Usuari Discussió:Qllach
Comentaris arxivats:
Comentaris 2009 - 2n semestre:
[modifica]May I have enough time for article wikification, creation of Categories, and so on or are you too busy in reverting others' edits ? If I create a Category with less than five articles in, « they » delete it ; if I wikify articles to get enough articles for categorization, « they » revert my edits…
Budelberger (disc.) 20:07, 1 jul 2009 (CEST) ().
Portal del sistema solar
[modifica]La pàgina és a Usuari:Joancreus/Sistema solar (si no ho veus bé s'ha de modificar el common.css). De moment creo les categories. --Joancreus (discussió) 08:47, 5 jul 2009 (CEST)
Llista de mamífers del Solsonès
[modifica]Hola, Qllach. No sé què significa "vikificar les espècies" --Capolatell (disc.) 20:28, 15 jul 2009 (CEST)
- Entesos; m'agrada el terme... Només vaig enllaçar les espècies dels insectívors perquè no enllacen a l'article de cada espècie sinó a la secció corresponent d'una única pàgina que conté informació específica de totes les espècies d'insectivors que hi ha al Solsonès. Òbviament, la intenció és fer-ho amb la resta d'espècies però abans he d'editar la pàgina corresponent de cada ordre. A la pàgina de cada ordre sí que cada espècia esta viquificada amb la pàgina genèrica de l'espècie. Ho podia haver fet per tal que estiguessin viquificades des del moment d'editar-se la pàgina però no ho vaig fer perquè em va semblar que era una feina que aviat quedaria obsoleta i que, a més, no totes les espècies resultaven tan fàcils de trovar a la viquipèdia com en el cas del conill. En qualsevol, cas, m'hi poso a fer-ho ara mateix. Salut i vent de marinada que refresqui el capvespre.
Cercle d'Amics dels Parcs
[modifica]Hola Qllach,
En referència a l'article: Cercle d'Amics dels Parcs Naturals Acabo d'enviar l'autorització a l'autor del text. Com que són coneguts meus ho acceptarán segur, així que només et demano una mica de paciència peruqè aquestes coses de vegades van a poc a poc. Quan tingui l'autorització, a més d'enviar-ho al comité de comnicacions, t'ho puc enviar a tu també si vols.
Gràcies!—el comentari anterior sense signar és fet per Songui (disc. • contr.) 15:26, 16 jul 2009 (CEST)
[modifica]Bon dia,
m'agradaria molt que participessis en la votació per a una nova versió de Viquipèdia:Actualitat: Usuari:Davidpar/Actualitat. Moltes gràcies. --Davidpar (disc.) 14:24, 23 jul 2009 (CEST)
Tossal de la Formiga
[modifica]Estava intentant desambiguar l'esmentat article. Si creus que pot anar enllaçat en alguna altra pàgina que sigui més escaient, fes-ho. T'ho prego. Salut! --Bestiasonica (disc.) 16:30, 24 jul 2009 (CEST)
Categorització de Beylik de Sinope
[modifica]Fet. Gracies, es veu que se'm va passar.--joc (disc.) 10:14, 2 ago 2009 (CEST)
[modifica]Em sembla que ja està solucionat. Gràcies. Salut. --Xavisanllehi (disc.) 14:33, 24 ago 2009 (CEST)
categories de cinema
[modifica]Normalment no discuteixo les correccions que se'm fan a les categories (caòtiques des del meu punt de vista) de cinema. Però en el cas d'avui, sincerament no crec que siguin redundants.
- La categoria: Premis Oscar es refereix a les diferents categories (valgui la redundància) dels premis de l'Acadèmia.
- La Categoria:Pel·lícules guanyadores del premi Oscar a la millor direcció artística vol acollir en un grup totes les pel·lícules premiades amb aquest guardó.
En tot cas, eliminar aquesta última.--Pallares (disc.) 17:44, 25 ago 2009 (CEST)
- no cal eliminar, evidentment són coses diferents, una tracta del guardó i l'altra dels premiats --barcelona (disc.) 17:46, 25 ago 2009 (CEST)
- d'acord, quico. Però deixaré la de premis oscar en lloc de la de pel·lícules.....--Pallares (disc.) 18:04, 25 ago 2009 (CEST)
- pregunta amb trampa, oi? Normalment, l'oscar a la millor pel·lícula se li dona al productor (el qui posa les peles). Exemple [1], el cas dels documentals pensava que era també així. I he anat a la wiki dels 3MM, i oh sorpresa! Malgrat no ser ala taula com a productor, (potser ho va ser, ho miro en un altre lloc) surt com a guanyador de l'oscar.[2]--Pallares (disc.) 18:23, 25 ago 2009 (CEST)
- A la IMDB figuren tots dos com a productors el donovan i el moore. Ho dono per bo.--Pallares (disc.) 18:51, 25 ago 2009 (CEST)
- pregunta amb trampa, oi? Normalment, l'oscar a la millor pel·lícula se li dona al productor (el qui posa les peles). Exemple [1], el cas dels documentals pensava que era també així. I he anat a la wiki dels 3MM, i oh sorpresa! Malgrat no ser ala taula com a productor, (potser ho va ser, ho miro en un altre lloc) surt com a guanyador de l'oscar.[2]--Pallares (disc.) 18:23, 25 ago 2009 (CEST)
- d'acord, quico. Però deixaré la de premis oscar en lloc de la de pel·lícules.....--Pallares (disc.) 18:04, 25 ago 2009 (CEST)
aclarit doncs --barcelona (disc.) 10:13, 26 ago 2009 (CEST)
Plantilla Hollywood Cartoon
[modifica]Hola Quico, voràs, he d'admetre una cosa... jo tampoc se molt bé com funciona la plantilla, tanmateix sé quina és la línia que dóna el problema, i estic intentant solucionar-ho. Si he canviat el nom de la Categoria, supose que podré eliminar-la. Tanmateix, ara no tinc massa temps per fer-ho. Et demane paciència. --Coentor (disc.) 11:54, 6 set 2009 (CEST)
Simple english
[modifica]La vaig esborrar perquè era buida. No hi ha problema en tornar-la a crear si almenys té un article ... Pau Cabot · Discussió 19:25, 18 set 2009 (CEST)
Categoria petita a Geobox unit
[modifica]Recorda: S'ha consensuat al que les categories continguin un mínim de cinc elements existents. Pots trobar-ne més informació aquí.
Les que en tinguin menys seran eliminades pel procediment ràpid a no ser que es consensuï una excepció.
Aquest recordatori és en motiu de Categoria:Geobox unit.
--Bestiasonica (disc.)
Codificació carreteres
[modifica]He afegit uns esquemes de carreteres que he estat fent a Codificació de carreteres de Catalunya. Observacions i comentaris cara a una següent versió, seran benvinguts. --Pau (discussió) 10:48, 27 set 2009 (CEST)
Pont del Dragó
[modifica]Que creus que s'ha de fer amb aquest article? Pont del Dragó --Bestiasonica (disc.) 23:05, 28 set 2009 (CEST)
[modifica]Fet. --CarlesVA (parlem-ne) 21:54, 29 set 2009 (CEST)
Plantilla Wikimedia CAT
[modifica]Bon dia, perdona que et vinga a emprenyar. S'ha creat la plantilla d'usuari Wikimedia CAT. El motiu d'aquesta es mirar de fer el màxim visible el suport a la iniciativa de crear la secció local de Wikimedia. La teniu a la vostra disposició per tal de posar-la en la vostra pàgina d'usuari (tant d'aquí com de altres projectes, si no es molt demanar). El suport de tots i cada un de nosaltres és valuós per tal de poder assolir l'objectiu. Tens més informació a la pàgina d'Amical Viquipèdia Gracies i disculpa la intrusió a la teva pàgina, et desitge un molt bon estiu, cordialment --Capsot (disc.) 16:48, 6 juny 2010 (CEST)
[modifica]potser voldràs tornar a fer feina al camp de cinema. Crec que hauríem de tenir tots els actors guanyadors d'un oscar, que estan a Oscar al millor actor i les seves pel·lícules, et ve de gust fer-ne algun?--barcelona (disc.) 18:10, 20 ago 2010 (CEST)
Far West
[modifica]S'ha sotmès a avaluació l'article Far West en el que vos heu contribuït. Sou convidat a llegir-lo i opinar sobre què us sembla i/o contribuir a millorar-lo. Moltes gràcies.--Climent Sostres (disc.) 01:09, 28 oct 2010 (CEST)
Recordatori de notabilitat de Club Bàsquet Castellet
[modifica]Recordeu: La Viquipèdia és una enciclopèdia no una base de dades o un lloc per a fer promoció. En crear un nou article mireu d'aportar referències de fonts fiables que no estiguin implicades directament amb el propi objecte de l'article. Podeu trobar més informació a Viquipèdia:Criteris de notabilitat.
Si no s'aporten referències de terceres parts independents l'article podria entrar en un procés de fusió o esborrament. Mantingueu-vos calmat durant les discussions i intenteu cercar el consens a l'hora de defensar els vostres arguments o rebatre els dels altres usuaris.
Aquest recordatori és en motiu de Club Bàsquet Castellet.
--Pau Cabot · Discussió 08:12, 6 nov 2010 (CET)
Proposta d'esborrament de la pàgina Club Bàsquet Castellet
[modifica]Hola, s'ha proposat l'eliminació de la pàgina «Club Bàsquet Castellet», que heu fet o en què heu col·laborat significativament.
Esteu convidat a participar en la discussió relativa a aquesta proposta. Si no esteu familiaritzat amb el procés, podeu llegir-ne les normes i polítiques a «Viquipèdia:Esborrar pàgines». No us ho prengueu com una qüestió personal, intenteu entendre'n els motius i demaneu-ne aclariments si cal.--Bestiasonica (disc.) 20:20, 20 gen 2011 (CET)
Ben retornat!
[modifica]Quico, ja t'enyoràvem! Pau Cabot · Discussió 13:49, 29 març 2012 (CEST)
- Una abraçada per a tu també! Pau Cabot · Discussió 15:21, 29 març 2012 (CEST)
Categories redundants
[modifica]Jo li posaria 1963 i 1964 a Catalunya. L'altra, efectivament, seria redundant. Pau Cabot · Discussió 20:05, 23 gen 2013 (CET)
El Rin
[modifica]Arreglat! Sabies que el Rin és el riu que he vist a més ciutats diferents? – Leptictidium (digue-m'ho a la cara) 09:59, 16 feb 2013 (CET)
Wikidata weekly summary #55
[modifica]- Development
- Started working on support for the Time data type in the frontend (editing/displaying of time values)
- Fixed copyright tooltip’s issues where it was not possible to dismiss it
- Started work for making it possible to track where on the client a property is used
- Work on dispatching changes to Wikipedias via the redis job queue
- Introducing core hooks to allow us to avoid page re-rendering when language links are changed
- Implemented automatic comments for setClaim (adding/setting claim, adding/removing/changing qualifiers)
- Investigated issue where edit conflicts are detected in error
- Fixed wrong revision shown in history-view
- Events/Press
- A lot of articles about the deployment of phase 2 on all Wikipedias among them: Wikipedia-Datenfundus Wikidata geht in den Regelbetrieb, Wikidata goes live worldwide, Wikidata-revolutionen är här: Möjliggör strukturerade data på Wikipedia
- Wikimedia switching to MariaDB in c'T (German): Wikipedia wechselt von MySQL auf MariaDB
- Office hour about references (log)
- Introduction to Wikidata - talk at the British Library
- OpensourceTreffen in Munich
- Upcoming: Hypertext 2013
- Discussions
- RfC about vandalism
- RfP for oversighters
- RfC about interproject links interface
- RfC about inactive administrators
- RfC about permissions for rollbackers regarding vandalism
- RfC about Kinship
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Phase 2 has been deployed on English Wikipedia and all remaining ones
- Deployed a widget that makes it easier to add language links when there is only one language link on Wikidata so far
- Page to collect information about phase 2 on the Wikipedias
- Page edits have passed 31 million.
- d:Help:Shortcut lists shortcuts for frequently used pages
- Nice interaction of local data and data from Wikidata on English Wikipedias
- Did you know?
- Item Q12000000 is is the Czech Wiki entry about "Výškové horolezectví" or "high altitude climbing"
- Newest properties are: occupant, color (hex triplet), NOR, member of, color (item), opposite of, said to be the same as, IMO ship number, foundational text, Emporis ID, Structurae ID, industry, cohabitant, astronaut's missions, original network, launch site
- Newest qualifiers are: determination method, role
- Properties merged: sister and brother (discussion)
- Open Tasks for You
- Hack on one of these
- Translate the Table of properties into your language
- Review a proposal for a qualifier property
- Respond to a "Request for Comment"
- If fixing a particular bug is especially important for you then please consider voting for it in Bugzilla to help the development team prioritize. A list of all of the currently open ones is here.
Wikidata weekly summary #56
[modifica]- Development
- Worked with students on their Google Summer of Code proposals
- Worked on time data type editing in the frontend
- Worked on improving the DataTypes system
- Working on better Continuous Integration strategy
- Moving Selenium tests to Cloudbees & Saucelabs
- Catching up with Selenium tests
- Events/Press
- Hypertext 2013
- upcoming: Treffen der Redaktion Chemie
- Discussions
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Bugfixes were deployed on The ones you probably care about are:
- when clicking "edit links" on a Wikipedia article the user is automatically taken to the language links part of the item. Hopefully it is now more obvious how to change the links.
- fixed a few cases where edit conflicts where detected in error
- added automatic edit summaries for adding qualifiers and claims
- fixed wrong revision being shown in div history
- Translators can now sign up to receive translation notifications at d:Special:TranslatorSignup
- Visual query interface for Wikidata
- 3 Wikimania submissions that could use your vote at the bottom: State of Wikidata, The Technology Behind Wikidata, Ask Us Anything About Wikidata
- Bugfixes were deployed on The ones you probably care about are:
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: Recorded at (studio), Supporting actor/actress, Palissy identifier, Filmaffinity number, input device, Volume (collections), Historic Places identifier, CELEX number, country calling code, local dialing code, eight banner register, lakes on river, dan/kyu rank, legislated by
- Newest task forces: Pokémon task force, Cultural heritage task force, Space task force
- Open Tasks for You
This Month in GLAM: April 2013
Wikidata weekly summary #57
[modifica]- Development
- Implemented basic editing of Time values
- Worked on advanced editing of Time values (having a preview, defining precision and calendar model while editing the value)
- Work on RDF mapping/export
- ~=[,,_,,]:3
- Solving issues with WMF Jenkins
- Migrating Selenium test from RSpec to Cucumber
- Events/Press
- Interview on
- PHP Unconference Europe 2013
- PHP Days 1013 Berlin
- Treffen der Redaktion Chemie
- Discussions
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: ISO 4217, CBDB ID, ORCID, country of origin, ICD-10, ICD-9, OMIM ID, orbit diagram, provisional designation (astronomy), currency symbol description, chairperson, Unicode character, MeSH ID, archives at, IMA Number
- Newest task forces: Baseball
- Open Tasks for You
Wikidata weekly summary #58
[modifica]- Discussions
- What should be done with the property stable Version?
- Sex Ratios in Wikidata, Wikipedias, and VIAF
- The Ropebridges: Authority Control in Wikidata
- Events/Press
- A lot of Wikidata-related submissions have been accepted for Wikimania
- Treffen der Redaktion Chemie
- upcoming: MediaWiki hackathon in Amsterdam
- upcoming: Linked Data in Business
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- d:Help:Lua is now the place for all things Lua on Wikidata
- Item d:Q13000000 is Devarakonda, a village in India.
- The geographic relation "exclave of" is the property with the ID 500.
- English Wikipedia discussion closes allowing for use of Wikidata
- Template to display a tree based in Wikidata data
- Deployed new bugfixes on including a fix for pages not being added to the watchlist automatically plus the first version of the RDF exort
- The ability to include data using the property label is planned to be deployed on English Wikipedia on Monday and all others on Wednesday (You can then for example use {{#property:logo image}} in addition to {{#property:P154}}.)
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: exclave of, enclave within, HURDAT identifier, ISO standard, home port, general manager, ISO 15924, Swedish county code, BNFC Thesaurus, cause of death, brother-in-law (sister's husband), honorific prefix, academic degree, birth name, interleaves with, state, phase, powerplant, interaction, part concerned, armament, scheduled service destination, type of orbit, temporal range start, temporal range end, Swedish municipality code, located on island, consists of
- {{Property|123}} can be used on Wikidata to get the label of the given property (P123) in the readers language. {{label|Q123}} does the same for items.
- Development
- Simplified the inclusion syntax (this is one way how you access data from Wikidata in a Wikipedia article - the other one is via Lua)
- Result of the external codebase review has been published
- Worked on implementation of editable time values in frontend
- Selenium tests for false edit-conflicts and old-revision-view
- Jenkins setup improvements
- Made many improvements to the unit test configuration and bootstrapping code in Ask, Diff, DataValues, WikibaseQueryEngine and WikibaseDatabase
- Automatic class loading based on PSR-0 convention in Ask, Diff and WikibaseQueryEngine
- Added new array comparison code and started work on merging diffs together in Diff
- Progress on the SQLStore
- Improved many unit tests by removing unneeded dependencies they had
- Bug fixing
- Made property parser function code more robust
- Worked on EntityPerPage rebuild script, to enable it to run for Wikidata to fill in missing entities in the wb_entity_per_page table
- Making the Settings system more robust, preparing split of client and repo settings
- Work on RDF mapping and serialization
- Work on content negotiation for Special:EntityData
- Open Tasks for You
- Help fix formatting and value issues for a property
- Determine statements to add to Wikidata based on Wikipedia categories
- Map a Wikipedia infobox to Wikidata properties (advanced sample)
- Select a rarely used property and add values to Wikidata: either manually, through "array properties", through a bot request, with Wikidata useful, or by operating your own bot
- Respond to a "Request for Comment"
- Hack on one of these
Wikidata weekly summary #59
[modifica]- Events/Press
- Linked Data in Business
- currently: Hackathon in Amsterdam
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- It is now possible to access data from Wikidata on the Wikipedias by using the property's label.
- The time datatype can now be tested on the demosystem and should become available on Wikidata next week.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: catalog code (P528), runway (P529), diplomatic relation (P530), diplomatic mission sent (P531), diplomatic mission sent (P531), port of registry (P532), target (P533), streak color (P534), Find a Grave (P535), ATP id (P536), twinning (P537), fracturing (P538), Museofile (P539)
- Newest task forces: Ship task force
- d:Template:Constraint:Item allows to check if items using a given property also have other properties. To find items to fix, it links to one of Magnus' tools and to a daily report. Sample: items with property mother should also have main type (GND) with value person.
- Development
- A lot of discussions and hacking at the MediaWiki hackathon on Amsterdam
- Worked on content negotiation for the RDF export
- Bugfixing for editing of time datatype
- Added validation in the api for claim guids. This also resolves bug 48473, an exception being thrown in production, whenever a bot or api user requested a claim with an invalid claim guid
- Improved error message popup bubbles to show HTML and parse the links correctly
- Fixed bug 48679, to hide the view source tab for item and property pages
- Testing on Diff extension and SQLstore
- Open Tasks for You
- Add statements to Wikidata: either manually, through "array properties", through a bot request, with Wikidata useful, or by operating your own bot
- Help fix formatting and value issues for a property
- Respond to a "Request for Comment"
- Hack on one of these
Wikidata weekly summary #60
[modifica]- Events/Press
- Deutschlandfunk interview about Wikipedia, Wikidata and more
- Hackathon in Amsterdam
- Linked Data in Business
- Upcoming: Arts, Humanities and Complex Networks
- Upcoming: SemTechBiz
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- The time datatype is now available allowing you to enter dates in Wikidata (this also includes a short rundown of what the developers are going to work on next)
- 5 students are working on projects related to Wikidata as part of Google Summer of Code 2013
- prototype of a multilingual map using Wikidata
- Many Wikimedia wikis got a new account creation and login page - among them Wikidata
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: venue (P540), office contested (P541), officially opened by (P542), oath made by (P543), torch lit by (P545), docking port (P546), commemorates (P547), version type (P548), MGP ID (P549), chivalric order (P550), residence (P551), handedness (P552), social media account on (P553), social media address (P554), doubles record (P555), crystal system (P556), DiseasesDB (P557), unit symbol (P558), terminus (P559), direction (P560), NATO reporting name (P561), central bank/issuer (P562), ICD-O (P563), singles record (P564), crystal habit (P565)
- Newest task forces: Tennis task force, Taxonomy task force, Iranian Persian task force, Medicine task force
- Development
- Made good progress on moving the sitelinks on Wikidata too when a page on Wikipedia is moved (bugzilla:36729 - currently the bug with most votes)
- Fixed some bugs in the time value user interface
- Worked on coordinate value support
- Worked together with Wikimedia Foundation ops staff on Apache configuration changes to enable “pretty urls” for item pages. (e.g. goes to in the future)
- Added MediaWiki setting wgLogAutopatrol to allow wikis the option to disable logging of autopatrol actions
- Improved EntityPerPage rebuild script, which is needed to fix the situation where some Wikipedia articles can't access data from Wikidata (bugzilla:48506)
- Fixed bug in SetQualifiers API module; Moved both SetQualifiers and RemoveQualifiers out of experimental mode
- Open Tasks for You
- Help fix formatting and value issues for a property
- Respond to a "Request for Comment"
- Hack on one of these
Wikidata weekly summary #61
[modifica]- Discussions
- Please use the next week to review the discussions about sourcing of statements (d:Wikidata:Requests for comment/References and sources and Discussion on the Project Chat)
- Events/Press
- Arts, Humanities and Complex Networks
- SemTechBiz
- WMF metrics and activities meeting
- "Exakter und aktueller" Bessere Daten für Wikipedia durch Wikidata
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Large donation by Yandex for further development of Wikidata (press coverage here and here among others)
- en:Template:Infobox road and simple:Template:Infobox road now have the ability to use Wikidata for the map field
- Denny writes about Wikidata and the truth
- Average edits per page has passed 4
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: basionym (P566), hangingwall (P567), footwall (P568), date of birth (P569), date of death (P570), foundation/creation date (P571), date of scientific description (P574), discovery date (P575), date of dissolution (P576), date of publication (P577), Sandbox-TimeValue (P578), IMA status (P579), start date (P580), end date (P582), as of (P585), IPNI author ID (P586), MMSI (P587), coolant (P588), point group (P589), GNIS (P590), EC Number (P591), ChEMBL (P592), Homologene ID (P593), Ensembl ID (P594), IUPHAR ID (P595), in the direction of (P596), WTA ID (P597), commands (P598), ITF ID (P599), Wine AppDB-ID (P600), MedlinePlus ID (P604), NUTS (P605), first flight (P606)
- Newest task forces: Catalunya task force
- Development
- Worked on globe coordinate editing
- Reviewed and merged code for SetSiteLink special page
- EditEntity API refactoring (Info: EditEntity API’s EXCLUDE parameter will be dropped - see here)
- First steps towards being able to add sitelinks for the first sister-project (WikiVoyage)
- Improved the Travis CI continuous integration setup
- Made the DataValue component installable via Composer
- Open Tasks for You
- Help fix formatting and value issues for a property
- Respond to a "Request for Comment"
- Hack on one of these
Wikidata weekly summary #62
[modifica]- Noteworthy Stuff
- Geocoordinates can now be entered in Wikidata and language links can now be edited without JavaScript
- The folks at OCLC did a great intro video to Wikidata and VIAF/authority files
- And here's some interesting analysis on the most unique Wikipedias according to Wikidata
- Magnus updated his tool to add missing properties to an item
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: battle/war (P607), exhibition history (P608), terminus location (P609), exhibition history (P608), terminus location (P609), highest point (P610), religious order (P611), mother house (P612), OS grid reference (P613), CHRC (P616), yard number (P617), source of energy (P618), spacecraft launch date (P619), spacecraft landing date (P620), spacecraft decay date (P621), spacecraft docking/undocking dates (P622), crew photo (P623), guidance system (P624), coordinate location (P625), Sandbox-GeoCoordinateValue (P626), IUCN-ID (P627)
- If you're interested in a specific topic then the task forces are a good place to find like-minded people. Can't find one for your interest? Start one!
- Development
- More progress on supporting links to sisterprojects
- Fixing issues with geocoordinate datatype that popped up after deployment
- Selenium tests for time and geocoordinate interface
- EditEntity Refactoring (added parameter “new”)
- Open Tasks for You
- Help fix formatting and value issues for a property
- Respond to a "Request for Comment"
- Hack on one of these
Wikidata weekly summary #63
[modifica]- Discussions
- Final vote on the "Guidelines for sourcing statements" till June 24.
- Work started on a policy regarding information about living people
- Feedback needed on a proposal by the development team for how to support Wiktionary
- RfC about sockpuppetry guidelines
- RfC about personal names
- Events/Press
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: E number (P628), edition of (P629), Paris city digital code (P630), structural engineer (P631), cultural properties of Belarus reference number (P632), Répertoire du patrimoine culturel du Québec identifier (P633), captain (P634), ISTAT ID (P635), route of administration (P636), Protein ID (P637), PDB ID (P638), RNA ID (P639), Léonore ID (P640), sport (P641), of (P642), Genloc Chr (P643), Genloc Start (P644), Genloc End (P645), Freebase identifier (P646), drafted by (P647), Open Library identifier (P648), NRHP (P649), RKDartists (P650), BPN (P651), UNII (P652), PubMed Health (P653), direction relative to location (P654)
- Development
- Worked on site-link group editing to make it possible to link to sisterprojects
- Further work on input validation
- Further work on handling invalid data gracefully
- Use Serializers for generating API results
- Finished selenium tests for TimeUI and CoordinateUI
- Changed globe coordinate value input to use backend coordinate parser
- Fixed issues with data type definitions not being available in the frontend
- Wrote a little hack so that on statements with a long list of values you will always be able to see the name of the property of the current section you are in (since the label moves when scrolling the page)
- Open Tasks for You
- Help fix formatting and value issues for a property
- Respond to a "Request for Comment"
- Hack on one of these
Wikidata weekly summary #64
[modifica]- Discussions
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- d:User:Byrial is creating database reports that are useful to find issues in the current data
- Denny created a map of all geocoordinates currently in Wikidata (normal and huge version - updated daily)
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: RTECS number (P657), RefSeq (P656), translator (P655)
- Development
- The Wikidata bug report with the most votes was closed (bugzilla:36729 - updating the link on Wikidata automatically when a page on Wikipedia is moved)
- Wikipedia pages will soon have a link named "Data item" in the toolbox section of the sidebar that links to the Wikidata item that is connected to the page (bugzilla:49105 - You can already see it on the main page of for example.)
- Calendar names displayed for time values can now be translated (bugzilla:49080)
- Added serializers for the Ask query language
- Buuuugfixes and testing
- Refactoring
- Worked on better handling of bad values (= values that don't fit the datatype they should have)
- Open Tasks for You
- Update, expand and translate one of the help pages to make it easier for newcomers
- Help fix formatting and value issues for a property
- Hack on one of these
Wikidata weekly summary #65
[modifica]- Discussions
- Alternative proposal for Wiktionary support
- RfC on the sourcing requirements for bots
- Project chat discussion about creating a new Requests for mergers page
- One of our Google Summer of Code students is looking for feedback on mockups for Wikidata mobile
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: MeSH Code (P672), Mouse Genome Informatics ID (P671), street number (P670)
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikivoyage deployment planned to start July 22nd, see the coordination page here
- Addshore joins the Wikidata development team as an intern (project chat)
- Byrial creates Statistics showing the namespaces used in item site links
- Proposal for a new Wikimedia Foundation Sister project called 'Global Economic Map' that could use Wikidata at its core (on meta.)
- Development
- Very rough and tentative timeline for the next month of development: mw:Roadmap#Wikidata deployment
- Continued work on validation and handling of partially invalid data
- Breaking change for 'wbeditentity' in the API fixing (bugzilla:49526) - when creating new items the 'new' parameter must now be given
- Improved handling of broken UTF-8 encoding
- Made it possible to enter the direction in a geocoordinate also at the beginning now (for example 52°31′N 13°23′E can soon also be entered as N 52°31′ E 13°23′)
- Introduced PropertyInfoStore for quick access to meta-info about properties
- Deserialization of Description objects in Ask
- Lots of bugfixing
- Open Tasks for You
- Update, expand and translate one of the help pages to make it easier for newcomers
- Update and expand Wikidata:Contribute to provide more information for newcomers
- Help fix formatting and value issues for a property
- Hack on one of these
Wikidata weekly summary #66
[modifica]- Discussions
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- A personal note and secret from Denny Vrandečić (WMDE)
- Denny's map gets an upgrade, take a look at the amazing visualisations!
- Browser search plugins for wikidata have beeen created.
- Byrial's database reports have been updated from the 2013-07-10 dump! These can be seen here.
- Development
- Support for badges in the process of being added to the DataModel.
- Created further UI mockups for Wikidata Mobile.
- Front end performance improvements in a few areas (including multiple edits on pages).
- The bug in wbeditentity where aliases were removed has been fixed.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: eMedicine (P673), a list of (P674), Google Books identifier (P675), lyrics by (P676), ÚSOP code (P677), incertae sedis (P678), ZVG number (P679), molecular function (P680), cell component (P681), biological process (P682), ChEBI ID (P683), ortholog (P684), NCBI Taxonomy ID (P685), Gene Ontology ID (P686)
- Open Tasks for You
- Update, expand and translate one of the help pages to make it easier for newcomers
- Update and expand Wikidata:Contribute to provide more information for newcomers
- Help fix formatting and value issues for a property
- Hack on one of these
Wikidata weekly summary #67
[modifica]- Discussions
- A request for comment for exclusion criteria in wikipedia namespace.
- Images for the Main Page proposed and discussed on project chat.
- Discussion on Wikivoyage notability and changes to WD:N.
- Request for comment on sockpuppetry guidelines closes.
- Events/Press
- Watson has received the Feigenbaum Prize which has been donated to Wikimedia and Wikidata.
- Did you know?
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- The fourteen-millionth item, about Huangjue, a village in China, is created.
- 239 Million language links removed from the Wikipedias, almost 5GB of text. (2012 vs 2013).
- Saskia joins the Wikidata team to analyze the proposals for Wiktionary in Wikidata.
- Wikivoyage deployment planned to start July 23rd, see the coordination page here.
- Development
- Wmf11 has been deployed to!
- Wikidata is moving from a Squid to a Varnish cache system!
- Search ranking has been improved ready for the next deployment where Wikivoyage support will also be added.
- Optional title normalization added to 'wbgetentities'
- Fixed broken XML result for wbeditentity.
- Fixed broken link to anchor in sitelinks section.
- Templates no longer parsed in labels.
- Technical documentation improved for Ask and WikibaseQueryEngine.
- Work started on EntitiesByPropertyValue API module.
- Work on ChangeOps and API module edit summaries.
- Open Tasks for You
- Update, expand and translate one of the help pages to make it easier for newcomers
- Update and expand Wikidata:Contribute to provide more information for newcomers
- Help fix formatting and value issues for a property
- Hack on one of these
Wikidata weekly summary #68
[modifica]- Discussions
- New UI Mockup suggested for Wikidata Mobile. Please give feedback.
- Events/Press
- Next office hour on August 26
- upcoming: COSCUP
- upcoming: Wikimania (including hackathon)
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikidata learns to travel - language link support for Wikivoyage has been enabled and it was concluded that Wikivoyagers are pretty awesome
- There is now a gadget you can use to see a map of a geocoordinate on Wikidata
- Picture of the week could use some more input
- Top 20 items on Wikidata that are covered in a lot of Wikipedias? Here you go.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: Dodis (P701), encoded by (P702), found in taxon (P703), Ensembl Transcript ID (P704), Ensembl Protein ID (P705), located on terrain feature (P706), Satellite bus (P707), diocese (P708), Historic Scotland ID (P709), participant (P710), Strunz 8 (P711), Strunz 9 (P712), Strunz 10 (P713), Dana 8th edition (P714), Drugbank ID (P715), JPL Small-Body Database identifier (P716), Minor Planet Center observatory code (P717), Canmore ID (P718), Notable Incident (P719)
- Newest task forces: Global Economic Map task force
- Development
- When a page is moved on Wikipedia or Wikivoyage the link on Wikidata is now updated (bugzilla:36729)
- Ranking of the search results has been improved
- Worked on URL data type
- Added support for most of our components (test coverage)
- Fixed some minor bugs related to site-links editing
- Fixed bugzilla:52023, where multiple anon warning bubbles are displayed at once
- Worked on SpamBlacklist to filter URL values in Wikibase
- Improved handling of corrupt data from the database
- Made tests more reliable
- Made regular undo via the API work with Wikibase
- Worked on Time value formatter
- Error handling for ByPropertyValue API module
- Work on implementing QueryEntity
- Open Tasks for You
- Add some data about Hong Kong and related things. Denny promises nice visualizations ;-)
- Help fix formatting and value issues for a property.
- Respond to a "Request for Comment".
- Hack on one of these.
Wikidata weekly summary #69
[modifica]- Discussions
- Request for comment on defining CheckUsers.
- Request for comment on class ⇄ instance relationship in Wikidata
- The d:Wikidata:Global Economic Map task force is starting its property list. Please go there to propose important properties about economics for countries, regions or companies.
- Events/Press
- Next office hour on August 26
- COSCUP this weekend, Taipei (August 3-4, 2013)
- Wikimania is nearly here!, Hong Kong (August 7-11, 2013)
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- The list of interwiki links has been updated with more infomation and now also includes wikivoyage!
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: removed feature, introduced feature, Parent company
- Newest task forces: Global Economic Map task force
- Development
- Custom edit-summaries added for the majority of API modules
- Started working on implementation for ordering qualifiers in the JavaScript user interface
- ChangeOps for wbsetclaimvalue, wbcreateclaim, wbremoveclaims and refactoring of wbremoveclaim
- Fix handling of '0' value in API response
- Solved bugs related to copyright notice
- Some minor UI speed improvements
- EditEntity refactored
- Test cases improved
- Further work on URLs
- Work on implementing QueryEntity
- Open Tasks for You
- Add some data about Hong Kong and related things. Denny promises nice visualizations ;-)
- Help fix formatting and value issues for a property.
- Respond to a "Request for Comment".
- Hack on one of these.
Wikidata weekly summary #70
[modifica]- Discussions
- Events/Press
- Wikimania continues! If you are around make sure you come and say Hi!
- Wikidata meetup in the chapters village on Saturday at 1 PM at Wikimania.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Following numerous discussions we are happy to present the new version of the proposal that would lead to Wikidata supporting structured data for the Wiktionaries.
- There are now only an estimated 1,000,000 articles remaining with inter language links, down from the previous 26,000,000!
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: LAU (local administrative unit), Sikart (identifier in SIKART), symptoms (the possible symptoms of a medical condition)
- Frequently used for cities and other places, P17 ("country") indicates the sovereign state an item relates to. There now at least 100 items for most present day sovereign states. Leading is China (Q148) with 607,817 items, followed by Iran (!794) with 105,875 items and the United States of America (Q30) with 99,243 items. China rose from just 5266 items a month ago.
- Development
- Changeops implemented for all Api modules
- All Api modules now have better auto comments and custom summaries
- Work on claim ordering started
- Work on refactoring Api Tests
- Bug Fixes!!
- Open Tasks for You
- Add some data about Hong Kong and related things. Denny promises nice visualizations ;-)
- Help fix formatting and value issues for a property.
- Respond to a "Request for Comment".
- Hack on one of these.
Wikidata weekly summary #71
[modifica]- Events/Press/Blogs
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikivoyage is scheduled to get access to Wikidata data (aka phase 2) on August 26th.
- Listen to and watch beautiful Wikidata edits
- To support the inclusion of geographical coordinates in Wikidata, just about two months a new data type came available and d:Property:P625 "coordinate location" was created. Already 565,000 pairs of coordinates are now available on WikiData. Compare this to 870,000 coordinates on English Wikipedia or 1,500,000 items with d:Property:P17 "country", likely to have coordinates. Have a look at them on a map.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: approved by (P790), ISIL ID (P791), chapter (P792), Key event (P793), as (P794), distance along (P795), geo datum (P796), executing authority (P797), mission design series designation (P798), air ministry specification (P799), work (P800), notable work (P801), student (P802), professorship (P803), GNIS Antarctica ID (P804), subject of (P805). Italian cadastre code (P806) In Addition new properties to describe mushrooms were created: hymenium type (P783), mushroom cap shape (P784), hymenium attachment (P785), stipe character (P786), spore print color (P787), mushroom ecological type (P789), edibility (P789). These will allow to build the data for a mushroom infobox (as w:Template:Mycomorphbox).
- Newest task forces: Physics task force
- Wikidata helped remove 240,000,000 language links from Wikipedia's wiki text.
- Development
- Want to get an overview of what Pragun, our Google Summer of Code student working on Wikidata for mobile, is doing? Check here
- Worked on simple special page to make a query (bugzilla:52385)
- Worked on ability to move qualifiers
- Started improving API and Special Page tests
- Fixed links to Special:SetSiteLink in non-JavaScript interface (bugzilla:51914)
- ChangeOps, custom summaries and autocomments for SetStatementRank API module
- Fixed displaying “0” as label/description in autocomments
- Some minor fixes for rare crashes of editing UI
- Worked on moving Selenium tests to Cucumber
- Open Tasks for You
- See if you can connect some of these Wikivoyage pages to their item on Wikidata.
- Check if some of the items on this and this list can be merged. But be careful to only merge if they are really about the same topic! Help about merging is at d:Help:Merge.
- Update, expand and translate d:Wikidata:Introduction to make it easier for newcomers to understand what Wikidata is all about.
- Hack on one of these.
Wikidata weekly summary #72
[modifica]- Discussions
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Report from Wikimania
- Wikidata meets Incubator
- Office hour on 26th
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Average edits per page is nearly 5 now.
- Wikivoyage is still scheduled to get access to data on Wikidata (aka phase 2) on August 26.
- Developers are working hard to also make the URL datatype available by August 26 but there are factors that are not in their hands so it might have to be delayed until the next deployment in 2 weeks. URL as a datatype will soon be available on Please give it some thorough testing and report bugs.
- Outsch! (Help collect and fix paper cuts.)
- Did you know?
- 20 undescribed monsters
- Newest properties: separated from (P807), code Bien de Interés Cultural (P808), WPDA id (P809), academic minor (P811), academic major (P812), date retrieved (P813), IUCN protected areas category (P814), ITIS TSN (P815), decays to (P816), decay mode (P817)
- Development
- Prepared deployment of phase 2 on Wikivoyage
- Worked on ability to sort qualifiers and references inside a statement
- Started work on an api module to merge items
- Worked on special page to query for items with one specific property and value
- Cleaned up code for handling recent change entries from Wikidata in the clients (Wikipedia/Wikivoyage)
- Worked on generic script for populating sites table and better integration with WMF process for creating new wikis
- Setup new git repo for WikibaseMobile skin and extension
- Fixed SetClaim api module to properly mark bot edits in recent changes and advised pywikipedia maintainers about adding support for the module. SetClaim can be used to create claims with references in a single edit.
- Reviewed code for Google Summer of Code students
- Updated doxygen documentation
- Open Tasks for You
- Report a paper cut (see above).
- Help fix formatting and value issues for a property.
- Hack on one of these.
Wikidata weekly summary #73
[modifica]- Discussions
- Events/Press/Blogs
- State of the Map (September 6-8, 2013)
- Recent office hour logs now availible.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Abraham, Denny and Lydia sat down for an evening trying to capture what Wikidata is about in a video.
- Deployment! Wikivoyage now has access to the wikidata dataset and various other bugs have also been fixed (including the copyright warning)!
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: interchange station (P833), public holiday (P832), parent club (P831), Encyclopedia of Life (P830), OEIS ID (P829), possible causes (P828), BBC programme identifier (P827), tonality (P826), dedicated to (P825), Meteoritical Bulletin Database ID (P824)
- Newest task forces: Wikidata:País Valencià task force
- Development
- Work on allowing API module editentities to edit claims
- Work on entity / item redirects
- Work on support for moving qualifiers in API and Frontend
- Adding coordinates to diff display and improving diff display code
- Allowing site groups for language links on clients to be configurable (needed for commons)
- EntityId changes, we are now working on 0.5!
- Show snaktype in summary for novalue and somevalue snaks
- Further work on merge module for the API
- Wrote missing tests for various jQuery widgets
- Work on value formatters
- Continue on moving tests to cucumber
- Bug fixes for coordinates following the latest deployment
- Open Tasks for You
- Report a paper cut (see above).
- Help fix formatting and value issues for a property.
- Hack on one of these.
Wikidata weekly summary #74
[modifica]- Discussions
- Events/Press/Blogs
- State of the Map
- Dbpedia-Wikidata workshop
- 10 questions about VIAF, Wikidata and the world
- Wikidata quality and quantity
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: GSS code (2011) (P836), BioLib ID (P838), IMSLP ID (P839), narrative set in (P840), Paleobiology Database Identifier (P842), SIRUTA code (P843), UBIGEO code (P844). A set of properties to build calenders: public holiday (P832), day in year for periodic occurrence (P837) and feast day (P841). A proposal for "reoccurring date in machine readable format" is still under review.
- Development
- mlazowik has put in more work to getting support for batches (featured article and so on) to Wikidata
- Jeroen gave a presentation on clean functions
- More work on the URL datatype to make it ready for deployment
- Continuous work on cucumber & moving browser tests to saucelabs/cloudbees
- Simple query special page
- DataValues reorganization
- Open Tasks for You
- Help fix formatting and value issues for a property.
- Build a bot for one of the "bot requests".
- Respond to a "Request for Comment".
- Hack on one of these.
Wikidata weekly summary #75
[modifica]- Events/Press/Blogs
- State of the Map
- Dbpedia-Wikidata workshop
- Slides for a Wikidata intro in French and English
- Speaker needed for a Wikidata talk in Slovakia
- Blog post by Denny: A categorical imperative?
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- The URL datatype is now available. Go and add all the sources ;-)
- Sourcerer gadget by Magnus to help you add URLs from Wikipedia articles for claims
- Wikimedia Commons is scheduled to get interwiki links via Wikidata on 23rd of September
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: Saskatchewan Register of Heritage Property identifier (P845), Global Biodiversity Information Facility ID (P846), United States Navy aircraft designation (P847), Japanese military aircraft designation (P849), World Register of Marine Species identifier (P850), ESRB rating (P852), CERO rating (P853), URL (P854), Sandbox-URL (P855), official website (P856), CNKI (P857), ESPN SCRUM ID (P858), sponsor (P859), ID (P860), ID (P861), Operational Requirement of the UK Air Ministry (P862), InPhO identifier (P863), ACM Digital Library author identifier (P864), BMLO (P865), Perlentaucher (P866), ROME Occupation Code (P867), foods traditionally associated (P868), instrumentation (P870), printed by (P872), phase point (P873), UN class (P874), UN code classification (P875), UN packaging group (P876), NFPA Other (P877), avionics (P878), pennant number (P879), CPU (P880), Variable type (P881), FIPS 6-4 (US counties) (P882), FIPS 5-2 (code for US states) (P883), State Water Register Code (Russia) (P884), origin of the watercourse (P885), LIR (P886), based on heuristic (P887), JSTOR (P888), Mathematical Reviews identifier (P889), Request for Comments number (IETF) (P892), Social Science Research Network (P893)
- Newest task forces: Occupations and professions task force
- Development
- Breaking change to the API in the last deployment
- Started work on number data type
- Worked on simple query special page
- Worked more on moving (ordering) of qualifiers
- Worked on JSON dumps
- Continued working on allowing editentities API module to allow editing of claims
- Continued work on the merge items API module
- Worked on fixing the way Claim GUIDs are used throughout the code
- Worked on TableDefinitionReaders for Database component
- Unified and improved rendering of property values in summaries, diffs, wiki-pages, etc.
- Continued moving to new browsertests framework
- Bugfixes on autosummaries
- Worked with GSoC student on mobile skin
- Worked on refactoring of how we serialize and provide data about used entities on a page (e.g. entity pages or certain special pages) to the frontend
- Open Tasks for You
- Help fix formatting and value issues for a property.
- Respond to a "Request for Comment".
- Hack on one of these.
Wikidata weekly summary #76
[modifica]- Events/Press/Blogs
- upcoming: UK Wikidata Training
- Magnus blogged about the Wikidata Query tool
- Gerard did an interview with Emw about the heady stuff of Wikidata
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- 30 percent of all items are categorized in 6 large groups (main type (GND) (P107)). Most are items about geographic features (1.7 million items), some of these already have coordinates (0.5 million). Items about persons are fairly frequent too (1.3 million), many already with gender (0.9 million), a few with DOB (0.05 million) or DOD (0.04 million). Other groups include: creative works (305,000), terms, organizations, and events.
- The first 2 Wikidata oversighters are elected, Ajraddatz and Rschen7754. Please contact the email at the above page, and do not post requests onwiki. Two more candidates are running: Stryn and Sven Manguard.
- Neat new gadget to semi-automatically import labels, aliases and descriptions based on Wikipedia article introductions
- New search backend on testwikidata needs testing
- Commons is still scheduled to get interwiki links via Wikidata on Monday and can also be tested on
- Did you know?
- Development
- Wikimedia Deutschland is looking for a software developer with a focus on frontend development with Java Script to work on Wikidata among other things. Apply!
- Paper Cut: Display the ID of an item or property page next to the label (bugzilla:53462)
- Paper Cut: Fix value field not loading for some properties (bugzilla:53157)
- Paper Cut: Work on supporting non-earth globes in the UI (bugzilla:54097)
- Worked on quantity data type implementation in backend and frontend
- Work on a build and release tool for the Wikidata software
- More work on sorting of references and qualifiers
- Work on database schema modification functionality to be used by the query store
- Prepare deployment for Wikimedia Commons (including improving script for populating sites table, adding support for Wikimedia Commons)
- Work on making entity data available in the Mobile Wikibase skin
- new Cirrus Search (Elastic Search) backend enabled on
- Finished up cucumber tests for sitelinks
- Hotfixes for coordinates autosummaries
- Worked on simplifying process of defining wb.fetchedEntities
- Finished working on wbeditentity
- Worked on MySQL and SQLite table definition readers
- Open Tasks for You
- Help fix formatting and value issues for a property.
- Respond to a "Request for Comment".
- Hack on one of these.
Wikidata weekly summary #77
[modifica]- Events/Press/Blogs
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Denny's last day on the development team was today. He has a few closing remarks in this blog post.
- Wikimedia Commons now gets language links via Wikidata
- Stryn's request for oversight flag
- Individual Engagement Grants Proposal: Understanding Wikidata
- Terminator now also has most linked-to items with no label in language X
- Draft for Wikidata support of Wikiquote
- Open position for a JavaScript developer to work on Wikidata - please spread the word
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: KSH code, FishBase species identifier, work location, Commons gallery, ID, PMCID, city served, type of electrification, color space, activating neurotransmitter, anatomical location, postsynaptic connection, presynaptic connection, possible treatments, possible examinations, magnetic ordering, main topic of creative work, Spanish subject headings for public libraries, SOC Occupation Code, NOC Occupation Code, GRAU index
- Development
- Said Good Bye to Denny - *sob*
- Improved layout for commons sitelink table
- More work on sorting
- Worked on statements UI tests
- Fixed failing QUnit tests
- Deployed new code and updated sites for Commons deployment
- Fixed a number of small bugs
- Code review for Google Summer of Code student projects
- Work to automate creating deployment branches and builds of Wikibase with its dependencies
- Open Tasks for You
- Help fix formatting and value issues for a property.
- Build a bot for one of the "bot requests".
- Respond to a "Request for Comment".
- Hack on one of these.
[modifica]Hola Qllach,
Ho he canviat perquè he vist el missatge a Wikidata, on els missatges són "desa", "modifica", "mostra", "afegeix" i creia que calia ser conseqüents amb el singular. Ara bé, si hi ha un consens previ o un llibre d'estil, ho desconeixia i rectifico. --Davidpar (disc.) 23:42, 9 gen 2015 (CET)
Wikidata weekly summary #141
[modifica]- Discussions
- RfC: Speedy vs Regular deletion
- Closed RfAs: George.Edward.C (successful)
- Open RfAs: Petr Matas, Edoderoo
- Events/Blogs/Press
- The Wikidata for research proposal was submitted to the European Union on January 14. Congrats to Daniel for spearheading that huge effort.
- Blog post about how Wikidata can change the way citizen scientists contribute
- IRC office hour happened (log)
- Blog posts about gender inequality index based on Wikidata data by Max and Magnus
- MediaWiki Developer Summit
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- The development plan has been updated and expanded
- Official Wikipedia app now uses Wikidata descriptions \o/ More to come!
- Usage tracking will likely be deployed on February 2 on Wikidata. This will not be user-visible. It just means that pages using data from arbitrary items get updated/purged when the data changes. Arbitrary access is being tested at Test Wikidata and testwiki:Test Wiki. An example is at testwiki:Kitten on arbitrary page.
- Assigning items on Mix'n'match will now make that change on Wikidata for you automatically
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: IGESPAR identifier, SIPA identifier, SkyscraperPage building id
- Development
- Deployed new sitelinks interface design to Wikidata. It's not done yet but we're getting there. Tweaks are in progress.
- Worked on redesign of header area
- Fixed some bugs that popped up after deployment
- Enabled usage tracking and arbitrary access on and test.wikidata, and preparations for enabling it on Wikidata
- Collecting Query examples for the new query functionality
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which have been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- Help translate or proofread pages in your own language!
Wikidata weekly summary #142
[modifica]- Discussions
- Closed RfAs: Petr Matas (unsuccessful), Edoderoo (successful)
- Open RfAs: Eurodyne
- Events/Blogs/Press
- Upcoming: MediaWiki Developer Summit
- Upcoming: FOSDEM
- Upcoming: Wikidata for research meetup in February in Paris and Berlin
- Past: Meetup in Cambridge
- Brainstorming for Wikimania talks related to Wikidata is happening at phabricator:T87334 and you can apply for a scholarship
- Wikidata - a year in numbers
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Want to help out mapping and Wikidata properties? There is now a ticket for coordination.
- The new Content Translation tool uses Wikidata data to suggest the correct article to link to when translating a Wikipedia article to another language
- Using GNOME Shell? There is a Wikidata search provider for you.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: award shared with, native label, pollenizer, pollination
- You can influence the languages shown in the "in other languages box" by adding a bable box to your user page like here.
- Development
- More work on header section redesign
- Released Wikibase DataModel 2.5
- Broke and fixed JSON dumps - sorry!
- Implemented entity change subscription service
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which have been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- Help translate or proofread pages in your own language!
Wikidata weekly summary #143
[modifica]- Discussions
- Closed RfAs: Eurodyne (unsuccessful)
- Open RfAs: BlackBeast
- Events/Blogs/Press
- Past: MediaWiki Developer Summit
- Past: FOSDEM
- Upcoming: ArtBytes hackathon
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- ATOM feeds for changes in Wikidata Query results. Define your own to keep an eye on changes in specific topics
- Overview of the number of visual artworks items on Wikidata by creator (>5 items)
- The Wikidata Free Image Search Tool can now also search Commons (not just follow language links)
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: British Museum person-institution, Sächsische Biografie, equivalent class, LfDS object ID, DAAO identifier
- Newest WikiProjects: Authority control
- Development
- Fixed diffs not showing old ranks, qualifiers and references on the left side (phabricator:T87096)
- Worked on several date and time related issues, like incorrect padding of the year to 11 instead of 16 digits (phabricator:T87764)
- Further work on header section redesign (phabricator:T75654)
- Started redesign of statements section (phabricator:T87316)
- Introduced a hint showing the language when a language fallback is used on an item or property (phabricator:T85105)
- Working on splitting a Wikibase View component out of the Wikibase Repo code base
- Currently testing how PHPCS and PHPMD can help raising Wikibase’ code quality
- Released Wikibase DataModelSerialization 1.3 with language fallback support
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which have been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- Help translate or proofread pages in your own language!
Wikidata weekly summary #144
[modifica]- Discussions
- Open RfAs: BlackBeast
- Events/Blogs/Press
- Upcoming: Eurpeana Tech
- Andrew Su gave a talk about crowd sourcing and citizen science for biology including Wikidata (slides)
- Going to Wikimania? Apply for a scholarship.
- Internet Archive, Wikidata and Open Education
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikibooks will get access to language links via Wikidata on February 24th. Coordination is happening at d:Wikidata:Wikibooks.
- Roughly 17000 of the candidate articles that Google identified as potentially being about the same topic but lacking a language link have been merged. About 17500 are remaining and waiting for you to go through them via
- Mix'n'Match got a face lift
- Magnus says every day new images are added to over 1000 items \o/
- RStats client for Wikidata
- Reasonator now also supports biography texts in French
- Did you know?
- Development
- Did more work on Capiunto to get it into a state where it can be deployed to Wikimedia sites.
- Mourned Titan (phabricator:T88550) as its developers were bought up. Began evaluation for which graph database to use instead for a Wikidata query service (mw:Wikibase/Indexing)
- Further work on header section redesign
- Tweaks to the sitelink section
- Worked on making monolingual text datatype accept more languages
- Finished showing the language when a language fallback is used
- Started looking into fixing the existing Guided Tours after Guided Tours extension API changes
- Worked on implementing Lua convenience functions for rendering arbitrary Snaks. This is useful for displaying references or qualifiers. (phabricator:T76213)
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which have been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- Help translate or proofread pages in your own language!
Wikidata weekly summary #145
[modifica]- Events/Blogs/Press
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Spiffy new project building on top of Wikidata: Check out this example entry!
- You will now see when a language fallback for a label is used on an item or property. The language name will be shown next to it.
- Automatic descriptions for Wikidata items by Magnus
- The templates for adding badges (good article, featured article, etc) to articles on Wikipedia in the sidebar are getting removed from articles rapidly in favor of getting that information from Wikidata \o/ German Wikipedia even deleted those templates already. English Wikipedia seems to be getting close.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: Journalisted ID, Biography at the Bundestag of Germany, Metacritic ID
- Newest WikiProjects: Identical Twins
- Development
- <3
- We are hiring! Passionate about Wikidata and know your way around Java Script and co? Apply!
- We'll spend the next week working with Nik and Stas from WMF to move queries forward in Berlin
- Worked on implementing a Lua interface for arbitrary Snak rendering. This can be used to render eg. qualifiers or references in Wikipedia infoboxes.
- Did groundwork for Lua convenience functions that render data in the user’s interface language, rather than the content language (for multilingual wikis, like Commons or Wikidata only)
- Did further work on making the Lua interface code nicer and share code with the parser functions
- Removed input method selector in the sitelink input as it was hiding the actual input and not very useful there
- Fixed some issues in diff views showing new data instead of old data
- Created a few scripts to make it easier for 3rd parties to install Wikibase
- Fixed icinga notification that tests if dispatch lag gets high
- Investigated several issues regarding storage of time values and started fixing them
- Fixed editing of qualifiers
- Fixed most browser tests after introduction of new header design
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which have been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- Help translate or proofread pages in your own language!
Wikidata weekly summary #146
[modifica]- Events/Blogs/Press
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- As announced Wikibooks is getting access to Wikidata for their sitelinks on 24th. Coordination at d:Wikidata:Wikibooks
- ViziData
- Update on data quality project
- Update on structured data for Commons
- Using mw.wikibase.getEntity in a Lua module? Please read this.
- Number of visual artworks items by property (type, genre, creator...) on Wikidata
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: operty:P1721|pinyin transliteration]], posthumous name, temple name, courtesy name, SANDRE ID, brand
- Showcase items:Montblanc
- Development
- Still looking for an awesome frontend developer to join the team
- Met with Nik and Stas from WMF in Berlin for a week to move query functionality forward. Made good progress on evaluating backends and languages
- Worked on RDF mapping/export
- Introduced mw.wikibase.renderSnak(s) for rendering arbitrary Snaks in Lua. This can be used for rendering for example qualifiers or references.
- Made it so that links in the “other projects” sidebar are alphabetically ordered
- Made the diff views for dates easier to read
- Continued work on the planned Wikibase View component
- Continued work on header redesign
- Worked on a new special page that lets you set label, description and aliases in one page
- Fixed all browsertests to use new header section and adjusted them to use phantomjs
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which have been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- d:Wikidata:Glossary could use some serious simplification to make it easier to understand. Can you help?
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- Help translate or proofread pages in your own language!
Wikidata weekly summary #147
[modifica]- Discussions
- Events/Blogs/Press
- Platypus - a speaking interface for Wikidata
- Past: Wikidata for Research meetup
- Past: GLAMhack (two of the results: The Endless Story and a family tree)
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikidata reached 200,000,000 edits
- Welcome Wikibooks! Wikibooks now gets its language links via Wikidata as well.
- Vote for your favorite Wikimania submissions. Here are the Wikidata related ones.
- New release of the Wikidata Toolkit with lots of good stuff.
- There are now over 30,000 objects in OpenStreetMap tagged with a Wikidata ID. Can you add more?
- Want to see where we want infoboxes to go with Wikidata? Check out the infobox fromage on French Wikipedia. Have a look at the wiki text here.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: Naturbase ID, Fach, AllMusic song ID, AllMusic album ID, AllMusic artist ID, Flora of North America ID, Florentine musea Inventario 1890 ID, beats per minute
- Newest WikiProjects: Cheese, Filming Locations
- Showcase items: None this week. Yours next week?
- You can listen to Wikidata (setting at the bottom)
- Development
- Chaged a number of Lua modules (from deprecated function mw.wikibase.getEntity to mw.wikibase.getEntityObject)
- Updated the json documentation
- Always link to Wikidata on client pages that don’t have any langlinks. This affects users without JavaScript and logged out users, logged in users will still see the link item dialog. gerrit:168632
- Fixes for the Wikibase qunit Jenkins job
- Made Vagrant git-update also properly update Wikibase and dependencies
- Fix for phabricator:T88254 (malformatted Wikidata entries appearing in Watchlist RSS feed in clients)
- Final touches on new header design
- Investigated how we can provide language fallback also in suggestions when search or adding new statements
- More work on allowing additional languages in monolingual text datatype
- Added missing backend piece for quantities with units. Now the remaining piece is the user interface.
- Enabled Wikibase Client on Wikibooks
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which have been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- Help translate or proofread pages in your own language!
Wikidata weekly summary #148
[modifica]- Discussions
- Open RfA: Haplology
- Events/Blogs/Press
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Help flesh out landing pages for partners
- Update on the Wikidata query service progress
- The automatic description API can now generate infoboxes (currently, "person" and "artwork" on en.wp)
- Wikidata Skim gives you very simple query functionality
- Meet Kian, the first neural network to serve Wikidata
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: Information Center for Israeli Art artist identifier, identifier, oath of office date, Steam ID
- Showcase items:Symphony No. 7
- Development
- Fixed edit buttons sometimes not showing up because of caching
- Added mailto to the allowed protocols in the URL data type
- Worked on updating the data model documentation
- Worked on client wiki subscription/notification mechanism
- Improved handling of scientific notation for quantity values
- Reworked a lot of code related to time parsing and formatting, e.g. proper support for language independent parsing of YYYY-MM-DD ordered dates
- Continued working on the new Special:SetLabelDescriptionAliases
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which have been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- Help translate or proofread pages in your own language!
Wikidata weekly summary #149
[modifica]- Discussions
- Successful RfA: Haplology
- Events/Blogs/Press
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Simple Wikidata graph generator
- Please help test the next step for header redesign
- Provide input about how to improve Wikidata watchlist integration on Wikipedia and other sister projects
- Items without statements - help by adding "instance of" to some of them
- Picture of current geocoordinate coverage on Wikidata
- Query generator spreadsheet
- Image search now allows the addition of the "grave image" property
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: Flemish organization for Immovable Heritage ID, National Pipe Organ Register identifier, Hornbostel-Sachs classification, Watson & Dallwitz family ID, Aviation Safety Network Wikibase Occurrence, Aviation Safety Network accident description ID, category related to list, list related to category, scale, BBC Your Paintings collection identifier, name day, Parlement & Politiek ID, NCI Thesaurus ID, Flora of China, ZooBank nomenclatural act, VASCAN ID, Agassiz et al checklist number, Bradley and Fletcher checklist number, GTAA concept identifier, category for films shot at this location, CiNii book identifer, Merck Index monograph
- Development
- Got next step for header redesign and other goodies ready for testing (see above)
- Created gadget for displaying padlock indicators on protected items and properties
- Preliminary support for statements in the RDF export
- Fixed "page watched" icon not being updated after an edit that should trigger it
- Released Wikibase DataModel 2.6
- Wikidata builds are now prepared automatically each day
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which have been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- Help translate or proofread pages in your own language!
Wikidata weekly summary #150
[modifica]- Events/Blogs/Press
- Past: Editathon at MACBA
- Past: Wikidata intro session for Wikipedians at Lokal K in Cologne
- Upcoming: Wikidata editing at Wikimedia Germany in Berlin
- Upcoming: Office hour on 31st of March (Topics include Freebase migration, dev update, admin inactivity criteria)
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Freebase is going read-only at the end of the month and we expect an influx of new people. There is now an FAQ to answer their most common questions.
- We now have (improved) landing pages for partners at d:Wikidata:Data donation and d:Wikidata:Data access. Could use some help with making them easier to read and more visual.
- Lots of improvements around MixNMatch. It has a new catalog overview page. ~340K IDs have been matched so far with it and it now has an FAQ for institutions wanting to get their identifiers linked in Wikidata
- There is a fancy new tool to help with patrolling edits on Wikidata
- First screenshot of the primary sources tool that'll help with migrating data from Freebase and enriching it with references has been leaked ;-): 1 and 2
- DBpedia converts Wikidata data to the DBpedia ontology
- Another 3rd-party SPARQL endpoint has been set up for testing
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: art-name, posthumous name, temple name, courtesy name, school of, possible creator, forgery after, manner of, circle of, follower of, workshop of, attributed to, USDA plant identifier, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System identifier, LMI code, denkXweb identifier, place name sign
- Newest WikiProjects: Municipalities of Germany
- Newest gadgets: Image search supports the new "place name sign" property
- Development
- Fixed property suggestions on empty items
- Updated database for property suggestions with newest correlations so you should get better suggestions
- Updated various documentation
- Continued working on RDF export (among other things a requirement for query functionality)
- Polishing in the user interface
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which have been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- Help translate or proofread pages in your own language!
Wikidata weekly summary #151
[modifica]- Events/Blogs/Press
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- The next steps for the header redesign and bugfixes are live
- New tool by Magnus that lets you add reference URLs with a single click
- An update from Freebase (which is going read-only on Tuesday!)
- The tours are working again thanks to Bene* and Lucie
- Effort to define a biomedical relationship ontology for Wikidata
- - displaying history from Wikidata on maps
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: ABoK number, Word Health Organisation International Nonproprietary Name, Danish National Filmography ID, Masaryk University person ID, EMLO person identifier, Commemorative plaque image, Wikimedia database name, Maltese Islands National Inventory of Cultural Property identifier, ISO 639-5, International Standard Industrial Classification code, Smithsonian American Art Museum: person/institution thesaurus id, bureau du patrimoine de Seine-Saint-Denis ID, format as a regular expression, category of associated people, category of people buried here, BioStor author identifier, chief operating officer, DVN identifier
- Newest WikiProjects:
- Newest gadgets: Image search can find photos for the new "commemorative plaque image" property
- New task forces: Dictionary of National Biography (DNB)
- There is a SpecialPage to easily get to the Wikidata item for a given Wikipedia article and another one to get to the Wikipedia article for a given Wikidata ID.
- Development
- Deployed new code to Wikidata \o/ (and fixed a few issues that popped up)
- Made good progress on RDF export (needed for example for queries)
- Did more performance groundwork for arbitrary access
- Students working on improved constraint reports and checking against 3rd party databases are making good progress
- Looked into improving suggestions
- Worked on making dispatching changes from Wikidata to Wikipedia and co more robust
- Removed backwards compatibility from
, to be deployed April 7 and 8. See also here. - Improved support for right-to-left languages, e.g. in the sitelinks view
- Created a unit test framework for special pages
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which have been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- Help translate or proofread pages in your own language!
- Add multi-lingual labels for the new properties listed above.
Wikidata weekly summary #152
[modifica]- Discussions
- Closed RfC: Reforming administrator inactivity criteria
- Events/Blogs/Press
- WikiArabia takes place in Monastir, Tunisia, 3-5 April
- The GLAM-WIKI 2015 conference in The Hague (10-12 April) features several presentations and tutorials about Wikidata for/with cultural institutions.
- The Library world will use Wikidata to link its information to any and all Wikipedias. No longer English only, but every Wikipedia will be exposed in this way.
- Freebase, SEO and Wikidata
- Office hour on IRC covering overall status/development, Freebase and admin inactivity criteria RfC. You can read the log.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Magnus wrote a short tour of Wikidata's tool ecosystem.
- A first version of the Primary Sources Tool has been released. It'll help with migrating Freebase data and more.
- Italian Wikipedia's quality festival is focusing on interwiki links and Wikidata this month. Help them out?
- Lots of new databases have been added to Mix n Match.
- Screenshots of the current state of new constraint reports and checks against 3rd party databases have been posted.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: choreographer, ID, Great Aragonese Encyclopedia ID
- Development
- Wikidata development started 3 years ago. <3 to everyone who is a part of it.
- Went through all the feedback we got for improving watchlist integration on Wikipedia and co and posted our assesment
- Put the infrastructure for creating Turtle-Beta dumps in place. All new Wikidata dumps will be in from Monday on (the old * directory will be kept around and receive new json dumps for backwards compatibility).
- Reduced size of entities pages by removing no longer needed data (to make the UI faster).
- Fixed bug that sometimes caused dates and other types of values to be cut short when quickly saving. (phabricator:T92831)
- Fixed issues with setting focus after clicking edit.
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which have been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- Help translate or proofread pages in your own language!
Wikidata weekly summary #153
[modifica]- Events/Blogs/Press
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Build a RSS image feed based on a query
- Periodic table based on Wikidata data by Ricordisamoa
- ~8000 biographical items with dates in the description, but no birth/death date statements
- Magnus says ~8% (~1.4M) of all Wikidata items do not have any site links to Wikipedia etc.; knowledge that exists exclusively on Wikidata
- Bene* wrote a user script that adds a filter bar above the statement section and lets you filter it
- Magnus wrote a quick user script to move identifiers into the right sidebar to show how a statement section without identifiers would look like. This came up as part of a longer discussion on the mailinglist about moving identifier statements into their own section. Progress is being tracked at phabricator:T95287.
- Samsung releases Freebase-Wikidata mappings in CC0: 4.4M pairs generated from Wikipedia links and custom code
- Thanks to Bene* hovercards now also work for items and properties
- New tool by Magnus for Wikidata item labels
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: short name, list of episodes, named as
- New task forces: Star Wars, Open Access
- Development
- We are going to change the way value suggestions are ranked when entering a new statement. This will help with "male" and "female" not showing up among the top suggestions. Previously we ranked by number of sitelinks. We will change this to the maximum of sitelinks and labels. So if an item has labels in many languages but no sitelinks like "male" and "female" it will still show up high in the suggestions. (phabricator:T94404)
- Discussed how to move forward with identifiers. Outcome: They should get their own datatype. (phabricator:T95287)
- Implemented arbitrary access for the {{#property:…}} parser function. This can be invoked on the wikis that have arbitrary access enabled by using {{#property:P123|from=Q42}}. So far this is only Wikidata itself.
- Did further performance work on the client (Wikipedia and co) in preparation for arbitrary access
- Improved the performance of wbgetentities significantly when loading a large number of entities
- Wrote more browser tests for different datavalues
- Further work on RDF mapping and dumps
- Fixed in other language box showing old data (phabricator:T90893)
- Fixed language fallback on Special:Recent changes and Special:Contributions
- Added language fallback for the tooltip on badge icons
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which have been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- Help translate or proofread pages in your own language!
Wikidata weekly summary #154
[modifica]- Discussions
- Events/Blogs/Press
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Tool by Magnus to find wrong nationalities on Wikidata
- Where am I? (figuring out your location based on geocoordinates in Wikidata)
- Map of French national parks
- Histropedia published 5 query generator spreadsheets
- Wikimedia's monthly GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums) newsletter now includes a Wikidata report. The draft for the first edition, covering April, may be edited and your contributions will be welcome.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: minor league player ID, major league player ID, road number, BAnQ ID, DSH object ID, Open Food Facts food category slug, Open Food Facts food additive slug, personID, Kaiserhof ID, addressee, National Portrait Gallery (London) person identifier, RSL book's identifier, name in kana
- Development
- Made label, description and aliases special pages easier to use
- Bene* created a new Special:ListProperties special page to list properties by data type
- Expanded our set of automated browser tests
- Made language fallbacks work in more situations and more consistently. In particular, the entity selector now uses language fallback. This should benefit especially people who want to use Wikidata in a variant such as en-gb.
- Continued work on the planned DataModel 3.0 release
- Continued discussing and documenting future calendar model support
- Continued work on our RDF generator
- Continued work on usage tracking for labels on multilingual sites
- Addshore worked on various issues regarding redirects
- Addshore worked on a special page to turn an item into a redirect
- Work on showing entity labels in edit summaries on history pages
- Implemented change dispatching based on the new usage tracking mechanism
- Fixed issue with page deletions on some Wikipedias not being reported to Wikidata
- More work on straightening out date formatting and parsing
- Fixed handling of scientific notation for quantity values
- Term box: fixed bug causing stale info to be show, and another bug causing babel languages to be ignored sometimes.
- Implemented access to other arbitrary items via the #property parser function
- Bene* implemented check to make sure two properties can not have the same alias only differing in capitalization
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which have been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- Help translate or proofread pages in your own language!
- Add labels, in your own language, for the new properties listed above.
Wikidata weekly summary #155
[modifica]- Discussions
- Events/Blogs/Press
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- The question that started Wikidata has finally been answered! Thank you Markus! ;-)
- Wikimedia Sverige adapted two brochures about Wikidata, one for GLAMs and one for researchers.
- Bene* has been working on making Wikidata work nicely on mobile. You can check the current status on a demo system.
- Amir could use your help with automatic transliteration of human names
- Commons-WD: a tool to edit Wikidata based on a Commons category
- Various improvements to the Primary Sources Tool including:
- Edits made with it will now say so in the edit summary
- It now uses the URL blacklist to not suggest low-quality references
- Caching issues were fixed
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: Kiev street code, blood type, Perry Index, input set, SSR Name ID, SSR WrittenForm ID, INPN Code, Nasjonalbiblioteket photographer ID, distribution map, anti-virus alias, HathiTrust id, common name, Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia Online identifier, Swedish district code, investigated by, US Federal Election Commission identifier, PSS-archi ID, Gaoloumi ID, draft pick number, GrassBase ID, electorate, owner of, Roud Folk Song Index, IPI Code, ISWC
- There are a number of user boxes you can add to your user page to indicate interests and which wiki projects you belong to.
- Development
- On Tuesday, we are deploying usage tracking (no arbitrary access yet) to Dutch Wikipedia and French Wikisource, and subscription tracking on Wikidata. There should be no noticeable changes for users. These are necessary steps towards enabling arbitrary access in clients.
- Worked on making language fallback work in the suggester (when adding a new statement or searching for an item)
- More work on RDF output and the query service
- Added Special:RedirectEntity for redirecting items
- Investigated and working to fix JS bug on items with “invalid” values (phabricator:92975)
- Did work towards having entity ids in revision histories and in diffs linked with their label (like on watchlists or in the recentchanges)
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which have been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- Help translate or proofread pages in your own language!
- Add labels, in your own language, for the new properties listed above.
Wikidata weekly summary #156
[modifica]- Events/Blogs/Press
- Wikidata was presented at a Swedish Linked Data Network Meet-up in Gothenburg.
- The most important Wikipedia pages
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- P107 (main type) is finally orphaned and deleted, 20 months after deprecation. This was the first property used 1000000 times.
- The royal baby was quickly updated on Wikidata. (her family tree)
- New tool by Magnus: Find pictures on, upload them to Commons and add them to Wikidata
- All Van Gogh Museum paintings are now on Commons and Wikidata. Go go SumOfAllPaintings peeps!
- List of topics with links in at least X Wikipedias
- All French Senators matched using MixNMatch \o/
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: represented by, Netflix Identifier, maximum number of players, minimum number of players, CERL ID, Name Assigning Authority Number, Hall of Valor ID, ballots cast, eligible voters, catholic-hierarchy diocese ID, Wikidata example geographic coordinates, Wikidata example monolingual text, Wikidata example property, Wikidata example quantity, Wikidata example time, Wikidata example URL, Wikidata example item value, Wikidata example string, Wikidata example media file, Wikidata property example
- Development
- We rolled out usage tracking on the first two wikis (French Wikisource and Dutch Wikipedia). Users should not notice anything. More wikis will follow in the next weeks. This is the remaining step for enabling arbitrary access on wikis other than Commons.
- The students team is working hard to get a first release of the improved constraint reports and checks against 3rd party databases out.
- Ricordisamoa fixed the issue with long descriptions being cut off.
- We fixed the focus flow in the property selector.
- We improved the messages on Special:EntityData to make it more understandable.
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which have been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- Help translate or proofread pages in your own language!
- Add labels, in your own language, for the new properties listed above.
Wikidata weekly summary #157
[modifica]- Discussions
- Open request for adminship: Mbch331
- New request for comments: Notability policy overhaul
- Closed requests for comments: Conflict of Interest (no consensus), Speedy vs Regular deletion (stale)
- Events/Blogs/Press
- A study has been published about how Wikidata can help significantly improve the quality of medical content on Wikipedia. This is why we do Wikidata! \o/
- MusicBrainz is migrating to Wikidata for Wikipedia links
- Past: Open Data for Academics - some media available on Wikimedia Commons.
- Upcoming: OuiShare Labs Camp in Paris
- Upcoming: MediaWiki hackathon in Lyon
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- The Wikidata Visualization Challenge has started. You can enter your submission until June 1 (23:59 CEST).
- Denny has published a proposed breakdown of tasks for Wiktionary support incl mockups. Please read and comment.
- The Wikidata Menu Challenge has started and goes on to May 27. Add labels, images and pronunciation audio to a list of around 290 items to help show off the power of Wikidata at a food festival.
- Dynamic lists on Wikipedia based on Wikidata data
- The Frick Collection and the Brooklyn Museum both have their paintings on Wikidata now.
- The most distant known galaxy EGS-zs8-1 (Q19860435) has been discovered and added to Wikidata.
- Reasonator has been restyled, to work better on mobile devices. It also has an enhanced display on first names (exsample: Paul)
- Woah! Volcanos! (Help match the Smithonian's volcano identifiers with Wikidata) ;-)
- Did you know?
- Development
- Access to data from arbitrary items is coming to the first wikis on Monday \o/ It'll be Dutch Wikipedia and French Wikisource.
- Sneak peek at the current state of development for showing constraint violations on statements
- Hovercards also show the target's label and ID now. (Try them by turning them on in the beta features section of your preferences.)
- Continued working on RDF export
- More work on making it possible to add a reference right away when adding a statement (and allowing the full statement incl references to be edited at the same time)
- Did more work to make usage tracking possible on multilingual wikis (namely Commons)
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which have been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
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Wikidata weekly summary #158
[modifica]- Discussions
- Successful request for adminship: Mbch331
- Closed request for comments: Opting out of Global sysops 2
- Events/Blogs/Press
- Using Wikidata to Improve the Medical Content on Wikipedia
- Past: Andy Mabbett (User:Pigsonthewing) spoke about authority control in Wikidata (and sister projects) at the World Digital Library's Arab Peninsula Regional Group Symposium, organised in conjunction with the Qatar National Library, in Doha on 13 May. His slides, with an Arabic translation, will be online soon.
- Past: Wikidata editing workshop at the Wikimedia Conference in Berlin
- Past: Wikidata workshop for archivists of Catalan City of Justice
- Upcoming: MediaWiki hackathon in Lyon
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Elections for the board of the Wikimedia Foundation are ongoing. Wikidata should be well represented among the voters. Go and vote!
- Wikidata won another award by Land der Ideen! \o/ Thank you everyone who is making Wikidata awesome!
- Dutch Wikipedia and French Wikisource now have the arbitrary access feature. Persian Wikipedia, English Wikivoyage and Hebrew Wikipedia are following today. Italian Wikipedia and all remaining Wikisource projects are following on June 1st.
- New manual for adding inventory numbers to paintings on Wikidata
- English Wikipedia is running a bot to add authority control templates to many articles that are filled completely from Wikidata. Italian Wikipedia is doing so as well.
- Wikidata won an Open Data award last year. Nominations for this year are open now. Who should win this year?
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: Dictionary of Medieval Names from European Sources entry, vice-county
- Development
- Prepared for deployment of arbitrary access on more wikis
- Graph extension will be enabled on Wikidata later today
- Improvements to calendar handling
- More work on RDF export for query service
- Continued work on usage tracking and arbitrary access for multilingual wikis
- Addshore investigated and started fixing abuse filter issues
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which have been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- Help translate or proofread pages in your own language!
- Add labels, in your own language, for the new properties listed above.
Wikidata weekly summary #159
[modifica]- Events/Blogs/Press
- State of the Map US (OpenStreetMap's conference) in New York on 6-8 June
- Wikimedia Hackathon 2015 in Lyon from 23-25 May. Some of the activities and outcomes:
- Wikidata descriptions can be soon be edited in the Wikipedia iOS app.
- A early preview of the official SPARQL endpoint for Wikidata has been created to query Wikidata. Remember that it is not stable and still beta. A short introduction to SPARQL can be found in Lucie's slides.
- If you are not familiar with SPARQL yet, a tool has been created by Tpt and Bene* to generate SPARQL queries from natural language questions.
- To do SPARQL queries from the command line, a command line tool was crafted by Marius.
- The special page to query for badges is within reach.
- A feedback session on the architecture of Wikibase was held.
- We got a cool presentation by Maxime about
- We figured out the next steps to make Wikidata more mobile friendly.
- Pilot on the Hungarian Wikipedia to show diagrams based on Wikidata in their articles on Spanish villages
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- New command line tool for mapping SKOS to Wikidata (video)
- The Wikidata Visualization Challenge is ending soon. Please submit your entries. The Wikidata Menu Challenge is also ending soon.
- The number of videos about Wikidata is growing and there is now a category on Wikimedia Commons for these.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: lowest note, highest note, source website, Fauna Europaea ID, Danish urban area code, OpenPlaques plaque identifier, signatory, BNC identifier, different from
- Newest WikiProjects: WikiProject Elections
- Development
- Got early preview of the primary SPARQL endpoint for Wikidata live
- The Graph extension is now live on Wikidata
- Arbitrary access is rolled out on fawiki, hewiki and enwikivoyage now
- Busy with the hackathon (see above)
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which have been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- Help translate or proofread pages in your own language!
- Add labels, in your own language, for the new properties listed above.
Wikidata weekly summary #160
[modifica]- Events/Blogs/Press
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Final hours to make your vote count in the WMF board election
- Now we have Q20000000 and P1900
- Wikidata stats have been updated
- Over 100 timeline of famous painters by Histropedia
- WD-FIST can now take a manual item list and limit its search to JPEGs
- Traveling this summer? Find items needing pictures around you with WikiShootMe
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: altered regulation leads to, posttranslational modification association with, gene substitution association with, gene inversion association with, gene insertion association with, gene duplication association with, deletion association with, increased expression in, decreased expression in, side effect, Commonwealth War Graves Commission person identifier, Australian Dictionary of Biography identifier, office held by head of state, FundRef registry name, Volcanic explosivity index, Spotify artist ID, BALaT person/organisation id, EAGLE id, Librivox author ID
- Development
- Recovering from hackathon
- Prepared rollout of usage tracking and arbitrary access to more wikis
- Testing of the query service
- Fixed styling issues with entity selector
- Worked more on Capiunto to make it easier to create good infoboxes
- Worked on making broken values editable to fix them (this for example happens when a property is deleted but some values are left over)
- Made entity id an optional parameter in mw.wikibase.label and mw.wikibase.description lua methods. (default to use connected item)
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which have been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- Help translate or proofread pages in your own language!
- Add labels, in your own language, for the new properties listed above.
Wikidata weekly summary #161
[modifica]- Discussions
- Events/Blogs/Press
- Past: Pigsonthewing and aude were at State of the Map US to talk about Wikidata/OpenStreetMap cooperation and more
- Past: Lucie and Marius gave an intro to Wikidata at Gulaschprogrammiernacht in Karlsruhe (slides)
- Upcoming: Office hour on IRC on 19th
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- The English-language Wikipedia has decided to deprecate Persondata in favour of Wikidata.
- New tool by Magnus to make it easier to add references
- The results are in for the Wikimedia Foundation's board election. One name should sound familiar to you ;-)
- Addshore created new maps of the geocoordinates on Wikidata. More coming.
- Sylvain made an overview of the overlap in topics that the biggest Wikipedias have.
- Wikidata has passed German Wikipedia in number of items with images (743850 dewp articles vs. 804885 items) - now only second to English-language Wikipedia.
- Catalan Wikipedia is moving Taxon IDs to Wikidata.
- Zolo did a comparison of English/French/German/Chinese and Cebuano Wikipedias in terms of main types of articles. Biographies were compared by period, nationality and occupation.
- Connectivity statistics were updated.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: DMS V, Clinvar Accession Number, Vaccine Ontology ID, VIOLIN ID, vaccine for, participating team, first line, URI pattern for RDF resource, Commonwealth War Graves Commission burial ground identifier, Ministry of Education of Chile school ID
- Newest gadgets: Mark as patrolled by User:Petr Matas
- Development
- Italian Wikipedia and all remaining Wikisource projects now have arbitrary access. The rollout will continue. The schedule for the next projects is at d:Wikidata:Arbitrary access.
- The Content Translation tool now automatically connects translated articles to Wikidata. (Thanks Content Translation developers!) Previously translated but unconnected articles have been connected by a bot. (Thanks Amir!)
- Code review of the extensions written by a team of students to improve the constraint reports and make it possible to automatically check our data against other databases. A first version will go live soon pending further codereview and fixes.
- Two new methods have been added to the lua library provided by Wikibase:
. - Further work on making unserializable values editable in the UI (This can happen for example if a property is deleted.)
- Made the Wikidata JSON dumps available on Labs in the standard dumps location there (/public/dumps).
- Worked on automatically creating a redirect when merging items via the API.
- Rewrote the script that generates a map image based on geocoordinates in Wikidata. (Result see above.)
- Released Wikibase DataModel 3.0
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which have been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- Help translate or proofread pages in your own language!
- Add labels, in your own language, for the new properties listed above.
Viquitrobada 2015
[modifica]Bones, com va tot? Ens veurem enguany a la Viquitrobada 2015 els propers 14 i 15 de novembre a Girona? No t'he vist a la llista d'inscrits encara. Vine! que la farem grossa! :-)--Kippelboy (disc.) 17:42, 23 oct 2015 (CEST)
Proposta d'esborrament de la pàgina «Jordi Tombas i Genius»
S'ha obert una proposta per esborrar la pàgina «Jordi Tombas i Genius», que heu iniciat o en què heu col·laborat significativament, per incomplir algun dels criteris de la Viquipèdia després de ser avisat prèviament sense haver-se solucionat.
Esteu convidat a participar en la discussió relativa a aquesta proposta. Si no esteu familiaritzat amb el procés, podeu llegir-ne les normes i polítiques a «Viquipèdia:Esborrar pàgines». Per qualsevol dubte, podeu deixar-me un missatge, formular-lo a la La taverna o, directament, al xat. No us ho prengueu com una qüestió personal, intenteu entendre'n els motius i demaneu-ne aclariments si cal. --Medol (disc.) 10:33, 28 gen 2018 (CET)