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Llista de peixos del Mar Carib

De la Viquipèdia, l'enciclopèdia lliure
Sparisoma viride
Scarus taeniopterus
Symphurus diomedeanus
Seriola dumerili
Xiphias gladius
Lutjanus griseus
Nezumia aequalis
Serranus subligarius
Bagre marinus
Gymnura altavela
Carcharodon carcharias
Epinephelus striatus

Aquesta llista de peixos del Mar Carib inclou les 1.566 espècies de peixos que es poden trobar al Mar Carib ordenades per l'ordre alfabètic de llur nom científic.


  1. FishBase (anglès)


  • Acero P., A., 1984: The chaenopsine blennies of the southwestern Caribbean (Pisces: Clinidae: Chaenopsinae). 1. Systematic analysis and zoogrography. Anales del Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas de Punta de Betin v. 14: 29-46.
  • Acero P., A., 1987: The chaenopsine blennies of the southwestern Caribbean (Pisces, Clinidae, Chaenopsinae). III. The genera Chaenopsis and Coralliozetus. Boletin Ecotrópica. Núm. 16: 1-21.
  • Acero P., A. i G. R. Navas S., 1997: Notas sobre los peces de la familia Scorpaenidae (Pisces: Scorpaeniformes) del Caribe continental colombiano, incluyendo un nuevo registro. Boletín de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras v. 26: 61-70.
  • Acero P., A. i R. Betancur-R., 2002: Description of Arius neogranatensis, a new species of sea catfish from Colombia, with an identification key for Caribbean ariid fishes. Aqua, Journal of Ichthyology and Aquatic Biology v. 6 (núm. 1): 5-10.
  • Anderson, M. E., R. E. Crabtree, H. J. Carter, K. J. Sulak i M. D. Richardson, 1986: Distribution of demersal fishes of the Caribbean Sea found below 2,000 meters. Bulletin of Marine Science v. 37 (núm. 3)(for 1985): 794-807.
  • Birdsong, R. S., 1988: Robinsichthys arrowsmithensis, a new genus and species of deep-dwelling gobiid fish from the western Caribbean. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington v. 101 (núm. 2): 438-443.
  • Böhlke, J. E. i C. R. Robins, 1974: Description of new genus and species of clinid fish from the western Caribbean, with comments on the families of the Blennioidea. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 126: 1-8.
  • Bunkley-Williams, L. i E. H., Jr. Williams, 2004: New locality, depth, and size records and species character modifications of some Caribbean deep-reef/shallow slope fishes and a new host and locality record from the chimaera cestodarian. Caribbean Journal of Science. v. 40 (núm. 1): 88-119.
  • Cervigón, F., 1969: Las especies de los géneros Anchovia y Anchoa (Pisces: Engraulidae) de Venezuela y areas adyacentes del Mar Caribe y Atlántico hasta 23°S. Memoria de la Sociedad de Ciencias Naturales La Salle v. 29: 193-251.
  • Fowler, H. W., 1944: Results of the fifth George Vanderbilt expedition (1941) (Bahamas, Caribbean Sea, Panama, Galápagos Archipelago and Mexican Pacific islands). The Fishes. Monographs of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia Núm. 6: 57-529, Pls. 1-20.
  • Garrido-Linares, M. i A. Acero P., 2006: Peces Ophidiiformes del Atlántico occidental tropical con especial énfasis en el mar Caribe colombiano. Biota Colombiana v/ 7 (núm. 2): 283-299.
  • Garzón-Ferreira, J. i A. Acero P., 1990: Muraenid fishes (Anguilliformes: Muraenidae) of the Colombian Caribbean, with notes on Channomuraena vittata and Muraena robusta. Revista de Biología Tropical v. 38 (núm. 1): 137-141.
  • Goode, G. B. i T. H. Bean, 1886: Reports on the results of dredging ... in the Gulf of Mexico (1877-1878) and in the Caribbean Sea (1879-1880), by the U.S. coast survey steamer "Blake," ... XXVIII.--Description of thirteen species and two genera of fishes from the "Blake" collection. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology v. 12 (núm. 5): 153-170.
  • Heemstra, P. C., 1974: On the identity of certain eastern Pacific and Caribbean post-larval fishes (Perciformes) described by Henry Fowler. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 126: 21-26.
  • Hoedeman, J. J., 1958: Rivulid fishes of the Antilles. Studies on the Fauna of Curaçao and other Caribbean Islands v. 8: 112-126, Pl. 17.
  • Lieske, E. i R. F. Myers, 1996: Coral reef fishes. Caribbean, Indian Ocean, and Pacific Ocean, including the Red Sea. Princeton University Press, Princeton, Nova Jersey: 1-400.
  • Marceniuk, A. P. i R. Betancur-R., 2008: Revision of the species of the genus Cathorops (Siluriformes: Ariidae) from Mesoamerica and the Central American Caribbean, with description of three new species. Neotropical Ichthyology v. 6 (núm. 1): 25-44.
  • Perdices, A., I. Doadria i E. Bermingham, 2005: Evolutionary history of synbranchid eels (Teleostei: Synbranchidae) in Central America and the Caribbean islands inferred from their molecular phylogeny. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution v. 37: 460-473.
  • Rao-Varón, A., L. M. Saavedra-Díaz, A. Acero P., L. S. Mejía M. i G. R. Navas S., 2003: Nuevos registros de peces óseos para el Caribe Colombiano de los órdenes Beryciformes, Zeiformes, Perciformes y Tetraodontiformes. Boletín de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras v. 32: 3-24.
  • Regan, C. T., 1908: Description of a new fish of the genus Cichlosoma from Tampico, with notes on some other fishes from Mexico and the Caribbean Sea. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 8) v. 2 (núm. 8): 222-223.
  • Regan, C. T., 1925: New ceratioid fishes from the N. Atlantic, the Caribbean Sea, and the Gulf of Panama, collected by the 'Dana.'. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 9) v. 15 (núm. 89): 561-567.
  • Saavedra-Díaz, L. M., A. Acero P. i G. R. Navas S., 2000: Lenguados de la familia Paralichthyidae (Pisces: Pleuronectiformes) conocidos del Caribe colombiano. Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales v. 24: 295-310.
  • Schmitter-Soto, J. J., L. Vásquez-Yeomans, A. Aguilar-Perera, C. Curiel-Mondragón, et al., 2000: Lista de peces marinos del Caribe mexicano. Anales del Instituto de Biología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Serie Zoología v. 71 (núm. 2): 143-177.

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