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Hi ha acordat un ampli marc per al pla d'estudis Waldorf,[1][2] Rena Upitis, h.upitis.pdf Elogi de referència roman amb el suport dels principis comuns de les escoles ; [3] però, les escoles independents Waldorfsón institucions autònomes i no estan obligades a seguir un pla d'estudis establert. En les escoles Waldorf financiades pel govern pot ser necessàri incorporar aspectes dels programes estatals.

Hi ha alguns temes que s'utilitzen exclusivament en l'Escola Waldorf. La primera d'elles és l'Euritmia, un moviment artístic que és acompanyat habitualment per textos parlats o la música que inclou elements de joc de rol i ball i és dissenyat per proporcionar a les persones classes amb un "sentit de l'harmonia d'integració".

L'Escola Waldorf tendeix a introduir els ordinadors en el pla d'estudis en l'adolescència. [4]

Origens i història


Rudolf Steiner va escriure el seu primer llibre sobre l'educació,L'educació dels infants, el 1907. La primera escola d'acord amb aquests principis es va obrir el 1919 en resposta a una sol licitud d'Emil Molt, el propietari i director gerent de la companyia de cigarrets Waldorf-Astoria a Stuttgart, Alemanya. Aquest és l'origen de el nom deWaldorf, que ara és una marca registrada per al seu ús en associació amb el mètode educatiu. L'escola va créixer ràpidament Stuttgart, l'obertura de classes paral.leles, i el 1938 escoles inspirades per l'escola original o els seus principis pedagògics havia estat fundada als EUA, Regne Unit, Suïssa, Països Baixos, Noruega, Àustria, Hongria, i en altres ciutats d'Alemanya. La interferència política del règim nazi i limitada en última instància va fer tancar Escoles Waldorf a Europa. Les escoles afectades van ser reobertes després de la Segona Guerra Mundial. [5] 1 de maig de 2008, hi ha 965 a tot el món independent Escola Waldorfs.

Les escoles waldorf han estat tradicionalment concentrades al centre d'Europa. El nombre d'escoles no europees ha anat augmentant lentament, però, el que porta a una tendència a reinterpretar el currículum abans del eurocentrisme. [6]



Una de les premises principals de l'Educació Waldorf és que totes les escoles (no només les Escoles Waldorf) siguin autònomes i amb un alt grau d'autonomia creativa dins de l'escola. [7] [8] [9] La majoria d'Escoles Waldorf no tenen un director , sinó per un grup, entre ells:

  • La universitat dels mestres, que decideixen sobre les qüestions pedagògiques, normalment sobre la base del consens. Aquest grup està en general obert als professors a temps complet que han estat a l'escola durant un període determinat de temps. Cada escola és conseqüència del seu enfocament, ja que pot actuar únicament sobre la base de les decisions de la universitat dels professors per fixar la política o altres accions relacionades amb l'escola i els seus estudiants. [10] Les Escola Waldorf han estat pensades per tenir un alt nivell de la col·legialitat del professorat.
  • La junta de fideïcomissaris, que decideixen sobre les qüestions de govern del centre, especialment els relatius a les finances de l'escola i qüestions jurídiques.

S'anima als pares a prendre part activa en els aspectes no curriculars de la vida escolar. [11] S'ha comprovat que l'Escola Waldorf és eficaç per crear comunitats d'aprenentatge adults. [12]

Hi ha organismes de coordinació per l'Educació Waldorf tant a nivell nacional (per exemple, laAssociació de Escola Waldorfs d'Amèrica del Nord i la http://www.steinerwaldorf.org.uk / ]al Regne Unit i Irlanda) i a nivell internacional (per exemple, Associació Internacional per a l'Educació Waldorf i El Consell Europeu de l'Educació Steiner Waldorf (ECSWE)). Aquestes organitzacions certifiquen l'ús dels noms registrats "Waldorf" i "de l'escola Steiner". [13] Algunes Escoles Waldorfs són acreditatades independentment per les autoritats governamentals. [14]

Social mission


The schools seek to cultivate pupils' sense de social responsibility,[15] respect, i compassion, as well as developing cooperative capacities. They also seek to enable their pupils to contribute to cultural renewal.[16] The filosofia educativa has been commended for being based upon peace i tolerance.[17]


Escola Waldorfs have linked polarized communities in a variety de settings.

  • Under the apartheid regime in South Africa, the Escola Waldorf was one de the few schools in which children de both races attended the same classes, despite the ensuing loss de state aid. A Waldorf training college in Cape Town, the Novalis Institute, was described by UNESCO as an organization which had a great consequence in the conquest de apartheid: "It has prepared the way i laid the foundations for a new i integrated [community].”[17][18]
  • In Israel, the Harduf Kibbutz Escola Waldorf includes both Jewish i Arab faculty i students i has extensive contact with the surrounding Arab communities;[19] it also runs an Arab-language Waldorf teacher training.[20] In addition, a joint Arab-Jewish Waldorf kindergarten, the first Arab-Jewish, bilingual i bicultural kindergarten in Israel,[21] was founded in Hilf (near Haifa) in 2005.[22]
  • In Brasil, a Waldorf teacher, Ute Craemer, founded a community service organization providing childcare, vocational training i work, social services including health care, i Educació Waldorf to more than 1,000 residents de poverty-stricken areas (Favelas) de Sao Paolo.[23]

The United Nations Educational, Scientific i Cultural Organization, known as UNESCO, states that the Waldorf movement's "ideals i ethical principles...correspond to those de UNESCO,"[24] i has chosen a number de UNESCO Escola Waldorfs in Alemanya, Africa i Asia[25] to be associated project schools.

UNESCO also sponsored an exhibit about the Escola Waldorfs[10] at the 44th Session de their International Conference on Education in Geneva. An exhibition catalogue was published by UNESCO under the title Educació Waldorf Exhibition Catalog On Occasion de the 4th Session de the International Conference on Education de UNESCO in Geneva.[26]

Spiritual foundations


Antroposofia's role


Both historically i philosophically, Educació Waldorf grows out de antroposofia's view de child development, which stands as the basis for the educational theory, methodology de teaching i curriculum. This includes the belief that humans possess an innate spirit that, having passed through previous lives, will in this life develop in its karmically appropriate environment, before returning to the spirit world i later reincarnate in another body.[27] Waldorf pedagogics see that the teacher has "a sacred task in helping each child's soul i spirit grow".[8] Steiner's "extra-sensory anthropology" has been the source de criticisms de Educació Waldorf in Alemanya.[28]

While antroposofia és not generally taught as a subject, the degree to which antroposofia és described by the schools as the philosophical underpinning de Educació Waldorf typically varies from school to school. At times this has led to parents objecting that the role de antroposofia in the educational method had not been disclosed to them, prior to enrollment.[29]

One study noted that many Waldorf teachers display an uncritical attitude toward antroposofia i questioned the pedagogia's reliance on a single theory de child development.[30]

Spirituality i religion


Throughout the curriculum, Educació Waldorf és implicitly infused with spirituality.[11] The curriculum includes a wide range de religious traditions without being oriented in favor de any single tradition.[5][11]

In Alemanya, where religious classes are a mandatory school offering in some federal states[31] each religious denomination provides its own teachers for the Escola Waldorfs' religion classes; the schools also offer an open religion class for those who have no professed religion. Religion classes are universally absent from American Escola Waldorfs.[32]

Celebrations i festivals


Festivals play an important role in Escola Waldorfs, which generally celebrate seasonal observances by showing work de students in the class. The faculty de each individual school decides which festivals i celebrations would best meet the needs i traditions de the students in their particular school. Waldorf theories i practices have been adapted by schools to the historical i cultural traditions de the surrounding communities, whereby there és wide variation to what extent educators detach from Educació Waldorf's traditionally European Christian orientation.[33] Examples de such adaptation include the Escola Waldorfs in Israel i Japan, which celebrate festivals de their particular spiritual heritage, i classes in the Milwaukee Urban Escola Waldorf, which have adopted traditions with African American i Native American heritages.[11]




  • UK comparison with mainstream education

A UK Department for Education i Skills report noted significant differences in curriculum i pedagogical approach between Waldorf/Steiner i mainstream schools i recommended that schools in the state sector could benefit from the following elements de Educació Waldorf:[34] early introduction i approach to modern foreign languages; the combination de block (class) i subject teaching for younger children; development de speaking i listening through an emphasis on oral work; the good pacing de lessons through an emphasis on rhythm; the emphasis on child development guiding the curriculum i examinations; the approach to art i creativity; the attention given to teachers’ reflective activity i heightened awareness (in collective child study for example); i collegial structure de leadership i management, including collegial study. There were also aspects de mainstream practice which, the researchers recommended, could inform good practice in Escola Waldorfs: management skills i ways de improving organizational i administrative efficiency; classroom management; work with secondary-school age children; i assessment i record keeping.

A 2008 report by the Cambridge-based Primary Review found that Steiner/Escola Waldorfs achieved superior academic results to English state schools.[35]

  • Australian study de academic success at university

An Australian study comparing the academic performance de students at university level found that students who had been at Escola Waldorfs significantly outperformed their peers from non-Escola Waldorfs in both the humanities i the sciences.[36]

  • Comparison with Montessori i traditional schools

A study compared the drawing ability de children in Steiner/Waldorf, Montessori i traditional schools, concluding that "the approach to art education in Steiner schools és conducive not only to more highly rated imaginative drawings in terms de general drawing ability i use de color but also to more accurate i detailed observational drawings."[37]

  • Comparative study de moral development

A Canadian study found that Waldorf-educated students scored significantly higher on a test de moral reasoning than students in public high schools i students in a religiously-affiliated high school. Waldorf students were also far more likely to volunteer opinions about the survey i research in general, suggesting possible improvements in the survey technique i offering new possibilities to resolve the moral dilemmas raised in the survey.[38]

  • U.S. Escola Waldorfs survey

A 1995 survey de U.S. Escola Waldorfs found that parents overall experienced the Escola Waldorfs as achieving their major aims for students, i described the education as one that "integrates the aesthetic, spiritual i interpersonal development de the child with rigorous intellectual development", preserving students' enthusiasm for Aprenentatge so that they develop a better sense de self-confidence i self-direction. Some parents described upper grades teachers as overextended, without sufficient time to relate to parental needs i input, i wished for more open i reciprocal parent-school support. Both parents i students sometimes described colleges de teachers as being insular i unresponsive.

Rudolf Steiner School, New York City

The students overall were positive about the school i its differences; experienced the school as a "community de friends"; i spoke de the opportunity to grow i develop through the broad range de activities offered, to learn when they were ready to learn, to develop imagination, i to come to understand the world as well as oneself. Many students spoke de the kindness de their peers i de Aprenentatge to think things through clearly for themselves, not to jump to conclusions, i to remain positive in the face de problems i independent de pressure from others to think as they do. Improvements the students suggested included more after-school sports programs, more physical education classes, more preparation for standardized testing, a class in world politics i computer classes. Faculty, parents i students were united in expressing a desire to improve the diversity de the student body, especially by increasing representation de minority groups such as African-Americans i Hispanic Americans.[33]

  • Standardized testing: USA i Alemanya

Despite their lessened exposure to standardized testing (especially in the elementary school years), U.S. Waldorf pupils' SAT scores have usually come above the national average, especially on verbal measures.[29] Studies comparing students' performance on college-entrance examinations in Alemanya found that as a group, Waldorf graduates passed the exam at double to triple the rate de students graduating from the state education system,[29][28] i that students who had attended Escola Waldorfs for their entire education passed at a much higher rate (40% vs. 26%) than those who only had part de their education at a Escola Waldorf.[39] Educational successes de private Escola Waldorfs may partially reflect the social status de their students.[28]

  • Miscellaneous
    • An international study found that Waldorf pupils were more creative than state-school students, as judged by the Torrance Test de Creative Thinking Ability.[40]
    • An Australian study found that Waldorf-educated adolescents were more oriented towards improving social conditions i had more positive visions de the future than those who attended state schools.[41]
    • A study comparing the prevalence de xenophobic i right-extremist attitudes in pupils in various types de German schools found far fewer students in Escola Waldorfs who were intolerant de foreigners (2.8%) than in college-preparatory (8.4%) or other schools (16.4% - 24.7%); similarly strong differences were found in the numbers de right-extremist students (1.2% in Waldorf, 2.1%-9.5% in other schools.[42] Similar results were found in a Swedish study which reported that the proportion de the Waldorf pupils who supported counteracting or stopping Nazism i racism was considerably greater (93%) than that de the pupils at municipal secondary schools (72%).[43]
    • A study de 6,600 children from five European countries, ages 5 to 13, showed a lower incidence de allergies amongst children attending Escola Waldorfs, an effect which correlated with the extent to which they lived an "anthroposophic lifestyle" in terms de restrictive use de antibiotics, antipyretics, i measles, mumps i rubella vaccination.[44] A second, Swedish study found the incidence de atopy or allergy-like symptoms in pupils in Escola Waldorfs to be half (13%) de that in neighboring non-Escola Waldorfs (25%).[45]

Specific schools

  • Milwaukee Urban Escola Waldorf

Since switching to Waldorf methods, the Milwaukee Urban Waldorf Elementary School has shown an increase in parental involvement, a reduction in suspensions, improvements in standardized test scores for both reading i writing (counter to the district trend), while expenditures per pupil are below many regular district programs.[46] The school converted to Waldorf methods in 1991, when it had 350 students, about 90% de them African American. On the Milwaukee public schools standard third-grade evaluation, the number de children reading above grade level went from 26% in 1992 to 63% in 1995.[11] Waldorf's adaptable i individualized curriculum has been mentioned as a factor in the school's success in addressing children de poverty i children de color.[47]

In 1996 a team de seven mainstream educational researchers conducted a study de the school. In a report published at the conclusion de the study, the school was cited as a positive Aprenentatge environment, in which the students as well as their background seemed to be treated with respect, i where pupils are both encouraged i trusted to be responsible. The report quoted the school principal's evaluation de the Waldorf approach: "Practical i effective, not first i foremost in academics, but in allowing children to be children again...Waldorf gives you connection to your environment, to nature, to school, to others." The study cited the school's pleasing aesthetic, positive teaching environment, safe atmosphere i warm relations despite the "difficult life that surrounds UWS i many de its children".[34] The report also discussed the challenge de meeting societal racism, unsuspected biases de teachers i students in modern-day America, i antroposofia i Educació Waldorf's underlying theory de the evolution de consciousness which "sometimes places one race below another in one or another dimension de development".[11] The researchers noted that teachers "have found a way to put respect for the children before other considerations", i that the school was attempting to combat racism.

  • T. E. Mathews Community School

The T. E. Mathews Community School in Yuba County, Califòrnia serves high-risk juvenile offenders, many de whom have Aprenentatge disabilities. The school switched to Waldorf methods in the 1990s. A 1999 study de the school found that students had "improved attitudes toward Aprenentatge, better social interaction i excellent academic progress."[48][49] This study identified the integration de the arts "into every curriculum unit i almost every classroom activity" de the school as the most effective tool to help students overcome patterns de failure. The study also found significant improvements in reading i math scores, student participation, focus, openness i enthusiasm, as well as emotional stability, civility de interaction i tenacity.[49]

Reception i controversy


Reception by mainstream educationalists


Waldorf methodology has had a generally positive reception by educationalists:

  • Dr. Ernest Boyer has recommended Educació Waldorf's unique integration de the arts into traditional content as a model for other schools.[50]
  • Thomas Armstrong sees Educació Waldorf curriculum as organically embodying Howard Gardner's seven intelligences.[51]
  • Professor Robert Peterkin considers Educació Waldorf a healing education whose underlying principles are appropriate for educating all children.[52]
  • Thomas Nielsen de the University de Canberra considers the imaginative teaching approaches used in Educació Waldorf (drama, exploration, storytelling, routine, arts, discussion i empathy) to be effective stimulators de spiritual-aesthetic, intellectual i physical development i recommends these to mainstream educators.[53]
  • UK educational evaluators see the Waldorf approach conforming to the principal direction de educational theory based upon Comenius i Pestalozzi.[8]

Some Waldorf methods have also been adopted by teachers in both public/state i other private schools.[54] One researcher studying an urban Escola Waldorf has criticized the lack de greater efforts to implement Waldorf methods in public education.[47]

Reading i literacy


Steiner-Educació Waldorf emphasizes the oral tradition, deferring the introduction de reading i writing until age 7.[55] Todd Oppenheimer contrasted the Escola Waldorfs' approach to reading with early Aprenentatge approaches:

Child psychologist David Elkind, who examined the Escola Waldorfs focus on hands-on exploration i conceptualization in early childhood education,[56] cites evidence that late readers ultimately fare better at reading i other subjects than early readers.[29][56]

According to Lucy Calkins, a reading specialist at the Teachers College de Columbia University, in most public schools the students who start reading later tend to do worse. Calkins also says that Waldorf students might also benefit slightly if they started earlier, but stated that she "would not necessarily be worried in a Escola Waldorf....The foundation de literacy és talk i play."[29]

Oppenheimer also cautions "the system isn't fail-safe," noting that faith in the Waldorf system for reading instruction can lead teachers to overlook genuine Aprenentatge disabilities in some students, including dyslexia.[29]

The British Government's Department for Children, Schools i Families (DCSF) és planning from September 2008 to compel all early years 'settings' in England - including Steiner kindergartens - to follow Aprenentatge i Development requirements that will require the teaching de reading, writing i numeracy to children de age 5 i below. This Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) és currently (early 2008) being contested by the broadly-based OpenEYE campaign i the Steiner-based Save Steiner Schools campaign.

Concerns over immunizations


and vaccine controversy

The founder de Educació Waldorf suggested that children's spirits benefited from being tempered in the fires de a good inflammation.[57] A report about a growing trend against childhood immunizations describes parents de a Escola Waldorf in Colorado who believed vaccinations had harmful effects.[57] Concerns have been raised that unvaccinated students, some de whom attended Escola Waldorfs, may have been compromising public health by spreading disease, even among vaccinated populations[58][59][60] or that schools have discouraged immunization.[61]

In response, the European Council de Escola Waldorfs, representing 630 de the 900 Escola Waldorfs world wide, [62] has stated unequivocally that opposition to immunisation per se – or resistance to national strategies for childhood immunisation in general – forms no part de the goals de Educació Waldorf. It also stated that a matter such as whether or not to inoculate a child against communicable disease should be a matter for parental choice, i that insofar as schools have any role to play in these matters, it és in making available a range de balanced information both from the appropriate national agencies i from qualified health professionals with expertise in the field. [63]

Publicly-funded schools



As de 2007, there were 30 public Waldorf-methods schools in the state de California.[64]

In 1998 a lawsuit was filed in Califòrnia by a small group, PLANS, against two government school districts which employed Waldorf methods in two de their schools. PLANS argued that publicly-financed Waldorf-methods schools violated the principle de the separation de church i state in the establishment clause de the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. The group also protested at other government schools in California, claiming the Waldorf training i methods were rooted in a New Age, cult-like religious sect.[65][66]

At the trial, held in 2005, the court ruled against PLANS, dismissing the case on its merits. The judgment followed 30 minutes de attorney questioning during which PLANS told the trial judge that it could present no witnesses qualified to testify in the case who met the requirements de prior evidence rulings. PLANS appealed the outcome in 2006,[67][68] the appeal was granted in November, 2007, i the case was remanded to trial.[69]


There are currently 10 Steiner programs operating in government-run schools in Australia.[61]

In 2006, State-run Steiner schools in Victoria, Australia were challenged by parents i religious experts over concerns that the schools derive from a spiritual system (antroposofia); parents i administrators, as well as Victorian Department de Education authorities, presented divergent views as to whether spiritual or religious dimensions influence pedagogical practice. If present, these would contravene the secular basis de the public education system.[70]

A number de State-run schools in Victoria run "Steiner-influenced" programs in parallel with standard curricula. Possibly the first was at East Bentleigh Primary school, which commenced the program in 1991. Controversy over the Steiner stream has arisen at Footscray City Primary, a school in Footscray that introduced a Steiner program in 2001.


In July 2008, the Hereford Escola Waldorf in Much Dewchurch, Herefordshire, U.K. secured funding to become a state-funded "academy" specializing in the natural environment, to be known as The Steiner Academy Hereford.[71]

See also



  1. Martyn Rawson i Tobias Richter,L'Educació de les Tasques i Contingut del pla d'estudis Steiner Waldorf
  2. EA Karl Stockmeyer, pla d'estudis de Rudolf Steiner per a la Escoles Waldorfs 1985
  3. Woods, Ashley Woods i, Escoles de Steiner a Anglaterra, Universitat d'Occident d'Anglaterra, Bristol: Informe de Recerca RR645, secció 5.2, "Curriculum"
  4. "La lectura és un hàbit que no ens podem pendre el luxe de perdre ", Sunday Herald, 2 de desembre 2007
  5. 5,0 5,1 P. Uhrmacher Bruce, "L'educació poc freqüent: una mirada històrica a Rudolf Steiner, Antroposofia i Educació Waldorf",Investigació Curricular, vol. 25, No 4. Hivern 1995
  6. Alduino Mazzone, [http:// thesis.library.adelaide.edu.au/uploads/approved/adt-SUA20030411.095119/public/03chapter4-chapter10.pdfWaldorf Formació Docent] (Tesi doctoral, Universitat de Adelaida), p. 164
  7. Error de citació: Etiqueta <ref> no vàlida; no s'ha proporcionat text per les refs nomenades FE
  8. 8,0 8,1 8,2 Error de citació: Etiqueta <ref> no vàlida; no s'ha proporcionat text per les refs nomenades uwe.ac.uk_RR645_1.5_Findings
  9. Rist i Schneider,La integració professional i General d'Educació: Una escola de Rudolf Steiner, Institut de la Unesco per a l'Educació, Hamburg 1979, ISBN 92-820-1024-4, pp.8-10
  10. 10,0 10,1 Error de citació: Etiqueta <ref> no vàlida; no s'ha proporcionat text per les refs nomenades IO
  11. 11,0 11,1 11,2 11,3 11,4 11,5 Error de citació: Etiqueta <ref> no vàlida; no s'ha proporcionat text per les refs nomenades McDermott_etal
  12. Tom Stehlik ("La paternitat com a vocació" , Revista Internacional d'Educació Permanent22 (4) pp. 367-79, 2003, citat en l'informe DFES
  13. # Wasco Acreditació de la comissió per a les escoles
  14. Acreditació de Rhode Island
  15. Robert McDermott, The Essential Steiner, Harper San Francisco 1984 ISBN 0-06-065345-0
  16. Christensen, Leah M., "Going Back to Kindergarten: Applying the Principles de Educació Waldorf to Create Ethical Attorneys". Suffolk University Law Review, 2006
  17. 17,0 17,1 Tolerance: The Threshold de Peace., UNESCO, 1994.
  18. Peter Normann Waage, Humanism i Polemical Populism, Humanist 3/2000
  19. Salaam Shalom Educational Foundation
  20. Salaam Shalom
  21. "Garten des Friedens", Anthroposophie Weltweit, 8/07
  22. When Ahmed met Avshalom, Israel21c, May 28, 2006. See the online version de article.
  23. Women de the Year nominee for 1997 (English translation). Accessed 2008-04-29.
  24. Error de citació: Etiqueta <ref> no vàlida; no s'ha proporcionat text per les refs nomenades UNESCO 2001
  25. UNESCO List de project schools
  26. UNESCO Catalog
  27. Giesenberg, Anna (2000) Spiritual development i young children, European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 8(2), 23 — 37. doi:10.1080/13502930085208551.
  28. 28,0 28,1 28,2 Error de citació: Etiqueta <ref> no vàlida; no s'ha proporcionat text per les refs nomenades Ullrich
  29. 29,0 29,1 29,2 29,3 29,4 29,5 29,6 Error de citació: Etiqueta <ref> no vàlida; no s'ha proporcionat text per les refs nomenades TheAtlantic
  30. Mary Barr Sturbaum, Transformational Possibilities de Schooling: A Study de Educació Waldorf, Ph.D. dissertation, Indiana University, 1997
  31. "Education i Social Cohesion--Religion in the Classroom", Institute for Cultural Diplomacy
  32. Mark Riccio, Rudolf Steiner's Impulse in Education, dissertation, Columbia University Teachers College, 2000, p. 87
  33. 33,0 33,1 Error de citació: Etiqueta <ref> no vàlida; no s'ha proporcionat text per les refs nomenades Easton
  34. 34,0 34,1 2005 report Steiner Schools in England by Philip Woods, Martin Ashley i Glenys Woods de the University de the West de England, Steiner Schools in England, University de West de England, Bristol: Research Report RR645 Error de citació: Etiqueta <ref> no vàlida; el nom «DFES» està definit diverses vegades amb contingut diferent.
  35. "Primary schools exert unnecessary pressure on students"
  36. "Sunday Night" broadcast de July 15, 2007
  37. Maureen Cox i Anna Rolands, "The Effect de Three Different Educational Approaches on Children's Drawing Ability", British Journal de Educational Psychology 70, pp. 485-503 (abstract)
  38. pp. 113-118
  39. Der Spiegel, December 14, 1981
  40. Earl J. Ogletree, The Comparative Status de the Creative Thinking Ability de Educació Waldorf Students
  41. Gidley, J. (1998). "Prospective Youth Visions through Imaginative Education." Futures 30(5), pp395-408, cited in Gidley, Batemen, i Smith, Futures in Education, Australian Foresight Institute Monograph Series, 2004 Nr. 5
  42. "Eingegangene Stellungnahmen zu der schriftlichen Anhörung zu dem Dringlichen Antrag der Fraktion BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN betreffend Bekämpfung des Rechtsextremismus in Hessen", p. 130
  43. Bo Dahlin et al: Waldorfskolor och medborgerligt-moralisk kompetens. En jämförelse mellan waldorfelever och elever i den kommunala skolan (Escola Waldorfs i civic moral competency. A comparison de Waldorf pupils with pupils in public schools. Report 2004:2 Karlstad: Institution for educational science, University de Karlstad, Sweden.)
  44. "Allergic disease i sensitization in Steiner school children", Journal de Allergy & Clinical Immunology, January 11, 2006 [1]
  45. Klotter, Jule, "Anthroposophic lifestyle i allergies in children", Townsend Letter for Doctors i Patients 274 (May 2006): 24(2)
  46. Dr. Richard R. Doornek, Educational Curriculum specialist with the Milwaukee Public Schools quoted in Phaizon Rhys Wood, Beyond Survival: A Case Study de the Milwaukee Urban Escola Waldorf, dissertation, School de Education, University de San Francisco, 1996
  47. 47,0 47,1 Phaizon Rhys Wood, Beyond Survival: A Case Study de the Milwaukee Urban Escola Waldorf, D.Ed. dissertation, Univ. de San Francisco, 1996, p. 135, 149, 154ff
  48. Arline Monks, "Breaking Down the Barriers to Aprenentatge: The Power de the Arts", Journal de Court, Community i Alternative Schools
  49. 49,0 49,1 Babineaux, R., Evaluation report: Thomas E. Mathews Community School, Stanford University 1999, cited in Monks, op. cit.
  50. Ernest Boyer, cited in Eric Oddleifson, Boston Public Schools As Arts-Integrated Aprenentatge Organizations: Developing a High Standard de Culture for All, Address de May 18, 1995: "One de the strengths de the Waldorf curriculum és its emphasis on the arts i the rich use de the spoken word through poetry i storytelling. The way the lessons integrate traditional subject matter is, to my knowledge, unparalleled. Those in the public school reform movement have some important things to learn from what Waldorf educators have been doing for many years. It és an enormously impressive effort toward quality education."
  51. Thomas Armstrong, cited in Boston Public Schools As Arts-Integrated Aprenentatge Organizations: Developing a High Standard de Culture for All, :"Educació Waldorf embodies in a truly organic sense all de Howard Gardner's seven intelligences. Rudolph Steiner's vision és a whole one, not simply an amalgam de the seven intelligences. Many schools are currently attempting to construct curricula based on Gardner's model simply through an additive process (what can we add to what we have already got?). Steiner's approach, however, was to begin with a deep inner vision de the child i the child's needs i build a curriculum around that vision."
  52. Robert S. Peterkin, Director de Urban Superintendents Program, Harvard Graduate School de Education i former Superintendent de Milwaukee Public Schools, in Boston Public Schools As Arts-Integrated Aprenentatge Organizations: Developing a High Standard de Culture for All:"Waldorf és healing education . . . It és with a sense de adventure that the staff de Milwaukee Public Schools embraces the Waldorf concept in an urban multicultural setting. It és clear that Waldorf principles are in concert with our goals for educating all children."
  53. "Rudolf Steiner's Pedagogia de Imagination: A Phenomenological Case Study"
  54. Stephanie Luster Bravmann, Nancy Stewart Green, Pamela Bolotin Joseph, Edward R. Mikel, Mark A. Windschitl, Cultures de Curriculum, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2000. p81, "[Steiner, who] developed the Escola Waldorf system de education, és another whose ideas are reproduced, often less in whole than in part...in an expanding number de American public i private schools today."
  55. Janet Howard (1992). Literacy Aprenentatge in a Escola Waldorf: A belief in the sense de structure i story. Ed.D. dissertation, State University de New York at Albany.
  56. 56,0 56,1 David Elkind, "Much Too Early", Education Next, a Journal de Opinion i Research, Hoover Institute, Standford University, Summer 2001 [2]
  57. 57,0 57,1 Arthur Allen, Bucking the Herd, The Atlantic Monthly, September 2002
  58. Katherine Seligman, Vaccination backlash, The San Francisco Chronicle May 25, 2003[3]
  59. Pamela White, A shot in the dark, Boulder Weekly, Aug 8 2002 [4]
  60. "Thomas R. DeGregori, The Deadly Perils de Rejected Knowledge, American Council on Science i Health, Sept 13, 2002 [5]
  61. 61,0 61,1 Milanda Rout, "Questions about Steiner's classrooms", The Australian July 28 2007
  62. European Council de Escola Waldorfs
  63. Consensus statement, agreed by members de the ECSWE, meeting in Copenhagen, 21 January 2001.
  64. "Waldorf educator visits Orchard Valley", Barre Montpelier Times Argus, Dec. 1 2007
  65. Beth Reinhard, "Public Escola Waldorf in Calif. Under Attack", Education Week June 25, 1997. PLANS was cited as "calling Waldorf an offshoot de a 'cult-like religious sect'."
  66. Linda Jacobson, "Court Allows Lawsuit Over Waldorf Teaching Practices To Progress", Education Week October 13, 1999. Archived copy. Accessed 2007-12-17.
  67. Chrisanne Beckner, "Change de PLANS", Newsreview.com Sep 22 2005
  68. Chrisanne Beckner, "Separation anxiety", Newsreview.com Jan 26 2006
  69. Damrell, Frank C., Minute Order, Nov 27 2007. Text de order. Accessed 2007-12-17.
  70. Steiner education in state schools. ABC National Radio. 25 July 2007 Religion Report, I, 1 August 2007 Religion Report II
  71. Mark Bowen, New academy to open in Hereford, Hereford Times, 24 July 2008. Accessed 2008-07-25.