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De la Viquipèdia, l'enciclopèdia lliure

NOTA: Cal fer neteja del llistat dels termes en anglès que no enllacen bé (per tema majúscules i minúscules).

Title Length Interwiki Target Present Target  Target Length
3D Profile 0
AMBER 8330 5
APBioNet 0
Ab Initio 4984
Ab Initio Gene Prediction 0
Acceptor Splice Site 0
Accuracy Measures 0
Accuracy of Prediction 0
Acrocentric Chromosome 0
Adaptation 51451 64 1 Adaptació 2329
Admixture Mapping 0
Adopted-Basis Newton-Raphson Minimization 0
Affine Gap Penalty 0
Affymetrix GeneChip 0
Affymetrix Probe-Level Analysis 0
After Sphere 0
After State 0
Alanine 9789 58 1 Alanina 855
Alignment Score 0
Alignment of Nucleic Acid Sequences 0
Alignment of Protein Sequences 0
Aliphatic 5286
Allele-Sharing Methods 0
Allelic Association 0
Allopatric Evolution 0
Allopatric Speciation 13915
Alpha Carbon 0
Alpha Helix 42854
Alu Repeat 0
Amide Bond 0
Amino Acid 81706
Amino-Terminus 0
Amphipathic 4807
Analog 2211 27 1 Analògic 1448
Ancestral Genome 0
Ancestral State Reconstruction 0
Anchor Points 0
Annotation Transfer 0
Anomalous Dispersion 29038
Apomorphy 9351
Arginine 24419 51 1 Arginina 5383
Aromatic 24945
Artificial Neural Networks 58343
Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Network 0
Asparagine 9598 45 1 Asparagina 16421
Aspartic Acid 9246
Association Analysis 0
Asymmetric Unit 0
Atomic Coordinate File 0
Attribute 1414 23
Autapomorphy 5606 11 1 Autapomorfia 1433
Autosome 2478 43 1 Autosoma 773
Axiom 31120 87 1 Axioma 30183
BAC 2836 12 1 Bac 1103
BLAST 34442 18 1 BLAST 13239
BLAT 691
BLOSUM Matrix 0
Backbone 1184 6
Backbone Models 0
Backbone-Dependent Rotamer Library 0
Backpropagation Networks 0
Bacterial Artificial Chromosome 7009
Ball-and-Stick Models 0
Base Caller 0
Base Composition 0
Base-Call Confidence Values 0
Bayesian Analysis 0
Bayesian Network 53291
Bayesian Phylogenetic Analysis 0
Belief Network 0
Beta Barrel 0
Beta Breakers 0
Beta Sheet 22922
Beta Strand 0
Binary Relation 0
Binding Site 0
Binding Site Symmetry 0
BioChip 0
Bioinformatics 48345 64 1 Bioinformàtica 4846
Bioinformatics.org 0
Birth-and-Death Evolution 0
Bit 16760 85 1 Bit 9436
Block 4527 13
Blocks 4527
Boltzmann Factor 6892
Bootstrap Analysis 0
Born Solvation Energy 0
Bottleneck 1449 15 1 Coll d'ampolla 687
Box 11452 42
Bragg's Law 15063
Branch-Length Estimation 0
C-alpha 0
CASP 12297 6 1 Critical Assessment of Techniques for Protein Structure Prediction 12329
CDS 3566 18
CHARMM 14319 10
CNS 29864
COG 3902
Candidate Gene 13274
Car-Parinello Simulations 0
Carboxy-Terminus 0
Catalytic Triad 0
Category 2321 30
Cenancestor 17226
Centimorgan 4115 18 1 Centimorgan 905
Centromere 18901 43 1 Centròmer 656
Channel Capacity 9284
Character 2195 6
Chimeric DNA Sequence 0
Chou-Fasman Prediction Method 0
Chromatin 27343 48 1 Cromatina 705
Chromosomal Deletion 0
Chromosomal Inversion 0
Chromosomal Translocation 0
Chromosome 48208 92 1 Cromosoma 122018
Chromosome Band 0
Cis-Regulatory Module 0
Clade 8274 44 1 Clade 1048
Classification 2416 15 1 Classificació 1702
Classification in Machine Learning 0
Classifier 558 4
CluSTr 0
Cluster 3432 28
Cluster Analysis 47686
Clustering 868 3
Clusters of Orthologous Groups 0
Code 13445 45 1 Codi 1899
Coding Region 0
Coding Region Prediction 0
Coding Statistic 0
Coding Theory 22383
Codon 48556
Codon Usage Bias 0
Coevolution 30349 33 1 Coevolució 2621
Coevolution of Protein Residues 0
Cofactor 624 8
Coil 1230 8
Coiled Coil 0
Coincidental Evolution 0
Comparative Gene Prediction 0
Comparative Genomics 26457
Comparative Modeling 0
Complement 2609 19
Complex Trait 26495
Complexity 25555 25 1 Pensament complex 2503
Complexity Regularization 0
Components of Variance 0
Composer 7397 88 1 Compositor 2188
Composite Regulatory Element 0
Computational Biology 18740
Concept 26385 68 1 Concepte 3302
Conceptual Graph 7266
Concerted Evolution 0
Conformation 950 3
Conformational Analysis 0
Conformational Energy 0
Congen 0
Conjugate Gradient Minimization 0
Connectionist Networks 0
ConsInspector 0
Consed 2000
Consensus Sequence 0
Consensus Tree 0
Conservation 4838 18
Contact Map 0
Contig 8866 9 1 Còntig 309
Contig Mapping 0
DAG 3860
DAGEdit 0
DALI 446 2
DDBJ 3155
DELILA Instructions 0
DIP 3508 14 1 DIP (desambiguació) 365
DL 3457 22
DNA Array 0
DNA Databank of Japan 0
DNA Replication 39952
DNA Sequence 0
DNA Sequencing 90122
DNA Sequencing Artifact 0
DNA Sequencing Error 0
DNA Sequencing Trace 0
DNA-Protein Coevolution 0
DOCK 3930
Data Integration 23671
Data Mining 73787
Dayhoff Amino Acid Substitution Matrix 0
De Novo Assembly 0
Dead-End Elimination Algorithm 0
Decision Tree 8062
Degree of Genetic Determination 0
Dependent Variable 9555
Description Logic 33514
Descriptor 887 11
Diagnostic Performance 0
Diagnostic Power 0
Dielectric Constant 15414
Diffraction of X Rays 0
Dihedral Angle 11505
Dinucleotide Frequency 0
Directed Acyclic Graph 30298
Discriminant Analysis 0
Discriminating Power 0
Disulfide Bridge 0
DnaSP 0
Docking 858 8
Domain 4744 20
Domain Alignment 0
Domain Family 0
Donor Splice Site 0
Dot Matrix 6596
Dot Plot 0
Dotter 3566
Double Stranding Downstream 0
Dynamic Programming 61311
E-M Algorithm 0
EBI 680 7
EMBL Nucleotide Sequence Database 0
EMBOSS 5614 4
EMBnet 8126 4
ENCprime/SeqCount 0
EcoCyc 2989
Electron Density Map 0
Electronic PCR 4856
Electrostatic Energy 0
Electrostatic Potential 0
Elston-Stewart Algorithm 0
Empirical Pair Potentials 0
Empirical Potential 0
End Gap 0
Energy Function 0
Energy Minimization 0
Enhancer 220 3
Ensembl 9621 12 1 Ensembl 8117
Entrez Expression Profiler 0
Entropy 78734 74 1 Entropia 9729
Enzyme 82529 105 1 Enzim 76213
Epistasis 37536 27 1 Epístasi 538
Error 14891 47
Extrinsic Gene Prediction 0
FASTA 10657 11 1 FASTA 1854
FPC 2187 5
Family-Based Association Analysis 0
Feature 2220 5
FingerPrinted Contigs 0
Fingerprint 94762 52 1 Empremta digital 10984
Finishing 573
Finishing Criteria 0
Fisher Discriminant Analysis 0
FlyBase 12649 3
Fold 1953
Fold Library 0
Fold Recognition 0
Force Field 1014
Founder Effect 21485
Frame-Based Language 0
Free R-Factor 0
Functional Databases 0
Functional Genomics 0
Functional Signature 0
Functome 13218
GC Composition 0
GC Richness 0
GCG 757 6
GDE 400 5
GLUE 2004
GO 8519
GOR Secondary-Structure 0
GRAIL Coding Region Recognition Suite 0
GRAIL Description Logic 0
GROMOS 6976 2
Gametic Phase Disequilibrium 0
Gap 5087 23
Gap Penalty 20807
Gap4 0
Garnier-Osguthorpe-Robson Method 0
Gaussian 6367
Gel Reading 0
GenBank 10830 13 1 GenBank 828
Gene 53160 86 1 Gen 4358
Gene Cluster 0
Gene Distribution 0
Gene Diversity 0
Gene Duplication 0
Gene Elongation 0
Gene Expression Domain 0
Gene Expression Profile 0
Gene Family 0
Gene Flow 0
Gene Fusion 0
Gene Fusion Method 0
Gene Identification 0
Gene Inactivation 0
Gene Loss and Inactivation 0
Gene Neighborhood 0
Gene Ontology 16599
Gene Ontology Consortium 16599
Gene Prediction Accuracy 0
Gene Sharing 0
Gene Size 0
GeneChip 8803
Generalization 4942 23 1 Generalització 1715
Genetic Code 48556
Genetic Data Environment 0
Genetic Linkage 0
Genetic Linkage User Environment 0
Genetic Network 0
Genetic Redundancy 0
Genome Annotation 0
Genome Scans 0
Genome Sequence 0
Genome Sequencing 69122
Genome Size 0
GenomeInspector 0
Genomewide Scans 0
Genomewide Surveys 0
Genomics 54848 40 1 Genòmica 1439
Global Alignment 0
Global Open Biology Ontologies 0
Globular 70020
Glutamic Acid 23687
Glutamine 8217 48 1 Glutamina 1208
Glycine 21002 56 1 Glicina 9762
Gradient Descent 18823
Graph Representation 0
Group I Intron 0
Group II Intron 0
Gumball Machine 0
HGI 395 3
HIV RT and Protease Sequence Database 0
HIV Sequence Database 0
HMM 1332 10
HMMer 0
HSP 1463 15
Haplotype 15769 27 1 Haplotip 900
Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium 35356
Haseman-Elston Regression 0
Heavy-Atom Derivative 0
Helical Wheel 0
Helix-Coil Transition 0
Heritability 31240 17
Heterogeneous Nuclear RNA 0
Hidden Markov Model 55080
Hierarchy 48658 43 1 Jerarquia 1649
High-Scoring Segment Pair 0
Histidine 11828 52 1 Histidina 1239
Holophyletic 6491
Homologous Genes 0
Homologous Superfamily 0
Homology 2320 23
Homology Based Gene Prediction 0
Homology Modeling 0
Homology Search 0
Homology-Based Gene Prediction 0
Homozygosity Mapping 0
Horizontal Gene Transfer 44051
Human Gene Index 0
Human Genome Variation Database 0
Hydrogen Bond 34767
Hydropathy 63554
Hydropathy Profile 0
Hydrophilicity 6681
Hydrophobic Moment 0
Hydrophobic Scale 0
Hydrophobicity 22315
Hydrophobicity Plot 0
I2H 0
IBD 907 5
IBS 2872 11
ISCB 16675
Identical by Descent 0
Identical by State 0
Identity by Descent 0
Identity by State 0
Imprinting 560 5
Improper Dihedral Angle 0
In Silico Biology 0
Indel 9598 7
Independent Variable 9555
Individual 8205 49 1 Individu 3446
Individual Information 0
Information 28017 118 1 Informació 31088
Information Theory 40846
Initiator Sequence 0
Insertion Sequence 0
Insertion-Deletion Region 0
Instance 1209
Insulator 604 9
Integrated Gene Prediction Systems 0
Intelligent Data Analysis 0
InterPreTS 0
InterPro 9584 7 1 InterPro 2234
InterProScan 0
Interactome 33759 5
Intergenic Sequence 0
International Immunogenetics Database 0
International Society for Computational Biology 16675 3
Interolog 1471
Interspersed Sequence 0
Intrinsic Gene Prediction 0
Intron 24366 39 1 Intró 906
Intron Phase 0
Isochore 348 2
Isoleucine 7892 49 1 Isoleucina 1519
Isomorphous Replacement 0
Jackknife 850 3
Jumping Gene 0
KIF 659
KRL 605 4
Kappa Virtual Dihedral Angle 0
Karyotype 44312 42 1 Cariotip 7935
Kernel Function 0
Kernel Machine 0
Kernel Methods 10480
Kernel-Based Learning Methods 0
Kin Selection 0
Kinetochore 68029 22 1 Cinetocor 6760
Kingdom 1662 31 1 Regne 255
Knowledge 27572 134 1 Coneixement 32609
Knowledge Base 8497
Knowledge Interchange Format 2851 4
Knowledge Representation Language 0
Kozac Sequence 0
L-G Algorithm 0
L1 Element 0
LCR 2212 10 1 LCR 234
LD 3968 20
LINE 6007
LOD Score 0
LUCA 17226
Label 23783 24
Labeled Data 0
Laboratory Information Management System 25253
Lander-Green Algorithm 0
Langevin Dynamics 0
LaserGene 0
Last Universal Common Ancestor 17226
Lattice 2146 19
Laue Method 0
Leave One Out 0
Leucine 11642 52 1 Leucina 937
Lexicon 10842 29
Linear Discriminant Analysis 23559
Linkage 837 2
Linkage Analysis 0
Linkage Disequilibrium 24513
Linkage Disequilibrium Analysis 0
Local Alignment 0
Local Similarity 0
Locus Control Region 4242
Locus Repeat 0
LocusLink 0
Log-Odds Score 0
LogDet 0
Logarithm-of-Odds Score 0
Long-Period Interspersion 0
Long-Term Interspersion 0
Look-Up Gene Prediction 0
Loop 4478 16
Loop Prediction/Modeling 0
Low-Complexity Region 0
Lysine 28813 49 1 Lisina 2504
MAD phasing 0
MAR 2319 17 1 M.A.R. 186
MEGA 20571
MEROPS 4042 5
MGD 878 3
MGED Ontology 0
MIME Types 0
MOE 2634
MOPAC 4007 3
MacClade 0
MacVector 3718
Machine Learning 34740
MacroModel 3580
Macroarray 0
Macromolecular Modeling 0
Main Chain 0
Majority-Rule Consensus Tree 0
Map Function 0
Mapping By Admixture 0
Marker 2290 14
Markov Chain 64434
MatInspector 0
Mathematical Modeling of Networks 0
Matrix Attachment Region 8722
MaxSprout 0
Maximal Margin Classifiers 0
Maximum-Likelihood Phylogeny Reconstruction 0
Maximum-Parsimony Principle 0
Mendelian Disease 0
Message 3086 31 1 Missatge 840
Messenger RNA 30654 46 1 ARN missatger 15424
Meta-predict-protein 0
Metabolic Network 0
Metabolome 24497 19
Metabonome 42086
Metadata 45856 47 1 Metadades 22946
Methionine 25429 49 1 Metionina 1915
Microarray 3661 7
Microarray Image Analysis 0
Microarray Normalization 0
Microarray Profiling of Gene Expression 0
Microsatellite 33170 22
Midnight Zone 2620
Minimum-Evolution Principle 0
Minisatellite 6602 12
MirrorTree 0
ModBase 2118
Model Order Selection 0
Model Selection 0
ModelInspector 0
Modeller 3515
Modeltest 0
Modular Protein 0
Modularity 30052 6
Module Shuffling 0
Molecular Clock 0
Molecular Coevolution 0
Molecular Drive 0
Molecular Dynamics Simulations 0
Molecular Evolutionary Mechanisms 0
Molecular Information Theory 0
Molecular Machine 0
Molecular Machine Capacity 0
Molecular Machine Operation 0
Molecular Mechanics 0
Molecular Models 0
Molecular Network 0
Molecular Replacement 4048
Molecular Visualization 0
Monophyletic 6491
Monte Carlo Simulations 0
Mosaic Protein 0
Motif 1575 2
Mulitple Alignment 0
N-terminus 4736 19 1 N-terminal 1940
NMR 60036
Naive Bayes 32398
National Center for Biotechnology 0
Natural Selection 79202
Nearest Neighbor Methods 0
Nearly Neutral Theory 0
Needleman-Wunsch Algorithm 0
Negative Selection 0
Negentropy 10622 16 1 Neguentropia 3299
Neighbor-Joining Method Network 0
Neural Network 58343
Neutral Theory 0
Newton-Raphson Minimization 0
Next Generation DNA Sequencing 0
Next Generation Sequencing 90122
Nit 1646 11
NoSQL 25066 28
Node 3374 10 1 Node 883
Noisy Data 0
Non-Crystallographic Symmetry 0
Non-Parametric Linkage Analysis 0
Non-Synonymous Mutation 0
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 60036
Nucleic Acid Database 0
Nucleic Acid Database. 0
Nucleic Acid Sequence Databases 0
Nucleolar Organizer Region 0
OBF 674 2
OKBC 829
OPLS 3428
ORF 644 15 1 ORF 283
ORF Finder 0
ORFan 0
OSP 1366 9
OWL 5926
Observation 15007 47 1 Observació 2137
Occam's Razor 79916
OilEd 0
Oligo Selection Program 0
Oligogenic Effect 0
Oligogenic Inheritance 0
Oligonucleotide Microarray 0
Omics 13218 13 1 Òmiques 1045
Ontolingua 0
Ontology 35877 76 1 Ontologia 4823
Ontology Web Language 36487
Open Bioinformatics Foundation 4075 2
Open Knowledge Base Connectivity 829 3
Open Reading Frame 0
Open Reading Frame Finder 0
Open-Source Bioinformatics Organizations 0
Operational Taxonomic Unit Operon 0
Optimal Alignment 0
Organelle Genome Database 0
Organismal Classification 0
Orphan Gene 0
Ortholog 29240
Overdominance 2319 5
Overfitting 6831 12
Overtraining 9620 7
PAM Matrix 0
PAM Matrix of Nucleotide Substitutions 0
PAML 7858
PAUP 2906 3
PHYLIP 10074 3
PIX 265 4
Pairwise Alignment 0
Paralinear Distance 0
Paralog 29240
Paraphyletic 20287
Parity Bit 11307
Parsimony 79916
Pattern Analysis 0
Pattern Discovery 0
Pattern Recognition 31479
Pattern-of-Change Analysis 0
Penalty 854 5
Penetrance 8395 17 1 Penetrància 586
Peptide 19483 56 1 Pèptid 8276
Peptide Bond 8872
Percent Accepted Mutation Matrix 0
Performance Criteria 0
Phantom Indel 0
Phase 3533 12
Phase Problem 0
Phenocopy 2912 8
Phenylalanine 16922 54 1 Fenilalanina 8182
Phylogenetic Events Analysis 0
Phylogenetic Footprinting 0
Phylogenetic Profiles 0
Phylogenetic Quartets 0
Phylogenetic Reconstruction 0
Phylogenetic Shadowing 0
Phylogenetic Tree 17374
Phylogenomics 8447 3
Phylogeny 35108
Phylogeny Reconstruction 0
Physical Mapping 0
Plesiomorphy 3603
Polar 2699 15 1 Polar 2763
Polarization 3261 18 1 Polarització 511
Polyadenylation 52398 18 1 Poliadenilació 65651
Polygenic Effect 0
Polygenic Inheritance 0
Polyhierarchy 0
Polymorphism 1739 24 1 Polimorfisme 841
Polypeptide 19483
Polyphyletic 6045
Population Bottleneck 13588
Position Weight Matrix 13522
Position Weight Matrix of Transcription Factor Binding Sites 0
Position-Specific Scoring Matrix 13522
Positional Candidate Approach 0
Positive Darwinian Selection 0
Positive Selection 8870
Potential of Mean Force 2752
Power Law 43101
Prediction Method 0
Prediction of Gene Function 0
Predictive Power 0
Predictor Variables 0
Pregap4 0
Primary Constriction 0
Primer Generator 0
Primer Walking 0
Principal-Components Analysis 0
ProDom 20386
Procheck 0
Profile 2048 20
Profile Searching 0
Progenote 17226
Q index 0
QM/MM Simulations 0
QSAR 30221
Quantitative Trait 0
Quartet Puzzling 0
Quaternary Structure 0
R-Factor 0
RGD 613 3
RMSD 6112
RNA 41964 87 1 Àcid ribonucleic 36592
RNA Folding 0
RNA Splicing 0
RNA Structure 15390
RNA Structure Prediction 0
RNA Tertiary-Structure Motifs 0
Ramachandran Plot 12879
Rat Genome Database 13552
Rational Drug Design 0
Read 1102 7
Reading 3504 44 1 Reading 708
Reasoner 5033
Reasoning 73320
Recombinant Protein Expression 0
Recombination 679 17 1 Recombinació 1153
Refinement 522
Regex 71957
Regression Analysis 34748
Regular Expression 71957
Regulatory Region 0
Regulatory Region Prediction 0
Regulatory Sequence 0
Regulome 2951 2
Relationship 930 4
Repeats Alignment 0
Repetitive Sequences 0
Replication Fork 39952
Replication Origin 0
Replication Terminus 0
Replicon 249 2
Residue 1009 7
Resolution 5403 20
Response 1154 4
Retrosequence 0
Retrotransposon 15746 16
Reverse Complement 0
Rfrequency 0
Ri 1915
RiboWeb 0
Ribosomal RNA 11536 39 1 ARN ribosòmic 9502
Ribosome Binding Site 0
Robustness 2087 4
Role 18543 35 1 Rol 9052
Root-Mean-Square Deviation 0
Rooting Phylogenetic Trees 0
Rosetta Stone Method 0
Rotamer 17270
Rotamer Library 0
Rsequence 0
Rule 3938 24 1 Regla 832
SAGE 6530
SAM 7864
SAR 5142 27
SCF 1630 11
SIMPLE 424 2
SINE 15746
SNP 1284 16
SOV 1227 8
Safe Zone 0
Satellite DNA 8179 10
Scaffold Attachment Region 0
Schematic Models 0
Score 2415 12
Scoring Matrix 0
Search by Signal 0
Second Law of Thermodynamics 71971
Secondary Structure of Protein 0
Secondary-Structure Prediction of Protein 0
Secretome 1433
Segregation Analysis 0
Selenomethionine Derivatives 0
Self-Consistent Mean-Field Algorithm 0
Self-Organizing Map 26778
Semantic Network 0
Seq-Gen 0
SeqCount 0
Sequence Alignment 0
Sequence Assembly 0
Sequence Complexity 0
Sequence Conservation 0
Sequence Distance Measures 0
Sequence Logo 0
Sequence Motif 0
Sequence Pattern 0
Sequence Retrieval System 8126
Sequence Similarity 0
Sequence Similarity Search 0
Sequence Similarity-Based Gene Prediction 0
Sequence Simplicity 0
Sequence Walker 0
Sequence of Proteins 0
Sequence-Tagged Site 0
Serial Analysis of Gene Expression 9559
Serine 11216 48 1 Serina 2223
Sex Chromosome 0
Sexual Selection 55883
Shannon Entropy 50687
Shannon Sphere 0
Shannon Uncertainty 0
Short-Period Interspersion 0
Shuffle Test 0
Side Chain 0
Side-Chain Prediction 0
Signal-to-Noise Ratio 0
Signature 11470 51 1 Signatura 1187
Silent Mutation 0
Simple DNA Sequence 0
Simple Repeat 0
Simple Sequence Repeat 33170
Simulated Annealing 27073
Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism 27805
Site 1443 8
Small-Sample Correction 0
Smith-Waterman Algorithm 0
Solvation Free Energy 0
Space Group 0
Space-Filling Models 0
Specificity 1034 4 1 Especificitat 105
Spliced Alignment 0
Splicing 2643
Spotted cDNA Microarray 0
TATA Box 4708
TIM-Barrel 0
TRANSFAC 16982 2
TWEAK algorithm 0
Tandem Repeat 0
Target 2904 19
Taxonomic Classification 0
Taxonomy 4290 2
Telomere 51321 48 1 Telòmer 2213
Template 2276 10
Template Gene Prediction 0
Term 1710 4
Terminology 6869 48 1 Terminologia 3567
Test B 0
Thermal Noise 0
Thesaurus 5281 47 1 Tesaurus 847
Threading 444 2
Threonine 6750 50 1 Treonina 1743
TrEMBL 15001
Transcript 431 2
Transcription 1163 33 1 Transcripció 425
Transcription Factor 0
Transcription Factor Binding Site 0
Transcription Start Site 0
Transcriptional Regulatory Region 0
Transcriptome 6678 17 1 Transcriptoma 3391
Transfer RNA 35413 42 1 ARN de transferència 1143
Translation 76858 100 1 Traducció lingüística 48012
Translation Start Site 0
Translatome 0
Transposable Element 0
Transposon 36952
Tree 95237 189 1 Arbre 30107
Tree Puzzle 0
Tree of Life 47340
Tree-Based Progressive Alignment 0
TreeView 0
Trev 7035
Trinucleotide Repeat 0
Tryptophan 38862 53 1 Triptòfan 1652
Turn 2801 9
Twilight Zone 2026 12
Two-Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis 0
Tyrosine 20971 46 1 Tirosina 17814
UPGMA 3191 7 1 UPGMA 1680
UTR 359 8 1 UTR 188
Uncertainty 26531 27
Ungapped Threading 0
UniGene/LocusLink 0
Unit Cell 34712
Universal Genetic Code 48556
Unknome 0
Unsupervised Learning 0
Untranslated Region 969
Upstream 798 5
VAST 15812 7
VC 2519 17
VISTA 3644
Valine 5096 54 1 Valina 1530
Variance Components 0
VecScreen 0
Vector Alignment Search Tool 0
VectorNTI 0
Verlet Algorithm 0
Visualization of Multiple-Sequence Alignment 0
Web-Based Secondary-Structure Prediction Programs 0
Weight Matrix 0
WhatIf 0
Whatcheck 0
Wisconsin Package 0
X Chromosome 12303
X-Ray Crystallography for Structure Determination 0
XML 50736 80 1 Extensible Markup Language 14162
Xenolog 29240
Y Chromosome 42344
Zero Base 0
Zero Coordinate 0
Zero Position 0
Zeta Virtual Dihedral Angle 0
Zipf's Law 21530
dbEST 0
dbSNP 19058
dbSTS 0
e-PCR 4856
eXtensible Markup Language 50736
h2 4070
hnRNA 2196
k-Fold Cross-Validation 0
k-Means Clustering 0
r8s 0
rRNA 11536
readseq 0
tRNA 35413