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Would you like Wikipedia in Catalan to receive improvements related to links to disambiguation pages?
We are introducing a new feature. It warns editors about the risks of adding a link to a disambiguation page. The goal is to prevent unwanted links to disambiguation pages. This was the wish number two of the Community Wishlist Survey 2021.
What would change?
In the 2010 wikitext editor, a new pop-up will appear when a user types a link to a disambiguation page in an article. The pop-up will inform that the disambiguation page may be an incorrect target page. It will also have an option to open the "insert link" dialog and fix the link. You can see this pop-up on the screenshot.
We would like to check if the number of new links to disambiguation pages decreases. If it does, we will make this change available on all wikis.
What have we changed already?
- In the 2010 wikitext editor, when a user adds a link to a disambiguation page in an article via the "insert link" dialog:
- The dialog informs the same as the pop-up mentioned above,
- The disambiguation pages are at the bottom of the list of suggested target pages,
- In the list of suggested target pages, information about redirects, as well as descriptions and page images for all pages are displayed.
- In the VisualEditor and 2017 wikitext editor, when a user opens the "add link" dialog, the disambiguation pages are displayed at the bottom of the list of suggested target pages.
- There's a new "revision tag" highlighting edits that add links to disambiguation pages. This could be useful to patrollers who would like to fix incorrect links.
See also: the original wish • the project page.