia:La taverna/Propostes

Do you want to improve how newcomers start on your wiki? We can help!

Resum per Trizek (WMF)

See this topic for more information.

Trizek (WMF) (discussiócontribucions)


The Growth team at the Wikimedia Foundation works on helping communities to welcome new users. As of January 2020, the team has created 4 features that may help your community to welcome new users and help all of them to remain active on your wiki:

  • Help panel: allows newcomers to find help and ask questions while they edit.
  • Welcome survey: learn what topics and types of edits newcomers are interested in.
  • EditorJourney: know what workflows newcomers go through on their first day.
  • Homepage: a personal special page for newcomers, were they can find help, impact of their edits and, soon, suggested edits.

We have tested these features on 4 Wikipedias (Arabic, Czech, Korean and Vietnamese) and we believe that features likely have a positive impact. As a consequence, we allow other wikis who want to improve how they welcome newcomers to get those features. We have created a checklist to allow communities to start the process of getting these features.

Since your wiki is eligible (and you are known as nice people who take care of newcomers), do you think your community would be interested by it? To start the process, we need a community approval, and then you to start the configuration. Please ask me if you have any questions. :)


Trizek (WMF) (discussiócontribucions)

Many people thank me! I consider this as a good sign. :D

ESM (discussiócontribucions)

Ja saps/sabeu que jo m'apunto al que sigui. Algú veu dificultats potencials a aquesta proposta?

Tiputini (discussiócontribucions)

Aquesta proposta lliga amb el que es va parlar a la Viquitrobada Renovació de les pàgines d'ajuda: plantejaments. Com ho veieu? Val la pena traduir-ho i demanar que ens ho implementin. Algú li podria donar una ullada A la Viquipèdia en euskara ja ho fan servir. @Judesba, @CarlesMartin, @Joutbis, @Amadalvarez

Judesba (discussiócontribucions)

No m'ho he mirat, i tampoc no ho faré; però gràcies per l'avís. Em fa tresmil milions de pal llegir tanta parrafada.

Trizek (WMF) (discussiócontribucions)
Trizek (WMF) (discussiócontribucions)

Any updates on your side? This is a great opportunity for you to help newcomers to have more successful first steps.

Trizek (WMF) (discussiócontribucions)

Hello! I just wrote a new message about these features. They will be deployed soon on your wiki.

Resposta a «Do you want to improve how newcomers start on your wiki? We can help!»