Title |
Length |
Count |
Interwiki |
Target Info |
Target Length |
Infection |
91521 |
42183 |
84 |
Infecció |
4850 |
Category:Infectious diseases
List of infectious diseases |
18005 |
12393 |
12 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Contagious disease |
3190 |
8554 |
6 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Critical community size |
1778 |
323 |
Category:Infectious diseases
ACAM2000 |
8580 |
439 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Adenitis |
2655 |
3077 |
19 |
Adenitis |
777 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Anthroponotic disease |
3397 |
929 |
12 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Antibiotic sensitivity |
10979 |
7318 |
2 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Asymptomatic carrier |
15933 |
18754 |
20 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Barrier nursing |
10239 |
2650 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Bill of health |
1483 |
106 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Blood-borne disease |
13330 |
6133 |
3 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Brain abscess |
14246 |
5370 |
15 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Cat bite |
17086 |
6587 |
3 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Catheter-associated urinary tract infection |
3776 |
484 |
Category:Infectious diseases
List of infections of the central nervous system |
1899 |
1708 |
4 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Chest photofluorography |
5857 |
373 |
6 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Ascending cholangitis |
30963 |
11334 |
26 |
Colangitis |
14698 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Coinfection |
8897 |
1199 |
8 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Community-acquired pneumonia |
35466 |
9024 |
9 |
Pneumònia comunitària |
1334 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Cordon sanitaire |
38931 |
10321 |
16 |
Cordó sanitari |
18941 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Cowpox |
23241 |
9595 |
25 |
Virus de la verola bovina |
3085 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Cryptic infection |
322 |
63 |
2 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Discitis |
5691 |
3827 |
9 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Emerging infectious disease |
12526 |
10736 |
12 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Emphysematous cystitis |
10879 |
3078 |
2 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Encephalitis |
28109 |
51886 |
61 |
Encefalitis |
1726 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Endogenous infection |
1316 |
574 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Evolution of Infectious Disease |
8401 |
217 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Experimental Bacteriology |
3979 |
23 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Extra-Terrestrial Exposure Law |
4056 |
1721 |
2 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Fecal–oral route |
11598 |
18766 |
17 |
Via fecal-oral |
3988 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Fever of unknown origin |
31844 |
5101 |
12 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Maxwell Finland Award |
2101 |
106 |
3 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Fomite |
5790 |
37591 |
10 |
Fòmit |
2944 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Freshers' Flu |
4354 |
1141 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Fumigatory box |
4176 |
32 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Gastroenteritis |
65664 |
94451 |
72 |
Gastroenteritis |
30807 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Genitourinary amoebiasis |
1060 |
27 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Germ theory of disease |
35587 |
29437 |
20 |
Teoria microbiana de la malaltia |
5756 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Global Viral |
1954 |
93 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Globalization and disease |
41138 |
4358 |
5 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Haverhill fever |
2999 |
326 |
6 |
Category:Infectious diseases
History of emerging infectious diseases |
39691 |
966 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Holoendemic |
5938 |
570 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Horizontal transmission |
7975 |
1523 |
6 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Hospital-acquired infection |
43405 |
17869 |
32 |
Infecció nosocomial |
1259 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Hospital-acquired pneumonia |
27888 |
8266 |
6 |
Pneumònia nosocomial |
1697 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Hutchinson's triad |
1234 |
2010 |
7 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Incubation period |
10909 |
32244 |
47 |
Període d'incubació |
3122 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Infection control |
32248 |
8822 |
9 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Infection rate |
4595 |
2587 |
2 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Infections associated with diseases |
69327 |
789 |
2 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Infectious causes of cancer |
34451 |
1319 |
2 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Infectious disease (medical specialty) |
7242 |
19001 |
21 |
Infectologia |
2667 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Infectious Disease (Notification) Act 1889 |
2828 |
99 |
Category:Infectious diseases
International Sanitary Conferences |
8573 |
536 |
3 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Intestinal infectious diseases |
1473 |
259 |
3 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Isolation (health care) |
26773 |
6910 |
17 |
Aïllament sanitari en humans |
2762 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Isolation ward |
3169 |
2647 |
5 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Kennel cough |
11417 |
28785 |
17 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Koch's postulates |
19219 |
21867 |
35 |
Postulats de Koch |
1371 |
Category:Infectious diseases
List of infectious diseases causing flu-like syndrome |
1494 |
11046 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Lower respiratory tract infection |
24831 |
20177 |
8 |
Category:Infectious diseases
MecA (gene) |
21325 |
2816 |
2 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Molecular mimicry |
26896 |
2541 |
8 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Multidrug tolerance |
12621 |
376 |
2 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Mycetoma |
5082 |
1739 |
12 |
Micetoma |
2475 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Mycotic aneurysm |
3673 |
2075 |
6 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Negative room pressure |
4088 |
25902 |
5 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Neglected tropical diseases |
112210 |
11786 |
25 |
Malalties tropicals desateses |
65011 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Neonatal infection |
53956 |
3678 |
7 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Non-gonococcal urethritis |
7206 |
7311 |
9 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Nonvenereal endemic syphilis |
4872 |
1848 |
11 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Notifiable disease |
10143 |
6723 |
11 |
Malaltia de declaració obligatòria |
10416 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Opportunistic infection |
12279 |
10025 |
38 |
Infecció oportunista |
7589 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Parinaud's oculoglandular syndrome |
3232 |
860 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Pathogen |
29512 |
35086 |
72 |
Patogen |
6975 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Pharyngitis |
24151 |
61722 |
45 |
Faringitis |
2950 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Phlegmon |
3015 |
6291 |
22 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Picardy sweat |
4138 |
546 |
2 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Pneumonia |
110444 |
414379 |
120 |
Pneumònia |
59237 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Prevalence of rabies |
46729 |
6335 |
2 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Preventorium |
1031 |
219 |
9 |
Preventori |
1948 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Prince Henry Hospital, Sydney |
65943 |
449 |
2 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Protothecosis |
7585 |
649 |
6 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Quarantine |
72579 |
45564 |
67 |
Quarantena |
2824 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Rat-bite fever |
16912 |
6182 |
13 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Respiratory tract infection |
9213 |
13437 |
20 |
Infecció del tracte respiratori |
1410 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Sepsis |
113915 |
235556 |
67 |
Sèpsia |
2949 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Social distancing |
28460 |
2158 |
21 |
Distanciació social |
6087 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Sociality and disease transmission |
25975 |
87 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Infectious disease (athletes) |
16050 |
76 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Subclinical infection |
16932 |
2413 |
8 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Super-spreader |
23394 |
116086 |
11 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Surgical Infections |
2218 |
190 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Syphilis |
73835 |
106947 |
98 |
Sífilis |
10373 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Epidemiology of syphilis |
31196 |
1335 |
3 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Tertiary peritonitis |
12202 |
207 |
2 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Dental abscess |
12998 |
25144 |
15 |
Abscés dental |
3850 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Toxic Shock: A Social History |
2050 |
27 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Transmission (medicine) |
27644 |
12895 |
22 |
Transmissió (medicina) |
2949 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Transmission-based precautions |
46619 |
1406 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Travelers' diarrhea |
34619 |
16031 |
22 |
Diarrea del viatger |
8225 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Tropical disease |
26362 |
6652 |
25 |
Malaltia tropical |
3031 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Tropical ulcer |
8329 |
3791 |
5 |
Úlcera tropical |
1897 |
Category:Infectious diseases
UK statutory notification system |
5031 |
318 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Upper respiratory tract infection |
25958 |
46747 |
11 |
Infecció del tracte respiratori superior |
2967 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Urethritis |
7513 |
7158 |
31 |
Uretritis |
7765 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Urinary tract infection |
65799 |
107662 |
51 |
Infecció urinària |
3019 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Vaccine-preventable diseases |
5070 |
7168 |
3 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Winterbottom's sign |
2161 |
1151 |
7 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Wound licking |
33342 |
5744 |
3 |
Category:Infectious diseases
Intentional contagion of infection |
2012 |
-1 |
2 |
Category:Infectious diseases by mode of transmission
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service |
17884 |
1904 |
6 |
Category:Animal disease control
Aquatic Animal Health Code |
2653 |
68 |
Category:Animal disease control
Marker vaccine |
2754 |
226 |
4 |
Category:Animal disease control
Med-Vet-Net |
3839 |
63 |
Category:Animal disease control
Moredun Research Institute |
6831 |
131 |
2 |
Category:Animal disease control
National Animal Disease Information Service |
1365 |
73 |
Category:Animal disease control
National Centre for Foreign Animal Disease |
11254 |
125 |
Category:Animal disease control
OIE/FAO Network of Expertise on Animal Influenza |
4728 |
38 |
Category:Animal disease control
Plum Island Animal Disease Center |
26459 |
10289 |
Category:Animal disease control
Terrestrial Animal Health Code |
4050 |
146 |
Category:Animal disease control
Trade Control and Expert System |
21064 |
513 |
3 |
Category:Animal disease control
World Organisation for Animal Health |
9228 |
2205 |
22 |
Organització Mundial de Sanitat Animal |
4745 |
Category:Animal disease control
Antibiotic |
117470 |
67502 |
116 |
Antibiòtic |
34657 |
Category:Anti-infective agents
Antifungal |
17991 |
19197 |
30 |
Antifúngic |
3998 |
Category:Anti-infective agents
Crotamiton |
4425 |
2485 |
13 |
Category:Anti-infective agents
Guadinomine |
1891 |
38 |
Category:Anti-infective agents
Metallopharmaceutical |
6428 |
66 |
3 |
Category:Anti-infective agents
Orotomide |
5846 |
97 |
Category:Anti-infective agents
Proteobiotics |
6890 |
174 |
2 |
Category:Anti-infective agents
Atypical pneumonia |
13312 |
24683 |
16 |
Pneumònia atípica |
1961 |
Category:Atypical pneumonias
2019–20 coronavirus pandemic |
292099 |
-1 |
114 |
Pandèmia per coronavirus de 2019-2020 |
279478 |
Category:Atypical pneumonias
Actinomycosis |
11386 |
5959 |
32 |
Category:Atypical pneumonias
Adenovirus infection |
10939 |
4865 |
16 |
Category:Atypical pneumonias
Chickenpox |
56712 |
97628 |
92 |
Varicel·la |
8616 |
Category:Atypical pneumonias
Cytomegaloviral disease |
12036 |
27 |
Category:Atypical pneumonias
Cytomegalovirus infection |
12036 |
303 |
Category:Atypical pneumonias
Human parainfluenza viruses |
28098 |
9537 |
19 |
Category:Atypical pneumonias
Human orthopneumovirus |
24949 |
63957 |
23 |
Category:Atypical pneumonias
Legionnaires' disease |
52243 |
54955 |
42 |
Legionel·losi |
4723 |
Category:Atypical pneumonias
Measles |
106852 |
127027 |
120 |
Xarampió |
5828 |
Category:Atypical pneumonias
Middle East respiratory syndrome |
70351 |
198522 |
33 |
Síndrome respiratòria de l'Orient Mitjà |
31966 |
Category:Atypical pneumonias
Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection |
44546 |
5 |
Category:Atypical pneumonias
Pneumocystis pneumonia |
19702 |
12946 |
14 |
Pneumocistosi |
6125 |
Category:Atypical pneumonias
Psittacosis |
13343 |
8700 |
31 |
Psitacosi |
2600 |
Category:Atypical pneumonias
Q fever |
22220 |
9074 |
36 |
Febre Q |
31690 |
Category:Atypical pneumonias
Respiratory Syncytial Infection |
24949 |
4 |
Category:Atypical pneumonias
Severe acute respiratory syndrome |
43659 |
1299623 |
67 |
Síndrome respiratòria aguda greu |
44766 |
Category:Atypical pneumonias
Tularemia |
29946 |
15432 |
48 |
Category:Atypical pneumonias
Anti-DNase B |
3912 |
915 |
Category:Infectious disease blood tests
Anti-streptolysin O |
4843 |
15380 |
11 |
Category:Infectious disease blood tests
COVID-19 testing |
22761 |
1856 |
11 |
Category:Infectious disease blood tests
Fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption test |
3666 |
2273 |
6 |
Category:Infectious disease blood tests
HelicoCARE direct |
1223 |
56 |
2 |
Category:Infectious disease blood tests
Heterophile antibody test |
7018 |
5646 |
3 |
Category:Infectious disease blood tests
Diagnosis of HIV/AIDS |
47493 |
9903 |
24 |
Prova del VIH |
6844 |
Category:Infectious disease blood tests
NS1 antigen test |
6469 |
4221 |
3 |
Category:Infectious disease blood tests
HIV screening in the United States |
5363 |
68 |
Category:Infectious disease blood tests
Rapid plasma reagin |
5231 |
7447 |
4 |
Category:Infectious disease blood tests
Sabin–Feldman dye test |
2200 |
812 |
4 |
Category:Infectious disease blood tests
Venereal Disease Research Laboratory test |
5725 |
13297 |
8 |
Category:Infectious disease blood tests
Wassermann test |
5254 |
2832 |
15 |
Category:Infectious disease blood tests
Weil–Felix test |
5287 |
5646 |
2 |
Category:Infectious disease blood tests
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus |
97443 |
40381 |
38 |
Category:Infection-related cutaneous conditions
Skin and skin structure infection |
6117 |
1238 |
2 |
Category:Infection-related cutaneous conditions
Skin infection |
7907 |
3792 |
5 |
Category:Infection-related cutaneous conditions
T cell deficiency |
9387 |
1851 |
2 |
Category:Infection-related cutaneous conditions
Epidemic |
12502 |
57603 |
97 |
Epidèmia |
1432 |
List of epidemics |
85446 |
656866 |
9 |
Llista d'epidèmies |
56952 |
412 BC epidemic |
1841 |
-1 |
Basic reproduction number |
26028 |
107757 |
20 |
Número reproductiu bàsic |
7125 |
Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations |
38715 |
6076 |
6 |
Cricket paralysis virus |
10708 |
459 |
2 |
Epidemic curve |
3522 |
12 |
2 |
Native American disease and epidemics |
77897 |
12807 |
Plague (disease) |
22463 |
124118 |
99 |
Pesta |
7403 |
Plague of Athens |
27987 |
12812 |
20 |
Plaga d'Atenes |
15998 |
Plague of Sheroe |
2220 |
141 |
4 |
Real-time outbreak and disease surveillance |
2582 |
106 |
Suicide epidemic |
1786 |
441 |
2 |
Sweating sickness epidemics |
24528 |
7 |
Syndemic |
99111 |
1680 |
4 |
Targeted immunization strategies |
15003 |
295 |
2 |
Estratègies d'immunització dirigides |
16517 |
Virgin soil epidemic |
6813 |
1333 |
Yellow fever |
85615 |
58838 |
72 |
Febre groga |
9875 |
Eradication of infectious diseases |
59487 |
20310 |
8 |
Category:Eradicated diseases
Alastrim |
3280 |
827 |
3 |
Category:Eradicated diseases
Rinderpest |
30749 |
22389 |
33 |
Category:Eradicated diseases
Smallpox |
123122 |
170178 |
119 |
Verola |
29324 |
Category:Eradicated diseases
List of diseases eliminated from the United States |
7442 |
1251 |
Category:Eradicated diseases
2019–20 Philippines polio outbreak |
7463 |
575 |
2 |
Category:Infectious diseases with eradication efforts
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy |
57962 |
60570 |
52 |
Encefalopatia espongiforme bovina |
-1 |
Category:Infectious diseases with eradication efforts
Chlamydia trachomatis |
33376 |
25631 |
31 |
Chlamydia trachomatis |
32415 |
Category:Infectious diseases with eradication efforts
Dracunculiasis |
42812 |
15290 |
47 |
Dracunculosi |
19701 |
Category:Infectious diseases with eradication efforts
Eradication of dracunculiasis |
40613 |
1129 |
2 |
Category:Infectious diseases with eradication efforts
Eradication of lymphatic filariasis |
6642 |
-1 |
Category:Infectious diseases with eradication efforts
Foot-and-mouth disease |
51996 |
27353 |
57 |
Glossopeda |
3412 |
Category:Infectious diseases with eradication efforts
Hookworm infection |
72908 |
15182 |
20 |
Category:Infectious diseases with eradication efforts
Malaria |
155794 |
93675 |
160 |
Malària |
35306 |
Category:Infectious diseases with eradication efforts
Measles resurgence in the United States |
27486 |
2934 |
2 |
Category:Infectious diseases with eradication efforts
Onchocerciasis |
49142 |
9501 |
59 |
Oncocercosi |
5363 |
Category:Infectious diseases with eradication efforts
Ovine rinderpest |
16277 |
1139 |
18 |
Category:Infectious diseases with eradication efforts
Polio |
112683 |
79647 |
105 |
Poliomielitis |
33257 |
Category:Infectious diseases with eradication efforts
Polio eradication |
123552 |
9437 |
10 |
Category:Infectious diseases with eradication efforts
Rubella |
41468 |
44668 |
72 |
Rubèola |
7166 |
Category:Infectious diseases with eradication efforts
Trachoma |
32760 |
15170 |
60 |
Tracoma |
15273 |
Category:Infectious diseases with eradication efforts
Yaws |
20735 |
10830 |
39 |
Pian |
11220 |
Category:Infectious diseases with eradication efforts
24/7 (Philippine TV series) |
6664 |
17378 |
Category:Infectious diseases in fiction
The Bladerunner |
4922 |
2110 |
3 |
Category:Infectious diseases in fiction
Clade X |
1359 |
1145 |
Category:Infectious diseases in fiction
F. Emasculata |
13578 |
1659 |
7 |
Category:Infectious diseases in fiction
The Masque of the Red Death |
22594 |
20217 |
37 |
La màscara de la mort vermella |
3882 |
Category:Infectious diseases in fiction
Red Dead Redemption 2 |
134316 |
182929 |
40 |
Red Dead Redemption 2 |
15389 |
Category:Infectious diseases in fiction
Acinetobacter |
25664 |
8124 |
23 |
Acinetobacter |
1254 |
Category:Healthcare-associated infections
Burkholderia cepacia complex |
10839 |
17627 |
4 |
Category:Healthcare-associated infections
Carbapenem-resistant enterobacteriaceae |
69855 |
11384 |
4 |
Category:Healthcare-associated infections
CC398 |
5607 |
79 |
3 |
Category:Healthcare-associated infections
Clostridioides difficile infection |
83134 |
20765 |
25 |
Category:Healthcare-associated infections
Clostridium sordellii |
3457 |
697 |
6 |
Category:Healthcare-associated infections
HCV in children and pregnancy |
7648 |
84 |
Category:Healthcare-associated infections
Hepatitis |
157485 |
50695 |
81 |
Hepatitis |
236020 |
Category:Healthcare-associated infections
Hepatitis C |
99963 |
76574 |
70 |
Hepatitis C |
36155 |
Category:Healthcare-associated infections
Influenza |
174884 |
298278 |
142 |
Grip |
34070 |
Category:Healthcare-associated infections
Klebsiella |
16154 |
9297 |
23 |
Klebsiel·la |
12147 |
Category:Healthcare-associated infections
Morganella morganii |
12268 |
6234 |
9 |
Category:Healthcare-associated infections
Mycobacterium abscessus |
17677 |
2000 |
7 |
Category:Healthcare-associated infections
Norovirus |
55176 |
121695 |
33 |
Norovirus |
15354 |
Category:Healthcare-associated infections
Staphylococcus aureus |
93693 |
73184 |
53 |
Staphylococcus aureus |
32755 |
Category:Healthcare-associated infections
Tuberculosis |
128174 |
198760 |
155 |
Tuberculosi |
89197 |
Category:Healthcare-associated infections
Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus |
15613 |
6313 |
9 |
Category:Healthcare-associated infections
Amoebiasis |
35321 |
28954 |
33 |
Amebosi |
5271 |
Category:Intestinal infectious diseases
Amoebic brain abscess |
1915 |
268 |
Category:Intestinal infectious diseases
Amoebic liver abscess |
17482 |
3369 |
4 |
Category:Intestinal infectious diseases
Bacillary dysentery |
8147 |
3035 |
4 |
Disenteria bacil·lar |
682 |
Category:Intestinal infectious diseases
Balantidiasis |
9032 |
1346 |
13 |
Category:Intestinal infectious diseases
Cholera |
87836 |
80066 |
135 |
Còlera |
38977 |
Category:Intestinal infectious diseases
Cholera outbreaks and pandemics |
72282 |
13348 |
4 |
Category:Intestinal infectious diseases
Diarrhea |
77724 |
92478 |
109 |
Diarrea |
14955 |
Category:Intestinal infectious diseases
Diseases and epidemics of the 19th century |
26959 |
19040 |
2 |
Category:Intestinal infectious diseases
Dysentery |
31378 |
77424 |
74 |
Disenteria |
1105 |
Category:Intestinal infectious diseases
Enteritis |
14966 |
16859 |
25 |
Enteritis |
1333 |
Category:Intestinal infectious diseases
Enterocolitis |
3167 |
5188 |
10 |
Enterocolitis |
456 |
Category:Intestinal infectious diseases
Environmental enteropathy |
16270 |
560 |
2 |
Category:Intestinal infectious diseases
Soil-transmitted helminth |
6984 |
660 |
2 |
Category:Intestinal infectious diseases
Helminthiasis |
56747 |
11209 |
25 |
Helmintosi |
1228 |
Category:Intestinal infectious diseases
Isosporiasis |
6121 |
805 |
12 |
Category:Intestinal infectious diseases
Parasitic worm |
31065 |
12692 |
35 |
Cuc paràsit |
3039 |
Category:Intestinal infectious diseases
Paratyphoid fever |
19060 |
7465 |
33 |
Febre paratifoide |
5259 |
Category:Intestinal infectious diseases
Shigellosis |
22784 |
5831 |
23 |
Shigel·losi |
1253 |
Category:Intestinal infectious diseases
Soil-transmitted helminthiasis |
23347 |
1940 |
3 |
Helmintosi transmesa per terra |
3355 |
Category:Intestinal infectious diseases
Staphylococcal enteritis |
10272 |
1555 |
2 |
Category:Intestinal infectious diseases
Typhoid fever |
68062 |
122485 |
90 |
Febre tifoide |
15826 |
Category:Intestinal infectious diseases
Acta Microbiologica et Immunologica Hungarica |
4497 |
67 |
Category:Microbiology journals
Advances in Microbial Physiology |
2869 |
48 |
Category:Microbiology journals
African Journal of AIDS Research |
1694 |
59 |
Category:Microbiology journals
African Journal of Infectious Diseases |
1004 |
34 |
Category:Microbiology journals
American Journal of Infection Control |
1986 |
138 |
Category:Microbiology journals
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy |
2911 |
518 |
4 |
Category:Microbiology journals
Antiviral Chemistry & Chemotherapy |
1965 |
54 |
3 |
Category:Microbiology journals
Antiviral Research |
1997 |
110 |
2 |
Category:Microbiology journals
Antiviral Therapy (journal) |
3036 |
96 |
2 |
Category:Microbiology journals
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek (journal) |
3687 |
298 |
2 |
Category:Microbiology journals
Applied and Environmental Microbiology |
3076 |
639 |
4 |
Category:Microbiology journals
Aquatic Microbial Ecology |
2099 |
53 |
Category:Microbiology journals
Archives of Microbiology |
3087 |
98 |
2 |
Category:Microbiology journals
Beneficial Microbes |
497 |
127 |
Category:Microbiology journals
Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology |
3517 |
52 |
Category:Microbiology journals
Canadian Journal of Microbiology |
2722 |
102 |
Category:Microbiology journals
Cell Host & Microbe |
1296 |
294 |
Category:Microbiology journals
Chemotherapy (journal) |
1589 |
174 |
3 |
Category:Microbiology journals
Clinical Infectious Diseases |
2798 |
582 |
2 |
Category:Microbiology journals
Clinical Microbiology and Infection |
2902 |
148 |
2 |
Category:Microbiology journals
Clinical Microbiology Reviews |
6648 |
156 |
Category:Microbiology journals
Critical Reviews in Microbiology |
2543 |
179 |
Category:Microbiology journals
Current Issues in Intestinal Microbiology |
1595 |
2 |
Category:Microbiology journals
Current Opinion in Microbiology |
3765 |
65 |
Category:Microbiology journals
Emerging Infectious Diseases (journal) |
4097 |
298 |
6 |
Category:Microbiology journals
Environmental Microbiology (journal) |
1621 |
161 |
Category:Microbiology journals
Epidemiology and Infection |
1572 |
230 |
Category:Microbiology journals
European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases |
5107 |
214 |
2 |
Category:Microbiology journals
Expert Review of Anti-infective Therapy |
4212 |
88 |
2 |
Category:Microbiology journals
FEMS Microbiology Ecology |
1646 |
137 |
2 |
Category:Microbiology journals
FEMS Microbiology Letters |
2666 |
187 |
2 |
Category:Microbiology journals
FEMS Microbiology Reviews |
2534 |
85 |
2 |
Category:Microbiology journals
FEMS Yeast Research |
2984 |
58 |
2 |
Category:Microbiology journals
Future Microbiology |
2169 |
97 |
Category:Microbiology journals
Herpes (journal) |
1735 |
55 |
Category:Microbiology journals
Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology |
1859 |
92 |
Category:Microbiology journals
Indian Journal of Pathology & Microbiology |
3059 |
105 |
Category:Microbiology journals
Infection (journal) |
3066 |
57 |
2 |
Category:Microbiology journals
Infection and Drug Resistance |
1150 |
144 |
Category:Microbiology journals
Infection and Immunity |
3975 |
329 |
2 |
Category:Microbiology journals
Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology |
1586 |
104 |
2 |
Category:Microbiology journals
Infection, Genetics and Evolution |
1987 |
130 |
3 |
Category:Microbiology journals
Infectious Agents and Cancer |
2151 |
39 |
Category:Microbiology journals
International Journal of Food Microbiology |
2225 |
146 |
Category:Microbiology journals
International Journal of Medical Microbiology |
2248 |
147 |
2 |
Category:Microbiology journals
International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology |
11489 |
397 |
6 |
Category:Microbiology journals
International Microbiology |
2607 |
161 |
2 |
Category:Microbiology journals
The ISME Journal |
2493 |
456 |
Category:Microbiology journals
The Journal of Antibiotics |
1441 |
171 |
2 |
Category:Microbiology journals
Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy |
7415 |
353 |
2 |
Category:Microbiology journals
Journal of Bacteriology |
4300 |
448 |
3 |
Category:Microbiology journals
Journal of Basic Microbiology |
1372 |
56 |
Category:Microbiology journals
Journal of Clinical Microbiology |
4481 |
289 |
3 |
Category:Microbiology journals
Journal of Global Infectious Diseases |
1465 |
59 |
Category:Microbiology journals
Journal of Hospital Infection |
1959 |
97 |
2 |
Category:Microbiology journals
Journal of Infection |
5107 |
119 |
2 |
Category:Microbiology journals
Journal of Infection in Developing Countries |
1486 |
87 |
Category:Microbiology journals
Journal of Infection Prevention |
2015 |
70 |
Category:Microbiology journals
The Journal of Infectious Diseases |
5970 |
401 |
4 |
Category:Microbiology journals
Journal of Medical Microbiology |
3092 |
200 |
Category:Microbiology journals
Malaria Journal |
2234 |
104 |
2 |
Category:Microbiology journals
MBio |
3368 |
697 |
Category:Microbiology journals
Medical Microbiology and Immunology |
4263 |
91 |
2 |
Category:Microbiology journals
Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz |
4051 |
53 |
2 |
Category:Microbiology journals
Microbiological Research |
2186 |
150 |
2 |
Category:Microbiology journals
Microbiology (journal) |
3224 |
345 |
3 |
Category:Microbiology journals
Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews |
1838 |
270 |
2 |
Category:Microbiology journals
Molecular Microbiology (journal) |
2590 |
280 |
Category:Microbiology journals
Myconet |
1128 |
23 |
2 |
Category:Microbiology journals
Nature Microbiology |
1149 |
319 |
2 |
Category:Microbiology journals
Nature Reviews Microbiology |
973 |
287 |
5 |
Category:Microbiology journals
Pathogens and Disease |
3771 |
74 |
2 |
Category:Microbiology journals
Pathogens and Global Health |
3967 |
76 |
Category:Microbiology journals
The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal |
2547 |
145 |
2 |
Category:Microbiology journals
PLOS Currents |
1959 |
200 |
3 |
Category:Microbiology journals
PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases |
3619 |
485 |
6 |
Category:Microbiology journals
PLOS Pathogens |
5624 |
541 |
9 |
Category:Microbiology journals
Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases |
4030 |
74 |
Category:Microbiology journals
Sexually Transmitted Infections (journal) |
1858 |
104 |
2 |
Category:Microbiology journals
The Lancet Infectious Diseases |
31625 |
89 |
Category:Microbiology journals
Trends in Microbiology |
5092 |
65 |
Category:Microbiology journals
Virulence (journal) |
3982 |
145 |
Category:Microbiology journals
Viruses (journal) |
2242 |
261 |
Category:Microbiology journals
World Mycotoxin Journal |
425 |
17 |
Category:Microbiology journals
Yeast (journal) |
1969 |
49 |
Category:Microbiology journals
African trypanosomiasis |
59365 |
31612 |
71 |
Tripanosomosi africana |
13988 |
Category:Neglected diseases
Amphistomiasis |
15743 |
482 |
5 |
Category:Neglected diseases
Arbovirus |
50010 |
5753 |
28 |
Arbovirus |
27175 |
Category:Neglected diseases
Ascariasis |
30542 |
11638 |
57 |
Ascariosi |
4325 |
Category:Neglected diseases
Bartonella |
18100 |
6433 |
17 |
Bartonella |
1724 |
Category:Neglected diseases
Bilharzia |
59827 |
371 |
Category:Neglected diseases
Buruli ulcer |
30888 |
3201 |
49 |
Úlcera de Buruli |
2968 |
Category:Neglected diseases
Carrion's disease |
8756 |
1352 |
10 |
Category:Neglected diseases
Center for World Health and Medicine |
6475 |
29 |
Category:Neglected diseases
Chagas disease |
64890 |
25709 |
64 |
Malaltia de Chagas |
10007 |
Category:Neglected diseases
Chikungunya |
70015 |
31444 |
52 |
Chikungunya |
11823 |
Category:Neglected diseases
Chromoblastomycosis |
10180 |
1471 |
11 |
Cromomicosi |
5745 |
Category:Neglected diseases
Clonorchiasis |
5551 |
980 |
14 |
Clonorquiosi |
9194 |
Category:Neglected diseases
Cutaneous larva migrans |
7550 |
6253 |
14 |
Category:Neglected diseases
Cysticercosis |
50065 |
15821 |
51 |
Cisticercosi |
5112 |
Category:Neglected diseases
Dengue fever |
80908 |
113046 |
90 |
Dengue |
29653 |
Category:Neglected diseases
Drugs for Neglected Diseases Initiative |
29487 |
482 |
4 |
Category:Neglected diseases
Echinococcosis |
45081 |
11707 |
50 |
Equinococcosi |
2730 |
Category:Neglected diseases
Escherichia coli |
81847 |
65842 |
83 |
Escherichia coli |
12269 |
Category:Neglected diseases
Eumycetoma |
11233 |
2335 |
6 |
Category:Neglected diseases
Fasciolosis |
51110 |
3513 |
24 |
Fasciolosi |
4152 |
Category:Neglected diseases
Filariasis |
16130 |
25031 |
35 |
Filariosi |
3359 |
Category:Neglected diseases
Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics |
4456 |
259 |
Category:Neglected diseases
Giardiasis |
41993 |
20766 |
40 |
Giardiosi |
5522 |
Category:Neglected diseases
Global Network for Neglected Tropical Diseases |
15275 |
105 |
Category:Neglected diseases
Gnathostomiasis |
19919 |
1290 |
8 |
Category:Neglected diseases
Integrated Opisthorchiasis Control Program |
8690 |
29 |
2 |
Category:Neglected diseases
Japanese encephalitis |
30430 |
15827 |
34 |
Category:Neglected diseases
Kids for World Health |
5608 |
15 |
Category:Neglected diseases
Leishmaniasis |
41236 |
25847 |
70 |
Leishmaniosi |
2890 |
Category:Neglected diseases
Leprosy |
91009 |
108223 |
124 |
Lepra |
10077 |
Category:Neglected diseases
Leptospirosis |
73450 |
30476 |
67 |
Leptospirosi |
2457 |
Category:Neglected diseases
Loa loa filariasis |
32694 |
4601 |
14 |
Loaiasi |
24071 |
Category:Neglected diseases
London Declaration on Neglected Tropical Diseases |
10515 |
625 |
Category:Neglected diseases
Mycobacterium bovis |
36335 |
4305 |
21 |
Mycobacterium bovis |
1001 |
Category:Neglected diseases
Mycosis |
9549 |
12810 |
40 |
Micosi |
4759 |
Category:Neglected diseases
Myiasis |
29499 |
33485 |
21 |
Miasi |
4570 |
Category:Neglected diseases
Neglected tropical diseases in India |
51742 |
392 |
4 |
Category:Neglected diseases
Ocular larva migrans |
2296 |
385 |
5 |
Category:Neglected diseases
Opisthorchiasis |
19918 |
1029 |
10 |
Opistorquiosi |
15752 |
Category:Neglected diseases
Paracoccidioidomycosis |
19815 |
1231 |
8 |
Category:Neglected diseases
Paragonimiasis |
8849 |
2610 |
11 |
Paragonimosi |
4128 |
Category:Neglected diseases
Pinta (disease) |
3863 |
2207 |
15 |
Pinta (malaltia) |
3049 |
Category:Neglected diseases
Podoconiosis |
20443 |
1719 |
5 |
Category:Neglected diseases
Priority review |
29973 |
1459 |
Category:Neglected diseases
Rabies |
76206 |
122138 |
126 |
Ràbia (malaltia) |
9949 |
Category:Neglected diseases
Relapsing fever |
13085 |
4007 |
26 |
Febre recurrent |
7143 |
Category:Neglected diseases
Rift Valley fever |
35169 |
3833 |
44 |
Category:Neglected diseases
Salmonella |
60021 |
50483 |
58 |
Salmonel·la |
7195 |
Category:Neglected diseases
Scabies |
45956 |
60619 |
76 |
Sarna |
23261 |
Category:Neglected diseases
Schistosomiasis |
59827 |
28870 |
69 |
Esquistosomosi |
2836 |
Category:Neglected diseases
Shigella |
15203 |
17739 |
34 |
Shigel·la |
1377 |
Category:Neglected diseases
Snakebite |
62685 |
21160 |
39 |
Category:Neglected diseases
Strongyloidiasis |
29992 |
3427 |
16 |
Estrongiloïdosi |
27636 |
Category:Neglected diseases
Taeniasis |
20019 |
3696 |
20 |
Teniosi |
2784 |
Category:Neglected diseases
Joelle Tanguy |
3346 |
33 |
Category:Neglected diseases
Toxocariasis |
37866 |
4363 |
21 |
Category:Neglected diseases
Trichuriasis |
24942 |
3952 |
39 |
Tricuriosi |
9594 |
Category:Neglected diseases
Tungiasis |
34642 |
4028 |
12 |
Category:Neglected diseases
Viral hemorrhagic fever |
17948 |
19138 |
39 |
Febre hemorràgica vírica |
14289 |
Category:Neglected diseases
Visceral larva migrans |
4307 |
1794 |
5 |
Category:Neglected diseases
World NTD Day |
1635 |
5211 |
2 |
Category:Neglected diseases
Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada |
12789 |
64 |
Category:Infectious disease organizations
Bamrasnaradura Infectious Diseases Institute |
1954 |
409 |
2 |
Category:Infectious disease organizations
Catherine-de-Barnes Isolation Hospital |
5475 |
216 |
2 |
Category:Infectious disease organizations
Galveston National Laboratory |
6284 |
843 |
2 |
Category:Infectious disease organizations
Global Infectious Disease Epidemiology Network |
3915 |
125 |
2 |
Category:Infectious disease organizations
Global Public Health Intelligence Network |
1382 |
1980 |
Category:Infectious disease organizations
Infection Control Society of Pakistan |
1130 |
35 |
Category:Infectious disease organizations
Infectious Disease Pharmacokinetics Laboratory |
3073 |
116 |
Category:Infectious disease organizations
Infectious Diseases Institute |
11369 |
311 |
2 |
Category:Infectious disease organizations
Infectious Diseases Society of America |
24389 |
998 |
2 |
Category:Infectious disease organizations
National Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratories |
2814 |
1326 |
Category:Infectious disease organizations
National Foundation for Infectious Diseases |
4832 |
89 |
2 |
Category:Infectious disease organizations
Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists |
13741 |
110 |
Category:Infectious disease organizations
South Texas Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases |
2189 |
35 |
Category:Infectious disease organizations
Wuhan Institute of Virology |
15741 |
34853 |
15 |
Institut de Virologia de Wuhan |
2558 |
Category:Infectious disease organizations
Pandemic |
90601 |
220591 |
107 |
Pandèmia |
61219 |
Epidemiology of HIV/AIDS |
57064 |
10161 |
9 |
Antonine Plague |
16355 |
16537 |
23 |
Pesta antonina |
13526 |
Bills of mortality |
12494 |
1019 |
Disease X |
5063 |
5009 |
8 |
Event 201 |
22295 |
1114 |
193096 |
148969 |
183 |
Infecció pel VIH i sida |
45068 |
HIV/AIDS in Yunnan |
12439 |
577 |
Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security |
22295 |
759 |
Pandemic severity index |
9959 |
4702 |
5 |
Plague of Cyprian |
9050 |
4115 |
13 |
Psittacosis outbreak of 1929–1930 |
1818 |
82 |
Swine influenza |
80535 |
113385 |
100 |
Grip porcina |
33449 |
Unified Victim Identification System |
10097 |
108 |
2015–16 Zika virus epidemic |
131404 |
26724 |
26 |
Brot del virus Zika a Amèrica (2015-2016) |
2487 |
2013–2014 Zika virus outbreaks in Oceania |
27266 |
420 |
3 |
List of parasitic organisms |
3831 |
3317 |
2 |
Acrobelione |
1211 |
70 |
5 |
Antarctophthirus microchir |
3022 |
35 |
5 |
Asterotremella albida |
1532 |
63 |
5 |
Eichler's rule |
2130 |
89 |
3 |
Harrison's rule |
8103 |
106 |
2 |
Hysterothylacium |
5570 |
20 |
5 |
Thomas Harvey Johnston |
15422 |
50 |
3 |
Nurse cell |
3839 |
673 |
2 |
Obligate parasite |
15671 |
5404 |
8 |
Phenotype modification |
836 |
37 |
List of parasites of humans |
25216 |
7245 |
4 |
Category:Parasitic diseases
Parasitic disease |
8955 |
7272 |
27 |
Malaltia parasitària |
2018 |
Category:Parasitic diseases
Ancylostoma braziliense |
10422 |
981 |
8 |
Category:Parasitic diseases
Ancylostoma caninum |
24821 |
2283 |
9 |
Category:Parasitic diseases
Ancylostoma duodenale |
7153 |
6523 |
17 |
Ancylostoma duodenale |
3627 |
Category:Parasitic diseases
Ancylostoma pluridentatum |
482 |
54 |
2 |
Category:Parasitic diseases
Anisakiasis |
18920 |
1090 |
Category:Parasitic diseases
Baylisascaris |
9816 |
1124 |
6 |
Category:Parasitic diseases
Capillaria philippinensis |
10386 |
1474 |
5 |
Category:Parasitic diseases
Carcinogenic parasite |
18113 |
767 |
Category:Parasitic diseases
Casoni test |
2647 |
1586 |
2 |
Category:Parasitic diseases
Coccidiosis |
10055 |
6992 |
19 |
Category:Parasitic diseases
Cuterebriasis |
4553 |
885 |
2 |
Category:Parasitic diseases
Dipylidium caninum |
7412 |
3225 |
23 |
Dipylidium caninum |
19393 |
Category:Parasitic diseases
Echinococcus multilocularis |
15514 |
3949 |
27 |
Echinococcus multilocularis |
7935 |
Category:Parasitic diseases
Eustrongylidosis |
15390 |
227 |
Category:Parasitic diseases
Haemonchus contortus |
13804 |
2490 |
18 |
Category:Parasitic diseases
Heterakis gallinarum |
7903 |
704 |
5 |
Category:Parasitic diseases
Loa loa |
19106 |
5240 |
18 |
Category:Parasitic diseases
Myleusnema bicornis |
4854 |
6 |
Category:Parasitic diseases
Notoedric mange |
8816 |
222 |
9 |
Category:Parasitic diseases
Parasitic pneumonia |
1052 |
1005 |
3 |
Pneumònia parasitària |
9724 |
Category:Parasitic diseases
Sarcocystis |
39184 |
2433 |
11 |
Category:Parasitic diseases
Sarcocystis calchasi |
4565 |
56 |
Category:Parasitic diseases
Sarcocystis nesbitti |
4243 |
67 |
2 |
Category:Parasitic diseases
Trematodiases |
1502 |
96 |
8 |
Trematodosi |
1179 |
Category:Parasitic diseases
Trichinella |
8677 |
3105 |
21 |
Trichinella |
1260 |
Category:Parasitic diseases
Candida (fungus) |
21236 |
12350 |
41 |
Candida |
1982 |
Category:Pathogenic microbes
Candida albicans |
80853 |
28062 |
39 |
Candida albicans |
7297 |
Category:Pathogenic microbes
Candida auris |
23527 |
8573 |
17 |
Candida auris |
870 |
Category:Pathogenic microbes
Candida blankii |
13100 |
258 |
5 |
Category:Pathogenic microbes
Candida krusei |
5522 |
1903 |
3 |
Category:Pathogenic microbes
Candida tropicalis |
25766 |
2251 |
11 |
Category:Pathogenic microbes
Coniochaeta hoffmannii |
17158 |
105 |
5 |
Category:Pathogenic microbes
GeneDB |
1084 |
29 |
Category:Pathogenic microbes
Giardia duodenalis |
26714 |
11472 |
36 |
Giardia lamblia |
806 |
Category:Pathogenic microbes
Heterobasidion irregulare |
11776 |
58 |
2 |
Category:Pathogenic microbes
Heterobasidion occidentale |
12594 |
43 |
2 |
Category:Pathogenic microbes
Infectobesity |
7923 |
185 |
Category:Pathogenic microbes
PHI-base |
10294 |
284 |
Category:Pathogenic microbes
Plasmodium falciparum |
68406 |
18500 |
33 |
Plasmodi falcípar |
81006 |
Category:Pathogenic microbes
Plasmodium fragile |
3551 |
22 |
2 |
Category:Pathogenic microbes
Viral disease |
33537 |
14756 |
29 |
Infecció vírica |
5603 |
Category:Pathogenic microbes
Congenital cytomegalovirus infection |
19084 |
1416 |
2 |
Category:Infections specific to the perinatal period
Congenital rubella syndrome |
7314 |
6563 |
13 |
Category:Infections specific to the perinatal period
Congenital syphilis |
10383 |
10172 |
7 |
Category:Infections specific to the perinatal period
Group B streptococcal infection |
103862 |
8828 |
4 |
Category:Infections specific to the perinatal period
Group B streptococcus vaccine |
103862 |
23 |
Category:Infections specific to the perinatal period
Neonatal herpes simplex |
15557 |
1778 |
6 |
Category:Infections specific to the perinatal period
Neonatal sepsis |
14308 |
6813 |
7 |
Category:Infections specific to the perinatal period
Susceptibility and severity of infections in pregnancy |
6173 |
184 |
Category:Infections specific to the perinatal period
Vertically transmitted infection |
20828 |
5172 |
9 |
Infecció per transmissió vertical |
5052 |
Category:Infections specific to the perinatal period
Wimberger's sign |
951 |
102 |
2 |
Category:Infections specific to the perinatal period
Black rot |
2492 |
726 |
4 |
Category:Plant pathogens and diseases
Blackheart (plant disease) |
2273 |
206 |
3 |
Category:Plant pathogens and diseases
Blight |
5929 |
9513 |
9 |
Category:Plant pathogens and diseases
Canker |
4647 |
2932 |
22 |
Antracnosi |
1433 |
Category:Plant pathogens and diseases
Cranberry fruit rot |
7124 |
99 |
Category:Plant pathogens and diseases
Damping off |
8532 |
3535 |
6 |
Category:Plant pathogens and diseases
Forma specialis |
6912 |
659 |
5 |
Forma specialis |
1669 |
Category:Plant pathogens and diseases
Guard theory |
8354 |
100 |
Category:Plant pathogens and diseases
International Cocoa Quarantine Centre |
2987 |
89 |
Category:Plant pathogens and diseases
Mildew |
7505 |
8785 |
17 |
Míldiu |
3568 |
Category:Plant pathogens and diseases
Mottle |
7021 |
2076 |
Category:Plant pathogens and diseases
Peronospora trifoliorum |
6421 |
26 |
2 |
Category:Plant pathogens and diseases
Phyllody |
19683 |
1249 |
7 |
Category:Plant pathogens and diseases
Root rot |
9192 |
3466 |
8 |
Category:Plant pathogens and diseases
Specific replant disease |
5220 |
225 |
7 |
Category:Plant pathogens and diseases
Stunt (botany) |
1172 |
150 |
Category:Plant pathogens and diseases
Top dying disease |
2325 |
79 |
Category:Plant pathogens and diseases
Virescence |
2179 |
244 |
2 |
Category:Plant pathogens and diseases
Wilt disease |
9553 |
1085 |
2 |
Category:Plant pathogens and diseases
Wilting |
2986 |
3079 |
15 |
Marciment |
2957 |
Category:Plant pathogens and diseases
Witch's broom |
4951 |
4170 |
26 |
Empelt de bruixa |
2230 |
Category:Plant pathogens and diseases
1918 Spanish flu quarantine in Portland, Oregon |
8816 |
188 |
Apple Maggot Quarantine Area |
11598 |
196 |
Compagnie Francaise de Navigation a Vapeur v. Louisiana Board of Health |
37986 |
62 |
Leper colony |
6093 |
10997 |
26 |
Phytosanitary certification |
4554 |
2933 |
5 |
Plant quarantine |
777 |
883 |
4 |
Postpartum confinement |
21686 |
7035 |
8 |
Protective sequestration |
6255 |
425 |
2 |
Sanhujori |
11915 |
780 |
2 |
Acanthamoeba keratitis |
23489 |
4360 |
9 |
Category:Rare infectious diseases
Auto-brewery syndrome |
9533 |
16510 |
17 |
Category:Rare infectious diseases
Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease |
60700 |
65933 |
48 |
Malaltia de Creutzfeldt-Jakob |
25691 |
Category:Rare infectious diseases
Fitz-Hugh–Curtis syndrome |
5453 |
6447 |
9 |
Category:Rare infectious diseases
Garre's sclerosing osteomyelitis |
2210 |
1012 |
3 |
Category:Rare infectious diseases
Granulomatous amoebic encephalitis |
10436 |
1913 |
4 |
Category:Rare infectious diseases
Histoplasmosis |
23175 |
16203 |
25 |
Histoplasmosi |
85529 |
Category:Rare infectious diseases
Human granulocytic anaplasmosis |
16048 |
1166 |
9 |
Category:Rare infectious diseases
Human monocytotropic ehrlichiosis |
6510 |
369 |
5 |
Category:Rare infectious diseases
Kuru (disease) |
28979 |
47896 |
40 |
Kuru |
5648 |
Category:Rare infectious diseases
Laryngeal papillomatosis |
25032 |
8239 |
8 |
Category:Rare infectious diseases
Lemierre's syndrome |
16775 |
9453 |
12 |
Category:Rare infectious diseases
Ljungan virus |
11891 |
55 |
Category:Rare infectious diseases
Malakoplakia |
4138 |
1654 |
7 |
Category:Rare infectious diseases
Mucormycosis |
15822 |
5429 |
9 |
Category:Rare infectious diseases
Naegleriasis |
26639 |
7642 |
18 |
Meningoencefalitis amèbica primària |
3586 |
Category:Rare infectious diseases
Nocardiosis |
10557 |
2481 |
14 |
Category:Rare infectious diseases
Parechovirus B |
11891 |
108 |
2 |
Category:Rare infectious diseases
Postvaccinal encephalitis |
6121 |
190 |
2 |
Category:Rare infectious diseases
Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy |
21706 |
13497 |
19 |
Leucoencefalopatia multifocal progressiva |
1522 |
Category:Rare infectious diseases
Progressive rubella panencephalitis |
4853 |
193 |
Category:Rare infectious diseases
Progressive vaccinia |
1401 |
211 |
Category:Rare infectious diseases
Scarlet fever |
47834 |
121189 |
64 |
Escarlatina |
5170 |
Category:Rare infectious diseases
Schizophyllum commune |
8410 |
2837 |
27 |
Category:Rare infectious diseases
Sealpox |
3356 |
217 |
Category:Rare infectious diseases
Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis |
11167 |
8568 |
16 |
Category:Rare infectious diseases
Trichodysplasia spinulosa |
14916 |
399 |
2 |
Category:Rare infectious diseases
Whipple's disease |
14080 |
12147 |
22 |
Category:Rare infectious diseases
Bacteremia |
32807 |
11898 |
25 |
Bacterièmia |
1014 |
Fungemia |
6528 |
2491 |
6 |
Invasive candidiasis |
16148 |
1576 |
Meningococcal disease |
40358 |
13863 |
19 |
Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome |
11644 |
11055 |
20 |
Síndrome de disfunció multiorgànica |
2646 |
Sepsis Alliance |
16853 |
211 |
Sepsis Six |
2014 |
3448 |
Septic shock |
30157 |
52209 |
25 |
Xoc sèptic |
1221 |
Systemic inflammatory response syndrome |
14980 |
17818 |
23 |
Síndrome de resposta inflamatòria sistèmica |
4907 |
Serology |
4419 |
10986 |
34 |
Serologia |
3117 |
Serum (blood) |
5688 |
18914 |
48 |
Sèrum sanguini |
986 |
Abbott AxSYM |
2581 |
137 |
ABO blood group system |
57171 |
29230 |
28 |
Sistema d'agrupament sanguini ABO |
45156 |
Alenquer virus |
1877 |
41 |
Much-Holzmann reaction |
1507 |
16 |
Salicylate testing |
2432 |
173 |
Seroconversion |
3839 |
5753 |
12 |
Seroconversió |
882 |
Serodiscordant |
2847 |
2563 |
4 |
Seroprevalence |
754 |
626 |
3 |
Serosorting |
11102 |
2222 |
2 |
Serostatus |
6293 |
652 |
Serotype |
7674 |
6114 |
26 |
Serotipus |
2609 |
Serum protein electrophoresis |
16708 |
6621 |
2 |
Sodium in biology |
14747 |
4238 |
Uhlenhuth test |
1064 |
177 |
7 |
Prova d'Uhlenhuth |
1990 |
Window period |
2769 |
4069 |
10 |
Període finestra |
2450 |
American chestnut moth |
2220 |
145 |
5 |
Category:Species endangered by disease
Bog turtle |
48449 |
1670 |
26 |
Glyptemys muhlenbergii |
4693 |
Category:Species endangered by disease
Hawaiian monk seal |
39938 |
6417 |
45 |
Foca monjo de Hawaii |
662 |
Category:Species endangered by disease
Hermann's tortoise |
23244 |
4335 |
42 |
Tortuga mediterrània |
33312 |
Category:Species endangered by disease
New Zealand quail |
5513 |
963 |
30 |
Guatlla de Nova Zelanda |
582 |
Category:Species endangered by disease
Tasmanian devil |
131759 |
88587 |
74 |
Diable de Tasmània |
26528 |
Category:Species endangered by disease
Arsphenamine |
8288 |
6814 |
25 |
Arsfenamina |
2207 |
List of syphilis cases |
8134 |
4589 |
2 |
Chancre |
3846 |
11756 |
14 |
Dr. Ehrlich's Magic Bullet |
11790 |
935 |
8 |
Feind im Blut |
3226 |
59 |
General paresis of the insane |
7608 |
12733 |
12 |
Guatemala syphilis experiments |
24391 |
4230 |
15 |
Gumma (pathology) |
3636 |
5922 |
11 |
History of syphilis |
46892 |
18856 |
4 |
Hutchinson's teeth |
1802 |
2014 |
6 |
Interstitial keratitis |
3739 |
1113 |
2 |
Keyser's Pills |
3039 |
39 |
Late congenital syphilitic oculopathy |
2213 |
49 |
Meningeal syphilis |
20681 |
902 |
2 |
Mulberry molar |
4115 |
774 |
Neurosyphilis |
14413 |
22547 |
10 |
Saber shin |
2337 |
1585 |
4 |
Saddle nose |
3103 |
5506 |
7 |
San Giacomo degli Incurabili |
13774 |
144 |
4 |
Soviet–German Syphilis Expedition |
10398 |
75 |
Swaim's Panacea |
11678 |
123 |
Syphilid |
886 |
83 |
Treponema pallidum particle agglutination assay |
3369 |
3414 |
7 |
Syphilitic aortitis |
3127 |
1734 |
3 |
Tabes dorsalis |
7659 |
9647 |
17 |
Terre Haute prison experiments |
2255 |
405 |
Treponema pallidum |
23478 |
14374 |
38 |
Treponema pàl·lid |
1242 |
Tuskegee syphilis experiment |
57785 |
67509 |
26 |
1967 Marburg virus outbreak in West Germany |
5903 |
392 |
Category:Tropical diseases
Bas-Congo virus |
5902 |
364 |
2 |
Category:Tropical diseases
Carte Jaune |
11532 |
2747 |
3 |
Category:Tropical diseases
Chagas: Time to Treat campaign |
4595 |
38 |
3 |
Category:Tropical diseases
Ebola virus |
46382 |
12064 |
Category:Tropical diseases
Ebola virus disease |
175575 |
232813 |
134 |
Febre hemorràgica de l'Ebola |
109285 |
Category:Tropical diseases
Ebolavirus |
31194 |
22938 |
23 |
Ebolavirus |
12551 |
Category:Tropical diseases
Filoviridae |
24902 |
6948 |
27 |
Filoviridae |
16994 |
Category:Tropical diseases
Intermittent preventive therapy |
16540 |
950 |
2 |
Category:Tropical diseases
Lábrea fever |
37300 |
35 |
Category:Tropical diseases
Lassa fever |
34098 |
44693 |
30 |
Febre de Lassa |
4227 |
Category:Tropical diseases
Lassa mammarenavirus |
20859 |
9160 |
3 |
Category:Tropical diseases
Liebermeister's rule |
1281 |
602 |
5 |
Category:Tropical diseases
List of West Nile virus outbreaks |
10302 |
490 |
Category:Tropical diseases
Lloviu virus |
15074 |
500 |
3 |
Category:Tropical diseases
Lobomycosis |
8376 |
411 |
5 |
Category:Tropical diseases
Lujo mammarenavirus |
9449 |
607 |
2 |
Category:Tropical diseases
Male menstruation |
2054 |
8714 |
Category:Tropical diseases
Marburg virus |
45324 |
42090 |
31 |
Virus de Marburg |
33650 |
Category:Tropical diseases
Marburg virus disease |
79103 |
9095 |
20 |
Category:Tropical diseases
Marburgvirus |
16213 |
2581 |
9 |
Marburgvirus |
3510 |
Category:Tropical diseases
Mass drug administration |
38621 |
663 |
2 |
Category:Tropical diseases
Monsters Inside Me |
80002 |
4961 |
3 |
Category:Tropical diseases
Neglected tropical disease research and development |
40814 |
105 |
Category:Tropical diseases
Tropical nursing |
4321 |
97 |
Category:Tropical diseases
Oropouche fever |
17379 |
245 |
6 |
Category:Tropical diseases
Ravn virus |
17277 |
1360 |
5 |
Category:Tropical diseases
Reston virus |
23021 |
7097 |
4 |
Category:Tropical diseases
Ross River fever |
9699 |
2575 |
6 |
Category:Tropical diseases
Schistosoma bovis |
10172 |
384 |
Category:Tropical diseases
SCI Foundation |
4523 |
43 |
2 |
Category:Tropical diseases
Sepik virus |
16441 |
117 |
3 |
Category:Tropical diseases
Spondweni fever |
1780 |
27 |
2 |
Category:Tropical diseases
Sudan ebolavirus |
15892 |
814 |
3 |
Category:Tropical diseases
Taï Forest ebolavirus |
17066 |
702 |
4 |
Category:Tropical diseases
West Nile fever |
61514 |
5412 |
26 |
Category:Tropical diseases
Wuchereria bancrofti |
20677 |
11068 |
30 |
Wuchereria bancrofti |
2157 |
Category:Tropical diseases
Zaire ebolavirus |
46382 |
46625 |
9 |
Zaire ebolavirus |
4353 |
Category:Tropical diseases
Zaire ebolavirus (species) |
46382 |
4 |
Category:Tropical diseases
Diphtheria |
48466 |
159155 |
80 |
Diftèria |
5560 |
Category:Vaccine-preventable diseases
Haemophilus influenzae |
27688 |
27017 |
30 |
Haemophilus influenzae |
13144 |
Category:Vaccine-preventable diseases
Hepatitis A |
42705 |
40953 |
90 |
Hepatitis A |
3394 |
Category:Vaccine-preventable diseases
Hepatitis B |
75884 |
49252 |
83 |
Hepatitis B |
5272 |
Category:Vaccine-preventable diseases
Hepatitis E |
55902 |
10481 |
35 |
Hepatitis E |
3978 |
Category:Vaccine-preventable diseases
Human papillomavirus infection |
133006 |
95380 |
56 |
Virus del papil·loma humà |
6334 |
Category:Vaccine-preventable diseases
Mumps |
28688 |
71710 |
83 |
Parotiditis epidèmica |
4878 |
Category:Vaccine-preventable diseases
Pneumococcal infection |
20021 |
2406 |
4 |
Category:Vaccine-preventable diseases
Rotaviral gastroenteritis |
49037 |
1160 |
9 |
Gastroenteritis rotavírica |
47881 |
Category:Vaccine-preventable diseases
Tetanus |
44725 |
64787 |
88 |
Tètanus |
9205 |
Category:Vaccine-preventable diseases
Tick-borne encephalitis |
14423 |
5827 |
36 |
Category:Vaccine-preventable diseases
Whooping cough |
54627 |
40137 |
92 |
Tos ferina |
20319 |
Category:Vaccine-preventable diseases
1971 Aralsk smallpox outbreak |
23271 |
48 |
Category:Biological warfare
Allegations of biological warfare in the Korean War |
44826 |
2349 |
4 |
Category:Biological warfare
Jeffery Amherst, 1st Baron Amherst |
42068 |
4908 |
20 |
Jeffrey Amherst |
12965 |
Category:Biological warfare
Anthrax vaccine adsorbed |
38819 |
451 |
Category:Biological warfare
Anthrax vaccines |
21065 |
2304 |
7 |
Category:Biological warfare
Aral smallpox incident |
9271 |
1805 |
Category:Biological warfare
Project Bacchus |
2837 |
357 |
Category:Biological warfare
Ira Baldwin |
7327 |
384 |
2 |
Category:Biological warfare
Basic Battle Skills |
5423 |
241 |
Category:Biological warfare
Biodefense |
24211 |
897 |
2 |
Category:Biological warfare
Biohazard (book) |
1892 |
553 |
Category:Biological warfare
Biological warfare |
84144 |
51699 |
32 |
Guerra biològica |
11733 |
Category:Biological warfare
Biological Weapons Act 1974 |
2536 |
54 |
Category:Biological warfare
Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989 |
18932 |
357 |
2 |
Category:Biological warfare
Biological Weapons Convention |
26736 |
6455 |
26 |
Convenció sobre Armes Biològiques |
2313 |
Category:Biological warfare
List of parties to the Biological Weapons Convention |
40210 |
901 |
3 |
Category:Biological warfare
Biopreparat |
8385 |
3763 |
10 |
Category:Biological warfare
Bioterrorism |
69546 |
14202 |
29 |
Bioterrorisme |
22532 |
Category:Biological warfare
Bipartisan Commission on Biodefense |
44488 |
109 |
Category:Biological warfare
Henry Bouquet |
13766 |
910 |
4 |
Category:Biological warfare
The Cobra Event |
8512 |
1724 |
Category:Biological warfare
Operation Dark Winter |
15387 |
5163 |
2 |
Category:Biological warfare
The Demon in the Freezer |
9961 |
2075 |
2 |
Category:Biological warfare
Discredited HIV/AIDS origins theories |
17236 |
5195 |
6 |
Category:Biological warfare
Dorset Biological Warfare Experiments |
1905 |
183 |
Category:Biological warfare
Entomological warfare |
33619 |
3593 |
8 |
Category:Biological warfare
Ethnic bioweapon |
10501 |
7820 |
7 |
Category:Biological warfare
Executive Order 13139 |
1783 |
140 |
2 |
Category:Biological warfare
FM12 NBC Respirator |
4589 |
1360 |
Category:Biological warfare
General Service Respirator |
3341 |
2048 |
2 |
Category:Biological warfare
Geneva Protocol |
67908 |
8740 |
22 |
Protocol de Ginebra |
3670 |
Category:Biological warfare
Germs: Biological Weapons and America's Secret War |
6109 |
327 |
Category:Biological warfare
Global Health Security Initiative |
1596 |
309 |
Category:Biological warfare
Green report |
4549 |
63 |
Category:Biological warfare
Jeanne Guillemin |
8541 |
435 |
Category:Biological warfare
Hamiltonian spite |
7694 |
324 |
Category:Biological warfare
Handheld Isothermal Silver Standard Sensor |
1011 |
16 |
Category:Biological warfare
Steven Hatfill |
46250 |
6741 |
Category:Biological warfare
Hazardous powders testing kit |
641 |
22 |
Category:Biological warfare
Heptavalent botulism antitoxin |
14978 |
735 |
2 |
Category:Biological warfare
History of biological warfare |
53169 |
4692 |
Category:Biological warfare
The Hot Zone |
19022 |
39581 |
3 |
Category:Biological warfare
Integrated Biological Detection System |
1427 |
46 |
Category:Biological warfare
Iraqi biological weapons program |
19207 |
1418 |
3 |
Category:Biological warfare
2147 |
361 |
Category:Biological warfare
Project Jefferson |
4251 |
225 |
2 |
Category:Biological warfare
Kaimingjie germ weapon attack |
2280 |
515 |
3 |
Category:Biological warfare
Khabarovsk War Crime Trials |
7106 |
2816 |
21 |
Category:Biological warfare
Misinformation related to the 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic |
106403 |
-1 |
12 |
Category:Biological warfare
Project MKNAOMI |
4988 |
13678 |
3 |
Category:Biological warfare
National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center |
19616 |
742 |
2 |
Category:Biological warfare
National Biodefense Strategy |
7290 |
179 |
Category:Biological warfare
National Interagency Confederation for Biological Research |
4595 |
129 |
Category:Biological warfare
Night Train (test) |
5736 |
58 |
Category:Biological warfare
Operation Infektion |
34557 |
4670 |
9 |
Category:Biological warfare
William C. Patrick III |
7574 |
215 |
Category:Biological warfare
John W. Powell |
11770 |
159 |
2 |
Category:Biological warfare
Project Bioshield Act |
26399 |
486 |
Category:Biological warfare
Project Coast |
13217 |
5950 |
5 |
Category:Biological warfare
The Puff-Ball Menace |
5254 |
8 |
Category:Biological warfare
Theodor Rosebury |
3218 |
105 |
Category:Biological warfare
S6 NBC Respirator |
4767 |
808 |
Category:Biological warfare
S10 NBC Respirator |
5829 |
3843 |
5 |
Category:Biological warfare
Sanitary epidemiological reconnaissance |
10569 |
203 |
3 |
Category:Biological warfare
SARS conspiracy theory |
12707 |
59540 |
3 |
Category:Biological warfare
Project SHAD |
14479 |
965 |
2 |
Category:Biological warfare
Siege of Fort Pitt |
31630 |
3088 |
3 |
Category:Biological warfare
Smallpox virus retention debate |
12988 |
2355 |
Category:Biological warfare
Statement on Chemical and Biological Defense Policies and Programs |
20560 |
244 |
Category:Biological warfare
Strategic National Stockpile |
8349 |
3540 |
Category:Biological warfare
Yazid Sufaat |
6988 |
825 |
2 |
Category:Biological warfare
Sunshine Project |
1963 |
401 |
2 |
Category:Biological warfare
Survive To Fight |
1467 |
69 |
Category:Biological warfare
Sverdlovsk anthrax leak |
11762 |
10307 |
12 |
Category:Biological warfare
List of weapons of mass destruction treaties |
4115 |
1714 |
4 |
Category:Biological warfare
Jonathan B. Tucker |
6365 |
150 |
2 |
Category:Biological warfare
Type 94 Disinfecting Vehicle and Type 94 Gas Scattering Vehicle |
4212 |
327 |
2 |
Category:Biological warfare
United States biological defense program |
38940 |
2103 |
Category:Biological warfare
United States herbicidal warfare research |
19918 |
89 |
Category:Biological warfare
List of U.S. biological weapons topics |
5443 |
1145 |
Category:Biological warfare
The Unparalleled Invasion |
4130 |
2207 |
4 |
Category:Biological warfare
Verex |
1794 |
69 |
Category:Biological warfare
War Bureau of Consultants |
8230 |
62 |
Category:Biological warfare
War Research Service |
1918 |
107 |
Category:Biological warfare
Well poisoning |
13237 |
2198 |
7 |
Category:Biological warfare
28 (book) |
2143 |
148 |
3 |
Category:Infectious disease stubs
HIV-affected community |
4030 |
240 |
Category:Infectious disease stubs
AIDS-related complex |
2461 |
1338 |
2 |
Category:Infectious disease stubs
Alphos |
841 |
70 |
Category:Infectious disease stubs
Alveolar hydatid disease |
1570 |
410 |
9 |
Category:Infectious disease stubs
Arbovirus encephalitis |
1893 |
472 |
6 |
Encefalitis per arbovirus |
984 |
Category:Infectious disease stubs
Artesunate/sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine |
557 |
40 |
Category:Infectious disease stubs
Asiamoeba |
828 |
40 |
Category:Infectious disease stubs
Bennettinia |
1092 |
41 |
Category:Infectious disease stubs
Candiru phlebovirus |
1798 |
51 |
2 |
Category:Infectious disease stubs
Canine vector-borne disease |
3751 |
240 |
3 |
Category:Infectious disease stubs
Carinamoeba |
1962 |
28 |
Category:Infectious disease stubs
Coenurosis |
3955 |
550 |
12 |
Category:Infectious disease stubs
Ectoparasitic infestation |
1604 |
949 |
5 |
Infestació per ectoparàsits |
1030 |
Category:Infectious disease stubs
Elizabethkingia |
8173 |
634 |
3 |
Category:Infectious disease stubs
Elizabethkingia anophelis |
5845 |
315 |
Category:Infectious disease stubs
Elizabethkingia endophytica |
1766 |
22 |
Category:Infectious disease stubs
Elizabethkingia miricola |
3109 |
300 |
Category:Infectious disease stubs
Enterococcus avium |
1794 |
545 |
6 |
Category:Infectious disease stubs
Enterococcus durans |
2290 |
360 |
3 |
Category:Infectious disease stubs
Enterovirus C |
1800 |
957 |
3 |
Category:Infectious disease stubs
Epidemic polyarthritis |
373 |
41 |
Category:Infectious disease stubs
Flexal mammarenavirus |
1856 |
79 |
2 |
Category:Infectious disease stubs
Haemamoeba |
1526 |
67 |
Category:Infectious disease stubs
Hepatocystis bainae |
1479 |
10 |
Category:Infectious disease stubs
Hepatocystis epomophori |
970 |
9 |
Category:Infectious disease stubs
Hepatocystis taiwanensis |
1239 |
8 |
Category:Infectious disease stubs
HIV set point |
1785 |
269 |
Category:Infectious disease stubs
Huffia |
1154 |
59 |
Category:Infectious disease stubs
Human coronavirus HKU1 |
9052 |
58129 |
5 |
Category:Infectious disease stubs
Infectivity |
1546 |
1881 |
13 |
Category:Infectious disease stubs
Influenza A virus subtype H5N6 |
3399 |
5663 |
8 |
Category:Infectious disease stubs
Jembrana disease |
2548 |
121 |
2 |
Category:Infectious disease stubs
Lacertamoeba |
1628 |
37 |
Category:Infectious disease stubs
Landmark Aids Centre |
1363 |
107 |
Category:Infectious disease stubs
Laverania |
4392 |
199 |
Category:Infectious disease stubs
Lightwood's law |
1550 |
16 |
Category:Infectious disease stubs
Miliary fever |
855 |
361 |
2 |
Category:Infectious disease stubs
Neutralizing domain |
984 |
23 |
Category:Infectious disease stubs
Papernaia |
2861 |
21 |
Category:Infectious disease stubs
Pneumococcal pneumonia |
4070 |
2035 |
Category:Infectious disease stubs
Pseudallescheriasis |
392 |
63 |
Category:Infectious disease stubs
Pyomyoma |
581 |
67 |
Category:Infectious disease stubs
Qalyub orthonairovirus |
3457 |
29 |
4 |
Category:Infectious disease stubs
Rickettsiosis |
5016 |
1106 |
12 |
Category:Infectious disease stubs
Scedosporiosis |
2459 |
119 |
Category:Infectious disease stubs
Seasonal influenza vaccine brands |
14172 |
493 |
3 |
Category:Infectious disease stubs
Serial interval |
2914 |
835 |
Category:Infectious disease stubs
Serratia infection |
1347 |
530 |
Category:Infectious disease stubs
Shimla jaundice outbreak |
2741 |
52 |
2 |
Category:Infectious disease stubs
Simon focus |
1263 |
673 |
2 |
Category:Infectious disease stubs
Spotted fever |
2046 |
1384 |
5 |
Category:Infectious disease stubs
Superinfection |
2480 |
12062 |
14 |
Category:Infectious disease stubs
Tinea nigra |
5764 |
2400 |
6 |
Category:Infectious disease stubs
Treponematosis |
2553 |
365 |
5 |
Category:Infectious disease stubs
Tuberculoma |
7520 |
2430 |
8 |
Category:Infectious disease stubs
Tuberculous lymphadenitis |
4652 |
6048 |
6 |
Category:Infectious disease stubs
Vietnamese tuberculosis |
425 |
57 |
2 |
Category:Infectious disease stubs
WAIFW matrix |
352 |
79 |
Category:Infectious disease stubs
Xenointoxication |
2338 |
25 |
Category:Infectious disease stubs